Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Awesomoman64
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Awesomoman64 I should go

Member Seen 10 days ago


Hey I just noticed @OtomostheCrazy's character isn't in the tab.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 30 days ago


Hey I just noticed @OtomostheCrazy's character isn't in the tab.

Shit your right. I'll add Izzy when I get home.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Awesomoman64
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Awesomoman64 I should go

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Whoami
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Whoami All things atmospheric...

Member Seen 22 days ago

I'm going to have to back out from this RP. Sorry, I've spent hours trying to figure out a fun character for this RP but nothing is coming to me. You can use the Sohnen for the galaxy, though!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 30 days ago

I'm going to have to back out from this RP. Sorry, I've spent hours trying to figure out a fun character for this RP but nothing is coming to me. You can use the Sohnen for the galaxy, though!

Do you want to use one of the characters from the interest check thread?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Awesomoman64
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Awesomoman64 I should go

Member Seen 10 days ago


What does Azir look like? Can't seem to find a CS anywhere.

Also @Polybius do we want to post our CS's in the Character tab so they're easier to find?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Izzy might go down in history as "the forgotten one"! XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 7 days ago


I never did post I'll put him up right now!

Azir L'thotos



Azir is a c'lok, meaning that he is like a squid in his general appearance which would throw off a normal person in the old human times. Azir stands at 5'9" with grayish pink skin, his skin bears scars of bullet wounds and sword slashed across both his chest and back. He holds a generally flat face with his yellow eyes a bit sunken back. His face has tentacle coming down the center with each having an average of a foot in length.


Lately, Azir had to develop the traits of being both a coward and a cheat so that he could avoid being killed at the worst of the times. He was a part of a small pirate band that was some of the deadliest in their field of work, most not surviving their wrath. However, slowly those forces have been dwindling as they had gotten a string of bad luck. Their first captain, a human, had been shot in the back by an officer of the law which led Azir to become the captain. Their second major casualty was the death of their navigator after a ship dock malfunction which immediately ejected the navigator into space. That then left three of the commanding officers to establish a peace for their crew. The C'lok became paranoid and refused to do any major attacks, not wanting anymore deaths on his hands.

That was before a mutiny happened on board the ship, sending at least half the crew to attempt to take the ship and fail. Azir had to take two people's lives on his own, his second-in-command was someone that he had trusted dearly had betrayed him. That was when Azir wanted one last good hull before calling it quits on the pirating business to do something productive with his life. He had the crew go on a plundering spree on a mining planet before he too betrayed the last of the officers, however, the ship experienced a heavy core failure that could not be maintained causing the ship to explode, killing the rest of the crew. The C'lok ran off, never to show up on another criminal list again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 30 days ago


What does Azir look like? Can't seem to find a CS anywhere.

Also @Polybius do we want to post our CS's in the Character tab so they're easier to find?

Oh yea, I'm sorry I thought that was a given. Everyone post your CS in the Character tab!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 30 days ago

@Lauder Do you pronounce the C'lok like (see'lock') or like (kuh'lock) or something else?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Probably "Kuh-lock", as "See'lock'" actually looks more like C-lock or just C Lock...I worked with Locksmiths for 2 years. Some of the smaller things kind of rubbed off on me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 7 days ago


I personally pronounce it as (kuh'lock)
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

By the way, I'll make a post in a bit. Long day yesterday
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 30 days ago

@Twisted Fate@Voltus_Ventus Still welcome to join guys
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 4 days ago

Name: Dex Slipstream

Race: Human (Homo Sapiens)

Appearance: Dex stands at 5'8" tall, with a narrow skeletal structure indicated by his small waist and thin shoulder width. His body is enmeshed in a tough layer of muscle, not built up in any specific area but providing enough coverage to appear muscular but not freakishly so, despite this many still characterize him as a little man due to his stature. Drawn over his muscle is a layer of white, lightly browned skin, defined by multiple scars and marks criss-crossing and dotting mostly his torso but also his arms and to a lesser extent his neck. He has a straight, angular jaw with a prominent slightly cleft chin, he has a bow shaped upper lip with the lower lip straight (entirely his lips have a slightly pursed appearance). Dex has a roman nose, thin and with a straight bridge, flanked by a pair of small, round nostrils; underneath his left nostril, on his upper lip he has a small scar, Descerned easily due to his facial hair not growing there. He has shallow cheek bones, emphasized by his large brown eyes and a defined eyebrow ridge. On top of his head he has a course mat of blonde hair, it's color comparable to that of hay, dull and yellow; The sides of his hair are shorter then the top, with the hair on top all drifting in the general direction of right.



