Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

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Twenty years ago an event happened, This event called 'The Opening.' This event is called so because across over 500 different dimensions gates opened, allowing travel between the dimensions and worlds within them within the space of a few days. The space between dimensions is now called 'The void.'

Within Two years of this event, All out war erupted between the Dimensions with each believing that it was the stronger. The only issue was that this was a war on a scale before unseen. Entire planets wiped off the galactic map. Less than a year after the start of this war a group emerged; The ISF. This group managed to engineer a peace between the warring factions. The ISF Rapidly grew, with each dimension sending its strongest and brightest to enlist, It receives the most advanced tech, and strongest warriors from all the Dimensions, each wanting to seem to be the lead 'supporter' of the ISF and thus gain its overall support.

Ten years Had passed since The Opening. The ISF had become a huge organisation. Entire divisions devoted to different types of research, capable of keeping law and order across all 500 main dimensions and existing in a pocket universe of its own creation. Among these Divisions and cadre's of fighters one was starting to distinguish itself, a group called 'Excalibur.'

The Present day. Twenty Years after The Opening. the Original Team Excalibur was lost 5 years ago, and a dark group calling themselves the 'Council of Shadows' is becoming apparent, less interested in the mundane everyday crimes that still exist such as drug dealing and robbery, this 'Council of Shadows' is attempting to re-incite the trans-dimensional war as it is now called. they have started gathering some of the darker forces that lingered in the lesser known dimensions, thinks that Humans would call Demons, some of the 'Dragons' as they were called, and a few other.....less natural creatures. A new Team Excalibur is being formed a team with a single job: Locate, and Eradicate the Council of Shadows.

So this is kinda a mash up, I stole the basic Idea of a friend of mine (with his permission). Any creature will go (so long as it isn't a demon). The plot is that our team (Excalibur) is still newly formed and unsure of quite what the team as a whole is capable of, the idea is that we should be a fully functioning unit but are struggling to get used to working as a team, or in the new team. Over time as we get used to working as a team we get closer and closer to the council of shadows. There is more in store. but that would be spoilers!!

Since there is such possibility of utter randomness in the char's and the backstories I'd prefer if people explained their races (if utterly original). so that I can compile a list.
The ISF (while voluntary) only takes the best of the best. so no rejects or cheese dongs.
Now I hate rules but just to stop things going horibly wrong;
1) No godmod, powerplay, metagame, candle jack ect.
2) No demons (they constitute some of the badguys)
3) Explain your Powers to some degree
4) Please keep rage to a minimum and do as the GM/Co-GM asks
5) put 'Once more, unto the breach' in to your cs/first post to make sure you've read this
6) Magic, Tech, Magi-tech, Alchemy. basicly anything you can think of is allowed. however OC's only, I don't want a Natsu or luffy running round. (use of Non OC images is fine)
7)Hybrids are Fine.

CS structure;
I am going to leave this pretty freeform however If you intend to reserve a spot, give us a name and gender atleast.
A minimum requirement would be;
Age; (Terran years)
Breif race description; (one, two lines)

You can add anything you like such as a weapon list, a full racial history if you want me to add it to the front post. or even a fighter craft/space shuttle if they happen to have one.
Ranks will be given out as we run through, though the ranking system is squad based (IE a Private in the Excalibur squad will outrank the Commanding officer of a lesser ranked squad).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mysticbluekitten


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Name; syra
Age; unknown
Gender; female
Race; Fellen
Breif race description; Previously known as the Feline, how ever, due to mass killing, the race has become almost non-exsitant. Due to this, their name was changed to fellen (a mix between fallen and feline) as an act of mockery. The fellen are cat-human creatures that have hidden claws that can range from 6 inch- 18 inch. They can also see in the dark and can transform into lions/tigers/leopards(each fellen is different, but can not transform into all three, only one).
History; She was the daughter of the queen of one of the smaller clans at the time of the masacre. She watched as her world burned around her. Her farther had gone to fight the invaders while her mother rudhed her inside a small stone house. As tradiotion (when someone is about to die) her mother transformed into a tiger and ripped out one of her teeth and tied it to a string and hung it around Syra's neck and tolled her to run, run as far as she could. Syra did so, not before seeing her mother nrutally murdered behind her back.
Personality; Bitter. She takes some warming up to get to know people. At first she torments people an is mean and there for she doesn't get many friends.
Powers; 17 inch claws that can exstend from her knuckles. Can tranform into a leopard. Can see in the dark and extradoniary hearing.


other: 'Once more, unto the breach'

