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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jaybreezy
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jaybreezy Your Local Scumbag

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Chris frowned at Bao's reaction. He knew she was upset for sure. He sighed and went to his seat, too ashamed in himself to look her in the eye. The whole situation wasn't Chris' fault at all. But his innocent personality made him think he was at fault. If only he just walked away. Or maybe he shouldn't have looked at Brandon. He sat in his assigned seat and hid hid face in his hands.

"Good morning sweeties! My name is Ms. Waitaka and i'll be your homeroom teacher as well as your math teacher!"

Chris' head perked up, finally hearing his teacher. A small smile formed as she didn't seem too boring or strict. He looked down a bit though, knowing he showed up on the first day with a giant bruise on his face. He listened as she talked about the packet and everything, looking at the papers as they got to him. Math wasn't too hard for Chris. In fact, he was pretty good at it. But he hated the process. It wasn't interesting at all.

"My... What happened to you sweetie?"

Chris looked at Ms. Waitaka, a bit nervous and uneasy. He blushed from slight embarrassment and tried to hide his face. "I uh...hurt myself..." Chris said, trying not to alarm her. Especially since it was the first day. He tried to avoid any further investigation.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Everyone is now in class so let's get started on this group project~

Yuukawa’s eyes barely opened when he heard the alarm ring. He turned it off and went back to sleep. It had been a long night and the first thing he had to do when he got back was finish looking over some things for the bills, taxes, and the such. “Well, school doesn’t start in a while so it should be fine…” he mumbled as he went back to sleep.

FUCK! SHIT!...Oh well. Yuukawa got out of the bed quickly, realizing his alarm had been set 1 hour behind. He scruffed his hair and somewhat attempted to manage it and have it looking a little neat. Not that it ever really did. He then grabbed his bag and a piece of toast as he ran out of his small apartment. Yuukawa ran to school and got there out of breath but quickly pulled himself together as he opened the door with a loud “BAM!”. He flinched, walking in slowly. “Sorry i’m late..” He said, a small and a bit apologetic smile on his face.

Ms. Waitaka nodded and walked away from the boy. Knowing when it was not the time to try and get information out of people. She could figure out who did it later. She smiled and went to the front of the class. “Well, it looks like everyone else is late as of now. Actually later than late. Tardy on their first da-” “BAM!”. She glared as she turned to see a bright red haired individual standing in her classroom with a smile on his face as he apologized.

“Oh well isn’t it nice of you to join us. 20 minutes late Mr. Akise.” She said to the boy. It was the first day so she would have to let it slide. “Don’t let it happen again.” She said sweetly. “Got it?” Her voice now stern and serious but quickly returning to a smile as she pointed to his seat.

Mari awoke in her king size bed with silk sheets. The maid went over to her, gently nudging her to get up. “Ms. Miyezawa… It is already 21 minutes past the time to be in class.” She frowned as Mari’s scars showed. She got up, panicked and turned to glare at her maid once she realized where she was looking “Turn your head away from such things. Thank you Verona. However, you should have gotten me up earlier. You know I hate to be late.” She said with a sigh, apologizing to the sweet woman in her mind. She gently got out of the bed, slipping on her soft slippers. Mari looked at the brush that was being handed to her on a platter. I can get such things myself… They think i’m this helpless? She smiled gently and went to take it before her maid took it and began brushing her hair. Mari frowned but accepted and stood up. “It’s fine now. Thank you.” Her maid bowed and left the room, her butler now standing just in front of the door. “Alteiz. I’m going to change. You needn’t watch me.” Mari went over to the school outfit that was being hanged and wrinkle free.

She quickly got on her school outfit, realizing that Alteiz was looking over at the door now. She snapped her fingers, allowing him to look once she was done. What’s for breakfast? She asked herself in her mind before realizing that she wouldn’t be eating today with the time that it was. Mari went down the stairs, her bag being handed to her and she took it. “You know you can leave. You don’t need to be here. I’m fine alone.” She said with a gentle smile as she left the house with her keys in her bag. They had a family they needed to get home to.

Soon, she got to the school and walked in, smirking at the people in the halls. She had already grown used to the way she acted. Mari opened the door, looking at the other students with a look of shame on her face. As if she was judging each and every one of them. She would love to be their friend but that wasn’t something she would be doing. It wasn’t something she was allowed to do anymore.

