Benjamin Crowly
Benjamin Crowly
Also known as:
Ben, The Wanderer
Ben, The Wanderer
Carson Crowly and Janet Crowly. They died during the war.
Carson Crowly and Janet Crowly. They died during the war.
God Status:
New God of Manipulation
New God of Manipulation
Will be revealed IC
Will be revealed IC

True Form:
Telekinesis - Ben has the ability to influence, manipulate, and move objects as well as matter, with his mind. Because his mind is the basis for his powers, he his not physically strong whatsoever and even considered by some to be a whelp. To this date, he has only manifested this one power but, it is incredibly strong.
Telekinesis - Ben has the ability to influence, manipulate, and move objects as well as matter, with his mind. Because his mind is the basis for his powers, he his not physically strong whatsoever and even considered by some to be a whelp. To this date, he has only manifested this one power but, it is incredibly strong.
One of the few things he has kept over the years, is his a family ring that was passed down through the generations. It was just a small golden band, a ruby was set in an intricate pattern in the center. Eventually the ring came to his father but Ben took it from him on the day he died. When he ascended to Godhood, it changed as well. Not in appearance but in power. Now his ring acts as a scrying device. All he has to do is touch it to a liquid an say a name and the image will be revealed to him in real time.
One of the few things he has kept over the years, is his a family ring that was passed down through the generations. It was just a small golden band, a ruby was set in an intricate pattern in the center. Eventually the ring came to his father but Ben took it from him on the day he died. When he ascended to Godhood, it changed as well. Not in appearance but in power. Now his ring acts as a scrying device. All he has to do is touch it to a liquid an say a name and the image will be revealed to him in real time.
History (Before and During the War):
Benjamin Crowly had a normal upbringing and normal human problems at the age of nineteen. Ben had taken a year off of school after graduating, to figure out what he truly wanted to do before committing himself to any further schooling. He traveled all around the United States during this time and witnessed many wonderful things in his eyes but that all changed when they came. It was any other normal summer day and surprisingly he had been at home for once when the news hit the TV. Some unimportant movie was on, he remembered that but not the name, when the news channel switched on abruptly. The anchor looked incredibly sad as he spoke, talking about some creature that had destroyed a city. It called itself Amos and it was a God. He also said that the Government had issued a state of emergency and required people to remain calm and if anyone had any information about this person then they should come forward immediately. Ben had been confused in those first days, everyone was and questions were flying around everywhere, especially on the Internet. Those that had guessed the apocalypse had come, were actually right for once.
A couple of months later and it was apparent that the situation was getting worse, more of the so called Gods were coming forward and so too, was an army of darkened creatures that only sought destruction. Some of the Gods had sided with the humans, a small few joined this Amos creature and the battles that they waged were terrific. Humanities weapons failed, even the nuclear bomb proved to be a simple deterrent to the war machine of Amos, which seemed to redouble in size after each detention. There was not a lot Ben could do, not a lot any human could do but survive and hope that the reaper spawn didn't find you. There was a very real danger in those twisted creatures, they felt nothing and required nothing to live. They became universally feared by humanity and if it had not been for Thalliana, they would still haunt the Earth's twisted surface. As the war drove on, the Earth became increasingly trashed and littered with bodies of the dead. Ben lost his parents during the second year, they went out foraging one day and did't come back, so he went to look for them. Ben found them alright, a reaper spawn had got to them and as he took his fathers ring he promised he would survive, for them.
The war ended not long after that and it cost the world everything. It gave the survivors a strange new beginning but the grief of the war would continue to live on in the minds of the now new immortals.
Benjamin Crowly had a normal upbringing and normal human problems at the age of nineteen. Ben had taken a year off of school after graduating, to figure out what he truly wanted to do before committing himself to any further schooling. He traveled all around the United States during this time and witnessed many wonderful things in his eyes but that all changed when they came. It was any other normal summer day and surprisingly he had been at home for once when the news hit the TV. Some unimportant movie was on, he remembered that but not the name, when the news channel switched on abruptly. The anchor looked incredibly sad as he spoke, talking about some creature that had destroyed a city. It called itself Amos and it was a God. He also said that the Government had issued a state of emergency and required people to remain calm and if anyone had any information about this person then they should come forward immediately. Ben had been confused in those first days, everyone was and questions were flying around everywhere, especially on the Internet. Those that had guessed the apocalypse had come, were actually right for once.
A couple of months later and it was apparent that the situation was getting worse, more of the so called Gods were coming forward and so too, was an army of darkened creatures that only sought destruction. Some of the Gods had sided with the humans, a small few joined this Amos creature and the battles that they waged were terrific. Humanities weapons failed, even the nuclear bomb proved to be a simple deterrent to the war machine of Amos, which seemed to redouble in size after each detention. There was not a lot Ben could do, not a lot any human could do but survive and hope that the reaper spawn didn't find you. There was a very real danger in those twisted creatures, they felt nothing and required nothing to live. They became universally feared by humanity and if it had not been for Thalliana, they would still haunt the Earth's twisted surface. As the war drove on, the Earth became increasingly trashed and littered with bodies of the dead. Ben lost his parents during the second year, they went out foraging one day and did't come back, so he went to look for them. Ben found them alright, a reaper spawn had got to them and as he took his fathers ring he promised he would survive, for them.
The war ended not long after that and it cost the world everything. It gave the survivors a strange new beginning but the grief of the war would continue to live on in the minds of the now new immortals.
History (After the War to Present):
What was a surprise to Ben, were his new found powers. It had happened the very same day that some of the gods sacrificed themselves to end the war, and Ben found himself able to use his mind as a tool like never before. At first he could move only small objects with his mind, usually a pebble but as the years went by he was able to lift heavier objects. There wasn't much to do anymore anyways, expect survive and try to live out a meager existence among the ruins of civilization. Ben found his way though, he kept traveling, using his powers to thrive in the new world.
He walked extensively, never tiring and came to the unsettling conclusion, that the Earth was dying. It started small at first, a tree here and there, then a small pond, and eventually a whole area would wink out of existence. It was alarming and as Ben kept wandering, he found it occurring at a much quicker pace then before. He knew something needed to be done and so, he called a meeting for all those who are equally afraid of their impending doom. Now he waits, scrying continuously for the cause of Earth's greatest terror.
What was a surprise to Ben, were his new found powers. It had happened the very same day that some of the gods sacrificed themselves to end the war, and Ben found himself able to use his mind as a tool like never before. At first he could move only small objects with his mind, usually a pebble but as the years went by he was able to lift heavier objects. There wasn't much to do anymore anyways, expect survive and try to live out a meager existence among the ruins of civilization. Ben found his way though, he kept traveling, using his powers to thrive in the new world.
He walked extensively, never tiring and came to the unsettling conclusion, that the Earth was dying. It started small at first, a tree here and there, then a small pond, and eventually a whole area would wink out of existence. It was alarming and as Ben kept wandering, he found it occurring at a much quicker pace then before. He knew something needed to be done and so, he called a meeting for all those who are equally afraid of their impending doom. Now he waits, scrying continuously for the cause of Earth's greatest terror.
Motive: To find a solution for the world's current problem.