Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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>Welcome, User.

>Identification - Authorised_For_System.

>WARNING/Highly_Confidential_File: Continue? [Y/N]



>Mission_Objective: The UNSC Eighth Fleet's Stranger of Darkness, also accompanied by the Burning Hope and Nimble Spirit, was to send a full interception operation towards a discovered, habitable Shield-World known to ONI as 'Oman', where Covenant Forces were to be apprehended. It was believed that Fleet-Master Grazo 'Lovamee was placed in this location, and that the destruction of not only him, but his Ship could help turn the tide of many conflicts in different Systems. Accompanied by UNSC Marine Forces and Special Operations Orbital Drop Shock Troopers, UNSC Spartans were to land on the surface, gather intelligence on the Occupational Force's Fleet Master's location and assassinate him as a target. If the Objective was complete, or incomplete, personnel would have to infiltrate the Flagship, Vigilant Redemption, and remove it as a threat with specialised 'Slipspace' explosives. The Second Objective was considered a 'High Priority Objective, not to be failed for the sake of the War.'

>Mission_Outcome: Specialised Teams of Spartan Units were sent discretely with Transportation onto Oman's surface, where they would establish small communications and reconnaissance tasks. After three days, the three Vessels were to arrive, beginning on drawing the Fleet into separate segments of Orbit, allowing less resistance for the Ground Teams as Full-Frontal landing parties from both the UNSC Marine Corps and ODST Detachments would then too land on the surface. It only took Two Hours of the Eighth Fleet's Presence for an Evacuation to be called. This Evacuation, however, wasn't called from Covenant Personnel. The UNSC Nimble Spirit was to flee in rapid panic from the scene, with the destruction of both the Burning Hope and Stranger of Darkness. Badly damaged and under very little time to regather units, the Ship had to flee, with Captain Abraham Henderson's final transmission to ground forces as: "I'm sorry. However...we are all grateful of your contribution and noble sacrifice...If you are still left, do what you have to do..." The UNSC Nimble Spirit has successfully returned to the safety of Human Controlled systems, and is undertaking many immediate repairs as a priority. However, there were approximately 7,415 Infantry Personnel left behind on Oman, many of which consisted of bands of Marines, several Armoured Divisions, Seven ODST Teams and Fourteen Spartan Teams. Most are presumed dead, all of which are labelled as M.I.A. on UNSC and ONI Records. No further transmissions or communication links with any ground force still left on the Shield World's surface has been accomplished. ONI deny any means of sending Search Parties until the Covenant Occupation Fleet has either disbanded its task from the Shield World or been destroyed. Unpredictable prices of UNSC and ONI Equipment has been left on the Planet, as well as destroyed in the Orbital Combat. Predictions of ever returning are minimal, from both High Ranking Officers of the UNSC and High-Level Authorisation of ONI.

>Objective_Status: FAILED/24th_July_2552


>Command/Update: Do you wish to Update this File?


>The Scenario

Welcome, you lot, to Left Behind, a semi-Survival based Roleplay revolving around the franchise of Halo, as you might've guessed at this point. Set around those who never made it to the evacuations, which were quite high in numbers, and were left stranded on the Shield World 'Oman', there's only two options for such soldiers. Complete the Objective...Or Die. Mostly set around the Spartan IIIs, working alongside leftover Troops that'd be found along the way, a Mission of uttermost suicide, yet importance, is yet to be accomplished. The Decisions made from the survivors will lead to succession, or critical failure.

So let's talk more about the Cast, the characters and main focus for the Scenario. Spartan IIIs, the (Obviously), third generation of Spartan Units mass produced to serve the UNSC as Super-Soldiers. The Main Characters will all be featured as Spartan IIIs, many of which would be Newer Combat Efficient ones, whereas a selected few, and myself, would be more experienced. Almost completely spread around the surface of the planet, many of those who'd come together would end up forming smaller teams. These would be depending on who was the closest to them after the Defeat of the Orbital Engagement, as many on other areas of the Planet would've been wiped clean of straggling UNSC Personnel. Consider these characters the Lucky one's, up until they realise what they'll have to keep on fighting for...Coincidentally, if you are aware of dates and timelines, you might've realised that the Orbital Defeat, and a Day Prior to the start of the Roleplay, was the beginning of the Assault on Reach. This taking place roughly at the same time period, armour, weaponry, abilities, enhancements and technology would roughly be the same. The Invasion taking place on the infamous battleground, it had led to an even thinner chance of any UNSC Fleets ever returning to rescue the survivors. Just a neat lil' aspect I decided to add in to make things seem a little less complicated.

