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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Is it better writing for Lipfrasil, emperor of the world, to engage Logos in a desperate bid to stop him... to feel the weight Order god's sword bear down upon him, his arms tired and shaking as he holds his ground, body sore and tired, sword and shield clashing together for hours and day... or for Logos to impale the guy with a Ten Might sword on the first swi g and watch him get sucked into the event horizon because the stats tell us so.

But what if Lif was a hologram?

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 18 days ago

Basically... how do you all view Logos? Describe him back to me.

Because I'm either conveying the concept well or utterly balling it up.

Just like Zephy except maybe he talks a bit less. Thoroughly convinced that he's special and better than everyone else (with some merit to such a claim) when in actuality he just rubs everyone as arrogant and quarrelsome. Deep down he's actually sorta friendly once you get to know him, but that rocky exterior makes him the ultimate jerk. It's his way or the highway!

He just doesn't share Zephyrion's refined tastes for excessive formality and grandeur, but then again, what can you expect from some boring savage that adheres to Order?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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So general question to the class here. I'm trying to keep Logos in a very particular mentality, personality, and theme and I'm not quite sure if I'm suceeding with that.

Basically... how do you all view Logos? Describe him back to me.

Because I'm either conveying the concept well or utterly balling it up.

When someone says 'Logos', the immediate thought that jumps into my head is:

What an adorable cutey you are! C'mere so I can-

Logos: *Picks up cute puppy*
Kho: O-O wh-what are yo-
Logos: *Stares icily at Kho*
Kho: Y-yo-
Logos: *Strokes it*
Kho: *Releases his waters*
Logos: Aren't you a cutey, *pinches cute puppy's cheeks* nearly cuter than that ant I'm fattening up. Nearly.

Also, I know from personal experience that Logos would jump at the opportunity to have a fat one. He's a drugged up hippie at heart. Vowzra understood you Logos. He knew how to release your wild side. Take revenge on all who rejected your number one drug dealer friend and refused to see the truth after taking a puff or two.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

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@Cyclone I think this Realta power issue is quite interesting, and it's something I've been thinking about since Dawnscroll's revelation about their strength. The way in which we approach it will have some big implications as to how we want the Might system to work. Here's the way I would approach it:

What exactly does giving something Might entail? If a human created with 1 Might (lets call him Jeff) goes up against a non-Might human, we can all agree that the 1 Might human would win. But what would happen if Jeff were to go up against, say, Gra the non-Might Treemind? Gra would, on his own, be able to wipe the floor with a human, but would Jeff be able to beat him regardless? What if Jeff was going up against a Grot-sized beast, created with no Might?
The question here is of a creation's 'base power without Might' (if we ignore the 1 Might necessary to create any species of note as a 'transaction cost'). Realta, as a creation, have a very high base power - one that would probably put them above most other creations if we ignore Might. The question, then, becomes of whether Jeff's (base power + 1 Might) is greater than the base power of a Realta.

If we decide to go with a literal approach, then Vowzra's Victors, created with 4 Might, can probably go against the invading Realta and beat them quite soundly - but would that make sense? Is the (base power of Vowzra's Victors + 4 Might) enough for them to soundly defeat a force of Realtas? I think that is the issue at hand. It's up to you guys to work out how you want to approach it - should, for instance, the base power of a species be reflected in the original Might expended on creating them? i.e. a species created with 2 Might is immediately more powerful than one created with 1 Might? How would that work if, for instance, someone creates a race of sloths with 10 Might and another creates a race of dragons with 1 Might?

Or is this all just academic? xD

Feels a bit to gamey, it things were to take that path I would immediately regret having brought that point up.

To be honest I just found it a bit odd that a group of three heroes, one which will be level 7 or 8 by the time of the probable fight, couldn't beat a single Realta. That was just a single situation in which I found it a bit too OP, beyond that I see no problem.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Lifprasil vs. Logos hype confirmed.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Lifprasil vs. Logos hype confirmed.

Had to look at that for a bit, but I can SEE it now! Feathery bugger

Edit: he obviously stole Vowzra's wrathful visage
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

Member Seen 29 days ago

Thanks god I'm finally out of this First Parade post. Idk why, but it just didn't work out this time. I promise quality will increase in the next few ones, once they get to the Human bits of Mesathalassa and all sorts of cool folk start to show up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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So general question to the class here. I'm trying to keep Logos in a very particular mentality, personality, and theme and I'm not quite sure if I'm suceeding with that.

