Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago

current number - 17

BELLONA VALENTIA BLACK: Belladon Black, Belladonna Black, Bellerophon Black, Belissiah Black/Furei Justus, Belshazzar Black, Belvedere Black, Bellarino Black, Belmarie Black, Belial Black, Bellakane Black
MAYARA STARLA VEGA: Maya Vega/Belvia Black
LEONDRA CHERIE: Beleon Black/Leon Cherie/Paravel Barrastian
ARIA MASTEMA: Arius Mastema/Belarius Black
AELITA MORY: Belisario Black
YESHYSHA LEVERETT: Yessico Leverett/Amery Pahaliah

current number - 2 / 1
BELL TYYRELL: Anabelle Parker, Abell Tyyrell
ANABELLE PARKER: Jordon Parker/Ethan Smith (great-grandchild)

current number - 26 (16/10)

VALIANT DIONTE MANCINI & VALYN DIONYSUS MANCINI: Valentine Mancini, Valora Kristabelle Mancini, Valtreks Mancini, Valroya Mancini, Valor Mancini, Valdeimos Mancini, Valencino Morgen Mancini, Valhallen Mancini, Illias Valserys de Montesquieu (Mancini), Vallix Mancini, Valerik Mancini, Valente Mancini, Valis Mancini, Valereon Mancini, Valerio Mancini, Valcyon Mancini

BELLONA VALENTIA BLACK & BELZENEFF BLACK: Belladon Black, Belladonna Black, Bellerophon Black, Belissiah Black/Furei Justus, Belshazzar Black, Belvedere Black, Bellarino Black, Belmarie Black, Belial Black, Bellakane Black

current number - 9

VALROYA MANCINI & AMBROSIYA SANNA - Ambroise Sanna/Valerius Mancini
VALDEIMOS MANCINI & RAAVA RIXORE - Raani Rixore/Valrose Mancini
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Here we can put those wizard facts we wrote that one time holla
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

What are the physical characteristics of this race? They resemble humans in many ways, such as their body structure. The hair color on Wiz varies, however, and so does the eye color. It is not unusual to find someone on Wiz with green hair and purple eyes. They age very differently than humans, thanks to their prolonged life span. A child will grow up just as a human child does, but their aging begins to slow down in their teenage years. For the next 100 or so years, they will progressively get older, but they will not show any signs of old age until their late 150’s. Some wizards, mostly the poor, hardly get to live that long due to their living conditions, so seeing an old wizard mostly means that they were rich enough to live that long. How does magic fit in? A: How do magical beasts fit in? Magic is a daily occurrence on Wiz. Everyone on the planet is born with Magical Potential and however far they get with that Potential depends on their practice and training. But even the poorest wizard can use the basic spells. Is this generally an earth-like world? Wiz is very much like Earth. It lacks some of the technology the humans have, but there are a lot of other things that Wiz has that Earth lacks. But regarding everything else, such as politics, family life, jobs, etc., etc., it’s mostly similar. Are there different races, whether or not there are non-humans like elves or dwarves? No, wizards are the only race that inhabits Wiz. The only exception is Kyrie Valdmir, who is a half-blood. How long have there been people on this world? For around 1,100 years. Did they evolve, or did they migrate from somewhere/when else? Wizards originated in Atlantis. Whether it was a city or a planet is unclear, but they were forced to leave it when a group of rouge demons forced them out. That was when Fai the Conqueror and his Generals took arms and fought the demons in their home world. After their victory, the wizards were allowed to claim that planet as their own and that was how Wiz was formed. How many people are there in this world? A good hundred thousand. Wiz isn’t as populated as Earth, but that helps Belzeneff remain in control of them. What is considered a small town/large town/city in terms of number of people? The Main City is home to about fifty thousand people. There are other large cities scattered around the world, but the Main City holds the most. Where does magic power come from: the gods, the “mana” of the world, the personal willpower or life force of the magician, somewhere else? It is believed that a wizard’s magic is given to them by the great and mighty Oz, the God of the wizards. He predetermines a wizard’s Magical Potential before birth, which is why the people of Wiz worship him so much; if they do, he might bless their child with great magic. Is magic an exhaustible resource? No, no matter what, the Magical Potential within a wizard will always be there. Not all of it may be accessible at once, but it’s there. (see: Belzeneff) If a magician must feed his spells with his own willpower, life-force, or sanity, what long-term effects will this have on the health and/or stability of the magician? A wizard uses their Magical Energy, or simply ME, to power a spell. It has no lasting effects and every wizard is given a Regeneration Time, or REGEN, which is the amount of time it takes for a wizard to regenerate their ME. Do different races/species have different sources for their magic, or does everybody use the same one? Wizards believe that Oz holds any and all magical power in the universe, and if there are others out there with magic abilities, it all came from him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

