Level: 2
Might: 1
Free point: 1
Julkolfyr watched in appreciation as fate brought the plan to herself and began to feel the pull, he had only a moment to think about how much this would hurt when the codex of creation was put into action. the resulting shattering spun him as he attempted to wrap himself in darkness or anything approaching its like but he needn’t have done so for there was no pain, and as he realized this he stopped and simply enjoyed the wonders and spectacles that came forth from their plans. Almost all of them came to a rest in the vicinity of a planet which was named Galbar mere seconds after they had emerged.
He happily watched as his brothers and sisters descended to the planet in excitement, immediately creating and changing the planet with their very presence. Logos was already ‘gracing’ some of the others for stopping Vestec from destroying the plans and bidding them to give a warning to those that had had operated differently than him and before leaving had looked to Julkolfyr. He met Logos’ eyes and did not answer but simply looked on at Logos with patience, patience that would last through all time and through the games that all of them would play, even Logos.
After Logos had left and with most of the gods having gone to the planet, Julkolfyr decided it was time to descend himself. He had observed the others landing on the planet with such care and softness and had decided to forgo that in favor of a more destructive landing. The impact of his arrival shattered the desolate landscape that brushed alongside the fractal ocean. The echoes of his landing dissolving into the distance, he turned to the ocean willing it to begin flowing through the cracks that now spread throughout this land. It was slow but it gradually began to erode away the land, widening and shaping the ground that still stood whole.That done he called forth his element coating the entire area with shadows darkening the land, likely for the duration of the planet, and ensuring that they would be his.
Julkolfyr was nearly satisfied with this, nearly, there was still something missing. He realized that what he was missing when he looked across the plains and saw the Deepwoods that Slough had made, he was missing life. With a thought, Julkolfyr was in the Deepwoods and was amazed at what Slough had done, so much so he began to prance through it jubilantly. He only stopped once he saw Vowzra, immediately hiding from the god of time, which was easy given the many shadows present in the woods. He watched as his brother took up the first moving life, an insignificant tiny creature, an ant. And just as quickly as he had come upon him, Vowzra was gone. As he thought about his brothers actions, he saw that many more creatures came out of the woods along with more ants and an idea dawned on him, his whiskers twitching with excitement. ‘I can make you better' he thought, beginning to draw some ants, and other creatures like them, to him and began to walk out of the forest bidding them to grab other forms of life along the way as well as convincing some other larger life forms to follow.
As he led them across the plains to his land they dropped some of this life, these began to grow slowly, not as strongly as with the deepwood but it adapted to the environment readily. Julkolfyr paid it no heed, though he made sure that once they had traversed the plains and began to close on the Darkened Spires no more life grew between the new growing plains and his land. after they had arrived he let the creatures do as they needed and life grew in the Spires. He turned his attention to these ants, which had not done much yet but build small mounds for themselves. He began to coil his energy around them and grew them and, pulling a page out of Teknals book, instilling in their instincts structural engineering. He watched as they, now in greater numbers and larger than before, burrowed underground creating their own caves to add to the ones created by Vakarion, They were not sentient yet but in time they would be.
With these things settled Julkolfyr felt tired from all of the work he had done and walked through the spires of his land, arriving at where he had first landed. He looked around content and then dove into the ground to a small hidden aquifer resided. In it he felt the pressure of darkness and knew this was the place, Beginning to gather more and more darkness before him. He pushed through this darkness and found himself on a new plane of his own creation, complete darkness, he could feel that it was his. He did not however plan on keeping it that way however and began to add things.
The first thing he added was large stone statuettes of all the gods arraigned in a circle. Walking over to first Touns then Jvans he placed the pieces he had gained in the void before creation in front of the statues. They silently floated in front of their respective statues before slowly being absorbed into them. Finally he gathered forth darkness and filled his own statue with his essence and only stopped when he found it to be sufficient enough. With a huff he laid in the center of the statues and was still. Before long however he became bored and cast out his mind through the shadows of this new world in an effort to see what his siblings were up to.