Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 24 days ago

Two hours had passed by quickly enough, Sylvia and James slipping into their roles and with ease filled the orders handed to them by their customers as the trickled into the café. She'd relaxed at the familiar, rythmic feel of taking an order, going to make it and returning with a tray and anything the particular customer asked for. The texts had slipped her min as she wirked, the rain helping her relax further. Of course it all had to blow up just as the clock struck 6, the door opened and she and James turned as one to greet the new customer, only for Sylvia to freeze. A shudder rain down her spine as she faintly heard James greet the two newcomers, her attention was focused on both.

They moved forward and the door closed behind them, a matching pair of gray-blue eyes were locked on her, Sylvia remained still as stone. The first figure resembled her greatly, the sAmerican hair and eyes, height and facial features. They looked nothing alike besides that, hwe skin was ashen white and her eyes had large rings under them as if she didn't sleep.

She probably doesn't, with how mucheap drugs and guys she screws with. She thought icly as her mother's head tilted to the side, Sylvia grit her teeth and force a smile.

"Welcome, I'll be your server. Please follow me." She managed to say, turning on her heel she began to move towards the tables. She refused to focus on the second person, the one her mother had chosen as her second husband. She hated him as much as her, Sylvia found an empty booth and gestured for both to take a seat. Neither of them moved however, Sylvia tried to ignore the feel of eyes watching her, she didn't want to loose the small sandwich Haley had made her an hour ago.

"You look good in uniform litte raven, come Margaret, let's sit." The male's voice had Sylvia fighting a shudder of revulsion. She'd met this man when she was eight, her father had been missing by then for a few months, she'd hated him the moment he'd walked through the door. She remained silent now, stepping away to allow them both to sit, reaching into the pocket of her red apron she pulls out a small notepad and pen. The eyes that she could feel skimming her from head to to had Sylvia swallowing bile, rising her head slightly she waits for them to order.

"I'll have a small chicken sandwich with a side order of pretzels. Arron?" Her mother's voice sounds scratchy, hoarse even. Sylvia wrote down the order before waiting, Arron remained silent for a moment longer.

"A simple black coffee with a bagel. A side order of cupcakes of you don't mind, litte raven." With will alone, she managed to write down the order before turning and heading towards the back. Returning a few moments later, Sylvia arrives at their table and comes to a halt when she spots Haley talking avidly with Arron. She quickly schools her features and pauses beside Haley, her boss laughs softly before stepping back.

"A pleasure Mrs. Denior. Great meeting you, Sylv? Why not catch up? Take your break now." She knew Haley was being nice, but that was the least she wanted now, with a weak nod she turns back to her customers and sets the tray down. She notices do the first time that Arron and her mother had separated, the booth seats fit four people snugly. So why were they on either side? Handing both their orders, she lifts the now empty tray and turns to leave. The hand on her arm stops her, the fingers that spread and caress her skin has her fighting the urge to pull away.

"Take your break." Her mother sing-songs playfully, the fingers that slowly lower to her wrist, squeeze and tug her backwards a step.

"Do join us for a while." Arron agrees, voice low and inviting. Sylvia silently screams but turns and stiffly takes a seat beside Arron. Neither touch their food for a moment, simply watching her, Sylvia ignoring them in favor of keying to see if she could burn the table with her gaze.

Kill me. Someone just come and kill me before I loose my sanity. @Briza
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

As the rain pattered on the rooftop of their humble abode, Father Seraphim opened the front door to the house, letting himself inside the rattling building. His gray and white umbrella folded as he entered, "Aleksy, I'm home!" He called out, his voice was a bit gravely but something hopeful resonated through the stark tone. He placed his umbrella by the doorway. It dripped longingly onto the white marbled doorway. There were chips in the marble flooring from the previous owners.

He removed his black shoes by the doorway and placed them next to the umbrella. Aleksandr's shoes were also by the doorway. We really should get a shoe rack. He drew in a dry, deep breath, not hearing an accommodating response from Aleksandr, "I'm home!" He called out, again. The house was small and even the opening of the door sounded throughout the household. On a priest's income, he really didn't have much to spare, and now that Aleksandr was attending college, the funds were even tighter. He preferred it this way--less greed was involved.

Today had been particularly stressful for him. A parish family had lost their head of the household this afternoon. The man had a heart attack and was pushed into a coma. His body had swollen three times his size, and the family as a whole decided to pull the plug. It was fairly obvious he was brain dead, albeit, his heart was still beating. In such an instance, he hoped Aleksandr would not pull the plug, get blood on his hands...

He walked into the kitchen. There was no food cooking. He frowned; maybe Aleksandr was studying and forgot to start dinner. He wished to hope that his son was not purely being lazy, which often times was the case. He knew Aleksandr was a troubled, young adult--but to neglect eating was just unhealthy.

Father Seraphim made his way into Aleksandr's bedroom. He knocked on the door and without waiting for permission, he creaked the door open, "Aleksy--" his Russian accent was stronger than normal.

"Don't come in."

He paused and continued opening the door, "I am home."

"I didn't answer for a reason."