>The Characters

In Left Behind, as already mentioned, you, as the Roleplayers, will be stepping into the hardened boots of the Spartan III Super-Soldiers. Just to clarify, this doesn't include the Spartan II's Soldiers, in this Roleplay, seeing as those would've been Based on Reach. This wasn't a highly infamous Operation, which is why only these newer breeds were the Frontal Assaulters of this Battleground. Male? Female? Gender clearly doesn't concern anyone, as the Programme was open to all kinds of Kidnapped Selected individuals hand-picked by ONI itself. Raised as Soldiers from a young age, they aren't exactly a stranger to the dangers of their upcoming battles. Yet, that doesn't always mean they'll survive the onslaught they are rested in.

The Roleplay will all focus with the side-help of NPCs created by me. They won't just be side-lines to fill the blanks, but rather crucial in their own small aspects. Some, for example, would be trusted with important objectives and what not. They also can act as some of the punishments and sanctions caused by the Main Characters' actions. Make a traumatic failure, you can expect a team-mate to go down without any glory or time to realise their under-attack. These can be controlled, for interactions and stuff, by everyone, though are only to be majorly tampered with by the Creator of the NPC. If you create such for a Fireteam, or have some within your Fireteam...They should be more than likely under your control. Just don't argue over them, alright?

Before I flash up the CS, here's a note on Creating a Character. I've recently got ahold of Vanity, a Halo-Reach based Spartan III Armour customising application. This allows me to create 3D Images of Spartans, and not just for my own personal use. If I can hopefully get requests in, if you search up the Halo Reach Armour Modification List, I can create your Spartan to your liking. This helps create a great image/perspective of what your Armour truly looks like. Unfortunately, as you might notice, Helmet Attachments aren't available yet in the Application, hence there being none used. Keep this in mind. Here are a few examples, for instance, that I whipped up whilst messing around with the Editor...

Example One

Example Two

Example Three

And so, here's the CS I mentioned. Try to follow the Template as closely as possible. I'll allow you to upgrade it, add things, make it look pretty and shit. For all I care, it can look extremely nice. As long as it has the essential requirements and information, it is your oyster to muck around with!

There, as seen, is listed Fireteam. A Fireteam consists of 4 to 8 Spartans, in this Roleplay. Usually filled with NPCs, unless Roleplayers want to join other Fireteam's to give a basic friendship between one another, or hatred. There'll be many teams for you to create, each with their own NPCs and leaders above you. Fireteam Leaders usually consist of Warrant Officers and Sergeant Majors, so don't expect to be leading anyone at this point. The only Fireteam that is completely out-of-bounds from use will be Fireteam - Chariot. Reasons behind this is to do with their role. This team played an extremely crucial part in the Operation, and still technically are, and will include myself as one of it's personnel. I won't be starring as a huuuuge leader, but I'll have some small leadership over you. Don't worry, you can still command the group of Marines and other Spartans, in cooperation more than ordering, that fall beneath you.

>The Rules

>Rule 1: My Word is Law. Don't like it, file a very friendly complaint before most likely being rejected.

>Rule 2: You may be a Spartan, but that doesn't mean you are God's Gift. Don't go charging into unrealistic situations with unrealistic outcomes, though that doesn't stop you from having your odd Moment to shine every once in a while.

>Rule 3: The Gear. Don't make it too Far from the Chronological Era, and don't introduce any Prototype weapons. The Only Prototype Weapon being used is perhaps the Slipspace Bomb, as well as maybe the unique Armour Abilities, if they are within reason.

>Rule 4: When creating a Character, don't make them roughly similar to everyone else's. I mean, it isn't compulsory, but it isn't advised. You want your Character to at least have some individuality, despite being a War Machine to some extent, as well as evening the chances of survival. If we, for example, had a entire Roleplay full of marksmen, or CQC Specialists...You know how fucked they'd be. That doesn't mean you can be similar to maybe one specific individual...As long as it isn't a complete Copy and Paste scenario.

>Rule 5: If you have any concerns about other Roleplayers, whether it is for safety, don't ask, or you dislike their actions...Don't fucking apprehend them like some SO-19 Armed Police Unit. Private Message me, explain the problems you are suspicious of, and I'll try to settle the issue as well as possible. Cramming up the OOC with hate-mail isn't exactly my Cup-Of-Tea, so don't fuck up this rule.