“Good morning! I do apologize. My father was far too busy with showering me with gifts to realize the time. A new valentino dress though I just received one the other day.” She said, smirking with a sigh as if to say “What can I do?”. Ugh, disgusting. Valentino was one of the most expensive brands and it wasn’t a lie that she had many dresses from the brand.. Far too many. Her father always needed her to look presentable when he took her to gala’s to show her off. Mari walked proudly but had no expression in her eyes. Not that anyone would notice such a thing. A new year. A new year to have everyone hate me. Great. Might as well be acting class.

Another late student? She turned her head to see “Ms. Miyezawa… It’s fine.” She said, gritting her teeth. Don’t be rude to her, they said. Treat her with the utmost respect she deserves they said. Her father is a main donor for the school they said. Brat. Ms. Waitaka looked back to the students with a smile.“Now!” Ms. Waitaka placed her hands together as she took a piece of chalk and began writing.

“These will be your groups for this project! For the project, this is what you will be doing. Each group will create their own clothes, music, weapons, etc. OK? I don’t care what you guys create all I care is that you guys do it TOGETHER. That doesn’t mean all of you working alone. It can be in partners and I recommend that for a lot of it I suppose. Not that you won't be working all 4 together."

"I want each of you to create your own products. Be it a clothing line, a new computer, a movie, or perhaps you want to create a small restaurant menu together~! Of course, that means you will be cooking. All I need is that and a website for all of it. This will be due next friday or perhaps earlier, got it? OK. If you have any complaints with this I do not care. But I will answer any questions you have~ This project wasn’t really my choice. It was the board’s choice. A project to get to know each other. If you don’t like each other. Work it out.” Ms. Waitaka stood with a smile on her face as she spoke. Her outfit was good for the day since she could freely move in the dress she had on.

“If you don’t have any questions, get together in a group and start thinking up what you want to work on!”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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Draconequis i am a banana

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Mellia had broght her legs down and.. kind of done some of her packet. Math was her worst subject. It didn't help that she had dyscalculia, which was essentially a severe math disability which made it nearly impossible for Mell to memorize or grasp even the most basic of concepts. Fuck this shit. She drew a couple of dicks in the corner and slapped the booklet shut without even caring.

Mell let her attention waver as she stared out the window, only coming back to reality in time to see one person. She crinkled her nose in disgust as she saw the woman approach and heard the words flying from her mouth. 'My father was far too busy with showering me with gifts to realize the time. A new Valentino dress though I just received one the other day.' Oh good fucking god. Mell had never wanted to punch someone in the face more in her life. Braggarts were some of the most annoying people in the world. And from seeing this girl.. Mell could form an educated guess. This little bitch was probably some kind of rich girl who had everything she ever wanted handed to her on a silver platter. 'The easiest mark in the world'. as her father would say. Mell turned back to the teacher as she said something about them going into group projects. Something about making their own business. Instantly her father's slightly less legitimate business came to mind. Mell smirked, thinking she was probably the worst one to do this project.

She stared at the paper with the groups on it before moving over to the group she was supposed to be a part of. First of all, there was some kind of gold skinned girl with dark brown eyes and light brown hair which seemed a bit unnatural against her skin tone. The amount of makeup slathered on her face was.. excessive in Mell's opinion. She was also short.. even more so than Mell, who wasn't very tall to begin with.

Then there was a tall muscular guy with black hair, light amber eyes, and a beanie. She could smell the faint scent of cigarettes coming from his clothes. Ah.. a fellow smoker then. She admired his height for a moment in silence before turning her eyes to their third member.

Another guy, this one with whitish blonde hair and almost orangish eyes. He was taller than her, but shorter than the dude with black hair.

She raised an eyebrow at her group before grunting. "I'm Mell." She'd rather be anywhere else than here right now in a skirt. "I guess we are working together or something."



Arturo finished his packet in record time, sliding the pencil on the desk. His eyes drifted over to Mell and he saw the girl struggling, getting mad and scribbling violently on the page before flipping it over. Likely, he would have to help her with her math. The woman was helpless when it came to numbers. She wasn't completely obnoxious.. he could at least offer her some help. She was actually pretty smart when she had a bit extra help.. she just.. took a bit longer to understand and remember things than normal people.

Though before he could get up, the teacher announced something about a group project and Mell was off with her project mates. Arturo heaved a sigh. He would chat with her later, when no one was around. No one had to know about her problem other than him. Knowing her the way he did, Mell probably liked it better that way anyways.. making it look like she had no weaknesses.

He turned to the rest of his group.