"Aleksy, if you had just acknowledged me the first time, I would not have--" Father Seraphim dropped his shoulders disappointedly, "What do you want, Aleksandr?" His head tilted slightly, tiredly. Aleksandr knew how to get under his skin. He did it far too often. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 24 days ago

Sylvia was sure her teeth were chipped with how often she'd been grounding them. She shifted and stilled almost instantly when a large, warm hand landed on her knee. She didn't even dare to breath as the rest of the café continued as normal around them. Her mother was slowly eating her sandwich, long fingers twitching against the side of the bread. Arron's fingers twitched and withdrew, Sylvia's sink felt seared and in a way she rather not think about.

IL going to go hike and shower unto my skim in pink. After twenty minutes Sylvia noted the the twitching in both had gotten worse, she knew what that meant. They needed a fix, Sylvia moved to stand, only to pause when a vise-like grip fell on her arm. Nails dug into her skin as Margaret rose and linked their arms together, Arron follows after leaving a few bills on the table.

"Accompany us outside, dear. It's getting late and we have work tomorrow." Her mother cooed as they passed Haley and James, once outside, the grip on her arm vanishes and another takes its place.

"Want one to?" Arron whispered in her ear, Sylvia stiffened and subtly tried to pull away, his fingers digging in deeper have her stilling.

"No." She manages, the familiar smell of toxic aroma fill the air and Arron's fingers vanish only for something else to take its place. Sylvia only has a moment to panic, before the needle pierces her skin and both Arron and her mother are gone. Swallowing and turning, she renters the café and heads straight for the backroom, hee pace already slowing.

They'd done this when she was a kid, injecting her with the same thing they were currently addicted to. She'd built up a tolerance to it after the first few times, however now wasn't like the other times. She'd been away from them for three years now, the warmth that was spreading through her body was oddly relaxing. When she reached her locker, she fumbled with her lock before managing to open it, she manages to grab her clothes before her legs give. Hissing when her knees collide with the ground, she tugs off her uniform before somehow managing to get her regular, dry clothes one once more. Shakily rising to her feet, she makes her way with determination to the door.

James opens it and takes one look at her and steps back. Sylvia swallows and opens her mouth to speak, James shakes his head and gestures for her to go. She smiles and stumbles toward the door then out it, the warmth that came from the injection point had her teeth gritting.

Home...get...home Her thoughts were muddled, she began her trek home, knowing full well she might not get that far. She was going to try, she wasn't one go down without a fight. @Briza
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

"I am at war with the world, Dad. I am living in a perpetual nightmare. There is a shadow within me, a monster caged in my soul. I have a gluttonous habit that cannot be contained. This dark paradise is some passion that I simply cannot resist. I am addicted to it; I am serving two masters and yet... Only but one of them allows me to fill this insatiable appetite." Aleksandr monologued as he laid face up in his bed, on top of his bed sheet. His eyes were staring intently at his ceiling as he spoke.

"Are you trying to tell me we need to make a visit to the monastery for Confession, Aleksy? We won't be able to go until next week. I have a funeral I must serve in this weekend..."

"No, I'm just... tired."

"Are you going to be able to read tonight at Church?"

"Do I really have a choice?"

"Aleksy," Father Seraphim said sternly.

"I mean, I am being paid to chant at these services. It's expected of me," he dismissed his father's impatience. His father generally became impatient with him when things pertained to his salvation. It was one of his father's habitual sins, to lose patience while he worries over his son's salvation.

"Church is in thirty minutes. You know it runs better when we are early," Father Seraphim had already cooled off. The rain started howling outside. It was clear the drive to Church would be difficult. Thankfully, they lived close to the Church. Father Seraphim looked out the window of Aleksandr's bedroom, "I feel sorry for anyone caught in the rain..."

Aleksandr sat up, "I finished reading Lolita."

Father Seraphim's eyes narrowed painfully. His right hand touches his temples trying not to bother with what Aleksandr had just dropped on him, "Aleksy, I told you I did not want you to read such Russian garbage. But--" he huffed a bit, "Nevermind. We need to get in the car. Grab your coat," he turned around and walked towards the front door.

Aleksandr sprang out of his bed and grabbed his coat hanging on one of his small, wooden bed posts. He put his gray coat on and turned the lights in his bedroom off. His father was already in the car (with the umbrella) when Aleksandr got to his Converse shoes. He opened the front door and shut it, digging the keys out of his pocket and locking the door behind him. He jogged to the Toyota.

He opened the car door and slid himself into the front seat. Father Seraphim backed the car out of the drive way, turned the car, and drove it down the road outside the neighborhood and towards the inner part of the city. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 24 days ago

The hallucinations started first. Sylvia knew it was raining, she could feel the drops sliding off her nose, the frigid cold in the air. She just couldn't feel it, she knew she had to get home, being out like this only meant trouble. She just couldn't remember where home was, was if left? Or right? Or upside down? She huffed and felt her stomach lurch, her dinner threatening to come back up. Continuing to walk forward, she failed to notice the cars that filled the main streets, the people that hurried through the rain, she saw known of it.

Her stomach lurched once more as bright specs began to fill her vision, her hands numbly reaching out to grip something solid. Tongue flicking out to wet her dry lips, Sylvia hissed when something hard and warm slammed into her side, the heat pulled away and settled something softer against her shoulder.

"Are you alright?" The voice was muffled in her ears, slow and slurred as it slowly filled her mind. She offered a nod, cutting it off when her head rolled painfully and her stomach heaved once more. The warmth on her shoulder dropped away and the black blob nodded its head before turning and heading down the spec-dotted pathway. Frowning and releasing the object that held her up, fingers flexing as she turns and begins walking once more.

