Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infichi
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Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Jason Gold

Code Name: The Squid Alchemist

Age: 34

Gender: Male


State Alchemist

Personality: Jason comes off as a very, sad or lonely individual. He normally seems out of it, as though he is a world away. His eyes, despite looking at you feel as though he is gone, missing from the world. Jason tries to be as happy as he can, smiling around those he works with. But he tends to focus heavily on his research, working tirelessly day and night. He likes to work, he likes to focus on things that are not him. When talking to people he tends to avoid the subject of himself, but tries to be engaging.

He will ask people about their days and tries his best to be interested in them. He’s been known to aid others when they request it, though he still seems far from where he is. He is a complex man, but a lonely man…. his personality will be better fleshed out in RP.


Jason Gold was born a simple boy in the town of Daisy, He didn’t really have many goals or aspirations. He was just, a boy, living his life and going to school. He tended to be open and out going, always laughing and smiling, making friends with everyone. He didn’t have a single mean bone in his body and he did alright as a student, never surpassing the mark or being the top, but he was good. When he went out on his own, away from his parents, he opened his own business. A small general store called ‘Golden Hope’

He ran the shop for a few years, employing some of his old friends from school till they could get back on their feet. He was happy with his life as it stood, he made more than enough money and was able to give back to his parents as well. Helping them with their bills, despite their constant reluctance. He was happy to do it, it was for those he loved. But things, took a new turn, when Isabella walked into his store. She was striking, gorgeous, something he’d never seen before.

Isabella was a refugee, there was an attack on her village and it had been nearly wiped off the map. But she still smiled, she found joy in her life despite the darkness. Jason couldn’t resist, he had to speak to her and he did. The two began to date and their time together was magical, the greatest moment of his life, made all the better, when she accepted his proposal and the two were wed.

What a life he had lead! He was married to an amazing woman and his business was doing very well! He eventually even heard from his wife that the two were, expecting… A baby! He was to be a father! Jason couldn’t contain his joy! He bought a house for the family of soon to be three, he couldn’t help but smile and laugh. The two lived happily for those nine months as couples do… Then life turned for the worse.

Isabella had complications during childbirth… the complications resulted in the loss of his wife and his daughter. He snapped, he couldn’t take it, everything had been taken from him, his world, his light. He left his business, he didn’t care for it anymore, he spent all his money in research, learning anything he could. He threw his life away and turned to the only thing he could think of… Alchemy.

He had enough money saved up to pay for the home for quite a few months while he practiced his new hobby, digging into anything he could find to return his wife to him… anything...

Special Skills: Excellent Memory- despite how Jason did in school, he actually has an excellent memory. Capable of recalling most things he has read, making his alchemical skill quite remarkable.

Techniques: Ink Alchemy, Jason uses a specialized glove with an inkwell inside of it. He uses this inkwell with the glove to preform alchemy, creating circles with it. enabling him to bypass the need to draw one out.

Research: Jason seeks to hunt down rogue alchemists.

Equipment: he carries around a specialized gauntlet with alchemical formulas written on it. He also carries around a satchel filled with books, paper and ink vials.

Other: More to come if i can think of something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by deanmachin
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Tydus Silverheart

Code Name: Platinum Alchemist

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Appearance: See picture, add rings.

Rank: State Alchemist

Personality: Tydus is easy going and generally tries to relax. He is often scourned for his slacking and often pushes off his paperwork to lower ranked memebers in the military. more will be presented during the roleplay.

Bio/History: Tydus was born under a rich family; his great grandfather opened a silver mine and struck it rich when he found a large silver deposit. The family business expanded in the years come they became the biggest distributor of silver in the country. The family name was changed to Silverheart, When asked why he changed it to that name his grandfather would say "So that silver is always in our veins".

At a young age Tydus was raised to be a perfect gentlemen praised for his hard work he went to the finest schools and was taught manners befitting a meeting with a country's leader which he would often get bored of. He often dreamt of a more interesting life one where he would go of on adventures and defy perilous odds.