First off, his eyes focused on a rather cute girl. She was significantly shorter than himeself with bizzare pinkish red eyes and hair covering most of her face. Then, there was a mousy, soft looking boy with light brown hair, blue eyes and a gentle smile. Arturo couldn't help but notice the bruise on his face.. at that particular angle it was clearly from someone punching him. Had he angered Mell? or had someone else at this school slugged him one? Another guy.. this one with blonde hair and blue eyes. He was actually pretty nice to look at, though he could afford to be taller. And lastly, the girl who'd barged into the place late saying something about clothing her dad was buying her. He surveyed her cooly. She was pretty.. she could probably be a super model or something if she tried. So... he was in the group of eye candy. Arturo couldn't help the smile from dancing across his face. Yepp, this was going to be a rewarding project.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rocklee
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rocklee i dont need you

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

Kiddo sat on the desk as he doodled some whatever the fuck he ends up drawing...He glanced at the group..Oh what a surprise a group filled with people he will probably hate! Oh joy! Thinking about the project..He DID have his heart set on a clothing line. Since mainstream clothing and fashion are shit anyways it would be fun. Kiddo looked at the first girl...Tan skin, winged eyeliner,faded blond hair to brown..yep basic plastic bitch....Next in line was some tall looking mother fucker. Nothing to note but he was sorta cute..probably a dick though. Then there is this other girl...uhh the butch right. Her hair was parted so...weird it sorta erked him. A LOT of stupid little things erked him, like if someones eyeliner wasn't symmetrical, or if there was a book in the wrong category in the library..oh it killed him.

Now she spoke, "I'm Mell.". "I guess we are working together or something." He stopped himself from rolling his eyes 'no shit sherlock'. He wanted to suggest..no DEMAND that they do a fashion line...But then again..He hated to be the first to talk in situations, its always best to be in the middle so no one thinks your over anxious or just desperate. He looked down at his phone again...oh lookie here filthy frank...'I guess this will do until i decide its the right time to talk. kiddo must plan every move he makes when it comes to introductions, making the right impression was important after all. Man he could go for chocolate...Or bleach whatever works. Kiddo took another look at Mell...ugh 'I hope to god she wont try to take control of this project..its mine bitch'.

@caliban22 @Draconequis @MissCapnCrunch
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Mari mentally groaned once she heard of a group project. Yay. Working in groups. However, she did honestly feel a bit happy at the mention of creating anything you would like. If it would up to her, she would make a cafe menu. Or perhaps grow a garden from plants that were already raised well, simply flower arrangement. They were always beautiful. However, it wasn’t likely that she would suggest such things. Mari looked at her group. Urgh. What is this? All guys? Well, it’s better I suppose. Girls are scary a lot of the times anyways.

She stood up, tossing her hair behind her as she walked over to the closest one that appeared to be in her group. The only one she saw as of now since he was practically right behind her. A male that had eyes which she liked. Bright green. It reminded her of emeralds but personally, he looked suspicious. Well, no mind. Doesn't matter right now. “My name is Mari. Mari Miyezawa. We’ll be working together so don’t get too close to me please. It’s quite revolting.” She said, adding a sweet smile to the end. More like if you get close to me, you'll feel disgusted. “Name.” She asked, almost as if she was demanding it. Almost as if she owed him his name. Sorry… she said to him mentally without allowing her smug look to disperse.

Mari had one hand behind her back as she clawed at her palm, digging deeply. I really need to get rid of this habit. It does me no good. He doesn't seem like a bad person at all but that wouldn’t do. He’ll hate me soon enough.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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Draconequis i am a banana

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Arturo glanced down at the super-model like woman as she snapped in his direction, introducing herself as Mari Miyezawa. He gave her a sly wink. "Arturo Cuevas. And It's a shame you find me revolting, because I find you enchanting. And since we are working together we are going to have to be in a slightly more... intimate setting. " A suave smile stretched across his face with a suggestive eyebrow wiggle. "If i might suggest a cafe of some sorts? I could teach you all how to cook if that is what it takes." he pointed to each member in turn. "Of course.. this would require me getting to know each of you a bit better. I think.. i would make a dish to fit each of your personalities as a basis..." he remarked. "If we require some sort of musical entertainment, i could provide that as well. I can play the harp."

He shrugged casually. "Unless any of the others have a better idea.. i would think this would be the best option for now."




After introducing herself, Mell completely lost interest in the group project or whatever. She stared out the window for a moment before turning back in time to see the guy with blonde hair practically glaring daggers into her head.