How does this world differ physically from earth? Wiz only has one body of water and five large bodies of land. It is also a lot smaller. Does it have more than one sun or moon? There is only one sun, and it’s called Suneria, but is commonly shortened to ‘The Sun’ (sooo original). There are also five moons in Wiz’s orbit and they are named, Resce, Micainn, Barnhayet, Palosol and Pyrehino. Rings? No Are there spectacular constellations/comets, etc. visible at night or by day? At night, pink cosmic clouds can be seen. They are remnants of a star that imploded thousands of years ago and now is a permanent fixture in their night sky. There is only one star visible during the day and it is a north circumpolar star, visible no matter where you are on the planet. It is named Zoroaster and some believe that that is where Oz resides. How are the continents laid out? They are named how they are laid out: North, South, East and West. The Main City is, you guessed it, in the middle of it all. If there is more than one moon/sun, how does this affect winds, tides, and weather generally? Suneria is always in the Southern hemisphere so the East and South have sunshine for most of the year. The North, on the other hand, rarely ever sees the sun and it is seen as a blessing when it does. Since the Main City is in the middle, it receives the regular four seasons. How much land is there, and how much of it is habitable? A good portion of Wiz is habitable and many cities have sprung up in the South and East. The West is a rural wasteland where it’s pretty much a free-for-all. Dangerous monsters and rouge bandits are said to live there, so most wizards stay away. The least populated continent is the North and only the strongest, toughest people still live there. The borders of the North are were most of the population lives, and as you get further north, the less population there is. Only the Labor Camps are located at the pole where conditions are unbearable and the sun only shines twice a year.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

In which geographical areas will the story take place? The Main City and The Under are the two major locations. Leeland is on a journey from the East to the Main City, but other than those, the other continents will only be mentioned. How much ground will the story cover? Most likely only the Main City, and all its districts, and The Under, and all its districts. What are the most striking features of landscape, climate, animals, etc. in this area? The Main City is the home of the King and the Royal Family, so it’s bound to have marvelous statues and buildings, all crafted by the best. The pathway leading from the Castle to the Council is a sight to behold itself and many travel from out of town just to look at it. The Church of Oz is also located in the Main City and its a large spectacle on the southside of the city. The Council, while not the most beautifully crafted building in the city, it is the largest and highest. It is said that it can be seen from the top of the mountains in the West. The Royal Castle is the highest quality building in all of Wiz and there is a price of 50 bells just to look at it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Is there a single, generally accepted calendar (including time measurements), or do different countries or peoples or races have different ones? There is one generally accepted calendar in Wiz and old calendars from before Wiz has been lost. Nomadic tribes may have their own separate calendar from the rest of the wizards, but each tribe most likely follows their own calendar. How is the day divided into smaller time units? What are they? Are the names relevant to anything? Is the length of an hour fixed, or does it vary depending on changes in the length of the day as the seasons change? The day is divided into 24 hours. The length of an hour is fixed, always sixty minutes long. What are the names of months, and how many days in each? How many days in a week? Months in a year? Are there leap years? If so, who keeps track? Months are just numbered one through twelve and there are thirty days in each month. When writing the date, the day goes first followed by month then year. So, 01/06/1145 is the first day of month six of year one thousand forty five. There are seven days in a week and twelve months in a year. There are no leap years. Which days are general holidays or festival times? What do they celebrate? Are there any that are only celebrated in particular countries, cities, or regions? 01/01:
King Belzeneff’s birthday, the beginning of the New Year, and the anniversary of Fai the Conqueror becoming the first king.
Holiday dedicated to romance and lovers. This is a day for lovers to remind each other of their love and it is custom to do something special for one another. Many wizards also like to initiate relationships on this day and courting jewelry is popular. Many wizards no longer get married on this day, however, since anniversaries are when marriage taxes have to be paid, and this day is the ideal day to celebrate love for most married couples.
Holiday where wizards celebrate Oz and the Prophet, held on the anniversary of the day Faize Ceres awakened as the Prophet.
Victory Day, the anniversary of the wizards winning the war against the rogue demons. This day is usually celebrated extravagantly by the rich through parties, but the main event is that the heroes’ descendants come together and celebrate. Typically, the demon royal family is invited to Wiz on this day but they usually only send one representative, but on anniversaries during special years the whole family attends. And it is tradition for the castle to be open for everybody on this day, whether rich or poor, and in the garden they have fun games for the children while the adults attend the lavish party inside.
A holiday dedicated to celebrating the lives those who are deceased lived. Feasts are held in dead wizards’ memory to honor them. Children often receive candy from adult wizards to honor their role as the next generation of wizards who will carry on the memories of the deceased. Many wizards dress up in costume, which started years ago when wizards used to dress up and perform plays to entertain the dead for the day, but now most people dress up for fun and entertainment. Ultimately, the holiday celebrates both life and death.
Holiday celebrating the existence of magic and to give thanks, usually many festivals and feasts are held.
Fai the Conqueror’s birthday. It became a holiday where wizards give gifts to one another. Belizano used to distribute gifts on his birthday in order to bring joy to his people because he loved them all. After his death, the people continued this tradition by giving their loved ones gifts and it eventually turned into a festive holiday of celebration. Decorations are put up decorations and gifts are placed underneath purple trees decorated in colorful lights. Trees are used because originally people were given a special tree from the royal family, one per family, and Belizano used to cast a magic spell that caused gifts to appear underneath the tree every year on his birthday.
What events do people use to date years? Do they use a single event or are events dated based on recurring things? The event used was when Belizano and Beliarosa Black were crowned King and Queen. How do people tell what time it is? Are there clocks, watches, sundials, etc., or do people have to just listen for bells from the castle or church, or just eyeball the sun? Most people in Wiz now use clocks, watches, cell phones, and other technology to tell time, although there are church bells that do ring every hour. Are there any days that are considered “outside the year,” like Mardi Gras or the Feast of Fools? How are these days customarily observed? How did they originate? No
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago



