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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 25 days ago

I will have to think on the use of antimatter further - when I'm not as tired as right now. I may develop a sort of "tech scale" and put a general stop at some point, right now I am thinking

Fossil fuel < fission < fusion < antimatter < subatomic < exotic particles < subspace < singularity/gravity < ???

I am just not sure whether for the cap to be right short of antimatter usage or subatomic particles - the latter is a no go that's for sure.

Point is, civs in this RP are still very young. It took humans 250 000 years to go form fire to very basic space program, and here you are reaching for the stars in just 10 000, likely because of the 'libraries' found on each of the homeworlds (I may have to edit that timeframe yet).

As far as the warp drive goes, I guess it depends on one thing: What happens when an object using it DOES crash into something? Because you don't have to be mounting it on just ships.

FTL sensors are good, just remember though that using any active sensors is basically yelling "I AM HERE SHOOT ME".

Now, i seriously need to sleep xD
I don't know to whom you addressed the first part of yor reply and assume it's not me.

As for warp drive they are surrounded in a sorts of gravity bubble which repels smaller impacts (depending on the power of the warp drive) and anything stronger than that essentially bursts the bubble and cancels warp travel so it would impact like normal. There are many alternative mechanisms but this is the one I'll plan to be using.
Otherwise Warp Drives might be indeed effective to punch the target with its own density so I suppose in that sense they could be good FTLKKVs. But nah, I'd rather make it so that the mechanics themselves would prevent such abuse.

Well, there could be passive FTL sensors using some tachyonic mechanics. For example I wish to have tachyonic cameras. I nearly always use them in space NRPs. Basically it makes images by gathering tachyonic rays. It's an explanation behind the common sci-fi trope where ships can watch camera images in real time in spite of the target is light-seconds away or so. I think such device is another necessity for interstellar NRPs because otherwise you'd technically need to account for light-lag from even mundaneish distances (thousands of kilometers).

Have a nice sleep, BTW!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 25 days ago

My faction profile. Still work in progress.
I think I will also change up a few things later but I don't have the time right now.
I feel some of the categories miss a few essential elements so I think I will use a modded version of the NS scheme to account for those.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

We'll be havin' a power supply of unique capabilities, with reverse-engineered miniatures (with far less power produced than the original). The original is static and stuck on their homeworld.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Willy Vereb

OK, so I decided to cap technology level at antimatter after all. I'll give you the anti-star since you ditched the relic option despite me wondering just how catastrophic would solar wind be on contact with the atmosphere of the planet.

The tech... there are so many little hitches that by the time they're all ironed out it's going to look nothing like the original. I want everything above antimatter to be the occasional irregularity, in a sense that you got it to work, you are not exactly sure how and if your theories are even correct and you are drawing blanks on how to make them better. I'll give you using gravity fields to generate thrust, inertial dampening and gravity for crew; shielding and weapons not that much. I am not banning more advanced tech, but I want to have technological progress on that level to happen IC, whether with relic assistance if you're lucky or on your own.

From what I read on the sites you linked, it seems like the biology, mentality, gov, history, ... of the empire will be fine once the fact that they didn't meet any aliens yet is taken into account.

If you feel like those are too drastic changes I ask of you, then I'd bid you to reconsider using this nation for this RP. I am adamant at everyone starting at more or less the same conditions - if you want to conquer others with superior technology then you're going to have to invent it, all you can do now is lay the ground work for the rapid progress which I think your people have in check.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 25 days ago

@Willy Vereb

OK, so I decided to cap technology level at antimatter after all. I'll give you the anti-star since you ditched the relic option despite me wondering just how catastrophic would solar wind be on contact with the atmosphere of the planet.

The tech... there are so many little hitches that by the time they're all ironed out it's going to look nothing like the original. I want everything above antimatter to be the occasional irregularity, in a sense that you got it to work, you are not exactly sure how and if your theories are even correct and you are drawing blanks on how to make them better. I'll give you using gravity fields to generate thrust, inertial dampening and gravity for crew; shielding and weapons not that much. I am not banning more advanced tech, but I want to have technological progress on that level to happen IC, whether with relic assistance if you're lucky or on your own.

From what I read on the sites you linked, it seems like the biology, mentality, gov, history, ... of the empire will be fine once the fact that they didn't meet any aliens yet is taken into account.