"What is it pretty boy, you got something to add?" she asked with an eyebrow raised. "You going to introduce yourself or keep staring at me?" There was a teasing tone to her voice, as if what she said was just a joke. Which most everything was after seeing some of her coworkers get shot to death. There was no reason in being too serious because life for her could end any time. One of her best friends got shot and killed when she was in grade school.. and Mell had a few close calls herself. That's why she didn't care to have a filter or watch what she was saying to others.. which she probably should have.. because her careless attitude could rub others the wrong way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Mari distanced herself a bit from the man. He was scary. She didn’t like scary. Why does he keep doing stuff with his eyes and his eyebrows? She felt happy when he mentioned a cafe though. Mm-hmm! I could make cute snacks… and I could play the violin! That would be lovely. However, she narrowed her eyes, looking to the side for a bit before returning her gaze to the boy. ”A cafe? I don’t see why not. I approve. I do know how to play the violin. But you could play your harp all you like.” She said in a bored tone, her eyes know drifting away from him and to the other boy.

A bruise on his cheek. She hated to see others with scars on them. She walked over to him, tilting her head as she raised her hand and lifted his head forcefully. “A bruise? On the first day?” She laughed dryly for about 4 seconds. “How disgusting.” With that, she went through a small bag she had with her, taking out a band aid and opening it. Mari smacked it on him. Forcefully but at the same time gently. The mark seemed to have a bit of blood coming out. The band aid was the type that could disinfect open wounds at the same time. She smirked at him. “There you go little bitch.” She said, her voice rude and harsh as she looked him straight in the eyes. A seemingly sweet and innocent boy. Continuing to dig her nails in her palm behind her back but stopping after a while and moving her hand from behind her back. She wanted to say sorry then and there but that wasn’t what her expression said. Her lips forming an arrogant smile. With that, she took out a hand wipe and wiped her hands, struggling to hold back and not wipe him instead. She felt bad that he had to touch her.


Ayumi’s eyes glowed when she looked at the list. People that she knew and Sai! She quickly went over to Sai, a smile on her face as she waved Robert over at the same time. Ayumi then frowned a bit as she looked at Sai. “Sai! Sorry about yesterday… I did it again. I went and forgot about my main reason for being there.” She said, looking straight at her with an apologetic expression. She felt bad for having to make Sai feel so uncomfortable that she had to fake her depart. All because she was far too social. “But i’m glad we get to work together on this together! What do you have in mind?” She asked her, a sweet smile now forming on her lips.
@LowKey123 @KillBox
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After the group assignment was introduced to them, Bao abandoned trying to finish her math packet and decided to slowly towards her group. She adjusted the hem of her skirt slightly as it got a bit messed up from sitting at her desk. One of the girls began introducing herself as Bao stood next to them, appearing short and a bit frivolous side. Though she hadn't meant to be either the two, she couldn't help it really.

"I'm Mell." the girl said, "I guess we are working together or something." Bao could tell by the tone and the look plastered on the girl's face that Mell wanted to be here less than Bao even wanted to, and for that- she could relate.

Waiting for someone else to speak up the group fell to an eerie and awkward silence. Mell spoke again "What is it pretty boy, you got something to add?" Bao turned to look at the boy, he was fairly pretty, that part was right. "You going to introduce yourself or keep staring at me?" Mell added, in a teasing tone though a bit blunt. Bao decided to speak up before this turned into a fight and they'd all end up looking like Chris.

"Shit-" Bao started out strong, "Um, well hey. I'm Bao. Nice to meet you Mell, and other group members.." she trailed off, her voice lowering to a quiet hum as her teeth sink into her lip. "Any of you guys have ideas for the project? I don't mind going with anything really." she admitted, her easy going nature making her a great partner once the project was rolling but a terrible decision maker.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Alex barely woke up when the teacher came in. He half paid attention to her and half didn't(Obviously). When she went around distributing the math packets he thought, *At least it's not science.* Alex was brilliant at math. He looked at each question and in only a few seconds he had figured out the answers no problem. Only one did he have to write out his work and that's only because he was sleepy and kept repeating the same step in his head on accident.

When he finished he looked up and noticed the other students around him. Almost everyone else was working hard. He saw only one person who looked like they were actually done. It was some Hispanic dude that was really tall. Then one after another two students came in late. First was some bumbling buffoon who Alex wished he could have been in the place of when it came to what time they arrived at school. Then a rich girl who seemed kinda arrogant walked in and started talking. Alex didn't really pay attention. He wasn't here to learn new names and faces that would abandon him. He heard something about a Valentino dress and thought, *What the heck is a Valentino dress?* He looked up to see if he could figure it out when he heard the teacher mention something about a group project. He noticed the names of his group but had no idea who they were so he played the waiting game.