Basically... how do you all view Logos? Describe him back to me.

Because I'm either conveying the concept well or utterly balling it up.

He and Vestec are different sides of the same coin. Madness controlled by ruthless logic opposed to madness let go but guided by a desire to cause havoc. Logos believes he must instill Order upon the Universe. Vestec believes he must instill a natural and thriving Chaos upon the Universe.

Personality wise he comes across as the ruthless expansionist. Kinda like Dr.Doom. He can't be defeated simply because he won't let himself be defeated. Arrogance with good reason for it. He believes that his rule is the only rule to bring control and peace to the Universe.

3. Be prepared to have your stuff messed with. We're interacting characters, some things aren't going to go to plan. There is generally a lot of chaos with this many authors. This chaos spreads to compromise impregnable defences, unstoppable hordes, and generally anything that you're certain of. If you want things to go exactly to plan, go write something on your own. The chaos is actually one of the reasons that I love RPs the most, both play-by-post and otherwise, so it's probably the most important point here.

Chaos always finds a way.

My two cents on the Realta invasion/power.

I agree with everything said. Just keep in mind that while story is very important, everyone needs their time to shine. Heroes, mortals, Gods. So unless the other player agrees, try not to write anyone off as 'immediately doomed'.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

That reminds me, have Lakshmi's khookies been counted, @Cyclone? She's been around for a while, and I don't think they have.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 18 days ago

That reminds me, have Lakshmi's khookies been counted, @Cyclone? She's been around for a while, and I don't think they have.


But from now on (and retroactively back to unrated posts) we're just giving 5 khookies per post.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Alright. Also, are there any plans to free Amartia yet? If so, I think I have an idea that will get him out of jail - however inadvertently.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

<Snipped quote by BBeast>

The structure itself? Heartworm's scared shitless and Jvan is Jvan, so though she will eventually sign, they won't be visiting for a while.

If you mean the funeral type thing, then yep, they'll have representatives.

I get the feeling that Toun's announcement and the Memorial is the funeral, even if unofficially.

@Kho, if Capy won't be writing as the Bard any time soon, I need to ask: to what extent will the Bard answer Teknall's questions about events written on the Cube, the Codex, and the imprisoned Amartia?

I noticed a few things skimming over some older posts. I found the exact point where Jvan decided that Vowzra must die. And I confirmed that, during the Phantasmagoria at least, Ilunabar had indeed beaten Amartia to the Seven Sins. Nothing especially important, but just cool to see things lining up like that.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@BBeast I think the Bard, at this stage, would be very disillusioned with the other gods. Teknall, in particular, was among the harsher rejectors/dismissers of Vowzra's warning. So, first and foremost, Teknall would have to prove, somehow, that he's changed his ways/regrets not taking Vowzra more seriously. From there the Bard should grudgingly answer any questions regarding the Cube and what it says.

I would offer to take him up until Capy is more able to, but I really have no time for a collab right now. If we're still at this juncture after my exam, I'd be happy to fill in. Will probably do that from time to time anyway, what with TOBIA and Vowzra's Victors and the Treeminds loitering around xP
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iktomi
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Iktomi The Spider

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Well there we have it. Let me know if any changes/addition/subtractions/multiplications etc need to be made. I shall accommodate.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 28 min ago

And now we have bishie Bacchus.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iktomi
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Iktomi The Spider

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The funny thing is I decided on this concept because my phone autocorrected something to Bacchus.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Belvast's gonna love the new kid.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Belvast's gonna love the new kid.

For some reason the recent pub post came to mind when you said this, and I just laughed xD
I guess Belvast will need a few drinks a day from now on...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iktomi
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Iktomi The Spider

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Belvast's gonna love the new kid.

I hope you mean in a "Hey ever drank with a cat? It's a blast!" Way and not in a "Hey look at this portal that leads to space!" Pushes Maeus into said portal way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@WrongEndoftheRainbow, Re the map. Very pretty. I love it. Aside from New Chronos, I'm also pretty sure the Darkened Spires are a lot smaller.
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