If you feel like those are too drastic changes I ask of you, then I'd bid you to reconsider using this nation for this RP. I am adamant at everyone starting at more or less the same conditions - if you want to conquer others with superior technology then you're going to have to invent it, all you can do now is lay the ground work for the rapid progress which I think your people have in check.
Solar winds hit our planet semi-regularly and the reason why we are alive is Earth's magnetosphere. The same method would work regardless if the winds are made of matter or antimatter. Though interactions between the antimatter winds and the magnetosphere are part of the reason why radiation levels are so high.
I don't really think having this weird star is an advantage beyond having an antimatter mine, especially while the rest of my civ suffers greatly.

As for gravity weapons and shields, it makes absolutely no sense to disallow them. They are all related. Unless you mean grav lances which I am okay banning as well as certain exotic methods. Really, I knew they are OP and plan to tone things down but first I wanted to create the new tech base which used the Morte tech and then mixed with my other NRP civs.

As for alien contact, can you reconsider it? I mean we can have factions with multiple races. I plan to have 2-3 alien races harassing them in the past. One of them were the Luxans from the neighboring Planet Lux and then I at least plan to have conflicts with nomadic space pirates and similar visitors who were gradually pushed out of the system.
Morteans are no conquerors, though. They might be xenophobic but they are very willing to negotiate. Especially since their situation is desperate what with living a century without wars and the population boom threatening to leave them with no habitable area left.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

You do realize that arguing with the GM about his tech bans rarely pans out well for you, right @Willy Vereb?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

I will direct you back to the OP, and ask you to read it very thoroughly. And then decide whether this is actually the RP you are looking for and whether this is the nation to play in it with. It has been created with certain parameters in mind, and if you don't like them, move along. I would expect that when somebody signs up it's because they like what they see, not because they want to hijack it and hammer it to their idea of how it should be.

I am not going to change something as fundamental as the single system rule, not when others are already working on nation sheets with that restriction in mind. It wouldn't even fit the lore with every space worthy race being wiped out some time ago, and I sure as hell am not rewriting the story because of just one person.

We might be misunderstanding one another on the alien contact matter:

And yes, that is a problem unless those species are within the same star system. I want everyone to start off on relatively equal footing, realism has to make way for gameplay in that regard. You could go that way, or have two sapient species evolve on one planet to fight like the Centauri from B5.
Interest check

The Luxans would fall into the first part, wouldn't they? I have no problem with there being two or more races in your system, whether one wiped the other out or if they formed one nation. If they are still separate, hell, make two nation sheets, although since they would be that divided, their total would still have to be relatively equal to any of the other nations.

The space pirates, I say nay. I don't want NPC factions, at least not yet.

Regarding gravity control: Where do you grow from there? I can't recall too many bases for technology with more potential than that that aren't completely magitech, and I've seen my share of science fiction. I promised everyone to start on equal footing, and being able to influence gravity at long ranges is not OP, that's OP as hell. I makes nukes a pea shooter.

The initial setting of this RP is closer to beefed up Battlestar Galactica, not nerfed star trek. As I said before, if you want to dominate technologically, you're gonna have to work for it IC. I consider this point closed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 25 days ago

1.) As you are aware I did read the OP and don't wish to start with any unfair advantages. On the other hand I am a thinker and like to use technology in a savvy way which is plausible yet not your standard faire.

2.) I don't wish to change the single system rule. Rather the opposite. I know the Luxons are fine but I need more past adversaries to make my backstory work. The prates/raiders would have been a civilization whose homeworld got destroyed in the Kilonova Disaster. They would be reoccouring opponents in the past until the Morte pushed them out of the system. After that their fate could remain uncertain. If you don't wish to deal with them, just pretend they went away somewhere and never be heard of again. Writing a story has many conveniences.

3.) Where would it improve from here? Only the sky is the limit. There are so many applications for sci-fi technology fields that we can list it all day. I agree that gravity manipulation is versatile but that's what you get with broad definitions. Regardless that's what you get when FTL is involved since spatial manipulation goes in hand with gravity. That and without some artificial gravity tech things could get really strange. Anyways, as I said my only objection is with artifical gravity not allowing gravity based accelerators like my Grailguns. I don't mind the grav lances since they are indeed OP for now (it's also a show what you can do with improved gravity tech). Also gravity-based shields are quite a bit more basic than the typical sci-fi energy shields. These are the reasons why I am surprised you don't wish to allow them. That's almost like banning guns while nuclear ICBMs are allowed.