This all changed one day when he was 10 and the car his was riding in broke down. His butler told him to stay in the car as he went to get help, he notice a group of children playing in a side road. Despite his butlers request he went got out of his car and went to see what thy were doing. To his surprise they were a group of Ishvalin Children. he tried to talk with them and ask them if he could play but most of the children walked away except one. A young girl named Sheska she offered play a game of tag.

This went on for an hour or so before Tydus heard his butler yelling his name looking for him, he tried to hide but he was unfortunately found. When his butler looked at him he was dirty from his time with Sheska. He was scolded and forced home by his butler where he was later scolded by his father who was not fond of the Ishvalin people often calling them savages. Tydus had enough of his fathers insults for his new friend and yelled , "They are not savages!"

His father taken aback and decided that the only way to prevent this from happening again was to force it to where he did not have free time. Tydus presumed his normal study's, but he was then forced to take alchemy lessons from his grandfather. His grandfather taught him a type of alchemy that had been passed down to him by his grandfather. It would combine transmutation circles with jewelry, this did catch Tydus's attention so he studied his hardest to learn his grandfathers alchemy.

His father pleased with this thought this would be the last act of defiance from his son. What he didn't know is that Tydus would often flee to spend time with Sheska between his studies, choosing to spend time with her rather than studying. She would often object to him learning alchemy saying that it was a blaspheme to her god Ishval, he assured her that he was only learning it so that is father was not suspicious of him, he told his father that he was practicing his alchemy she would begrudgingly agree some time later as she knew that he was doing it to spend time with her. This continued for 5 years until his 15th birthday where he mustard up the courage to ask her to be his girlfriend.

They dated each other for 3 years until Sheska's 18th birthday when Tydus proposed to her, She accepted and they eloped. Since they were both 18 Tydus left his family and moved in with Sheska. The day he had moved out his father threatened to disown him if he were to stay with that savage, on that day he walked away from his family thinking he would never see his family ever again. He was welcomed into Sheska's family with open arms as they celebrated their union with a party, on that night he swore to her that he would never use alchemy again.

They were happy and this would continue for 3 years. Until one night Tydus's father was at an event when some one mentioned seeing his son in the Ishvalin district with an Ishvalin girl with him. That person mentioned that is was a shame that he was with a savage. This angered his father. "How could his son do this to him?!" he thought " why has he not finally given up his pointless rebellion and left her!?" anger rose in him and a fiendish idea came to mind. "Perhaps he needed to be persuaded..."

That night Sheska was coming home from the market to make dinner for the both of them as Tydus was at his job. When a group of men burst through the door some holding bats and some others holding chains. They were drunk and they beat her to death while calling her a "Savage Bitch" she died on the floor. When tydus came home he noticed that the door was forced open. He ran inside to see his wife lying dead on the floor, he lost it he dropped on the floor clutching her while crying.

Later that night he received a notice from his father to meet him at the family manor. He pulled himself together long enough to visit his father. His father was standing in front of a fireplace back turned against him . "What do you want Father?" he asked, his father waited a few minutes staring into the fire before responding. " I hear your "Wife" is dead" he said with exaggerated notations on the word wife "You're welcome".

Horrified Tydus speech stammers "you... You did not." His father looked up but still not at his son. "I had that savage killed. I was only looking out for you son Just think about if you would have conceived childre..." Tydus rears back his fist and punches his father in the head before his father could finish the sentence. "How dare you!" he yelled "I loved her... She was my wife, how could some one do that to their son?!" Holding back tears he stares at his father waiting for a response. "I was only looking out for my son. I was not going to let you throw your future away". Holding back tears Tydus yells at his father again "You never cared as to what I wanted you only cared about your damn reputation!". His father simply replied with "If that is what you want to think..."

Tydus ran to the authorities telling them of what had happened. They informed him that they ere not going to do anything as know one would care about a dead Ishvalin they also did not wish to anger off his father since he was a man of power. He was mortified, but defeated knowing that no justice would be done. From that day forward he immersed in his alchemy studies so that he could become a state alchemist. He swore that not only would he find justice for Sheska, but he would make this country a better place for everyone including Ishvalins. He would become Führer.