She didn't realize that where she was walking, cars whizzed passed. She paused in the center of the brightly-colored road and her stomach won it's battle, she threw up the contents of her dinner. Eyes filled with tears, she teeters on her feet and tries to keep her stomach from flipping once more. She doesn't notice the lights drswing closer to her, the horn blaring loudly or the shouts that fill the air.

She couldn't quite feel her own body anymore. She felt overheated and sick, with a frown her head lifts and her rain-soaked air parted as she raised her head to the sky. @Briza
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Father Seraphim slammed on the breaks of the Toyota. He turned the steering wheel as to keep from hitting the poor human lurching in the middle of the road. Aleksandr felt the seatbelt squeeze against his lean body. His eyes shot open when he saw the headlights flash it's beams onto the face of the near victim.

It was a late reaction from Aleksandr, "Dad! Stop the car!" He yelled at his father, who was already stopping the car. The car slid and barely missed the poor woman stumbling in the middle of the road. Aleksandr quickly unbuckled himself and rushed out of the car.

"Aleksy!" His dad called after him, wanting to be the first out of car in case of a car hitting Aleksandr.

Aleksandr could feel the cold rain drops pressing against his skin. Fortunately, he had his jacket. Yes, his jacket! He quickly took his jacket off and wrapped it around Sylv. He pulled her into the back of the car. Father Seraphim was standing in the rain, now, too. Something made him happy to see his son actually care for another human being aside from himself.

Father Seraphim hopped back in the car roughly around the same time as Aleksandr did.

"She's not responding," Aleksandr said calmly to his father.

"I'll drive her to the hospital. Call Deacon Constantine. Tell him we will not be making it to Vespers to tonight," he handed his flip cellphone to Aleksandr and began turned the car back on, driving towards the city hospital.

Aleksandr ticked through the phone until he found Deacon Constantine's phone number. He dialed the number and waited for the Deacon to pick up the phone.

"Thank God we left early. This poor girl," Father Seraphim spoke softly as he turned the car around a corner. The hospital was about ten minutes away.

"Hello, yes. I am well. Is this Deacon Constantine? Oh, yes, hello. This is Reader Aleksandr. Father Seraphim and I have an emergency situation and will not be able to make it to Vespers, tonight. Yes, yes. No, we are fine. Okay, just have a Reader's service. Yes, no. I will not be there. Ask Edgar. Thank you. We'll keep you in our prayers, as well. Thank you. Bye. God bless," Aleksandr hung up the cellphone.

"Did Deacon Constantine say it would be fine?"

"Yes," Aleksandr nodded as he spoke. He turned to look at Sylv. This wasn't s coincidence. He didn't believe in coincidences. He looked back through the front window and watched as the buildings went by them. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 24 days ago

A soft bumper escaped her lips as spasms began to take over her body. Her stomach rolled painfully with the vibrations of the thing she was in, an unbearable heat began to fill her from the center of her stomach to her head. Sylvia began to twist and turn, her right arm sending wave after wave of pain. Another whimper left her lips her an old wound began to reopen once more.

"Mama? It-it hurts...." Little Sylvia whispered against the door of her closet, her arms were limp at her sides and her head was pounding. No answer came aside from silence, Arron had given her a shot and she'd only complained as the needle pierced her skin. She'd fallen silent when a large palm fell on her knee and squeezed, a silent warning to be quiet.

"Be quiet. Your not done yet." Her mother's harsh voice cut though the haze of her mind, Sylvia whimpered into her folded knees. School hasn't gone well and her mother had been livid to hear that she'd had a fight with a girl from calling her weird. She'd arrived home and had found herself on the floor with a stinging cheek, a large shadow looming over her small form.

"Time for a shot and time out." Arron purred softly before lifting her by the arms and into the living room.

Her eyes snapped open and a strangled sound left her lips. Her glued gaze skittered across the darkness and found nothing but colored knobs and flashing lights.

Estonia rose and stretched, her bag slung over her shoulder as she exits her classroom. Pausing only to lock the door before exiting the building and heading toward her car. Her phone began to ring just as she left the lot, eyes blinking as reaches for it and unlocks the screen without looking at the caller idea.

"Yes." She sighs into the line, silence greets her for a moment before a familiar voice fills the static.

"You have a mission. The details are being sent to your phone." Estonia felt a grin tug her lips up before answering.

"I'll let you know whem I arrive." The line goes dead and with a flick of her wrist, hee phone is sent to her bag with a sigh. She'd began teaching and so far, she'd have to juggle her lives once more. Joy.

Turning onto the street that would lead her home, Estonia slammed on the breaks when the car ahead of her slammed on their breaks and swiveled to one side. A familiar person came into view when the lights flashed across her face, Estonia felt her eyes widen as she spots a ashen-faced Sylvia Wythe. Another shadow Estonia couldn't see clearly, got out and placed a jacket over her before guiding her into the car. She watched as the driver emerged before sliding back into the car and taking off. Blinking and humming softly, Estonia focused on her current task and began to drive once more. She needed to pack and head out.

Joy. @Briza
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

She appeared to be having some sort of a seizure. Aleksandr rested his head on the back of his chair. For once, he was not the one causing the pain. If anything, his father and he were sort of heroes. He frowned. His father and he were nothing of the sort. Not even close.

