@Duthguy I at no point mentioned that he lived by the beach. He was staying there at the moment, yes, but not permanently.
The ability to transform into any animal via physical contact. This requires the user to acquire the animal's DNA by touching them for a few seconds. From then on, that animal DNA is stored in the user's genetic memory allowing them to take the form of that exact animal at any time. The user can only maintain their animal appearance for a total of two hours before the effects become permanent.
@knighthawk I wouldn't be opposed to them knowing each other already. She would at least be someone that wouldn't outright dismiss him.
Kind of maybe interested in this. Am I right in assuming that speed is the only power left?
@Cinderella Man
Since our characters are in band, do you want them to know each other?
Ehm not to be be annoying but @cinderella man used part of his character's real name in his Assigned Backstory as well as more or less the location of his house
@t2waveMind if our characters know each other, they were both in soccer