If you look like you know what you're doing, then people will believe you do know what you're doing.
Hwangi Mukuri Saiyako
Saiya (Nickname)
Unit Commander
Judging solely from appearances, Saiyako looks nothing like what one would expect from an officer, even by Fusan standards. His brownish-redish hair is always in varying amounts of ruffled or crumpled, dark lines hung under his dark golden eyes from his many all nighters no doubt, whatever happens during these long moons is known only by Saiyako himself. With a body type between his natural skinny frame and the body mass built up by military training, the man doesn't look like one you'd immediately expect to be a soldier but more of a bookworm who spent too much time at the gym. His resting, apathetic bitch face is only broken by the occasional cocky smile that arises when he feels the rare need to outdo someone.
In terms of outfits, Saiyako generally finds himself in any number and amount of clothing; like many Fusans he has no qualms about walking around in his underwear or nightwear and has been spot on more than one occasional strolling between the showers and his quarters nude. He also has a bad habit of tramping around in his sleeping clothes until noon when he knows he has no planned assignments or tasking for that day. Surprisingly enough however, his actual officer's dress uniform is perfectly kept in pristine condition, not a speck of dust on it, not a hole anywhere, not a button loose.
In terms of outfits, Saiyako generally finds himself in any number and amount of clothing; like many Fusans he has no qualms about walking around in his underwear or nightwear and has been spot on more than one occasional strolling between the showers and his quarters nude. He also has a bad habit of tramping around in his sleeping clothes until noon when he knows he has no planned assignments or tasking for that day. Surprisingly enough however, his actual officer's dress uniform is perfectly kept in pristine condition, not a speck of dust on it, not a hole anywhere, not a button loose.
- Fusan Type 108 Automatic Carbine
- Fusan Type 0 Warblade
- ARMA Unit "Oni"
- M3P-4 10mm Pistol
- RO-3 Omni Grenade
- Officer's Regimental Guide Manual
Laid back almost to the point of apathy, Saiyako is more extreme case of the famous Fusan calmness and indifference. With and almost superhuman ability of procrastinating and extending deadlines, Saiyako rarely feels urgency with things like paper work of which he sees as his greatest foe. One could say he's a fatalist, believing that his life is already set out by some greater power who isn't the Primarch or the pantheons of Terranism causing friction between him and the Inquisition who keeps tabs on all commissioned officers, his apparent lack of zeal doesn't help.
Of course, now with the arrival of the Gate, that personal philosophy has more or less gone out the window. In its place there's a new sense of excitement which Saiyako hasn't felt in a long time as before him is a beautiful world straight from a fantasy game. He works with greater speed and efficiency now although relative to others he still works dreadfully slow. Any official papers like reports while likely be handed in a week late with crumpled corners, an improvement from when papers would go missing for months in Saiyako's hands and come out like they were in their own war in the bowls of his desk. The only type of papers which he hasn't failed to submit on time are papers relating to the well being of his unit; things such as payrolls and requisition forms have rarely failed to be handed on time and are the only things which he will rarely submit early. Perhaps this is rooted from an amicable nature that's hidden under layers of apparent boredom and snark.
In battle, his apathetic nature is incredibly apparent, Saiyako appearing to give absolutely zero shits about being shot at or yells about him getting down. Of course this doesn't mean he's slow or combat stupid, his indifference to danger and gore is one of the primary reason behind his promotions. The battlefield is also the only place where his normal expression breaks and is replaced by a slightly cocky grin and an air of confidence. Its not uncommon for him to challenge someone to see how fast they can dash into cover while under fire as although he doesn't care much for the insults people call him, he does enjoy showing people up sometimes even if he doesn't always win them.
Of course, now with the arrival of the Gate, that personal philosophy has more or less gone out the window. In its place there's a new sense of excitement which Saiyako hasn't felt in a long time as before him is a beautiful world straight from a fantasy game. He works with greater speed and efficiency now although relative to others he still works dreadfully slow. Any official papers like reports while likely be handed in a week late with crumpled corners, an improvement from when papers would go missing for months in Saiyako's hands and come out like they were in their own war in the bowls of his desk. The only type of papers which he hasn't failed to submit on time are papers relating to the well being of his unit; things such as payrolls and requisition forms have rarely failed to be handed on time and are the only things which he will rarely submit early. Perhaps this is rooted from an amicable nature that's hidden under layers of apparent boredom and snark.
In battle, his apathetic nature is incredibly apparent, Saiyako appearing to give absolutely zero shits about being shot at or yells about him getting down. Of course this doesn't mean he's slow or combat stupid, his indifference to danger and gore is one of the primary reason behind his promotions. The battlefield is also the only place where his normal expression breaks and is replaced by a slightly cocky grin and an air of confidence. Its not uncommon for him to challenge someone to see how fast they can dash into cover while under fire as although he doesn't care much for the insults people call him, he does enjoy showing people up sometimes even if he doesn't always win them.