Why they chose her: Her hate makes it so that she can kill without any hesitation and regret (when needed to). She is very agile (especially as a leopard) and can scout for the rest of her group. The fellen are rare and are efiiceint at stealthy missions.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Just a quick one, what marks her out as part of Excalibur? as in why is she part of the best team in the entire ISF?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mysticbluekitten


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I'll edit

EDIT: want anymore? Any specifics?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

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Name; Shiro
Age; 40,000 (He looks about 17)
Gender; Male
Race; Biological Weapon.
Breif race description; Originally part of a part Draconian race that was capable of flying between the stars under their own power he was captured in the very early years of the Opening and experimented on by a group of eugenicists, fused with hundreds of different technological augments he is now a weapon of mass destruction. His race ceases aging around the age of 20, give or take five years. and are capable of living for up to 100,000 years. they are considered adults at the age of 10,000 and leave childhood at the age of 500, (please note, all years are given in 'earth years' it would take his home planet 20,000 earth years to complete one full year)

History; Born Under a green sun, a burnt orange sky his home world was at once both a amazing planet and a scorched wasteland, ravaged by storms of electrical energy the sands of the plains were often twisted in to massive glass structures, these would form huge mountain ranges. His race did not require air, water or food to survive, they feed of magnetic energy, found most proliferated through the cosmos due to solar and stellar winds. This means that he is capable of interstellar flight without any type of craft. as a child he was content, if somewhat adventurous. as he grew he became moody and was constantly pushing the limits of what he could do. this eventually lead him to being one of the first through the rifts of the Opening. unable to control his direction of travel he fell right in to the Eugenicists lap, out cold and struggling to draw enough energy from the world he'd landed on. after some time he awoke, post the augmentation. The Eugenicists didn't understand what they'd created, the devices inside him produced magnetic fields, which fed his body, which in turn powered more devices, a re-feeding system. not fully stable but stable and strong enough to act as a huge electro-magnetic battery. Angry at being experimented upon Shiro broke out and found his way back through the rift, destroying all in his way, uncaring of his foe. He eventually fell in with the ISF after a small 'scuffle' between him and a battalion of tanks on practice patrol.
Personality; He's a bit of a mixed up person, still holding on to his early years of pushing everything he can till breaking point, yet this is tempered with almost a year being experimented on and almost 17 after that at constant war.
Powers; Control over Magnetic and electrical flux, he is capable of seeing magnetic and electrical currents, and controlling them, meaning he can fire lightning bolts ect as well as accelerate bits of metal to supersonic speeds. He can also control the electronic flow within peoples bodies to some degree (anything that isn't in the brain basically). He can also produce a magnetic field over his wings that allow him to fly under any conditions (including a vacuum). Huge parts of his body have been weaponised by the experiments done to him, this means he has a huge selection of inbuilt weapons to chose from, a few of these include a anti-matter blade mounted in his right wrist and a vortex cannon on his left, (A vortex cannon fires a singularity beam, turning most things in its way in to nothing but a few lumps of iron). the most used are a pair of eye plates that sit over his eyes and fold up in to his skull, they act as dust shields as well as scanners for range, wind speed, movement speed, armor identification and possible weak spot locating. The most lethal, and least used is a micro fission reactor that sits next to his heart by activating this he produces so much energy that he starts to generate his own gravitational field and shield. Though it was never tested the intention of this 'augment' was to allow for planet wide annihilation of all magnetic and electrical devices. this included anything inside people such as pacemakers.

Favored weapons; any metal he can get his hands on for a ranged weapon (railgun!) and a non-metallic blade made of hardened layered quartz with a diamond edge for close combat (not affected by his magnetic powers). He dislikes using his augments unless the situation calls for it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Name; Jacque Grevoix
Age; 21
Gender; Male
Race; Ragnarician (named for their home planet Ragnarok, a desert planet that is rich in metals)
Breif race description; (one, two lines) Born on the harsh desert planet Ragnarok, Jacque's race were originally highly nomadic in nature due to the many predators, relying on a peculiar ability that they had evolved which allowed them to use their planet's magnetic field to find their way, similar to that of earth's birds. As the creatures, or more specifically, the predators of the planet began to evolve to better methods to track and hunt their prey, the electromagnetic ability in the Ragnaricians evolved as well, first, changing so that they could sense the magnetic fields around living things, then, as the threat persisted changing to the point that the Ragnaricians could control the magnetic fields themselves. With this new ability, the Ragnaricians climbed to the top of the food chain, and have long since built multiple cities as they no longer need to run.