4.) I do recognize your authority in this game and that's why I wish to discuss things. If you feel this is an attack then there's something wrong in our communication. On the other hand GMs using their position of power instead talking things out is a good way of chasing me away. In that case you'd be right I signed up for the wrong game.

5.) I repeat, I don't wish to make my nation too powerful, either. A few tech which I noted are overboard already and I work on to balance them out. On the other hand I don't agree with your assessment on certain advancements which is why I am trying to continue the disxussion.
Battlestar Galactica, huh? They are pretty hard to rank in tech but generally they are considered on par with Mass Effect sans the numbers.
Personally the thing I had in mind is Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


The Holy Nation of lu'tagta clann*

*the chosen children

Ruling body

Common name: The Clann
Government: Religious matriarchy

Home system: Dachai'de lu'dalta Home of the Gods

Inhabited planet(s):

Patach'cuan Childs Ocean

Patach'cuan is a lush ocean world with no landmass to speak off, the oceans themselves according to the great library of the gods being some of the deepest within this part of the Galaxy. The capital city of the Clann is simply named the Capital and resides within a great cavern at the greatest depth that the Clann can possibly go to. it is where most of their people live their lives, with the exception of those who require to work outside the city. Either in the eye orbiting the planet or at the great resourcing operation.

Civilian assets:

The Eye

The Eye is the only habitable orbital installation the Clann owns and is named only in the dialect of the Gods. It consists of a giant sphere in orbit, placed there by the great Gift. It holds a fleet of defense drones, let alone the navy that patrols the sector. It also boasts the most advanced sensors that the Clann have to offer, turning it towards the outer reaches of their own system and hoping to capture a glimpse of what the Gods promised lies outside their own system.

Lu’bealach - [i]The Gateway[i]

The gateway is an uninhabited ring placed in orbit above an uninhabited area of ocean, the ring itself has powerful tractor beams all around it, on the topside and bottom side. It is used to pull asteroids out of the nearby asteroid belt into it, before casting them into the ocean below. Once in the ocean they are then transported to a refinery. Typically the Gateway never stops pulling asteroids from the belt when a project is underway, except during the summer where the planet skims the edge of the asteroid belt. As the summer is the time where the great Gift fell from the heavens it is considered blasphemous to pull anything from orbit during this time, as it is the time where the Gods give them their gifts.

Any asteroids that fall during that time are considered special, and only used in the best or most important construction projects.


Species: The Clann (Just what they call themselves, it is who they are. Before that they had no name).
Population and growth: Number and percentage per year

They have long and powerful arms and legs. They have long fingers and toes that are webbed, their legs and feet are perfectly shaped that if held tightly together form an almost perfect tail for gaining as much speed as possible. They also have a retractable fin in the middle of their spine.

Anatomy: They're carbon based life forms that evolved from one of the many aquatic creatures on their homeworld. Like many aquatic creatures they gain oxygen through gills on their necks. Their stomachs are also incredibly robust able to gain nutrients from a variety of different foodstuffs, from plants to other living creatures. Though naturally cannibalism is heavily frowned upon. Their mouth actually consists of the forward part opening downwards then the right and left parts of their face opening into a large maw, strong acids in their mouths break down the food as they do not have any teeth, so in fact the actual process of passing food through their system is relatively fast as when food arrives in the stomach it is already within a liquid state and only requires the nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream, and then the waste to be excreted.

Their bones themselves are extremely strong to survive the deep pressures that the Clann call their home but unlike mammals where the bone is important for the likes of stability (i.e. legs are weightbearing) bones for the Clann are largely to keep muscles in the right shape and location. This does however provide problems in the fact that if they were to ever venture on land they would need a suit not only to help them breathe but to help them support themselves as while their muscles are strong enough to walk on their bones are not.

On a side note, due to the design of their mouths they find it very hard to speak the language of the Gods, and thus when doing so will speak extremely slowly as not to offend them.


The Clann are a simple people, always have been. They are in fact a very old race, having stories of a time before the Gift where those near the surface would see moving lights in the sky. The lights could never be explained however the Clann now believes that they were the vessels of the Sinn’ser. The Gods themselves, flying around in their benevolent chariots helping shape the Galaxy. Eventually came the time of reckoning, that would seal their fate forever.

