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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dawnscroll
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Kho Frankly, I'm not invading until Arcon reaches it's "quasi" medieval ages; castles and the like.

But like a certain Inquisition, nobody will see it coming.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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@Cyclone Put ideas of war to the side for now. Focus on building stuff up. Dawn will know when to get the La Conquista started. Till then, ensure that all Galbarian beings remain strictly in the stone age-neolithic eras. Including elementals.

I thought it was already established that elementals are forces of nature. They do not build fortresses, armor, weapons, or technology. They never will. This is compensating for their immense inherent powers, which at present has them OP as hell.

Time will see their influence wane as technology conquers nature and mortals develop magic.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I agree that we are not ready for a full-blown war yet.

Semi-random question (I had this question from before all this talk of god-wars, I swear): How nuke-proof is a god? I'm talking point-blank A-bomb. How about a demigod?

<Snipped quote by BBeast>

We can do that cliche they eventually do in every cartoon and have an adventure inside Grot's body. It'll be educational.

Also think about how many adjective-riddled descriptions of flesh you could slip in there. I have an addiction.

This is a brilliant idea and should happen.

Re: Avatars. I agree that the main point behind making an Avatar is as a narrative tool rather than a functional one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Christ in a hat.

After this first war, the Valley of Peace convention (VoPC) will have to be ratified.

- No biological weapons
- No targeting civilians
- No lasting destruction to Galbar's environment
...Several thousand stipulations later...
- No more warping the hain like they're Gumby dolls
And finally...
- No Vestec. No more Vestec under any circumstances. Like, ever. We put him in a box and keep him there.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Vestec's Box. Once you open it, a lot of ice cream comes out.

Ice cream that tastes like burgers.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Kho Frankly, I'm not invading until Arcon reaches it's "quasi" medieval ages; castles and the like.

But like a certain Inquisition, nobody will see it coming.

Ah, yes, your two weapons are fear and surprise and ruthless effici-
Three, three weapons are fear and surprise and ruthless efficiency and almost fanatical devotion to Log-
Four, amongst your weapons are-
Shet on it.
How do you plead?
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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<Snipped quote by Kho>

Vakarlon will of course follow Fate's will.

They'd just assault and corrupt the followers until they'd stop excreting it.

<Snipped quote by Hael>

And so would begin Divine War One with the Allied Powers Forces of Order and Balance against the Central Powers Forces of Chaos.

Assuming Vestec doesn't care about Balance is false. He cares, which is why he does the things he does!

@Hael@Cyclone@poog the pig

So, Logos will be visiting Illy soon to more or less demand recompense for the intrusion into his domain and the theft of humans. Meimu, in particular, can balance the scales by agreeing to plant, protect, and encourage a single flower from Arcon onto Galabar; namely, a diamond flower. The flower will grow and spread on its on... and namely, it'll encourage the growth of trees made of diamond as well. In a few thousand years, there'll be an entire forest.

Logos's sort of 'Fuck you' to the Changing Planes and the Desert.

You realize, Vestec will let this grow, then smack Meimu out of the way and corrupt at least half of it. Then go to Acron and drop a fuckton of Ashlings.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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They'd just assault and corrupt the followers until they'd stop excreting it.

Assuming Vestec doesn't care about Balance is false. He cares, which is why he does the things he does!

Actually, I was thinking the chemical would linger for a while even after the followers left the area. Not long just a day or two.

Really? I didn't know that...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hael
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<Snipped quote by Rtron>

Actually, I was thinking the chemical would linger for a while even after the followers left the area. Not long just a day or two.

Really? I didn't know that...

Oh, yeah. Rtron said in the last version of Divinus that he would never have Vestec create complete Chaos, because then Chaos would just become the new Order. He needs there to be a balance that he can constantly disrupt, otherwise he'll get bored
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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<Snipped quote by Rtron>

Actually, I was thinking the chemical would linger for a while even after the followers left the area. Not long just a day or two.

Really? I didn't know that...