Special Skills:

Techniques: Tydus as five rings each with a different abilities. One ring allows him to enhance sound, one ring allows him to create ice by manipulating the humidity/water and wind around him, One ring would allow him to create items (much like what Edward would do to create the dragon spear), another ring allows him to control light and his last ring allows him to enhance his alchemical abilities.

Research: As he figures that it may take a life time to become Führer, he is seeking out the Philosiphers stone.

Equipment: 5 silver rings and a dog tag with Sheska's name on it.

Other: this will be brought to light in the roleplay.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Jayce Karuta

Code Name: "The Card Alchemist"

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Rank: State Alchemist

Personality: Jayce Karuta is a friendly, funny and mostly happy individual. Jayce, of course, enjoys playing many simple board and card games among friends. These include poker, chess, mah-jong, checkers, go-fish and blackjack. To Jayce, social interactions are the greatest ways to become connected with people. He likes people and enjoys nothing more than sitting with friends, drinking some whiskey and playing some games. Jayce also enjoys learning, researching and using his special alchemy for the good of Amestris. Jayce hates corruption and injustice, and outside of his research, Jayce takes it upon himself to dismantle such schemes in the city, outside and within the military. Jayce strives to make a difference to the world, for the better. The Card Alchemist is ready for change and can't wait to take on the investigation of the machine/flesh abominations.

Bio/History: Jayce was born under an Amestris hospital, and lived a relatively well life throughout his childhood. He excelled in his studies and it was very clear that the child possessed a calculating and intelligent mind. Outside of his studies, Jayce learnt the art of games. Probability, strategy, gambling, acting and luck. All key components to the art of the game.

During one of his studies in a library, Jayce wanted to pull down a book about trigonometry, however a very interesting book fell down as Jayce reached for the top shelf. It was a book about Alchemy. It was fascinating. Such complexity, such prestige, such purpose! There was nothing like it. Jayce ran home that evening, bursting through the door and up the stairs into his bedroom. Jayce read through the thing twice that night. When he finally went to sleep, his parents came through the door, spotting the open book with notes and paper strewn all over the young boy's desk.

Jayce's family was actually quite affluent. Not so much for Jayce to be considered having a silver spoon throughout his life (which if you think, Jayce will blow you up with alchemy) but they got by well. One time, they went on holiday to Xing. It was there, Jayce found out about Alkahestry. Now that was a concept, alchemy from a distance! All this talk and teachings of alchemy and alkahestry. Well, that was it. Jayce was going to become a state alchemist. His parents saw no need for it, but Jayce saw otherwise. There was always need for alchemy. Jayce had an idea. A combination of alchemy and alkahestry. Jayce begun creating his own technique. A deck of cards, with alchemy circles written on them.

Special Skills: Gambling, quick-minded, alchemy, basic boxing techniques.

Techniques: Card alchemy. Jayce carries round a deck of cards which has different alchemy symbols written on them. When thrown, they are used similar to alkahestry. Jayce has to keep inscribing these cards, but this is a small price to pay, unless he forgets.

Research: Jayce's new research looks at the anatomy of the new monsters, and to get to the bottom of this.

Equipment: Special deck of cards, a pen and journal to write down on the fly notes, bag of sweets.

Other: Carries round a bag of sweets which he offers one to people he likes whenever he sees them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Mona, although she has renounced her name.

Code Name: Known as "Wraith" by Amestris.

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Appearance: Wraith is a rather shapely slim woman with a dancer's physique. Her face is oval-shaped and she has full lips and rather expressive eyelashes. She, like all Ishvalians, has red eyes and tan skin, and a mane of wavy black hair that goes past down her shoulder. She usually wears baggy trousers, a shirt and a sash, and she is also covered in a cloak and crude iron mask most of the time. She has a large scar in her belly and navel, which rendered her barren.

Rank: Rogue Ishvalan Alchemist

Personality: Wraith is ruthless and cynical, almost as if always in perpetual anger. She hates authorities, and State Alchemists above all else. Untrustworthy by default, she shuns social interaction most of the time, and makes diplomacy by intimidation. However, she has a hidden gentle side to her, which only shows to fellow Ishvalans and children. For them, she even allows herself to show her skill in dancing and singing to lighten up the mood. Perceptive people can tell that her ruthlessness stems from insecurities and helplessness in the past.