Aleksandr glanced at his father. His father was concentrating on the road as the windshield wipers swished back-and-forth. He was probably repeating the Jesus Prayer in his mind. Aleksandr had long trashed that mantra in his later teen years; it only gave him anxiety. There is no Church in the Wild. He turned away from his father and looked out the window of the car. The lights seemed so bright outside, like their eyes before he killed them.

He was tearing into the heart of the poor boy was was sent to take out the trash. His body was disgusting and mutilated, now. His massive paws were sinking into the boy's guts, ripping at his throat and fingering up his esophagus until his claw protruded from the boys choked mouth. The boy's last breath made no sound. His large jaw opened and caged the child's head in his teeth, crushing the skull into blood and dust. He ripped the muscle of the neck from the shoulders and began salivating and chewing. He could hear himself breathing heavily. However, he was interrupted by the sweet scent of unpolluted flowers. His breathing silenced at once.

"Look, Mommy! A doggy! Can I pet her?"

No wonder he was never hungry...

The gray Toyota pulled in front of the Emergency Room Entrance to the Caligo Hospital. The two men looked at each other--a mutual agreement was made between them as they made eye contact. Father Seraphim turned the car off and pulled the keys out of the ignition. They both removed themselves from the car and began carrying Sylv inside the hospital. She had absolutely no control over her body, a sensation Aleksandr could truly relate to. As the sliding glass doors of the hospital opened, the cool air conditioning gave a dry burst of breath on the three.

"Someone, anyone," Father Seraphim spoke loudly, "This girl needs immediate attention!"

It was quite obvious waiting in a line would do the poor woman no good. Two nurses came with a wheeling bed. The four of them together strapped her in the bed and she was wheeled off into an emergency room, "I'm Nurse Ada," a tall black nurse that was pushed the bed said, "What's her name?" She spoke as if Sylv was part of their family.

"Her name is... Sylvia W--," Aleksandr realized he had forgotten her last name. He used to be good with names when he had been a social human being. There was something about the age of contemplation he would never shake, "I don't know her last name. I'm sorry."

Nurse Ada was silent as the bed turned a corner. The room she pulled Sylvia into was full of different patients lying on beds. Each patient had a curtain on either side, providing a little privacy, "Check her I.D. Does she have a purse on her?"

Both men shook their head. Father Seraphim had his black, wool prayer rope out, "It might be in the car. Aleksy, you stay here. I'll go... find it," he said curiously after realizing Aleksandr had relations to the woman.


"Why haven't they reported the boy's death?" Lucy spoke quietly but harshly. She ran a hand through her short, wavy hair, "Of course. They can't not be related..." Lucy's hazel eyes narrowed. She scoffed, making a small hissing sigh as she bled out the words, "Good bye," through her teeth. She put her smartphone down and let out a breath from her lips. She brought her knees to her chest, hugging them. The poor boy's family. What must they be thinking? The murders all happened on the same block. She rested her forehead on her knees. There was something so disgusting about this situation.

Lucy thought they had the werewolf packs in the city running scared. [i[What did this murder mean? Were they protesting? Or was there something else...[/i] She lifted her forehead and now rested her chin on her knees, glancing out the curtains in her bedroom. The next full moon was September 16th, a Harvest Moon. The last Full Moon was a Sturgeon Moon, "Hummm..." Lucy said aloud to the quiet room. The sound of her ceiling fan spinning around made the only reply to her.

There was roughly two weeks to gather as much information as possible.

Lucy undid herself, letting her limbs crupled away from her body as she propped herself from her bed. She was wearing a black lace bra and black lace panties. There was something about being strictly a werewolf hunter that left her half naked majority of the time. Doing research with clothes was such a bore. However, this was a seemingly serious situation. She made actually need pants and a shirt for the field research she about to conduct. A small smirk was drawn on her lips as she walked over to her apartmet closet. @Arista

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 24 days ago

"Dear? Can you hear me?" A kind voiced asked from the right side, Sylvia's head turned slightly in answer. "I'm nurse Gina, can you tell me your name? Your friend wasn't sure and we need to check your record." Sylvia's eye narrowed as the word's slowly filled her mind.

Must be the ER, joy. She swallowed and wined when the faint acidic taste of bile filled her mouth.

"Sylvia Wyeth." She an managed to say before a wave of nausea and pain had her teeth clenching. Her gaze focused on a pale, blonde-haired women with emeral-green eyes as she nodded and typed across something in her lap. Sylv's brow furrowed when Nurse Gina's lips thinned a moment later and her whole expression hardened.

"I need an IV drip stat, she needs to be changed into a gown and her clothes washed. Gauze and rubbing alcohol are also things that I need. Move." Hee tone was soft but had a harsh tone underlining it, the closest nurse, a strawberry-blonde haired woman nodded and ran from the room. "You my dear have an extensive history here, I'm surprised I haven't seen you before. A broken arm, four broken ribs, fractured wrist and left ankle. As well as an allergic reaction to several vaccines that were not provided by a licensed physician." Sylvia looked away and when another nurse came in with a gown, she sighed and rolled her shoulders.

"I had a rough childhood. You said my friend? Who's here?" With that Nurse Gina pointed to the opposite side of the room. Sylvia's eyes wide when she spotted Aleksandr standing stiff and still beside the wall, she didn't even notice the needle entering her right wrist.