An Execution and a Prophecy *Event Complete
Characters: Kyuberos, Bellerophon

★On earth Kyuberos, in the process of completing a contract with a young man who wished to be popular with women, suddenly heard a voice in his head. It was Belzeneff, his king and the ruler of Wiz, who has informed him that his wife was in danger and for Kyuberos to help her. Instantly obeying, Kyuberos leaves his servant Seraphim to deal with his duties and returns to Wiz. Finding the queen, Bellona, poisoned he immediately takes her to the healer Trowa Lancaster. Shortly afterwards, Bellerophon meets up with Kyuberos with a look in his eyes demanding justice. The assassin after the queen gets caught and, as an executioner in addition to being a prince, Bellerophon shouts as Kyuberos to “Hold my flower!” while he goes to perform his duties. Kyuberos stays behind to guard the queen.

★Meanwhile, Bellerophon reaches the cell of the prisoner who had dared to poison his beloved mother and nearly succeeded in taking her life. His rage has caused his bloodthirst to reach an all-time high, and brutally tortures him to get the information he needs. Once he extracts the antidote for the queen from the prisoner, Bellerophon gleefully tortures the prisoner, complete with a dramatic monologue. He eventually executes him with his golden scythe, and with his revenge gained, his sanity finally seems to return to him. Bellerophon leaves to check on his mother, who had been given the antidote during his time turning the prisoner into a bloody art project, and is thrilled to see her on her way to recovery. After giving her a get-well gift, a golden bracelet, he bids her farewell and leaves to find Kyuberos. When he does, he cheerfully greets him and asks for his flower.

★Kyuberos and Bellerophon have a conversation, although it is mostly the prince asking for advice. He wishes to know if he can display the head of the traitor before the public, but is nervous about approaching his father because, surely, when the king arrives he would rather speak to his mother first instead of dealing with Bellerophon’s presence. Kyuberos answers that Belzeneff would most likely approve of his idea to show the decapitated head of the traitor. His thoughts stray to the event of Belzeneff beheading his mother, the vile previous queen, and avoids comparing Bellerophon to her by changing the subject. He mentions a golden stake, acquired by his two employees on earth, which he planned on giving as a gift to Bellerophon as a gift. Bellerophon eagerly agrees and the two walk away from the room in order to retrieve the gold stake.

★As they walk to their destination, Bellerophon begins to ponder whether his actions were right or wrong. He confides his insecurities in Kyuberos, asking whether he believes his father would be proud of him. Kyuberos doubts Belzeneff would actually say anything more than a "good work", but still reassures Bellerophon that his father would be proud and that he might want to talk after Belzeneff was finished spending time with Bellona. Bellerphon is elated at the news by the time they reach the room. Kyuberos retrieves the golden stake for him and Bellerophon immediately praises the gift and thanks Kyuberos profoundly. But the happy moment is ruined once Bellerophon suddenly feels a sharp pain in his mind and eyes. He bleeds from his eyes and coughs up blood as he sees a terrible vision of the future of a rebellion and his own death. He endures long enough to relay to Kyuberos to warn his father that in six months, rebels would force them to begin a civil war that would end with many deaths, and that the vision ended with Bellerophon feeling himself getting stabbed.

Wandering Belial *Event Complete
Characters: Belial, Louelle, Valis, Belisario

★Belial is roaming around the poor district of the main city, after wandering off from his protector because he felt bored. He eats at a restaurant with a wizard, vaguely telling him to be cautious of the sun so that he can continue to look at the night stars, then proceeds to hand out precious jewels he should probably not be giving away to a random waitress with a warning to beware the angel. He tells the wizard he shared the meal with about his bad fortune, before deciding to retreat to the forest near the castle.

★Louelle, who had been panicking as he searched for Belial, finally spots the prince near the forest. He convinces Belial to return to the castle and, once they reach there safely, goes to give a report on something. Instead of waiting for Loulle, Belial gets bored again and starts to wander the castle. He comes across Valis and Belisario a few hallways away from the medical room, debating whether to visit the queen. Interrupting their plans, which seemed to be to finally go through with the decision to visit Bellona, Belial begins to speak of a mystical tree. Louelle returns during the long story and while Valis had barely paid attention, Belisario hung on to every word. But Belisario informs his brother that he cannot listen anymore, because they were going to visit their mother because he still felt worried for her.