He did however notice the tall Hispanic guy stare at him and then at the rich girl. When she walked over and introduced herself to the tall guy Alex thought, *Greaaat. I get the tall creepy guy and the richie.* He chose to sit back and observe his group rather than make first contact. He'd rather they show initiative then him go over and have them just ignore him. Alex listened to Mari's rude introduction and then Arturo's suave remark and Alex thought both were being ridiculous. Hopefully the other guy wasn't pompous or full of himself.

Then he listened to Arturo mention he would "Teach" them how to cook. No. Then how he would make a dish based off of their personalities. Double no. Then Arturo just happened to mention he could play the harp. *What. You can play the harp and cook. How amazing. I'll frekin' pass.*

Then the Richie said she could play the violin. At least the way she said it didn't sound as arrogant as her other comments. She then proceeded to walk over to a kid who was bruised already, *Seriously. It's the first day. He must have some major issues.* But then Mari reached into a bag and slapped a band-aid on the kids face. *That was unexpected.* Then she called him something, *OK. Richie's back.* Then he noticed her doing something behind her back, but before he could tell what she was doing she stopped doing it and wiped her hands. *Huh, odd.*

Well either way Alex realized they may never come speak to him. He wasn't that interesting so he understood. He did however walk over to the kid with the bruise and said, "You okay man?

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rocklee
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rocklee i dont need you

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago


kiddo snapped back into reality, 'oh god shes talking to me'. "What is it pretty boy, you got something to add?" she raised a eyebrow "You going to introduce yourself or keep staring at me?". Then Miss World decided to speak "Um, well hey. I'm Bao. Nice to meet you Mell, and other group members.." then she added "Any of you guys have ideas for the project? I don't mind going with anything really." Great now he had to respond. Not wanting to seem like some stalker creep who wont talk he let out a sigh. "There's really nothing to add to" he then looked back down at his phone. "sorry if my resting bitch face made you feel obliged to interact with me" he said jokingly, "introductions are the cringiest thing you can do so...my name is kiddo" he mumbled the last part. Honestly his name was just stupid, absolutely the worst thing ever. The bitch who named him had a sick obsession with the 'Kill Bill' series and just had to ruin his life. God it was lame..at least he wasn't named a painfully white name like 'tyler' or a super Asian name like 'tamaki' or shit like that. Kiddo wanted to off himself right then and there...oh god. He hated awkward introductions, what if she's judging him. he took a quick glance at her then back at his phone. Damn that bitch gives gross 'fight me' vibes. Well now that he already introduced himself better just say his idea already. "Since No one is giving any ideas...I want to do a fashion line for our project, since fashion is shit right now anyways". 'There fite me bitches'. All he hoped was that no one would try to object..then he would have to be himself and become the raging smart ass bitch he was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jaybreezy
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jaybreezy Your Local Scumbag

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Chris thought about the project, stumped on what he should do. He didn't really have an idea in mind. A clothing company sounded reasonable. Chris did have a habit of collecting and wearing scarves. He began to write down some ideas. He rubbed his bruise a bit, noticing he was bleeding a bit as well. Great. He was bleeding. Chris sighed and faked a smile. He looked at the girl that walked up to him

“A bruise? On the first day?”

Chris was now embarrassed, her laugh making him a bit upset. He kept the fake smile, not saying anything. He kept eyes on his paper, not moving at all.

“How disgusting.”

Disgusting? Maybe the look of it was pretty gross. He was bleeding after all. His heart was racing, the attention he was getting upsetting him. He tried to hold everything in like always. He felt the band aid smacked on him. Although it was gentle, the bruise made his cheek tender. Chris was losing patience. He kept writing trying not to crack. His fake smile seemed to tremble as he felt his face burn with a blush.

“There you go little bitch.”

Chris snapped his pencil's lead as his writing was more aggressive. Chris' blush was now a dark red and his fake smile was faltering. He felt tears begin to form, but he took a deep breath as he fought them back. One stray tear flowed down his cheek, but he tried his best to hide it. It fell on his paper and Chris violently ripped the paper out of his notebook, balling it up quickly.

He noticed Alex coming to him, Chris' face staring at the desk. Chris was struggling to keep his false smile on his face. He wanted to cry, but that would make him seem weaker.