Well fuck...and he just heard my injuries as a kid. Minus the ones I know she saw but won't admit to saying. Why me? She hissed softly as hee left wrist lifted to wave stiffly from her side, a hiss escaping when a cool object was placed over the injection site on her right arm. @Briza
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

With puppy dog eyes Aleksandr stood near the wall. Behind his facade of a mask, he was still rather stoic towards Sylv Wyeth. He just simply knew how to play the pretend game--a wolf in sheep's clothing--He wasn't particularly nosy, as he did not like people delving into his own personal matters. His eyes widened, taking in every detail of the process. He wasn't familiar with hospitals. The only time he had ever been was when his mother had been rushed to the hospital when he was roughly about eight years of age. She had already been pronounced dead, but protocol was protocol.

He folded his arms, feeling a wave of impatience flush over his body. She was definitely going to be fine. Whatever had happened to her was odd and peculiar. He was slightly interested in this occurrence, but he was no curious cat. No, not in the least.

Father Seraphim came jogging in, his cassock swaying a bit. He had her purse. Her name is "Sylvia Wyeth!" His breath was a bit out from the rush. He was a bit embarrassed to had gone through a lady's purse and dig through her wallet. But emergency was emergency.

"She's conscious, Dad," Aleksandr made the attempt to catch his father up to date on the situation. He glanced at his father's prayer rope. He has accidentally left his at home. He generally made the effort to bring his to Church--mostly for show, but this evening, it appeared he had forgotten.

"Thank God. I thought we might have lost her..." Father Seraphim was very concerned about Sylv. He looked at his son, pondering if he should bring up the fact that Aleksandr knew the young lady. Aleksandr was not one to make friends quickly, especially with females. Sometimes, he thought Aleksandr to be homosexual. In his personal opinion, he did not find Aleksandr to be an unattractive young man--although gravely troubled into stupidity at times. However, when he looked at his son, he always saw Theodora--and that was his greatest weakness when raising Aleksandr. Such bias would often occur.

"I think she is going to be fine..." Aleksandr trailed off the way his father had. He glanced at his father, arms still folded. He tapped his foot gently and let out a small breath he had been holding since his father entered the room. He had been slightly embarrassed by his father's entrance. Albeit, he really had no reason to be--something he told himself on the often.

Nurse Ada was attending other patients. She was making her rounds and stopped to check on Sylvia. "Oh good, Nurse Gina's one of the best!" She scurried off to attend a monaing man having a PCP trip. He had brought himself to the hospital claiming vampires were trying to kill him. Nurse Ada shook her head. "Such nonsense people believe some times," she spoke under her breath. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 24 days ago

Sylvia winced when something pierced her skin, her eyes darted down and focused on the new needle that Nurse Gina had managed to inject.

"I need a blood sample to see what's running through your veins so I can give you the proper medicine. Now hold still, we're almost done." Hee voice was soft and almost soothing, it did nothing to relax Sylvia but she silently accepted the gesture. She watched in fascination as the tub that Nurse Gina had attached to a long, thin tub, began to fill with her blood. The dizziness had passed and now she seemed entirely focused as her blood left her body, she frowned when the tub was capped and the needle removed.

"She'll be here for the night to make sure nothing goes wrong. She was having an allergic reaction to what was injected, if you hadn't made it here when you did, she would of lost the ability to breath and have died from lack of oxygen." The voice was younger, softer and serene, Sylvia paid no mind as her gaze stayed on the droplets of blood that were staining the bandage someone had put. She felt tired all of a sudden, hee limbs heavy and eyes drooping, flexing her arm and feeling a twitch of her lips, she allowed sleep to pull her under.

Estonia sighed and slung her packed bag over her shoulder, long hair tied back into a low bun. She moves to her apartment door before pausing, twin bodies rubbed against her legs and purred in unison. Smiling softly and reaching down, she pets both of her cat's heads heifer pulling away and pushing open her door.

"I'll be back in a few days, Granny or Gramps will pass by to feed you. Behave." She commands softly as she closes the door and turns to head down the hall, her boots thudding softy against the carpeted floor. She had to be at the airport nine-thirty and with the time it normally takes to get out of the main part of town, she'd need the extra time she had now. Her missson was to find a female wolf -which were rare since females usually didn't last during the change- and either capture her alive or bring her back dead if she resisted.

Jumping into her car and setting her duffle bag in the empty passenger seat, Estonia starts her engine and takes off into the stormy night. Her finger absently tapping against the steering wheel as she drove down the quiet road.

Let's see how this goes. @Briza
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Father Seraphim nodded his head as Nurse Gina spoke, "We were on our way to Church when I saw her...She was stumbling in the middle of the street. She's very blessed that we did not hit her with the car. The rain is just horrible outside," Father Seraphim drew in a deep breath, "Thank God, she has such wonderful nurses to look after her," he spoke gracefully to the nurse as his thumb rubbed against the black wool rope in his hand. He was praying in his mind as he spoke aloud, "Is there anyway we can get ahold of her parents?" It was clear the priest had no idea who injected her or what her relationship with her family was.