★Belial, concerned at the thought his mother might be alone with Trowa, supports Belisario's decision to check up on her. He lets them know that he will go to church and pray to Oz for his mother's health, so that Belisario won't have to worry as much for her. He leaves the group, with Louelle chasing after him and begging him not to wander off alone again.

Belisario's Bad Luck *Event complete
Characters: Belisario, Valis, Stannis, Valtreks, Belzeneff

★ After separating from Belial, Belisario and Valis finally make it to just outside the medical room, but before they can even speak with Bellona, Belzeneff suddenly appears. He pushes Belisario out of his way and enters the room instead. Valis manages to catch Belisario before he falls, but the prince is dejected that he won't get to see his mother after all.

★ Stannis and Valtreks, who accompanied Belzeneff, are also there and standing outside the room as guards. Valis manages to calm down Stannis, who had a sword in his hand ready to strike down the attacker of the queen. Valtreks then nearly suffocates his little brother with a hug while Stannis puts away his sword, apologizing for the outburst. Belisario and Valis decide to leave to get ice cream, while Valtreks and Stannis stays behind. Valtreks then sends a message to each royal protector to make sure they were on duty.

The Recovering Queen
Characters: Bellona, Barayas, Trowa, Diomira, Flaery

★Inside the medical room, Bellona is speaking with one of her friends Barayas. She is worried for Belshazzar, who has not visited her yet, and dreads the thought of being targeted like she was. Barayas reassures her that the prince is probably fine, but promises to contact Pemberley for her as he leaves the room. Almost immediately afterwards, Trowa is by the queen’s side and checks his clipboard documenting her condition. Bellona thanks him for saving her life and asks if her husband will arrive soon.

★ Belzeneff, who had been in the North for business, finally arrives. Bellona and Belzeneff speak in private in the healer's room, Belzeneff concerned for her and asking if she really is alright, but their reunion is cut short once Belzeneff receives a message from Kyuberos. He becomes angered and leaves a few minutes.

★ Bellona's protectors, Flaery and Diomira, arrive in the room to watch over. Bellona falls asleep after her tiring day, and Diomira speaks about what a shame it is about Noem's fate. Flaery does not have a positive opinion about him, saying that she would never have let the queen get hurt on her watch.

Adventures in Candiland Part 1 *Event Complete
Characters: Belshazzar, Valexander, Seraphion, Lucifer, Jaycee, Charlotte, Pemberley, Belbel

★Belshazzar, unaware of the trouble back at the castle, is with Valexander in disguise a Candiland. The prince is unenthusiastic about being in the building while Valexander argues that Belshazzar needs to have fun once in a while, but their conversation is halted when Belshazzar overhears that the queen has been poisoned. Completely losing his cool, Belshazzar demands to return home and blows his cover. They both suddenly pass out.

★Jaycee, seemingly unable to resist spreading classified information as juicy gossip to his best friend Charlotte, tells her about the attack on the queen without an ounce of caution. He panics when he realizes he had been overheard, especially when he hears one of the wizards call the other Valexander. But when Jaycee realizes that the other customer had reacted to the news by wanting to check on his mother, he deduces that one of them must be Prince Belshazzar. He impulsively knocks out Valexander and Belshazzar, which infuriates Charlotte and she asks what in the world he was doing. Happy, Jaycee announces his accomplishment with pride and asks her to tell the boss what they had done.

★Simultaneously Pemberley, searching for Belshazzar, is 100% certain the source of his trouble was in fact Valexander Mancini, who loved to drag the prince into ridiculous situations. After convincing Belbel to help him find Belshazzar, of course trying multiple times to bribe the lazy dinosaur to even respond, a Pemberley follows after Belbel into the streets. During the search he receives a call from Barayas, and Pemberley nervously lies about Belshazzar’s situation with a promise the prince would definitely call his mother. Determined even more now to find him quickly, Pemberley gets a feeling of dread as the dinosaur leads him towards Candiland. Pulling out a treestar, Pemberley seemed to ignite a fire inside Belbel as the dinosaur immediately obeyed the protector’s instruction to ram a hole into the wall. Belbel crashes into Jaycee, and Pemberley shouts that he is under arrest for endangering a prince.

★ Confused by a strange creature bursting through the the wall and landing on top of him, Jaycee panics and yells at the dinosaur to get away from him. Thankfully, during the confusion Charlotte had left to retrieve Seraphion. The rebel leader arrives just in time to take control of the situation. He places his hand on their shoulders to awaken them. conscious once again, Belshazzar tells Valexander there is no point in their disguises and the prince releases the spell that had been hiding them. But Belshazzar is worried about his mother and could care less about anything else about the situation, so he orders Pemberley to return him to the castle immediately.

