This is me eyeballing it, but this is the claims so far, yes?
This looks much better than my attempt at paint. XD
I will need to increase the size of the Heartlands some so they reach those mountains.
I'll have to look into that paint program. In the meantime, Pepperm1nts idea is quite good. Atm, Gold Eagle is handling the Royal House more than me but we are going for something of a Greco-roman mixed with a bit gothic thrown in. I'm focusing a bit on the lore atm but me and Gold will get a summary going when he's on but I doubt there will be much overlap as the Crown will be something along the lines of masters of none. (maybe a heavy infantry focus on a military side.)
Question, I'd make a relative small house which more or less governs a single city. It would be on the island between GreviousKhan and Abefroeman's domain. But would anyone mind if they were the literal money makers (aka the minters) of the empire? Controlling vast amount of funds themselves. Money is alwasy required for whatever you do so they are still very powerful. And the previous emperor, with his love for boats, heavily loaned from my family (putting the crown into somewhat of a debt with my guys, a debt they want to see repaid).
So you're planning on going for a City state in charge of coin minting? Or maybe you mean something less literal in terms of money making (like having a strong arm on the trade in the area). Anyway, I can work with the crown being in debt to further plunge things into a more dire state. We can work out the details as things pan out, but I very much like the idea.
Plus this could work well for a character I have planned.