- Seemingly apathetic to danger, blood, and insults
- Wonderful chief
- Deadlines are relative
- Something of best friends with his ARMA unit
- Fusan army training which comes with better melee skills
- Master of procrastinating
- Reliable regarding matters of his unit's well being
- Fan animated shows and has a small collection of figurines and collectables in his quarters
- Atheistic
Saiyako was born to a medical researcher space elevator operator on a space station in orbit around the Fuso. His life was normal for the most part, no sudden parental deaths or secret family wealth to be inherited; Saiyako was just a normal boy who lived life between the station and planet side. While definitely not the upper crust of society, his family was more than able to pay for their lifestyle and some of the gifts the child would want; perhaps one reason why Saiyako was even more laid back than most Fusans. The biggest change in his life up to that point would be the birth of his little sister when he was six. Things changed for Saiyako when Hwangi Tantan Mutoi came into his life but not too dramatically. Like his parents, Saiyako did his best to shower Mutoi with love and affection.
Maintain respectable grades throughout his teenaged years, the turning point of his life hit both him and his family hard, quite literally. During a family trip which Saiyako had offered to drive, his father next to him and his mother in the back with his sister, a mechanical failure cause the car to veer into oncoming traffic where a cargo transport plow right into them. Despite Saiyako, his mother and his sister all recovering, his father never did for some reason. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months but his father wasn't recovering for some reason, doctors attributed it to some genetic issue that was preventing his body from healing as it should and instead was actually decaying.
Life suddenly went downhill as Saiyako started failing his classes and locked himself in his room for hours at a time, feeling as if he was the one who cause his father's pain, eventually refusing to go visit him out of shame and guilt. The last time Saiyako would see his father would be on his father's death bed who told him:
Of course, Saiyako didn't understand what his father meant at that point, but it broke something inside of him and turned him apathetic, not even flinching as he watched his father's coffin be lowered into the earth and buried. It was as if he stopped caring about everything and it showed; he later failed out of school before he could even get into a college and barricaded himself in his room, nothing his sister or his mother did could get him out.
Faced with a dead husband and a depressed, apathetic son, Saiyako's mother died of a heart attack little over a year later and Saiyako was again silent as his mother was buried next to her lover. Realizing that there was no way that both he and his little sister could survive on government subsidies, Saiyako got a job in the only place that would accept him: the army.
After months of training, he was deployed to various rebel stations and worlds as part of the 6th Fusan Regiment, 21st Assault Division nicknamed the "Golden Foxes". Through many a battles and a fair bit of luck, Saiyako had been promoted to the rank of 2nd LT after the previous one had died in battle, his apathetic nature leading him the ability to remain remarkable nonchalant even by Fusan standards. After doing his 3rd tour, he heard wind of a portal that had opened up on the backwater desert planet of Ennedi to what the first scouts said was a "fantasy" world. Upon hearing that, something made him smile and started up his excitement, an emotion he hadn't felt in a long time. Signing up without haste, Saiyako felt like he finally understood what his father's words from all those years ago meant; he had the chance not to fulfill his destiny, but a chance to make his own.
Maintain respectable grades throughout his teenaged years, the turning point of his life hit both him and his family hard, quite literally. During a family trip which Saiyako had offered to drive, his father next to him and his mother in the back with his sister, a mechanical failure cause the car to veer into oncoming traffic where a cargo transport plow right into them. Despite Saiyako, his mother and his sister all recovering, his father never did for some reason. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months but his father wasn't recovering for some reason, doctors attributed it to some genetic issue that was preventing his body from healing as it should and instead was actually decaying.
Life suddenly went downhill as Saiyako started failing his classes and locked himself in his room for hours at a time, feeling as if he was the one who cause his father's pain, eventually refusing to go visit him out of shame and guilt. The last time Saiyako would see his father would be on his father's death bed who told him:
"Son, there is no hidden treasure of our family for which I can pass on to you. There is no secret wealth which I can let you inherit. No portal to a magical world that I have been hiding. No secret society that I've been a part of. You are completely normal, you are no fairy tale hero like the one in the shows you once watched and the books me and your mother once read you; there is nothing special about you. You are just you.
But you are unbound, free of any strings of destiny. Your fate is no one but your own. There is nothing to hold you back from your greatness..."
Of course, Saiyako didn't understand what his father meant at that point, but it broke something inside of him and turned him apathetic, not even flinching as he watched his father's coffin be lowered into the earth and buried. It was as if he stopped caring about everything and it showed; he later failed out of school before he could even get into a college and barricaded himself in his room, nothing his sister or his mother did could get him out.
Faced with a dead husband and a depressed, apathetic son, Saiyako's mother died of a heart attack little over a year later and Saiyako was again silent as his mother was buried next to her lover. Realizing that there was no way that both he and his little sister could survive on government subsidies, Saiyako got a job in the only place that would accept him: the army.