History; Jacque was born a year after the opening began, and as with all of the other planets, Jacque's race was in a bid to see who's was the strongest. From the moment he turned, he was trained to be a soldier so that one day he could be drafted into the Ragnarician militia to prove once and for all which race reigned supreme. When the war was ended five years later, Jacque was left with no purpose, after all, being a warrior was all he knew. Jacque ferociously continued training on his own accord, determined to become a fighter like nothing anyone had ever seen. When the Ragnarician council received notification that a new Team Excalibur was being formed, they sent Jacque, proudly proclaiming that he was one of their best.
Personality; Abrasive, Jacque isn't exactly one to follow orders by those he dubs unworthy to lead and will generally act on his own accord with regards to mission parameters, with time he may become more respectful if one proves themselves as his equal or superior.
Powers; Magnokinesis (can control metal and sense magnetic fields around living things)
Appearance; Jacque
Weapon list: He carries an Assualt Rifle and pair of Pistols
Other: He'll only use his powers when absolutely necessary or if he deems an opponent worthy
"Once more unto the breach"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

welcome to Team Excalibur, I would hate to see what would happen if him and Shiro had a game of tennis with a mouse.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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Good lord, so much destruction between the two should they get into it. I imagine that they may end up accidentally frying quite a bit of tech.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Indeed, thank god shiro feeds off that sort of energy. was still tempted to just call him 'leach'
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

also forgot to put this in the intro; there is no such thing as OP in this RP,
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

still open and looking for more people.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aragorn
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CS will be up later.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mysticbluekitten


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Is it okay for characters to develop powers as they go along and unveil they're past. Like say they came from a long line of people who had a specialty power and they just wakened it or something like that? As long as it fits their race of course...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

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Mysticbluekitten said
Is it okay for characters to develop powers as they go along and unveil they're past. Like say they came from a long line of people who had a specialty power and they just wakened it or something like that? As long as it fits their race of course...

Fine by me, that is rather part of the plot.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

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Mysticbluekitten said
Is it okay for characters to develop powers as they go along and unveil they're past. Like say they came from a long line of people who had a specialty power and they just wakened it or something like that? As long as it fits their race of course...

also, remember you get given a bunch of gear by the ISF team. armour. weapons ect
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheFaIIen


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Once More Into the Breach!

Name: Rao Kylien
Age: Unknown; Appears to be in his early 20s
Gender: Male
Race: Unknown
Breif race description: Rao doesn't know what race he is a part of, and no one he has spoken to has been able to identify it.
History: After the Opening, Rao awoke in an unfamiliar place (he soon discovered it was a new world). He had flashes of memory, but for the most part, his past was (and still is) a mystery even to himself. Lost, he began traveling, trying to figure out where he was from. He believed the ISF would be a good way to travel throughout the dimensions and possibly find his home, so he joined soon after the founding. He quickly proved himself to be an exceptional agent, specializing in magical theory.
Personality: Rao prides himself on his devil-may-care attitude. He is confident (some would say arrogant), flirty (some would say unfocused), and flippant (some would say rude). Rao has no problems confronting anyone about what he thinks is right, although he's hardly a perfect altruist; he's motivated by his own ideas as much as his mission.
Powers: Capable of manipulating magic through an innate spellcasting ability. He has an extensive knowledge of magic, and he is especially adept at learning how energy and magic work in new worlds. Naturally sensitive to magic and related energies, he is capable of activating an ability he calls the Dragon's Eye, known to other people as the Sight. It can be used to see magic directly, showing the world in explicit detail. Using this ability for long periods of time is incredibly taxing. He also has a series of tattoos across his body (which he usually hides with magic). He has been unable to determine their purpose, other than that they contain potent magics in themselves.
Appearance: Snow white hair is bound in a lose ponytail behind him, falling down to brush his shoulders. He has a slight widow's peak, drawing focus down to his face. His eyes are a frosty blue, and people (including himself) have described them as piercing. His features are a little bit rounder than most men, giving him a youthful mischievousness. His mouth is usually drawn back into a grin. Rao obviously stays in shape, just like all ISF agents; he is just below average height, with narrow shoulders and a lithe frame clearly more suited to nimble, quick movements, than massive feats of strength. He wears dark jeans, riding boots, and a t-shirt. Over the outfit, he wears his idea of the classic mage's robe: a long black jacket, lined with a border of red with golden runes inscribed into it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

ISF, slight miss spelling there. but other that looks good, I assume he's Human base (as in looks humanoid and dosn't have any obvious differences except for magic from a standard human)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mysticbluekitten


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Okay, that's cool :) Yeah the gear, that'll be a nice feature :)
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