When political movements were changing, and moving away from the tradition of the strongest female being in charge of their people the Gift fell from the heavens themselves, tearing through the cavern that they called home and into the exact centre of the city pointing back towards the heavens. The Gift came with a strange building attached, that was later discovered to be the Great Library. It told the exploits of the Sinn’ser, and how they traversed the Galaxy learning its secrets. Ever since then they have done their best to appease the Sinn’ser, so that they can come back and tell them the mystery of their existence and that all those lost on the path are welcomed into their arms in the afterlife. Overtime they would begin to advance technologically, though they still remained rather simple. Their society did not change everyone still worked for the benefit of the Clann by way of doing what the Queen requested of them.

Eventually they learned how to use the Gift to pull asteroids from the heavens themselves, classing it as a sign that they were ready from that moment onwards all metal and ore has come from space and they have not mined into their homeworld. Fearing that if they were to damage it too much the Sinn’ser would become displeased with them and never return. So things continued, the next step was trying to get to the stars themselves. A task that proved… difficult for them. Many of the methods that the Great Library described for flight included fire a task foreign to the underwater people, however when they managed to replicate the Gift… at least on a lesser extent.

They began attaching it to the ships they had designed to work underwater it became an easy way to maneuver underwater until one day an ambitions member of the Clann turned it towards the moon of their homeworld. The ship was small enough that it did infact pull the vessel out of the water and towards the moon, however the ship being small and the powersource not used to such stress the power system failed and it fell back to the ocean below…

Since then the Clann have just become more and more ambitions. In recent years with the help of the Gift they pushed The Eye into orbit to watch their people and try to find any hint of the Sinn’ser in their system or any nearby system.



Base elements: Carbon, Plutonium, Iron

Power generation: Wave (Hydro-electric) and Geothermal power centres are used on world in order to power facilities and the civilization itself. Through extensive research they are utilizing fission reactors on their space and marine craft.

Starship propulsion

Each ship has at least four tractor beams placed on it one forward, aft, port and starboard. These are used to grab onto nearby objects and push/pull to get the desired movement effect. These beams themselves can be angled to lock onto objects off centre, and while the beam can be set to push/pull they also are capable of creating a rotating tractor beam allowing the ships to spin when moving to produce the small amount of artificial gravity needed.

They are currently experimenting with FTL, but due to the fact that FTL is outside of real space they’re struggling with the concept.

Military technology

Armor: Rolled Homogenous steel.

Shielding: No shields, but with ballistic weapons if the ship can get a lock on it a tractor beam can stop incoming projectiles and even return them to the enemy.

Sensors: Basic radar, sensor bouys are placed throughout the system.

Communications: Mainly radio, however between ships and the planet or the Eye and the sensor bouys while the Clanns ships are still incapable of entering FTL they have found a way to make FTL transmitters.

Computation: How do your computers work, if you use any..

Weapons: Kinetic, largely plasma based.


Ground forces: Just a number. Will only come into play when capturing planets - the real battle is won or lost on the orbit.
spaceships: What classes of ships do you field, if you use any.
Organization: How is your military organized


What kind of ancient artifacts and technologies do you have at your disposal? Note: Everyone starts with the library, which allows you to translate the ancient language and identify systems of interest that could house more relics.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Finally checking in from the interest check. I was thinking about using the Alcibierre Drive, a current FTL theory, for my race, and for the relic to be Expanded Library, as in, their library has more than the average, including science, tech and cultural documentations.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Willy Vereb
1), 3) and 4) Then use the allowed tech in the savvy way. What's the difference between a gauss cannon and the grav gun anyway? They're both propellant-less kinetic weapons, only the earlier one is most likely more power efficient and cheaper to make in the first place. You can do pretty much what you want to do with what I allow. What you want is 'shiny' things that have the potential to go awfully wrong.

If it doesn't make sense to use gravity manipulation for something and not for something else, than the correct thing to do in this setting is to disallow all of it, not the other way around.

I am willing to talk it through, that's what we've been doing. You just don't comprehend that I'm not required to see things your way. Thus far I'm not convinced, and we can't talk about it forever either. If you don't like how I set this up, then I'm sorry, this really is not the setting you've been looking for.

2.) OK one or both of us is still out of the loop on this one. Could you describe the Kilonova in more detail then? From what I gather form your sheet, it only affected your system, which means that if the pirates' planet was destroyed by it they still fit the same definition as the Luxans, and 'driven out of the system' can mean they just were pushed out into the local version of the Kuiper belt? The odds of 3 sapient species evolving in one system are small but hey.