Aleksandr unfolded his arms as he watched Sylv stare at the blood seeping through her bandage. He could smell the sweet nectar. It smelled sickly, and yet it still made him salivate. He hadn't been hungry for a while now, but something changed once the nurse had pierced Sylv's skin. He looked away from Sylv and concentrated on Nurse Gina. Something wasn't right. She was supposed to be at work this evening. If she was at work, then why was she in the middle of the streets. The phone call she received also seemed to be a bit odd--did it have anything to do with her lack of being at work?

He re-folded his arms. His puppy dog eyes looked more solemn and tired now. He glanced at his father; he looked exceptionally tired. He had just spent his whole day in Caligo Hospital because of the man who past away from a heart attack, and now he was spending his evening in the Emergency Room. It did not really bother the priest. He had other things that worried him more. However, he was very concerned about the young lady. He and Aleksandr were not about to leave her unless she was fine. She was their responsibility, now. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 24 days ago

The room seemed to grow colder by a few degrees coder, Sylvia continued to stare at the bandage. He teeth clench and a long, drawn out sigh escapes her lips after a few long moments.

"My...mother and I don't get along very well. Ever since I was a child, she won't care if I'm here. She'd be happy." Her voice was monotone, her body tense, when Nurse Gina placed a hand on her free hand, she flinched as if burned.

"Don't say that, she might be-" Sylvia hissed softly and jerked away from the warm hand that had begun to caress her wrist. Her eyes were glazed and her lips were turned up into a humorless smile.

"'Stay quiet and don't make trouble. I didn't want you but now I'm stuck with you. I hope your father found a wife and rebuilt his life, because if he was here I'd make sure his days with us would be hell. Your a waste of space and energy.' The list goes on, I'll just stay here thanks." Nurse Gina reached for her chin, Sylvia hadn't even noticed she'd lowered it, much less that she'd begun to rub furiously against her collarbone. Her head snapped up and a hiss escaped her clenched teeth, the wounds see buried were slowly being peeled open. Her knees lifted and her free arm wrapped around them, her gaze focused on the gown that the nurse had left with a frown. "I had unwanted visitors at work today, my boss gave me a break and allowed me to spend some tone with them. I stepped out for a breath of cool air when I felt a needle pierce my skin, everything went fuzzy after that. 'Your a waste of space...you should of died when they took you out of me.' She murmured under her breath, her chin resting on her folded knees, her tense muscles relaxing as all the defensive fight left her.

Maybe I should of died, it would of saved, everyone the trouble. She sighed and took a deep breath, her fingers twitching as silence fills the air. She was hoping she'd pass out from lack of oxygen, her eyes squeeze shut as memories invade her mind. She was so sick of all of this, the urge to pack and run away had never been stronger. Maybe she'd be able to slip put when the nurse's switched shifts. @Briza
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Aleksandr clenched his fists as Sylv began speaking in what appeared to be some manic-depressant trance. Ah, the truth... His blue eyes studied Sylv's grave expression. His eyes darted to his father, who was thumbing through his prayer rope faster than ever. His eyes landed back on Sylv as she spoke in a monotone voice.

"Lord have mercy," Father Seraphim half-whispered.

Aleksandr looked at his father, unclenching his fists. A small breath escaped his lips as he concentrated on the situation. He was no sympathetic fool. His father and he had seen families go through a great deal of pain due to drugs--especially growing up in the rural parts of the country. Meth was a big one--he had seen it tear through the very heart of their parish at one point.

Father Seraphim looked worried, "Sylvia," he gracefully interjected through Aleksandr's thoughts, "Has this happened to you before?" He was most curious and ready to take action. Aleksandr didn't move as his father talked, he was stiff, again, holding his breath. His father was officially in priest-mode. It wasn't that his father ever wasn't not a priest; it was just sometimes, his pious nature took full control and the second nature was no where to be seen. His father normally felt like a stranger when this did happen. The feeling always made Aleksandr uncomfortable--as if he lacked the ability to share his own father with other people.

"Aleksy. I'm home!" his father opened the front door. He turned the lights turned on and called out again, “Aleksy! I’m home!”

The faint voice of Aleksandr was heard, “Dad…” He sounded sick.

“Aleksy? Where—“ he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw his son. Aleksandr was huddled in the corner of the living room. His clothes were spread on the ground and his fingers were digging into his bare skin. Father Seraphim closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath, “Aleksy, what’s wrong?”

“The lights…” his voice was quivering, "They won't stop..." He was rocking back and forth, steadily.

Father Seraphim dropped his black brief case. It crashed with a thud onto the carpet. He knelt down by his son, looking into his son’s face, “Do I need to call an ambulance?” He had a suspicion of what was happening but first things first.

“Dad, I’m…” he paused. His lips were dry and his breaths were quick, “I am so fucked... up... right... now,” he stuttered.

Father Seraphim closed his eyes for brief moment as he remembered his very own Aleksy dealing with drugs. It was still a fear in the back of his mind—for good reason, too. One of the last things he wanted was for his son to turn into a parent like Sylvia's mother. He would be having another anti-drug talk with Aleksandr post this evening in regards to such an event. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 24 days ago

The door opened and Margaret halted in her tracks, her hair was disheveled and her cheeks were botched with red. Sylvia stiffened intimate sat ramrod straight, her eyes steadfastly watching the patterns in the blanket the covered her legs.