>Rule 6: If you are going to be absent for some time, please tell us, for the love of God. I'd prefer knowing whether you are going to be absent or not. I know that some people cannot explain these issues, which I totally understand...but if it is possible, try to explain. To combat any halts in the Roleplay, your character can be temporarily handed over to another Roleplayer, or me, for fair use until you return. Upon joining this Roleplay, you immediately agree to this rule first. I don't want anyone waiting around in interactions, so after some time...this'll be put into play.

>Rule 7: If you need to leave, tell us. Anonymous disappearances for-good aren't in my Wants. If you wish to leave, become bored, or have something drawing you away, please let us know. From there, we can decide quickly your Character's fate. Whether they continue living for a good amount of time as an NPC, or whether they die almost as soon as you leave, is completely up to you. You won't have long to decide, and beyond your leave, we can alter their fate in fair use. If, however, you have been removed from the Roleplay, you will not get this decision. I will decide whether your character lives, dies, or gets eaten by some Mushroom or something...Tough luck.

>Rule 8: Finally, interactions. Whether you want to collaborate with another writer, which is totally fine, or wish to just chat for some time, don't drag it on for too long. We'd like to progress the story, so using forward-moving dialogue would help. That doesn't mean you can't talk to anyone, but a conversation too long is a conversation not advised. Romance also falls under this banner, staying within the RPG's PG-13 Rule. If things are going to get into that weird...Kink area...Then take it to the PM, where the rest of the Roleplayers don't have to experience someone putting something in someone's ear...or something...

Everything here should be up to scratch, in my opinion. I'll be looking forward to seeing the CS's progression, hopefully having Roleplayers seize places in the Roleplay and generally enjoy it as it goes on. I'll too be creating my CS soon enough. Remember, if you wish to have a Vanity armour make-up, tell me the armour specifications and looks following the UNSC Reach Outfitting [Basically the Armour and Colours of Halo Reach] and I'll do my best to make it as decent as possible. I hope those taking part enjoy the Roleplay, and wish to see a great experience from this! Thank you.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 2 days ago

@Lord Zee@Deadnaut@VKAllen@Inertia@Otaku95@Garden GnomeI guess you guys lost interest then? XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Deadnaut
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Deadnaut Weapons Specialist

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Not quite, just workin on the CS. I'm really tired today tho, so work is sllllooooowwwww
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 2 days ago

@DeadnautOoooh, good to hear! I'll get my own CS up within the hours as an example. You good for the armour and whatnot or are you still deciding?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 2 days ago

Note, it might not go up tonight, my CS. If you have your one finished before I do nice within the next two days, post it at will!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Garden Gnome
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Garden Gnome Definitely made in IKEA

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Ah, I see you've decided to use Spartans after all! :)
I'll begin working on a CS, but I'll want to see yours as a guide! :p
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I still have interest, its just character sheets take time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Penultimate_Pi


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm interested in joining, if you'll have me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Deadnaut
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Deadnaut Weapons Specialist

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Oops, accidental post
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Garden Gnome
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Garden Gnome Definitely made in IKEA

Member Seen 5 mos ago


What a killjoy!
I thought it was something interesting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Deadnaut
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Deadnaut Weapons Specialist

Member Seen 12 mos ago

@Garden Gnome

It almost was! I accidentally posted a far from finished version of my CS while I was typing it!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@LetMeDoStuff Am at work. I'll get my CS sorted out soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 2 days ago

@Penultimate_Pi I'll have yah!

@Garden GnomeMine'll hopefully come later tonight, as I've got a shit tonne of stuff to do today...a shit tonne.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 12 mos ago

I may have to drop the ball for this rp, I've joined alot of rp's, and the recent influx of business with real life shenanigans prevents me from applying to this.

Sorry @LetMeDoStuff, it's my fault for not managing my time. Apologies again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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PatrickDrummer The Legend

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Can I join?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 2 days ago

@InertiaShame to hear that, but very nice to know in advance! Good luck!

@PatrickDrummer Of course!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 2 days ago

I'm making my CS, and am getting one of the Armour requests done soon too
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Penultimate_Pi


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Silly question, but I assume we're allowed to use MJOLNIR Armor given the pictures and the AI section in the character sheet?
(I ask because the SPARTAIN-III program would usually use SPI Armor due to it being more cost-effective in lore.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 2 days ago

@Penultimate_PiYes, MJOLNIR Armour is allowed.

Also, note for Fireteams. I've created the only Fireteam that is considered part of the Special Warfare Group, much like Noble Team just not as great. So don't go making an accidental SPG because...I don't know...Reasons. I'm nearly done, as well!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Deadnaut
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Deadnaut Weapons Specialist

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Speaking of done....