How much of the science and tech are you talking about? It's kind of a sore point right now >_< If you have a repository of all of their knowledge it kind of defeats the purpose of searching for the relics in the first place. I can certainly give you history, although knowing it will probably drastically influence how your race sees the universe. What I MAY be able to do for you is to give you a partial list of what systems hide what relics, so you could go purposely for those that would be most useful for you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


Member Seen 2 mos ago

How much of the science and tech are you talking about? It's kind of a sore point right now >_< If you have a repository of all of their knowledge it kind of defeats the purpose of searching for the relics in the first place. I can certainly give you history, although knowing it will probably drastically influence how your race sees the universe. What I MAY be able to do for you is to give you a partial list of what systems hide what relics, so you could go purposely for those that would be most useful for you.

Yeah, some culture and tech history, like, this thing is what got them to FTL point, and then the partial list of what artifacts in what systems. that'd fit swell with the stuf i have in mind for my race

to Clarify:
1) Human early warp drive theory(What my race would currently use, would not exceed the tech limitss specified)
2) human ancient (at that point) cultural history, preserved as antiques
3) partial list of what relic is in what system
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 25 days ago

@Willy Vereb
1), 3) and 4) Then use the allowed tech in the savvy way. What's the difference between a gauss cannon and the grav gun anyway? They're both propellant-less kinetic weapons, only the earlier one is most likely more power efficient and cheaper to make in the first place. You can do pretty much what you want to do with what I allow. What you want is 'shiny' things that have the potential to go awfully wrong.

If it doesn't make sense to use gravity manipulation for something and not for something else, than the correct thing to do in this setting is to disallow all of it, not the other way around.

I am willing to talk it through, that's what we've been doing. You just don't comprehend that I'm not required to see things your way. Thus far I'm not convinced, and we can't talk about it forever either. If you don't like how I set this up, then I'm sorry, this really is not the setting you've been looking for.

2.) OK one or both of us is still out of the loop on this one. Could you describe the Kilonova in more detail then? From what I gather form your sheet, it only affected your system, which means that if the pirates' planet was destroyed by it they still fit the same definition as the Luxans, and 'driven out of the system' can mean they just were pushed out into the local version of the Kuiper belt? The odds of 3 sapient species evolving in one system are small but hey.
Kilonova is when two neutron stars collide. This is a massively energetic event with energy thousands of times that of a supernova (hence it's name). Basically couple or even hundreds of years ago a kilonova happened and one of the fragments eventually reached the Morte sun.
Obviously it effected others in the vicinity and that's why in previous NRPs the stormlosweg sector was filled with deathworlds. The effects of the kilonova varied per system but all of them were catastrophical. Life on these systems either went extinct, left the planet or like Morte learned to mitigate the effects a bit and live in this unfriendly world.
We can tone down the effects of the Kilonova enough that it has certainly no effect on any of your locations. Or you can work with the concept into your plot. It's up to you. Writing freedom leaves you with infinite options.

As for gravitic accelerators, nah. I don't want shiny tech as much as with artificial gravity they make the most sense to develop. My grailguns and gravity shields come from that fact alone. Like you said they can be treated just the same. I find it an inconsistency to not use them which is why I do. I did away with my "shiny" part of the tech already and in process of rewriting the NS with that.
Again, neither technologically nor in sense of power balance these violate the game.Railgun or grailgun it roughly has the same power and capabilities. Though I admit I planned to use gravity fields to protect my crew from the neutron radiation of fusion reactors.

EDIT: My original response was a bit different but it seems we actually both on the same tune. Alright, I can technically scale down everything at least a notch since I developed them from existing electromagnetic mechanisms. Just let me keep the artifical gravity and the capability to erect forcefields to block the reactor's harmful neutron radiation and I am satisfied. I will just make the artificial gravity tech expensive otherwise. It could also give a reason to make my ships relatively "small" in comparison.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Should get back to my sheet later.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Willy Vereb
I already agreed to letitng you have that much.

Also I may rephrase the contact rule after this to "having no alien contact at the time of the start of the RP" - would that solve your problem?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 25 days ago

@Willy Vereb
I already agreed to letitng you have that much.

Also I may rephrase the contact rule after this to "having no alien contact at the time of the start of the RP" - would that solve your problem?
Morte made no alien contact in roughly the last 100 years... and they were happy for it.
BTW, I rewrote most of my profile now. Mind taking a look?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

GM, how plausible/reasonable would these relic concepts be?