"What the fu-" Margaret began in a hiss, her gray-blue eyes scanning the room before falling on her daughter. Her expression shifted at once and a worried frown etched itself across her features. "Sylvia? Why? I got a call from a nurse who said you were here-" Her mother fell silent as Arron appeared at her side, his pale face grave.

"How is she?" His tone was brisk, his arm rose to wrap around Margaret's shoulder, Sylvia remained silent and still.

"Fine, for the most part. These kind people found her before anymore harm could come to her, you two are?" Nurse Gina asked politely, her voice however was wary.

"Her mother." "Her step-father." They offered at once, in perfect unison as they moved further into the room. As they moved closer to the bed, Sylvia began to twitch, a deep sense of fear and panic rising in her. She knew it was part from the drug in her system, the other part, the small child that hadn't gotten over that "incedent" screamed at cried out.

"I see, well you'll just excuse me for a moment-" Nurse Gina got no further before a strangled sound came from Sylvia's throat. Arron had moved until he stood before the bed, his hand 'resting' on her left ankle. Her mother had moved into the corner of the room, Sylvia's eyes were wide and filled with panic. Nurse Gina seemed to realize at the moment what was about to happen, she lunged forward, blonde hair flying as she reached for the larger hand now gripping Sylvia's ankle.

"Bad little raven. Bad." A twist and pure agony filled her as her bone snapped. She didn't scream, didn't even seem to notice anything as Arron moved back and Margaret moved towards the door. At the brush of a hand across her cheek, Sylvia bolted, hands ripping the blankets away from her legs, she ran. Once out of the room, she turned right, her broken ankle dragging as her frenzied mind tangled with past and present. She managed to get a few steps down the hall before large hands gripped her shoulders. Her head whipped up and her lips opened on a scream, only for a gag to be stuffed into her mouth. Her vision wavered as Arron's pale face swam in and out of view, her mother appearing at his side.

"Time to go." She purred, a grin spreading across her pale features. Sylvia whimpers and tries to pull away, only for darkness to pull her under. She never felt herself being lifted, cradled almost as both bolted down the hall, shouts filling the air as Nurse Gina demanded someone to catch the two kidnapping a patient.

All hell broke loose. @Briza
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

The unfortunate part about being a priest, is the vow to never hurt anyone--not even in self defense. Father Seraphim had been at a position to tackle the man grabbing her, but resisted the temptation. Aleksandr watched as this happened--the struggle in his father's body language was very evident the man was tired of struggling for a day. Aleksandr had been treating his father poorly since the move. It was at the moment, he could see the wear on his father's emotional state. It'd been a rough several years for them. Aleksandr had been no help. He shook off the pity and made a run for the two people kidnapping Sylv.

Aleksandr was about 5'11." He wasn't a body builder, but he was strong--and could take punches if necessary. He was not sure why these people were trying to kidnap or rather kill Sylv. They were clearly lunatics that didn't have much common sense--not that Aleksandr put much faith in the human race. There really was not any reason he should put any hope in Sylv and her family.

A police officer stepped out of the way and stood in front of the Sylv's mother and step-father. He was a rather large man, and with that he conked the head of the man holding Sylv. Aleksandr caught up to them just as another policeman came in front of the door as back up. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 24 days ago

Margaret stilled and with a screech, made a step for her daughter, her body twitching and eyes glazed. She'd just reached her side, a leg raised as if to keep her ribs, when a familiar slender point pierced the side of her neck and everything went black.

"Take him away and make sure he doesn't escape. I need this one bound and sent away aa well. Young man? I need your help with her, I can't carry her and do my job. I'd appreciate it." Nurse Gina stated from where she stood beside Sylvia's mother's comatose form, the first police guard moved forward and hauled the step-father up away. The second slipped on a pair of handcuffs before lifting the woman up and heading towards the closest doorway. Sylvia shifted slightly and choked on the gag, pain radiating from somewhere from her feet drawing a soft hiss from her mouth.

Nurse Gina turned on her heel and sent off two nurses in search of a splint as well as cast, a new IV drip and a relaxant. First she had to determine if the break was a clean one, if not then she'd need to be sent to OR. If it was then she'd have a cast and boot for the next few weeks. Returning to the room and hoping the young man returns with her patient, Gina begins to set everything up, her tense muscles relaxing as the normal buzz of the hospital returns to the air.

Sylvia shivered and tried to curl into a ball, the pain from her head and ankle keeping her still.

Long limbs unfurled and flexed in an attempt to regain blood flow. A hiss escaped chapped lips as pale ears twitched in an attempt to losten for any noise. Pale fingers danced across cool stone as the sound of the pitter latter of rain tapped against the window. Night had fallen and with it, the chance to escape. Heavy head lifting and nose scenting the air, chapped lips pulled back to reveal elongated fangs where human teeth once were. Allowing the shift and savoring the stretch of muscles long since ignored, clawed hands tested the stone for weakness. Head lifting and a long howl escaped into the air, clawed hands pushing against stone until a portion of it fell to the floor. Sniffing the air once more, powerful hind legs kicked off and perked ears flattened as a strong shoulder connected sith wall before easily smashing through it. Cool droplets of rain soon had its thick fur feeling heavy and sticky, ignoring it, massive jaws part to release anther long howl.

Freedom was in its grasp. If only it could find someone or some place to hide. Something unsettling was on the wind, with a huff and flick of a tail it lowered itself on all fours and took off. @Briza
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Aleksandr helped out with what he could. Today had turned into an interesting one. If he was to rate it, he would give it a negative score.