"You okay man?

Chris didn't look at him and kept his face down. "Yes...I'm fine..." Chris lied. He just wanted to crawl into a ball and disappear. This is why he hated school. The pressure of dealing with people and bottling in his frustration was tough. But he chose to do this. Chris was very close to snapping or crying. Or even both.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Mari turned away from the boy for a second before she realized something. A tear fell down his cheek. Wh-wha..? Mari was stunned, her eyes a bit going wide as she looked at the boy. Oh no. She didn't mean to make anyone cry. She didn't want anyone to cry. Mari didn't understand why he would allow a tear to fall in public. The only place she really cried was at home. As everyone could see, she didn't even seem like the type to cry. Mari clenched her right hand, her polished nails digging deep into her hand as blood formed. She wanted to reach out to him. To apolagize. Her left hand began to unconsciously reach out to him a bit.

Fucking piece of shit. Stop trying to act like you're not. I swear. Your pissing me off by acting like a perfect bitch even though you're not.

Her mother's words echoed in her head as she took back her left hand and held her right arm with it. There wasn't anything she could do. This was how it was supposed to be. She had succeeded. Mari rolled her eyes, turning to look out the window. "What a crybaby." She muttered, releasing an annoyed sigh.

This was how it was supposed to be. Mari allowed the blood on her palm to drip up to her fingertips. She wiped a bit on her black satchel bag that had a cute bow attached to it. You're doing a good job Mari. Keep it up. You already know that this is what you decided to do~ the more people to hate you, the better. Don't get caught up in these things. He'll make friends quickly. Unlike you. All you need to do is be alone and act like a bitch. The voice of her own thoughts went around in her head as she smirked. This is why it was good that she was such a good actor. "So, what? Cafe or whatever? Or sitting around and crying?" Mari let her right hand rest on the side as she tossed a bit of her hair behind her shoulder with her left hand. Great job. Just a little more and you're sure to have everyone hating you. Or perhaps this was enough to do it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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Draconequis i am a banana

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@sakurasan @jaybreezy @alexfangtalon


"I was just offering if no one else here knew how to play instruments." Arturo waved his hand casually. "Good to know that someone else does. That way i will just focus on making good food."

He watched as the girl walked over to the guy with a bruise and slapped a bandaid over the mark, calling it and him disgusting and a bitch. While the gesture of putting a bandaid on his cheek could have been considered nice.. it was pretty much unnecessary. The skin on the mark was closed which meant a bandaid wouldn't do anything other than draw attention to the spot. Still.. he doubted the girl knew that. He raised an eyebrow. Despite her clear insistence on making people hate her.. she was actually trying to make an effort to be nice. He'd already noticed by now that she had this weird habit of sticking her hands behind her back for some reason.

He was about to say something when he saw a single tear drift from the guy with a bruise's eyes. Arturo's eyes widened, and he glanced to Mari, who looked just as shocked. He watched as the clear guilt crossed her face.. and she seemed.. almost regretful for a moment. "Dios Mio." he whispered, walking over and using his height to shield the guy's face from view, before turning around to face Mari. "Hey. You may have gone a bit too far with the bitch thing. You aren't all bad if you tried to put a bandaid on his face to heal it. The dude isn't having the best day.. so you could do a bit better and leave the insults out. I mean seriously.. how would you feel if you got hit your first day of class?" He turned around to stare down at the guy with the bruise. "Hey man. It didn't have something to do with that girl.. did it?" He pointed his finger towards Mell, who was leaning against her desk with a bored expression stretched across her face.


@rocklee @MissCapnCrunch


Mell turned to the girl who introduced herself as Bao, just giving a shrug, as she didn't care at all what their group project was about.

When Kiddo said something about the project being a fashion project, Mell stiffened. Oh hell no. Hell NO. She wasn't about to go tramping around in some kind of weird dress made of meat or something because it was 'fashionable.' However, looking at Bao and Kiddo.. she was likely very very outnumbered here. The two were trim and proper.. clearly into fashion or something. "Whatever." She grunted. "I'm not wearing anything pink or super frilly, and if someone tries to put me in a cake topper dress I will seriously punch someone in the face." she folded her arms over her chest. "Alternatively if anyone is interested we could start our own Bicycle repair business. I know a lot of people here who ride bikes to school or work. I mean... that way we don't have to tramp around in embarassing costumes or something."