★ Having no choice but to obey, Pemberley agrees to leave immediately. But he informs the wizards at Candiland that he will return to do a full investigation of the premises. Luring Belbel away from the wizard he was still on top of with a treestar, Pemberley transports the four of them to the castle. He tells Belshazzar and Belbel to go ahead without him, because he still has one important thing to do. He tells Valexander, who he restrained earlier, that he will give him the worst punishment possible: he will take him to his mother.

Valerio’s Dilemma *Event Complete
Characters: Valerio, Valentine, Kyron, Valyn, Valiant, Pemperknackle

★Valentine, in his office, hears a sudden crash. He finds Valerio injured and bleeding, but keeps his composure while asking who hurt him. Valerio manages to say that it was vampires before he vomits blood all over the floor, causing the concerned Valentine to call Kyron over and ordering him to bring Valerio to his mother for healing.

★Kyron, shocked to see Valerio in that state, immediately rushes over to him and teleports them both to the Mancini estate. Valyn is quickly found and, worried for one of her youngest babies, gives Valerio a potion to start healing him.

★Valiant, who had been with Pemperkackle after visiting his sister, received even more bad news during the meal. He had been contacted about Valerio’s return and the terrible condition he had been found in. Momentarily panicking, remembering the loss of Valor, Pemperknackle manages to convince him he needs to go see him. Valiant, his emotions on high, teleports instantly and goes to Valerio’s side. Valyn, with Kyron’s assistance, his in the process of healing Valerio and reassures that she will make sure he is alright.

School Days *Event Complete
Characters: Valerik, Bellakane, Kyrie, Valencino, Valstell, Valancy

★As most of the public is unaware of the situation with the queen yet, wizards are going about their daily routine. One wizard, Valerik, is a teacher attempting to cram information into his student’s head and warns them to study for their next test otherwise he would make those who were too lazy to study, regret it. His students include Kyrie Vladimir and one of the princesses, Bellakane Black.

★ Valencino gushes over Valstell as he puts in back into her crib. Once the baby has fallen asleep, he finds his wife Valancy and tells her that he is leaving for work and about to pick up Bellakane from school.

★ At school, Kyrie talks about how pretty Bellakane's family is and how she should set her up with one of her pretty relatives. Bellakane, who makes sure her best friend is unaware just how cruel some of her brothers can be, nearly panics at the thought of her dating someone like Bellarino. Kyrie sees her anxiety and calms her down, realizing that something is very wrong. Bellakane nearly admits just how horribly she gets bullied to her but started crying instead, so Kyrie changed the subject and gave her a hug to try to cheer her up. They start talking about hair, and wondering what Bellakane would look like if she was blonde like her mother.

★ Valencino arrives and hugs both of the gossiping girls, asking if they are talking about dating. He then feels distress that his daughter would grow up one day and start dating, and somehow ends up talking about cute the baby is. But he finally tells Bellakane that she needs to return to the castle early today, although he still didn't have the heart to tell her that her mother nearly died from an assassin.

Aftermath of the Vision *Event Complete
Characters: Kyuberos, Trowa, Bellerophon, Valtreks, Stannis, Belzeneff, Belufasa

★ Kyuberos is skeptical of the authenticity of the vision Bellerophon spoke of, in disbelief that there could be anyone in Wiz that could challenge the royal family. But he is more worried for the prince's health at the moment so Kyuberos brings Bellerophon to the best healer in the castle, Trowa. Because Bellona and Belzeneff and in the actual medical room, Trowa directs them to bring Bellerophon into his personal office.

★ Placed on a giant pink bed, Kyuberos watches Trowa carefully as Bellerophon is treated. He fends off flirting from the healer, and makes sure Trowa does not take advantage of the unconscious prince, and is finally relieved when the healer announces Bellerophon should be alright and that his vision would not be impaired. With his life out of danger, Kyuberos scoops up Bellerophon and brings him to his room. Laying him down on a golden bed, Kyuberos resists the urge to stand by his side until he is rested because he has important duties to finish. He contacts Belzneff with their mental link and informs him of the situation, arranging a meeting with the king in ten minutes. Once Kyuberos leaves Belufasa appears from his connected room and jumps on Bellerophon's bed, lying next to him in order to protect his master while he recovers.

★ Belzeneff storms out of the medical room, furious over Bellerophon's prophecy, and tells Valtreks and Stannis to go away while he meets with Kyuberos. Valtreks and Stannis enjoy a meal together, but Valtreks nearly panics when he receives a message from Kyuberos about Bellerophon. He abandons his soup, yelling at Stannis that Bellerophon needs assistance at once. Ready to go, Stannis unsheaths his sword and the two are ready to storm through the castle to aid the prince. Fortunately, Kyuberos sends another message to Valtreks and informs him that Bellerophon is safe and the last thing that needs to happen is for two idiots to be bothering him. Glad that the situation is handle, they sit back down. Valtreks receives a text from Evelina about a gold flower and pool of blood, but reassures her that Bellerophon is fine. He decides he does not have time to deal with whatever scheme Bellarino has in store with Bellerophon's flower, and simply sends a text to Ervin to clean the blood.