After months of training, he was deployed to various rebel stations and worlds as part of the 6th Fusan Regiment, 21st Assault Division nicknamed the "Golden Foxes". Through many a battles and a fair bit of luck, Saiyako had been promoted to the rank of 2nd LT after the previous one had died in battle, his apathetic nature leading him the ability to remain remarkable nonchalant even by Fusan standards. After doing his 3rd tour, he heard wind of a portal that had opened up on the backwater desert planet of Ennedi to what the first scouts said was a "fantasy" world. Upon hearing that, something made him smile and started up his excitement, an emotion he hadn't felt in a long time. Signing up without haste, Saiyako felt like he finally understood what his father's words from all those years ago meant; he had the chance not to fulfill his destiny, but a chance to make his own.

Female Ver.
I've seen you somewhere, I've heard your name from someone, I've remembered your appearance from something.

Male Ver.
Change isn't good or bad by nature; it just happens.
Change isn't good or bad by nature; it just happens.
Eko Donpare, Incarnate of Tenzayn
Ekochi (female only)
Ekal (male only)
Ekal (male only)
807 (Actual age appearance varies)
Gender fluid, literally
Human Incarnate
Crown of Sarleon, Vassal of the Empire
While minor details may change, Eko's appearance can be divided between her male appearance and his male appearance. In his male form, Eko is a tall if not slightly lanky individual with sharp features with red hair and a nobly ruffled white hair. In her female form, Eko keeps the white hair (although it now reaches somewhere near her lower back). Notably shorter, female Eko stands about a foot shorter than his male version with amethyst eyes; her features however are still graceful and wispy in a way.
In terms of clothing, again Eko can change at will but for the most part he's found in some getup that looks quite a lot like something you'd see from the 1700s or the 1800s on High Terra. A tattered, fancy navy blue military's officer overcoat with golden lining and tassels with some red details and golden buttons. A powder white scarf is attached to his neck and held in place with a delicate golden jewel; a large hat with a flume of white feathers and a rose stuck in its side can also sometimes be seen, more often on her female version.
In terms of clothing, again Eko can change at will but for the most part he's found in some getup that looks quite a lot like something you'd see from the 1700s or the 1800s on High Terra. A tattered, fancy navy blue military's officer overcoat with golden lining and tassels with some red details and golden buttons. A powder white scarf is attached to his neck and held in place with a delicate golden jewel; a large hat with a flume of white feathers and a rose stuck in its side can also sometimes be seen, more often on her female version.
- Coat of Donpare - The famous coat of the Incarnate of Tenzayn, it looks like something Napoleon would wear. Despite its appearance, its actually Eko's armor, each thread turned from silk and fabric into thread with the strength of steel by Tenzayn themselves. It also has the effect of making the wearer consistently clear of mind and fearless, changing said fear into euphoria strangely enough although this barely effects Eko when she puts it on.
- Regalis Concerto - Eko's primary weapon, it is a very fancy and royal looking glaive. Besides being able to cut through armor and flesh with ease, it also acts as a sort of condute for Eko's magic, basically a giant magic wand that Eko can actually use in one hand in a similar fashion to that of a conductor's baton. The weapon itself was created for Eko by Tenzayn after his asscention into Incarnatehood.
Eko uses Book of Evolution at a master-level due to his Incarnate status
Like most things about him, Eko's personally can quickly change. While not as fast or extreme as someone tainted by the Book of Circus, there are definitely warning signs that need to can be seen as a sign of warning and caution. Her two most common moods is a cocky, headstrong personality and a rather sentimental personality. His first one can usually be defined as "somewhere between 'fuck you' in a mocking manner and 'I'd fuck you" while with the second he acts as if she was drunk and has deep thoughts (or tries to be with varying levels of success).
An interesting point of note is that Eko is far less surprised by the Union's technology than other people and takes quite a bit of interest in them.
An interesting point of note is that Eko is far less surprised by the Union's technology than other people and takes quite a bit of interest in them.
- Master of Book of Evolution, granting him a limited number of spells from other Lores
- Immortality and invulnerability due to Incarnate status as well as super human abilities
- Fearless, most of his fear has been removed due to his natural hubris and the Coat of Donpare.
- Has a direct line to Tenzayn, God of Change; Tenzayn doesn't always pick up or answer correctly, occasionally forcing his Incarnate to answer to a squirrel or something.
Despite living for many hundreds of years, Eko talks remarkably little about his past, especially the time before he became an Incarnate. While this is common amongst many Incarnates (as many Gods will wipe the memories of their chosen), Eko admits that Tenzayn has never tampered with her memory. And even though there might be some who claim to know Eko's history, all of them are completely different stories.
The only history Eko will ever say is that his ancestor once lived on an island far, far away and that since he became an Incarnate he's split his time between wandering the land and attending to the Great Shrine of Tenzayn.
The only history Eko will ever say is that his ancestor once lived on an island far, far away and that since he became an Incarnate he's split his time between wandering the land and attending to the Great Shrine of Tenzayn.