1) A thermal borehole complex tapping the core of a barren world. While the facility itself is inoperable due to ancient active safety measures, concepts and technology derived from it enable lesser yet effective imitation thermal tap facilities for greater resource and clean energy production.
2) A ancient titan-size starship found floating in the asteroid belt. The ship is ruined beyond restoration or understanding of it's origins, but technology derived from it in the fields of gravity control, structural integrity, and self-repairing materials enable widespread mega-scale engineering and building very big.
3) A ancient sensor hub connected to a hidden network of nodes across the sector. Actually processing the flood of information coming in is a problem however, and dependent on finding and restoring the sensor relays to extend the sensor's reach.

Also, what is a good ballpark measure for starting spacefleet forces? I like to err on the side of caution when it comes to initial fleet sizes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 25 days ago

GM, how plausible/reasonable would these relic concepts be?

1) A thermal borehole complex tapping the core of a barren world. While the facility itself is inoperable due to ancient active safety measures, concepts and technology derived from it enable lesser yet effective imitation thermal tap facilities for greater resource and clean energy production.
2) A ancient titan-size starship found floating in the asteroid belt. The ship is ruined beyond restoration or understanding of it's origins, but technology derived from it in the fields of gravity control, structural integrity, and self-repairing materials enable widespread mega-scale engineering and building very big.
3) A ancient sensor hub connected to a hidden network of nodes across the sector. Actually processing the flood of information coming in is a problem however, and dependent on finding and restoring the sensor relays to extend the sensor's reach.

Also, what is a good ballpark measure for starting spacefleet forces? I like to err on the side of caution when it comes to initial fleet sizes.
You can only have one relic at the start (or none at all, if that's your style). Though I suppose you are asking about these to keep your options open.

As for fleet sizes I think the first entry in the character sheets section also have fleet number. And that nation belongs to the Gm.
Though population-wise they are rather small so perhaps larger nations can have more ships? Not sure.
Personally I plan to have 250 warships. They are numerous but relatively small in size. Think more along the lines of naval vessels instead of 2km long behemoths.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Skylar>You can only have one relic at the start (or none at all, if that's your style). Though I suppose you are asking about these to keep your options open.

As for fleet sizes I think the first entry in the character sheets section also have fleet number. And that nation belongs to the Gm.
Though population-wise they are rather small so perhaps larger nations can have more ships? Not sure.
Personally I plan to have 250 warships. They are numerous but relatively small in size. Think more along the lines of naval vessels instead of 2km long behemoths.

Yeah, I'm just voicing concepts I'm tinkering with. Just want to make sure I'm thinking on the right scale of the game before making a final choice.

I was imagining a 300-some fleet, but most of the warships are kept in drydock due to operating expenses while the exploration cruisers get most of the funding and supply tender support. That will change in a definite war situation, but my empire is wary of the potential costs of protracted interstellar war to seek peace first, even if they are imperialistic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

I think you should draw form your history. If you had a lot of military conflict in your development, you will likely take care to create sizable military before you venture out there, especially since the library itself is a proof that other life may be out there. My folks are hardly a good example - they are few, yes, but on the other hand they would have accounted for the need to scout out many systems fast to locate a new planet for them, so depending on how you look at it their fleet number might be either low OR high.

The other thing is the relic - if you have access to advanced military technology through it, you would be a fool not to use it. That is not to say that I will let you have everything the Humans ever knew of shipbuilding, that'd be too much.

I say make a bare-bones sheet, bullet points if you want to and pass it to me in a PM, or just send me some of your ideas, that's what a lot of the others did, and I'll tell you what I make of it.

As far as the relics go:
1) It's nice to be eco-frinedly but geothermal energy doesn't sound like something you'd particularly need a relic for to develop. Also, Ellri already called relic power supply. I'll make a list of what is already taken in post 2 I suppose. But long story short: Dream bigger! :D

2) Stick to one tech derived form one relic. Human self-repairing armor will pretty much act as armor and shield combined, I think that would be enough of a boost. Again, I don't think building big would need relic knowledge. Relic knowledge is needed for building powerfull. As for gravity control, as said above: Gravity on ships for the crew, and small, localized applications that at the time have little to no purely military use. But for example my guys still need rotating bits or magnetic boots, and they're one of the smarter ones in the galaxy.

3) Perfectly acceptable, maybe even in full working order, or at least some systems. It would only work on 'your half' of the galaxy, since FTL including communications doesn't currently work through the blue zone. If you want this one, then when I roll the dice on the starting systems and you'll know where you are, let's say I ask you to point to 1/3 of the systems on the map you would be able to get readings on immediately, and the rest as you repair it.

@Willy Vereb Reading now
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