Adventures in Candiland Part 2 *Event Complete
Characters: Seraphion, Jaycee, Charlotte, Peppa Jack

★ Seraphion scolds Jaycee for acting rashly, but admits that his actions gave him an opportunity. When he woke up Belshazzar and Valexander, Seraphion had actually placed a dark spell on them in secret and only wizards who regularly practiced dark magic would be capable of detecting it. He doesn't give any specifics onto how he could possibly place a curse like that so fast, or even what he does, and instead changes the subject. He assures Charlotte he will inform Peppa about what happened and takes Jaycee with him to meet him.

★ Peppa is in his office, counting his huge stacks of money when he receives a visit from Seraphion on Jaycee. They explain what happened, Jaycee is proud of his actions while Seraphion is much more serious and worried. But Peppa does not feel too bothered by a formal investigation, and claims that they would be fine. Just a few fixes like Valereon lying low, hiding a few drugs and illegal potions, and repair the hole made by the dinosaur then everything would turn out okay!

★ Seraphion is still concerned since the investigation involves the queen's favorite prince. Jaycee tells the wizard he needs to chill and not be so serious all the time, and proceeds to tell Peppa all about rumors he heard without any filter. Thankfully, it was already information Peppa knew and news Seraphion would have told him if he somehow did not know, but Seraphion tries to stress the importance of keeping certain things secret to Jaycee. To get Jaycee out of the way, he grabs his attention by claiming to have an errand for him once they return to the Under. It is a letter for Seraphion's partner, Aurelia, and Jaycee happily accepts the task. Seraphion then suggests that Jaycee find a snack at Sugar Rush in the mean time, and the carefree wizard leaves.

★ With Jaycee gone, Seraphion informs Peppa about his conversation with the demon king. Seraphion tried his best to convince Lucifer that waging war on Wiz would waste time and resources that could be spent on tracking down the missing demon prince instead. But Lucifer is still angry, so Seraphion revealed that he convinced Lucifer to spare Candiland if he ever sent demons to Wiz for revenge on Belzeneff.

★ As they continue to speak, Seraphion gets a phone call from his son Angiel. A spy going under the name Abiel, he reveals information on the fate of the protector who was supposed to have been guarding Bellona during her attack. Noem Siran is being sentenced to execution, and knowing he used to work for Peppa as an Eclair named Adonis, Angiel asks for his help in rescuing him. Peppa, angry over the fate of one of his former Eclairs, agrees and tells Angiel he will send his best Cupcakes to help transport him to the safety of Candiland.

★ Once the conversation on the phone is finished, Peppa and Seraphion make plans. Angiel already thought of a plan to get Noem out of the castle, so it would be up to Seraphion and Peppa to make arrangements for him once he escaped. Peppa tells Seraphion the plan. He'll send 4 Cupcakes to the rendezvous spot and once Noem is delivered to them, they'll disguise him and take him back to Candiland. They'll use their powers of femininity to distract anyone from noticing Noem between them. Peppa lists off his most favorite Cupcakes to do the job, Charlotte being one of them.

★ Seraphion offers to send others for help if extra distractions are needed, thinking of some thugs he befriended the other day. He receives a text from Angiel and tells Peppa that they have two hours until the plan begins. Peppa orders the 4 Cupcake's schedules to be cancelled and to meet them in his office where they can discuss the plan. Seraphion leaves Candiland once the Cupcakes arrive. They are told the plan and Peppa gives them their weekly earnings, and says it will be doubled once Adonis arrives. Charlotte is appointed the leader of the mission and she confidently accepts her role. Once Peppa dismisses them so they can prepare, he sends a message to Seraphion telling him their progress and sends for Valereon to retrieve wigs for disguises.

Belshazzar vs Belial *Event Complete
Characters: Belshazzar, Belial, Louelle, Pemberley, Belbel

★ While Pemberley went off to deliver Valexander to his mother, Belshazzar and Belbel returned to the castle. The first people who he notices are Belial and Louelle, who had been on their way out of the castle to visit the church. Belshazzar asks Louelle the condition of his mother and the protector requests that he stay with him until Pemberley returns. He is relieved that she is alright and only a little upset that he cannot see her right away, but understands the situation and agrees to wait with them.

★ But Belshazzar and Belial do not get along, and it only took a few seconds for them to get into an argument. Belial had noticed something strange on his brother's neck, almost like some sort of semi-invisible curse. But when he tries to warn Belshazzar, his brother tells him to shut up and that he has no interest in hearing what he has to say. Angered, Belial basically says he can go ahead and die. They spiral into a huge argument and Louelle tries and fails to calm them down.

★ Pemberley, after dropping off Valexander to his doom, returns to the castle after receiving a text from Louelle that Prince Belshazzar was with them. He is not surprised to see the brothers arguing with each other and only asks Louelle if they have been at it for long.