That'd still suck, but the Ashlings (provided they knew the Followers were gathering) would just mass 'CORRUPT THEM BEFORE THEY CAN GET ENOUGH GAS (HOW MANY BEANS DO THEY EAT ANYWAY) INTO THE AIR TO KILL US.'

Why do you think he doesn't aggressively stop people from stopping the things he does?

He could have fought against Vowzra or Niciel or whoever else tried to stop him when he smashed the moons or screwed with the Codex of Creation. But he didn't.

Why? Vestec isn't smart enough to go 'heh, I should stop because I'm outnumbered.' He'd have too much fun with the chaos such a massive brawl would cause.

He could have tried to force Vulamera to be completely chaotic with his essence. But he didn't.

He'd have loved to have someone on his side that was just as batshit insane and chaotic as he is.

However, fighting for all those things would have, had he succeeded, caused an imbalance. Destroying all life on Galbar and probably Galbar entirely, screwing up the Codex to be too chaotic, and having an insane Goddess of the mind who had access to and knows how the Trickster thinks. The world already has him, Zeph, and Jvan. It doesn't need someone else entirely dedicated to their own brand of harmful crazy.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Mardox>

Oh, yeah. Rtron said in the last version of Divinus that he would never have Vestec create complete Chaos, because then Chaos would just become the new Order. He needs there to be a balance that he can constantly disrupt, otherwise he'll get bored

Ah yes, not much to do when the game is won.
<Snipped quote by Mardox>

That'd still suck, but the Ashlings (provided they knew the Followers were gathering) would just mass 'CORRUPT THEM BEFORE THEY CAN GET ENOUGH GAS (HOW MANY BEANS DO THEY EAT ANYWAY) INTO THE AIR TO KILL US.'

Why do you think he doesn't aggressively stop people from stopping the things he does?

He could have fought against Vowzra or Niciel or whoever else tried to stop him when he smashed the moons or screwed with the Codex of Creation. But he didn't.

Why? Vestec isn't smart enough to go 'heh, I should stop because I'm outnumbered.' He'd have too much fun with the chaos such a massive brawl would cause.

He could have tried to force Vulamera to be completely chaotic with his essence. But he didn't.

He'd have loved to have someone on his side that was just as batshit insane and chaotic as he is.

However, fighting for all those things would have, had he succeeded, caused an imbalance. Destroying all life on Galbar and probably Galbar entirely, screwing up the Codex to be too chaotic, and having an insane Goddess of the mind who had access to and knows how the Trickster thinks. The world already has him, Zeph, and Jvan. It doesn't need someone else entirely dedicated to their own brand of harmful crazy.

A very good point.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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A Survey of Popular Will

@The Omnipotent Sphere@ArekTheAbsolute@Fabulous Knight@Scarifar@Kangutso@BBeast@The Irish Tree@Vec@Skyrte@revan427@Hael@Lugubrious@Kho@Cyclone@Rtron@Antarctic Termite@Mardox@Frettzo@Dawnscroll@Muttonhawk@Double Capybara@Lauder@Legion02@poog the pig@OldManWong

With consideration that some players would like to end the World-Building phase and enter a more stable civilisation-building and technological-advancement phase, I would like to see what opinions on the matter is. When voting, please keep in mind that Arcon has been given permission to advance to early Bronze age technological level. Galbar, as things stand, must remain at a neolithic technology level.

I realise this is a bit of a breach of the purpose of the buttons, but here goes:
If you are in favour of lifting the ban on technological advancement altogether (as the stone age doesn't create much plot), please 'Like' this post.
If you are in favour of keeping the ban for the moment and continuing the World-Building phase (and exploration of the stone age period), please 'Thank' this post.
If you are in favour of remaining in the World-Building phase for a few more turns (2 or 3, allowing for decent exploration of this time period) before lifting the ban, please 'Laugh' this post.
Much appreciated.

If you would like to express another view/elaborate on your view, please feel free to do so.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

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Hmm, I'm a bit torn.

While I'm all for the world-building to be done, does that include the creation/evolution of life by the gods?