Bio/History: Mona was born as an Ishvalan, a pariah among the Amestrian people, and a descendant of survivors of the massacre long ago. Even though she was rather in the bottom of the proverbial barrel, Mona showed a rather sunny aptitude and unbridled optimism, and with her dances and songs lifted the spirits of the broken Ishvalan people.

Mona realized she had a special talent. Something she needed to share to the entire world, and thus she sought out to perfect her dancing and singing. She diligently trained under Ishvalan monks to improver her posture, overall fitness and breathing. She also learnt to read and write, in order to quickly memorize and catalog all the songs she could. She even learnt to play a little harp to accompany her voice. All for her big debut as street performer. Surely, Amestrian hearts would warm up a little and offer some pity for her fellow Ishvalans.

It didn't work as intended, but not for the lack of trying. There was far too much indiference and xenophobia among the society, and Mona couldn't get further than becoming an underpaid singer in one of the many shady bars of Central City. She took notice a particular patron, named Albert, came to her bar to hear sing every single night. Surely, that was the reason, because the drinks were less than desirable in that place. But what caught her attention was the sorrow expression he always wore, that her song barely managed to lift.

It was she who made the first move, a genuine act of kindness, a shoulder nudge on him after her show, what prompted the relationship. Albert was a State Alchemist wannabe, who couldn't get past the exam no matter how many times he tried. He told her he wanted to help the world, but it was difficult to do so. Mona felt kinship towards the Amestrian, and resolved to help him cheer up everytime. Eventually, the two became acquaintances, and even lovers, and it wasn't strange Mona performed in private for Albert to cheer up.

Being a curious, outgoing person, Mona soon also took interest in Alchemy, the forbidden art she had been vehemently talked against by her elders. But Mona was still naive, and she thought that hearing more sides to the story would increase her wisdom. Asking Ishvala for forgiveness, she even started helping Albert with his studies from a more hands on approach, telling herself the end would surely justify the trangression.

Turns out, she was a much better Alchemist than Albert. The fact was a point of grief for both, as Mona saw it as a curse. Ishvalans were never meant to be this good at something taboo, and Albert resented the fact a street singer was more talented than him. However, Mona just resolved to keep that a secret, and only support Albert from the shadows. Both stood strong in their resolve, and Albert even declared his intention to form a family with Mona. However, Mona felt there was something worrying Albert, clawing him from the inside out.

She found it all too late, when Albert managed to secure his State Alchemist position. In a fit of jealousy and zeal towards Amestris, she half beat Mona, and the child she was carrying in her belly to death, only to tell she had to be disposed of. State Alchemists must set a better example for the world, and for that, sacrifices and compromises had to be made.

Just like her life. Agonizing from internal hemorrhages, Mona panicked. She didn't want to lose her little baby, even though Albert wanted to kill her. She wanted her child to live first and foremost. She searched in her memories. And taboos were broken. Human transmutation was performed, with a circle made of her own blood.

And a price was paid.

"Welcome, you foolish woman." was what the voice of Ishvala said, as a gate of shadows ripped her unborn baby and womb from her.

The Toll of the Gate.

In exchange, Knowledge.

Albert stared horrified at his would be wife, his eyes flabbergasted. He cowered. He fell to his knees.

"What ...did you do?...WHAT DID YOU DO!?"

And she clapped her hands. And a swarm of daggers ripped the betrayer. Mona died.

Wraith was born.

Special Skills: Clapping Alchemy, Ishvalan Martial Arts, Fast-Learning.

Techniques: - Dancing Alchemy / Feet Clapping Alchemy. Since she's a dancer and a martial artist, she can use her feet as hand substitute in performing transmutations.
Research: The Truth about Ishval and Alchemy

Equipment: A sash with her own diary and notes, pen, and a little harp. Also her iron mask.

Other: Accomplished dancer, harp player and singer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 28 min ago



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