The Gold Flower *Event Complete
Characters: Bellarino, Belvedere, Evelina

★ Bellarino, currently cheating on his girlfriend with a random wizard, is treating said wizard like trash. Bellarino tells him he is not even worthy to look a prince like him, descended from both Fai the Conqueror and Valhalla the Protector, and tells him to get out of his sight. The shaken wizard gets up to leave, but Bellarino angrily drags him back by the shirt and yells at him for turning his back to a prince, and asked why he was leaving. The confused wizard says Bellaino wanted him to go away, but Bellarino speaks to him sweetly, saying he would never ask such a handsome wizard to leave and begins telling him how much he adores him. The wizard tries to say something to Bellarino, but the prince becomes angered at the interruption and once again insults the wizard and accuses him of only wanting Bellarino for his money. Seconds away from being choked, he cries to "Prince Bellarino" that he is wrong, which causes Bellarino to switch tones once again. He says there is no need to call him prince because he is special to him, and asks the wizard if he feels honored to be favored by a prince like him.

★ The twisted conversation is interrupted by a phone call, infuriating Bellarino. He ignores it and complains to the wizard about "how dare my girlfriend call me like this, thinking I would actually waste my free time on her". The wizard is just confused about the fact that Bellarino has a girlfriend, but the prince just laughs and admits that he does, because of course someone attractive like him would not remain single for long. They hear another ring tone, but instead of Bellarino's girlfriend its actually the phone of his protector Evelina. He yells at her to turn it off, but she claims that if she does then they will be he last to know if anything happens to Belvedere. Instantly concerned for his brother, he tells the wizard to get out and starts bombarding Evelina with questions.

★ Overreacting to her statement, he assumes the worst and demands that they check on his brother. Evelina says that the assassin that poisoned the queen was caught, but she does not know if the castle is 100% safe again. Bellarino rushes to Belvedere's room, but on their way, he notices a flower and a puddle of blood.

★ Recognizing the golden rose that belongs to his brother Bellerophon, he ordered Evelina to retrieve it. After confirming that it really did belong to him he smiled cruelly, thinking of ways to torment Bellerophon with it. Evelina sends a message to Valterks about the blood and gets updated on the situation while Bellarino deals with the flower. He then throws it at her to hold for him. When they finally get to their room, Bellarino rushes inside to check on Belvedere. Relieved that he is safely sleeping, he orders her to give him back the gold flower and rudely demands she leaves the room. While she stands outside to guard, Bellarino excitedly shakes Belvedere awake, claiming that he would not believe what he just found.

★ While Evelina messages Valtreks outside, Belvedere finally wakes up. He is at first annoyed and hoped his brother has a good reason for interrupting his beauty sleep, but the sight of the flower tells Belvedere that Bellarino had woken him up for the most important thing in Wiz. They start scheming together about what they could do to the flower that would give the most amount of misery possible. Should they scatter the petals around the world? Turn it into a salad? Burn it?

★ The twins decide on destroying the flower, but acknowledge that they have a time limit. Who knows how long until Bellerophon's guard dogs find them? Belvedere suggests the lighter to set it on fire, and Bellarino agrees. Bellarino searchers through their drawer, which contains an assortment of tools used to destroy things. He offers the lighter and honor of burning the flower to his twin, and Belvedere eagerly agrees to burn the rose right then and there.

★ Just as the little shit stain is about to light it up, the lighter is smacked out of his hands by their eldest brother Belladon. He snatches the flower away from them and scolds them for being pieces of trash and 'how can you do that to your brother's most precious item!'. He smacks their heads together and generally just talks down to them. Belvedere orders him to give back the flower, but doesn't try to make a move, knowing that Belladon is much stronger than him. Belvedere's protector, Madiana, is training behind him, apologizing since she was supposed to be guarding the doors, and not wanting to expose his true colors just yet, Belvedere says that everything is ok.

★ Bellarino is enraged at their ruined plans, and starts yelling at Belladon. He claims that he found the flower next to a puddle of blood, so if he cared so much about Bellerophon he should just leave them alone and go check on him instead. He then proceeds to yell at all the protectors in the room, including Madiana. Not wanting to go against his twin's words, but also not wanting to blow his game, Belvedere tells Madiana that she messed up, and to be his Protector she has to be #1 because he deserves nothing but the best. Madiana cries and promises to do her best and lets Belvedere talk her into getting food for them. Once she leaves, Belvedere tells Bellarino that they have to get that flower.

★ Bellarino comes up with a plan for one of them to distract Belladon, while the other sneaks ahead to Bellerophon's room to set up a trap. He is confident they can pull it off, because he and his brother constantly prank the wizard council so there was no reason their plan would not work this time. Noticing his protector still standing guard in the room, he yells at Evelina to not inform Belladon of their plans. She says she will not interfere with their plans, but she cannot allow Belvedere to wander alone. She says he will have to hurry to Protector Cordelia's protection if they want their plan to succeed. Bellarino, paranoid for his brother's safety after hearing that an assassin broke into the castle earlier, surprisingly seems like he wants to agree. Belevedere is annoyed, but accepts the plan and hurries to find Belladon.