Mell actually didn't mind the idea of a fashion line. She actually liked to wear dresses now and again.. if she could pick one which she thought fit her style. Like any other girl.. she actually liked being pretty sometimes. Though she wasn't about to let anyone know that outwardly. She was a Yakuza boss' daughter. She had an image to uphold.. no gushing over shiny things or pretty purses for her. So she had to at least make the conscious effort to rebuke the first suggestion. Oh god.. what if her brothers got a hold of her pictures from the event. She would never hear the end of it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocklee
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kiddo huffed as he saw Mell practically pouting "Whatever." she grunted "I'm not wearing anything pink or super frilly, and if someone tries to put me in a cake topper dress I will seriously punch someone in the face." she folded her arms over her chest. "Alternatively if anyone is interested we could start our own Bicycle repair business. I know a lot of people here who ride bikes to school or work. I mean... that way we don't have to tramp around in embarrassing costumes or something.". Oh. Hell. No. "Listen genius, no one is going to walk around in imaginary costumes. My idea was that we make fashion sketches and the logo." 'What a premadona she is so dead set on looking tough isn't she'. Kiddo got up from the desk As if I would put THAT much effort, just doodle some fashion sketches make a logo and we're done." So annoying i swear to Kami i'm going to murder everyone in this hell hole. This is why making friends here is impossible. " And who suggested YOU where the model..if anyone it would be Bao over here". He pointed to little miss'Pretty Woman'.

He pulled out his sketch book and skimmed through the pages with Since he organized his sketchbook in sections,dramatically drawn trashcans, and nudes, THEN his fashion sketches. He quickly sketched out two model figures of women, then stopped. " since I dont want to be a control freak, any suggestions for fashion?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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@rocklee @MissCapnCrunch


Mell delivered a furious glare to Kiddo, slamming her hands into the desk, now more determined than ever NOT to do the fashion line. Especially since he'd more or less insulted her. She was thinking they'd probably all model something.. because it was a group project. She might be a delinquent but she also tried to get good grades. Her dad did want her to go to college for business before she took over the Yakuza. She'd done a project similar to this one before. Teachers ate up dumb visual aids if they were three dimensional. She and her friend had made a prototype chair out of cardboard. It was easy and because of that one project her teacher had let her slack off for the rest of the class year. "You think drawing some shit on a piece of paper is going to net us an A? What planet do you live on?" She shook her head. "You are already being a control freak because you aren't listening to any other suggestions for a project other than some kind of dumbass fashion line which now that you've explained it to me.. I am pretty sure would net us a low grade. I though.. hmm.. maybe we should think of something the teacher didn't mention in her speach? It would probably be better." She narrowed her eyes at Kiddo. "But whatever, if you decide to tank our group with half-assing our project than I don't want to be a part of it.. and I doubt our other group member would be either." She glanced at Bao hopefully. "It would do you well to actually wait for other people's opinions and keep them in mind before you fucking decide things all on your own."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rocklee
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"You think drawing some shit on a piece of paper is going to net us an A? What planet do you live on?" She shook her head. "You are already being a control freak because you aren't listening to any other suggestions for a project other than some kind of dumbass fashion line which now that you've explained it to me.. I am pretty sure would net us a low grade. I though.. hmm.. maybe we should think of something the teacher didn't mention in her speach? It would probably be better." She narrowed her eyes at Kiddo. "But whatever, if you decide to tank our group with half-assing our project than I don't want to be a part of it.. and I doubt our other group member would be either." She glanced at Bao hopefully. "It would do you well to actually wait for other people's opinions and keep them in mind before you fucking decide things all on your own.''Kiddo decided to stop there. He closed his book and put it back in his bag. No its fine..Its fine. She can have her bicycle repair shit. 'Its not like I wanted to start a fight yet.' "forget I said anything". He looked back down at his phone, he would have fought but he wasn't really passionate about the project anyways. whatever kept his A was fine by him...i guess. He couldn't help but feel just pissed and sad BUT NOT REALLY 'I DON'T FEEL SAD A BITCH LIKE HER WONT AFFECT ME'. He sat back down on his desk. He felt the unpleasant heat in his face. There's no point in making himself look more like an idiot. Maybe next time if they're paired and its something he gives a damn about then that's when he wont back down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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Mari realized she wouldn’t get a response when scary emerald eye guy came up to her. It was as if flashing red lights appeared in front of her. “Beep! Beep! Beep! Warning! Warning!” Mari took a small step back and waited for him to speak. The words that came out of his mouth made Mari feel a pang of even more guilt. Gone too far? Not all bad? What nonsense was this man spouting? Of course she took it too far. Even Mari noticed that much. She wanted to yell and stomp her feet. Shut up! Shutupshutupshutup! I know I took it too far! I realize that, OK? I saw the tear fall down his eye!! SHUT UP! I didn’t want him to cry!! Her childish attitude came out in her mind but she dismissed those thoughts, turning to the boy with a scowl on her face. “I wasn’t trying to be nice. It looked disgusting and it wasn’t something I want to see when I work on a project.” She hissed, turning to the bruise boy and quickly turning back to the window. Good job Mari~ Great job! He hates you. He hates you for sure! You needn’t feel sad. But she couldn’t help it. This wasn’t pleasant whatsoever. She wanted to go home and be with her friends. Her best friends like her adorable bunny doll named Mii and Romani, her pug doll. They liked her. They liked her very much. Even if they couldn’t say anything along those lines.

