Only darkness could be seen, an inky black stretched out all around the area, emanating from an even darker focal point. There was nothing in this place that could seen and with a disappointed sigh, Ben lifted his hand from the bowl, the inky black became clear water again. That was the fourth time today that he could not find the image he was looking for but it was not something he had not anticipated. Earth was dying, of course certain landmarks would disappear with it and the people that had lived close to them. Ben had met many people over the years in his travels and he occasionally would look at them, just to check up and make sure they were alright. He knew that they could not die, but it still made him rest easy knowing that they were alright. Now it seemed that this voidblight, as Ben called it, could even take immortals away. He shuddered, knowing that it was probably not a very nice experience before they became trapped in nothing.
He left his dimly lit room and walked left, down the wooden hallway to a railing that overlooked the bar below. More people were gathering, a steady pool of all sorts slowly conversed with each other, over beer and small amounts of food. He had sent out riders about a week ago from that small town in the middle of nowhere. It had been easy, with a little bit of coercion he had managed to talk sense into the people that lived here. Through his intervention he told them about the state of the world and how they could help if the so chose too, he might have also used his powers but only as to make a point... or something like that.
The riders had done a good job, and now he had like-minded individuals who cared about the problems that the world faced, at least he hoped. His message had been a rather simple one, 'The Earth is dying, all around she crumbles into the void never to be seen again. But there is a solution to our problem! One that might help us all recover from the aftermath of the Great War and all he asks is for people who feel the same way to make their way to the village. There the plan will be let loose.'
On second thought, it might have actually been somewhat a mouthful but it proved successful nonetheless. His plan was simple, they had to reconnect the planes together, it was the method of how they were going to do it, that would ultimately be a test. This was the only logical explanation as to why the world was in such a state, because the other realms were not in balance with each other. There could not be life without death but Ben Crowly aimed to fix that and he knew exactly where to start.