Dex was born long before most other people, in the year 2133 on the Terran Confederation, from a young age he exhibited ample amounts of cockiness and bravado, always taking stupid dares and often failing. Throughout school he showed strong aptitude towards causing trouble, often getting into fights with students and teachers alike; however this didn't mean that he neglected his studies, he managed to pass school and despite his continuing track record for being a very difficult person, he excelled at his chosen subject, Advanced Aerospace Engineering. Through his time in college, Dex was prone to drinking excessively, taking a lot of bets and generally being fairly reckless, often times this left him out for the count but on occasion he would succeed at what he was doing, otherwise he failed but that never stopped him form continuing to be unruly.

By the time he graduated, his technical proficiency had drawn a few eyes towards him; The European Space Agency was interested in hiring him, upon hearing this news though NASA decided to intervene, quickly offering him a better deal closer to home. After being brought into employment at NASA, Dex quickly found that he was not going to be doing what he expected to be doing, they were training him to be an astronaut, much to his displeasure. Dex had wanted to build ships and fly them from the ground, never at any point had it crossed his mind that he would have to be in one for any reason other then pre-launch tests; though he took this bitter pill with a bottle of wine.

Despite his disdain for the training, he got to experience what most people at the time would never get to, piloting a space ship. He had flown countless missions, finding piloting a ship as simple as driving car, he didn't feel challenged and that was fine by him, as he was always entertained by the view. However, his final mission would be the most life changing one.

By that time, humanity had completed it's primary goal, to colonize the habitable bodies of the solar system; no they looked beyond and they were intent on going where they looked. Dex was one of 7 selected for the task of leaving the solar system, he was boxed up and shipped to Pluto, at the time the farthest colony from the earth. He and the others were loaded up into the ship that would carry them out, used as live trials for the recently optimized cryogenic system. Launched into space, they escaped the gravity go the sun in a few months, marking the point they would go into cryo-sleep, the crew followed their orders.

Ten years had passed... The timers failed to fire and mission control had lost contact with the vessel a few months after it departed, soon enough fifty years passed, then one hundred, NASA had anticipated timer failures and had built the cry-system to last. One thousand years, Five thousand, Ten thousand; waves upon waves of colonization ships, faster then light zoomed past them, making the journey that took millennia in months, they never approached the silent, ancient ship though, they thought it more apt to leave the sleeping adventurers asleep. By Thirty Thousand they awoke from their hyper slumber, to a new world. They were surrounded by all manner of new life, aliens that were just that, alien and a whole host of factions and groups at each other's throats,

At the start, they all stuck together, selling their ship as an antique and using the credits to buy a new one, surprised that the creatures spoke english among other languages. They cruised the galaxy, taking jobs and making a name for themselves, however by the third of forth year they were out of the sleep, relations began to strain, the members of the crew were all demanding larger cuts from the contracts, claiming that they were the critical for their successes. The group broke apart, all going their separate ways, another year had passed and they all lost contact, finding themselves new places to settle down or new factions to give their allegiance to. But not Dex, he never settled down or joined something larger, that wasn't for him, he was in it for the money.. And on the inside, for the glory. He became known as Dex Slipstream, dropping his old last name in favor of the new one, Bounty Hunter, Treasurer hunter, Mercenary.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Awesomoman64
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Awesomoman64 I should go

Member Seen 10 days ago

Just got off work. Post underway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 4 days ago

So can I have a Yes or a No?
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