Father Seraphim came gliding over to the scene, feeling helpless--except for his excess prayers he had been repeating in his head ever since they had almost hit the poor girl. His eyebrows were crinkled as he watched his son help the police officers. His mouth was sealed shut but his thumb continued skimming through his black prayer rope. Thank the Godhead for the police officers to step in.

"This poor girl," he opened his mouth finally speaking, "Lord have mercy," he followed with a small prayer.


"This is a complete shitfest," Lucy handed the autopsy report have to the pathologist. He blushed as she slid the papers gracefully into the man's hands, "I wish they had called me sooner..." Her voice was smooth and quiet. She parted her lips specifically as she spoke, articulating clearly to the doctor.

"I'm sorry. We are not sure what to think."

"What's your excuse? Do you know who or what did this?" Her voice was sharp, her eyes pierced through the man's soul as she interrogated him for more information. She took a step closer, a little too close for comfort. She looked down his body. He wasn't badly built, she could make do with a little imagination.

"It--it a-appears some animal attacked him, ma'am," he stuttered at her closeness.

"An animal you say. What kind of animal?" She tilted her head, her eyes focused inside his.

"From my kn-knowledge, I'd say a wolf--but--but there are never wolves in the city. And for a wolf to be that large is j--just preposterous," he held up his hands, as it to offer some distance between the two of them. The papers in his hand flopped over, the opposite of what was happening in his pants.

"But we know that just cannot be true, right?" A small, seductive smile was set on her lips. She took a step closer, her forehead right next to his lips, "I mean, the report mentioned nothing of a wolf, right?"

"I... of course, not. It may have been some modern day medieval killing instrument, which seems more plausible..."

"Good, I want to make sure I'm after the right person," her lips were slightly ajar as she finished speaking, looking the man up and down, and taking a step backwards. She got what she needed. It must have been a werewolf. But why on a Sturgeon Moon? She had until September 16th, the next full moon to figure out where the werewolves would target. So far random pedestrians seemed useless enough of information. Unless, it was a rogue werewolf. @Arista

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 24 days ago

The musky scent of male drew its attention as it passed a small stream, its large head rose into the air and its nose slowly breathed in. Head tilting and jaws unlocking in preparation, it gathered its strength and turned direction, stomach growling with ravenous hunger. Easily filling the scent, it paused behind a few large trees, ears flicking and tail wagging slowly from side to side. With a soft growl, it lunged and easily caught both male's off guard, its maw opening to snap at the one under its hand. A shriek come from the other and it raised its now bloody maw and lunged for him as well, ravenously tearing into the flesh.

Once down, it lazily licks its maw before taking off once more, nose scenting the air as it silently travels the forest. A few feet ahead, it comes to a pause as a faint smell draws it's attention to the right. Diluted flowers that it couldn't pinpoint, rumbling sofly and turning, it takes off in a run.


Huffing and flicking a lock of silver hair from her eyes, she pauses as the wind changes direction once more. Hefitng her crossbow higher, she jumps from the tree she'd been using as a lookout point. Focusing hee gaze on the moon and nodding with a quick check of her watch, before taking off in a sprint.

The sudden shriek that filled the air had her stilling ten minutes later, it faded as quickly as it had come, Estonia hissed and took off once more. What she saw had her teeth gritting together and the urge to punch something filling her so suddenly her arm lashed out and slammed into the nearest tree. Phone in hand, she take off in the direction she thinks the wolf is headed, she was going to get scolded but she couldn't do this alone anymore.

"Yes?" Came the monotone voice after two beeps, Estonia rolled her shoulders and breathed out slowly.

"I need assistance, the wolf just killed two hikers and is heading towards town. I have to turn back and get back by car and that'll take me a few hours at least." The silence that filled the line had Estonia rolling her eyes, she stopped when a large shadow passed just a few feet ahead of her. It's nose was lifted and testing the air, the Hunted focused on it as it stood still for a moment before changing direction and heading east.

Towards town.

"I'll get another Hunter to aid you. Are you certain its heading for town?" The voice asked softly, Estonia clicked her tongue before turning on her heel.

"Yes, it seems to be following a scent. I'll try to get there as soon as I can." The other person on the other side of the line hummed before hanging up. Estonia didn't have time to be annoyed by that, she had more pressing matters. Getting to her car and back to town was on the list, as well as finding out why two of her students were headed to the hospital.

Such a long day. @Briza
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Nurse Ada came by to check to Sylvia. "She's lucky it was only a hairline fracture... Thank the Lord Jesus that those people are where they belong. This poor child has been through enough trauma for a life time!" It was clear she was some kind of Black Protestant. She didn't much care for Father Seraphim, especially dressed in his priestly garb. Orthodox Christians were idol worshippers. She nitpicked past Father Seraphim and Aleksandr, "You two may want to go home. It's getting awfully late."

"But the girl. Does she have a place to stay?" Father Seraphim was genuinely concerned about the girl.

"Nurse Gina, what's the system say about her home? Where is she staying?" Nurse Ada turned to Nurse Gina for further support on the situation.

Aleksandr could feel his cheeks slightly burning as his father neglected the nurse's offer for them to leave. He clenched his fists and unclenched them, folding his arms, again and slightly lowering his head solemnly. @Arista

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