Because I planned on taking a crack at making a new sentient race. Although, I need Slough to pay a visit to the new land formation I just created. And it was likely to be done on the next turn.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A Survey of Popular Will

@The Omnipotent Sphere@ArekTheAbsolute@Fabulous Knight@Scarifar@Kangutso@BBeast@The Irish Tree@Vec@Skyrte@revan427@Hael@Lugubrious@Kho@Cyclone@Rtron@Antarctic Termite@Mardox@Frettzo@Dawnscroll@Muttonhawk@Double Capybara@Lauder@Legion02@poog the pig@OldManWong

With consideration that some players would like to end the World-Building phase and enter a more stable civilisation-building and technological-advancement phase, I would like to see what opinions on the matter is. When voting, please keep in mind that Arcon has been given permission to advance to early Bronze age technological level. Galbar, as things stand, must remain at a neolithic technology level.

I realise this is a bit of a breach of the purpose of the buttons, but here goes:
If you are in favour of lifting the ban on technological advancement altogether (as the stone age doesn't create much plot), please 'Like' this post.
If you are in favour of keeping the ban for the moment and continuing the World-Building phase (and exploration of the stone age period), please 'Thank' this post.
If you are in favour of remaining in the World-Building phase for a few more turns (2 or 3, allowing for decent exploration of this time period) before lifting the band, please 'Laugh' this post.
Much appreciated.

If you would like to express another view/elaborate on your view, please feel free to do so.

I am going to post today or tomorrow, regarding the creation of a new race and an entire chunck of land. So, I need this phase to be held off at least two more days.

But evem if I had nothing to gain from it, I would still insist that we let the ban on advancement continue for at LEAST a few more turns. We still have empty spaces, and I find the neolithic period to be FASCINATING. I think we should all spend a little more time placing roots here, before catapulting into the future
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

I am not particularly fussed, but I think there's a lot more potential for wide sweeping action amongst sentients when they start farming and forming settlements. Right now, there is potential for quests and stories driven by individuals, but no plausible scope for religious organisations with dogma and long term objectives.

Still, if some people still want to create things, I am willing to wait a couple of turns before bronze.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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A few more turns gives us plenty of time to set up and lay more foundations for the world.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Oh yeah, I'll also add that it would be nice for our inhabitable landmass to be less globally traversable by pure overland travel. Perhaps we could raise the sea levels a bit? Eh, icecaps man? (Looking at you, Reathos).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

We could also, when the time comes, do a transference turn. A turn where we post about civilization advancing into the early bronze age, and how our gods and demi's influence the change.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Edit: @Antarctic Termite wouldn't androgynous be a better term for a god? It doesn't sound very... Divine

When I hear genderfluid I just imagine Jvan as a Proffessional blogger.

Androgynous tends to denote a combination or mid-point between male and female features, implying that the individual has some level of both male and female qualities, as with Lifprasil. Jvan, however, has neither- It's a sentient landform. The female designation is arbitrary, like how ships are sometimes referred to as 'she'. If mortals start to get involved then, as with other gods, the pronouns will start to vary.

XD Probably. I'll admit, when she argued about pronouns, Tumblr was also my gut reaction.

So, @Antarctic Termite... what does Jvan blog about? The struggles of an unappreciated artist? The difficulties and wonders of daily life? The sick pleasure of tearing flesh apart, then reshaping it into eldritch monsters that prey on the pain of humanity? Food?

Jvan runs an 18+ fanfiction blog riddled with self-inserts in steamy relationships with the other gods. It's called 'Divinudes- The Gaiety Foreplay'.

Here's an excerpt.

So, Logos need to chat with with Illy, Reath, and Jvan. Who wants to go first?

I'm a little preoccupied over the next two days or so just because of schoolwork but I'll be free over Easter. Feel free to set up a collab purely to bug my character, I'll get to it Fridayish.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jvan runs an 18+ fanfiction blog riddled with self-inserts in steamy relationships with the other gods. It's called 'Divinudes- The Gaiety Foreplay'.

Here's an excerpt.

"The entire bus clapped"

really though, that's fucking hilarious.


Working on Lif's next collab post like
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