>Armour: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor/AA Variant

>Full Name: Aura Renae Jones

>Nickname: All-A

>Gender: Female

>Age: 28

>Service Tag: A023

>Rank: Sergeant


- Helmet: Air Assault Variant
- Left Shoulder: UA/Base Security
- Right Shoulder: UA/Base Security
- Chest: UA/Counter-Assault
- Wrist: UA/Buckler
- Utility: Tactical/Trauma Kit
- Visor Colour: Silver
- Knee Guards: Mark V [B]
- Colours: Rust [Primary] and Teal [Secondary]

>Personality: For better or worse, Aura has been molded by her experiences as a Spartan. She's seen people die, and has taken plenty of lives herself, and as such has an intimate knowledge of death that few possess. She is very caring, in her own way, and takes it upon herself to ensure her fellow Spartans survive. For some, this manifests in the form of a hard, drill-sergeant like personality to keep the team motivated. For others, it is a soft, doting big sister, taking care of her beloved younger siblings. Truthfully, she'd love to always fill the latter role, but she knows sometimes people need someone hard, larger than life, to motivate them to keep going as opposed to the soft touch she wished she could always provide. Solid and dependable on and off the battlefield, Aura is a social enough beast to check in with her teammates and make conversation, but not so social as to overwhelm them. As a result of her elder sister complex, she has a hard time admitting when she needs help, and has a habit of chronically downplaying her own issues.

>Equipment: MA5B Assault Rifle, M45 Tactical Shotgun, Puma Backpack, Water canteens, First-aid Pouch, compass, protractor, pen, notebook, waterproof matches, water purification tablets, first-aid kit, three days rations, spare magazines for Rifle and shotgun, Multi-tool.

>Armour Enhancements: Jetpack

>A.I: Arielle, an AI given to Aura to assist in making tactical decisions, as well as increase her response times.

>Positive Traits: Agile and a good shot at a close and medium ranges, along with enough willpower to power a Frigate

>Negative Traits: Has issues with leaving people to die, couldn't hit the broad side of a barn at long range.

>General Likes: Running, Reading romance novels, Talking with her siblings

>General Dislikes/Fears: Assholes, Death and Rock Music

>General Background
Planet of Birth: Harvest
Place of Origin: Krasis, Harvest
DOB: 07/30/2523
Childhood Home: Madam Brinkley's Home For The Less Fortunate, Eridanus VI

>Notable Training Records:
Classroom Phase, Theoretical Course, Week 5: Cadet A023 is recorded as excelling in tactical and strategic courses, as well as theoretical understanding of other subjects. A023 consistently scores within top 1% of class, given day off by instructor to see if cadet was consumed by own success. Cadet A023 is recorded as utilizing day off to tutor less-capable students. Those who were seen speaking with A023 were seen making repeated return visits after exercises and receiving additional aid. All students thusly tutored showed 15% increase in scores, bringing some to the minimum requirement to remain in the program.

Survival Exercise, Survival Course, Week 13: Cadet A023 was inserted approx. 15 kilometers from nearest fellow cadet. Cadets were given no indication of other cadets position, nor were they instructed to work in groups. Surveillance drones depicted cadet A023 deviating from all optimal paths towards extraction or shelter towards fellow cadets. Cadet A023 was next seen assisting problem candidates with survival, to the point of delaying her own extraction to do so. Cadets assisted by A023 later showed marked increase in scores on both theoretical and practical exercises.

Simulated Warfare, Crucible Course, Week 22: Cadet A023 named leader of Team Nodachi by program head, dispatched into jungle armed with training rounds. Objective of exercise was to capture flag from instructors, cadets given no specific instructions to interact between fireteams. Encouragement to compete/deviate from group behavior given in form of extra incentive to first fireteam to acquire flag. Cadet A023 lead team to objective point, appearing to be operating within expected parameters. Instead of planning or launching assault, Team Nodachi intercepted other teams and coordinated. Cadet A023 was able to lead combined assault of approx. 75% of total remaining cadets on instructor position, resulting battle ended in minimal casualties for cadet group. Flag was given to least physically capable fireteam, supplementing their rations with additional food.

>Known Affiliates:
Father: Alexander Jones DECEASED DoD: October 7th, 2525
Mother: Kelli Jones DECEASED DoD: October 7th, 2525
Sister: Ariana Jones DECEASED DoD: October 7th, 2525

Adam A121 DECEASED DoD: February 7th, 2545
Misti A593 DECEASED DoD: February 7th, 2545
Viktor A142 ACTIVE
Maki C321 ACTIVE
Jack C098 ACTIVE
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