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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HenryJonesJr
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Henry, you ol' sonuvabitch. I, too, am new to the world of Marvel Unlimited and loving it.

I look forward to sharing New York with your Spidey once again
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

Member Seen 4 days ago

As I said via PM, it's great to have you back, Henry.

On two completely different, unrelated notes: I should probably have a cull of the roster at some point. There are some people that have gone completely AWOL and I'm concerned having their characters on the roster might dissuade people from joining.

Plus given it's been a month I was thinking we could do a "Post of the Month" competition or something? With each month that passes, we'll all (singularly) nominate one post as the post of the month. I'll put it on the front page or something. Do people like that idea?
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'll put it on the front page or something. Do people like that idea?

Kind of like the old post-game Hype awards?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

Member Seen 4 days ago

Yeah, but adjusted for the pace of this site.

We all specify a post we think has been the best of the previous month, maybe specify why if you want to, and enshrine it in the first post forever more. (Or more likely for however long this game lasts)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Do people like that idea?

No. I'm sorry but No.

@Blue Demon Should get Hulk and Colossus up tomorrow. If I don't get the chance to post my Colossus post can I PM it to you so you can post it? Just because I doubt I'll be available sunday and don't want you to wait.

Don't rush on my behalf. My weekend just filled up and I'm left wondering when I can finish off Cap (on top of other RPs I have to reply to).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

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@Blue Demon Meh, nobody would be obligated to vote if they didn't want to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 12 mos ago

@Morden ManBut it's the act of voting/judging that I object to. Just bowing out wouldn't negate the fact that it would still happen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

Member Seen 4 days ago

@Blue Demon Why?

We used to do it on the Hype and it never caused any problems. At all. If anything, I remember being completely anonymous, having ghosted from account to account over a number of years, and then receiving a "Newcomer of the Year" award as Guy Gardner in an old Ultimate DC game and feeling validated. Like my work actually mattered and somebody had noticed it.

I don't think people's egos are so fragile or their tastes so uniform that it wouldn't work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Another idea: the GM could elect a post/player character to talk about, giving some kind of community discussion and awareness.

"Newcomer of the Year" award

Legitimately when I got this in RPG's first UDC (iirc) it felt pretty amazing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 12 mos ago

@Morden ManAfter writing my reply, I decided it's best if I PM it to you instead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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I'm about to go into the cinema to watch BvS, but I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still here. I've run into a few roadblocks trying to write my next post, but hopefully I should have one up by the day after tomorrow at the latest.

Plus given it's been a month I was thinking we could do a "Post of the Month" competition or something? With each month that passes, we'll all (singularly) nominate one post as the post of the month. I'll put it on the front page or something. Do people like that idea?

Another idea: the GM could elect a post/player character to talk about, giving some kind of community discussion and awareness.

Of the two, I'm more inclined towards Gowi's idea, but I'm honestly unopposed to either of them.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

Member Seen 4 days ago

For the time being, let's focus on reaching 200 IC posts. And by reaching 200 IC posts, what I really mean is reaching ~260 IC posts and overtaking All-Star Marvel, but I think 200 within the next week or so will suffice.

"One Game to rule them all, One Game to find them,
One Game to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Just got back from BvS and I'm going to go against the flow and give it a thumbs up. It's not a brilliant movie or another Dark Knight but I definitely found it to be an enjoyable movie. Could have been paced better and there's a few other issues but overall I enjoyed it.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Lord Wraith how dare you have a different opinion than other people!

I actually hear (spoiler free) that Afflecks portrayal of Batman is one of the best, if not the best. Would you like to comment on these rumours sir?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

And by reaching 200 IC posts, what I really mean is reaching ~260 IC posts and overtaking All-Star Marvel, but I think 200 within the next week or so will suffice.

Oh, I see the truth now. It's a competition now. Well, I won't go down without a fight.

Also, I'm pretty sure Create-A-Hero has quite the lead over both of our games. ;)
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Mom, Dad.

Please don't fight. Despite my lack of inspiration for a Ravage/Hulk post in ASM I love you both.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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I gotta say, I really, really enjoyed BvS. Hell, I'd go as far as saying that I loved it. It's not perfect by any stretch, but it's a damn good superhero movie. I'd write a proper review and post it here, but that would be assuming that I've gotten my thoughts about it in order. Which I have not. All I'll say for now is that I'm really looking forward to Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman and Justice League.

What a time to be alive.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

Member Seen 4 days ago

@Dedonus Heh, it's all love.

@GreenGrenade It's crazy how disparate people's opinions have been about it:

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Man why didn't you warn me there was a spoiiiiler!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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