Mari looked back and emerald eye boy and was glad that he had now gone to ask the boy if he was OK. A subtly gentle expression formed on her face, glad that he was being worried about. Who would punch someone on the very first day of school? However, realizing her expression, she turned back to her original arrogant expression and looked down at her right hand for a moment, pressing her nails into her palm deep, drawing some blood but somewhat attempting to muster the will to stop. It wasn’t working. Bad habits die hard. Then, Mari took her left hand and raised it as if she was checking her nails. She didn’t care about her nails whatsoever but she did so and afterwards she looked back at the boys with an expression as if to say “So, when are we getting started?”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

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Bao watched as two of her group members talked back and forth. Well, more like.. yelled back and forth. Bao wasn't too set on either of the ideas but thought each was good in it's own way. When the storm finally had flown over between the two, Bao cleared her throat a bit before speaking. "I have to agree with Mell on this one, but we definitely can incorporate your ideas too." Bao started, looking at Kiddo who was now more focused on his cellphone than the group project. "If we make a bike repair shop, there will be interior design, uniforms for the workers, and other things that might appeal to you more." she suggested, trying to calm the waves. "That way we can use all our own skills and passions to create a kick ass project that for sure will get a good grade!" Bao concluded, hoping that her small speech would be a bit of encouragement towards their quickly dismantling group.

Glancing over at Chris for a bit of comfort, she caught view of his eyes filled with sorrow, almost as if he was about to cry. Had she done that with her blunt attitude earlier? She knew he was sensitive but, surely he wasn't THAT sensitive. She made a mental note to talk to him between class, and apologize for what she said earlier- as well as get some more insight into why he had gotten hit in the first place. She let out a small huff before turning around back to her group.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rocklee
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Kiddo didn't care anymore. " Thats ok I didnt know what i was thinking heh..." he flashed a happy-go lucky smile at her as he tried to find something to do on his phone. When will this damned class end. He never felt this bored and lonely in his life. Maybe its best just to do as little as possible on this one...even though his control freak instincts tell him other wise...its just to troublesome. A fucking bike repair shop...wow. Honestly he wouldn't be surprised, things like group projects never work out for him. Sometimes he wonders if he just acts goody goody pushover all the time, maybe things will turn out better. Well when it comes to making friends..But if Kiddo was anything he sure as hell IS'NT a pushover. Until now that is..well...Its not worth anything anyways...Mell's. Bao's or even the tall guy's approval means nothing. That's what he told himself. Sure Kiddo is a lil dick sometimes..but that didn't mean he liked it when someone would yell at HIM. Sure is hypocritical, but he wont yell unless he's playing around. That was a fact in his book 'yelling is a dick move'. Kiddo missed his old school..where he formed alliances with the substitute teachers..and he would pull off some really great project. Then again the only kids who liked him was the daycare kids he watched and a handful of fucked up people. The memory of putting Jin in the locker made him chuckle to himself..or when lucy would give him little candies at snack time...or when he started a hobo fire in the classroom and blamed Yuki...hell yeah.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jaybreezy
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Chris remained silent, quickly wiping his face. He strengthened his faked smiled and looked at Arturo. "No. Not at all. I'm fine. Really." Chris said, smiling at him still. He ignored all the Mari said, fed up with her already. He didn't want to do or say anything to her that'd make her say more to him. Chris then looked at Bao, wanting to talk to her for comfort. He could really use a hug from her. He looked too late, not knowing Bao looked at him earlier. He thought she was ignoring him now. He felt as if getting punched really ticked her off. Chris sighed and focused back on his group, giving some small ideas for the project.

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