VallixM *Event Complete
Characters: Vallix, Valalee, Ororo, Valancy, Valstell

★ Valalee is just outside the shop, admiring the clothes created by Vallix. Instead of going inside to say hello, she decides to leave because she is late for her swordsmanship classes. But just a few buildings away, Ororo Cura is threatening a wizard for being late for his payments.

★Valalee comes across the drug deal and confronts Ororo. She claims that her mom is a knight and that a drug deal was illegal, and she would not allow her to continue. Ororo does not take the threat of the little girl seriously, but assumes she may be a Mancini. Tiaro had ordered her to keep the deals a secret at all cost, but not knowing what to do in this specific situation since she was both a child and a member of an important family, Ororo decides to take her to Tiaro himself.

★ Valalee is quickly knocked out by Ororo. The swords she had been carrying are dumped into a nearby trash can. Unknown to Ororo, there was a witness to her taking Valalee into one of the secret passageways of the Under. Valancy Mancini, who was out on a walk with baby Valstell strapped to her chest, saw the entire thing. But instead of bothering to help her niece, or even going to Vallix who was just a few buildings away, she ignores the situation and wonders what the family should have for dinner tonight.

★ Vallix comforts a wizard crying in his shop, who feels guilty for Vallix trying to rob him after being shown forgiveness and kindness by Vallix. But unknown to Vallix because he was distracted with the crying wizard, something sinister occurred just outside his shop. Oblivious over what happened to Valalee, he thinks about one of his frightening customers who ordered a fire proof cape, who happened to be the same wizard Ororo was taking Valalee too at that moment.

Underground Criminals
Characters: Tiaro, Ororo, Valalee, Criminal Nova

★ Tiaro is busy inspecting the plants used to create his drugs and mentally went through the list of customers who owe him money, and calculated just how much profit he would make once his thugs returned collecting payments.

★ Ororo leads Valalee, tied and blindfolded, down to the Under and parks her infront of Tiaro's garden like some sort of horse, tying her ropes to a tree so she couldn't get away. Ororo then goes to Tiaro's office to tell him the news. Valalee tries to be brave, but she's scared and alone and ends up crying anyway. Ororo tells Tiaro that the girl is a Mancini and unlike her other victims, people will actually care about her disappearance.

★ Valalee starts says that they can't do anything to her because of her family, and that her mother would get revenge for her. Plus, her grandaunt and granduncle are the queen and king! She tries to threaten them with this, but she gets slapped in the face by Ororo and told to shut up.

Summer Snowfall *Event Complete
Characters: Angelic, Satanic

★ In the North, Angelic wants to buy a scarf since it's always snowing in this land. But a fan notices him and soon a crowd swarms him and his protector, Satanic. He nervously tries to deal with the questions and latches onto Satanic like a frightened child, asking him if he had his note cards with him.

★ Anxious because of the large crowd, Satanic focuses on finding the right note cards for Angelic. Right in between SMALL CHILDREN and BEAUTIFUL WOMEN, he finds the LARGE CROWD note cards and hands them over, keeping an eye on the crowd in case they get too rowdy.

★ Relieved that Satanic had brought them, and thankful for his presence in general, Angelic reads the advice on the cards. He shakily addresses his fans, spouting an improvised speech on the spot. After the speech, Satanic leads Angelic through the crowd, but some guy pulls on Angelic's arm and Satanic goes into power ranger mode. He twists the guy's arm or something like that and the dude goes running off. Satanic apologizes for being trash and over reacting.

★ Angelic tells Satanic he protected him so he doesn't have to apologize, but becomes alarmed that Satanic called himself trash. He tries his best to comfort his protector, and since he has zero flashcards that would help in this situation, Angelic has to rely only on himself. He tells Satanic it's okay to be trash, because one wizard's trash is another wizard's treasure. Angelic is instantly embarrassed by what he said to him, but he is determined to get through to his friend. He begs him not to think so badly of himself, and that Satanic would always be treasure to him.

★ Surprised by Angelic's words, Satanic reflects that nobody has ever said such nice things to him. He gives him a rare smile, and claims that Angelic speaks better without the note cards and may have more confidence than he thinks. It is Angelic who is surprised this time, and feels in awe that somebody believes in him, because the one thing he has wanted most in his life is confidence. But the weather gets chillier, so Angelic asks Satanic to accompany him to the shop so he can finally buy the scarf he wanted. Angelic wonders if Satanic would accept a scarf if Angelic bought him one too.

Search for Valalee
Characters: Valexander, Valora, Valentiano, Valhero, Valalee

★ Valexander is brought home by Pemberley after the disasterous adventure at Candiland, and instantly scolded by his angry mother.

Rescue Mission
Characters: Noem, Symphony, Madriel, Abiel

The Twin's Trap
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