Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Beyond the Endless Horizon

Time Line


Earth is united under the "Primarch", a man with god-like abilities who abolishes the concepts of ethnicities and religion, citing them as "the root of all strife". Earth is renamed "High Terra" and the Grand Council of Man is set to rule over High Terra and with the Primarch at its head, the Church of Terra and Terranism replaces all world religions and advocates the idea that man is the perfect being and have a destiny to rule over the galaxy. Separate languages are replaced with a single language system: Terran Gothic (or just Gothic).

The moon is colonized and terraformed, complete with a new atmosphere, lush environment and gravitational orbit. Now designated "Lower Terra", the moon serves as High Terra's first off-world colony and home to a new orbital shipyard which are planned to be used in Martian colonization.

Colonization efforts on Mars are successful as terraforming is nearly complete. A major discovery is made on Mars when a strange particle with seemingly magical effects causes an explosion in a lab. All resources are diverted to the research of this new particle which has been dubbed "Animus".

As the door shuts on the 21st millennia, the rest of the Sol System is colonized and terraformed to various degrees and scientists on Terra discover how to manipulate space-time with Animus particles creating the first FTL drive: the Animus Engine. The Primarch announces plans to use the new Animus Engines to fulfill humanity's destiny to lay claim to the stars and is met with great approval, applause, and enthusiasm.

Humanity has now spread its wings across the Milky Way, having colonized or terraformed hundreds of worlds with many a planetary governments rising from the ground, all still connected by their humanity and tied to High Terra. However, given the vast distance from High Terra itself, some worlds no longer feel completely loyal to High Terra and sentiments for independence takes root.

During the 350th Unification Day celebration, the Primarch is assassinated with many worlds banning together under the banner of the "Federation of Free World". The Primarch is quickly incorporated into Terranism as a god as High Terra declares war on the Federation. Humanity is split between the Loyalists and the Federalists as mankind's greatest civil war unfolds.

After many long years of war, the Loyalists win over the Federalists in the "Great Divide". High Terra reforms its government to be more galactic thus creating the "Grand Human Union" and reincorporates former Federalist worlds. Worlds from both sides begin rebuilding and licking their wounds.

Wounds from the Great Divide are largely healed even if some minor resentments linger on. While researching into the Animus Particles which had granted mankind its galaxy-spanning empire, researchers on the planet Ennedi discover an entirely other dimension called the "Arcanum" in which Animus Particles splinter from.

A mysterious portal opens up in the Ennedi city of Praeterii and a fantasy army marches out, brining along mythical beasts and killing hundreds of thousands before the local garrison kills the army and barricades the new "Gate". On High Terra, officials vote to create a new regiment to be sent into the Gate to explore and either make peace with the enemy or destroy them.

RP Main Theme

Hello! Welcome to This Beautiful World, an RP inspired by GATE, 40k, Warhammer, Elder Scrolls and some other things. If you've read through all of that, I can at least assume you're interested in this RP. I'm going to be apologizing to the people who don't like having to read a lot of stuff, but since I don't have an actual lore to go off of, I'm basically need to explain everything to y'all from the start.

TBW will be an RP focusing around the 1st Recon Group that was sent into the newly discovered "other world" called "Deaus" that is tasked with exploring and such. However, there will be little world building in terms of creating something entirely new but there will be some openings. There will also be more than just Union Soldiers you can play as; you can play as Union diplomats or a fantasy character. Two points about writing is that this will be at a casual level meaning that one to two paragraph posts are okay as long as they're well-written, I don't need you to write out the Bible in a post. The second point is REALLY IMPORTANT, I want people to accurately act out the sort of culture shock between the sci-fi and the fantasy worlds; things we'd consider basic like pens, public buildings (ie libraries and public school) and even printed books do not exist in the Deaus.

Somethings to note is that as the RP moves forward, I will be adding and expanding on to things so things like weapons, races, kingdoms, orders, etc will be introduced into the RP. If things look blank or you have questions about the setting which aren't explained/mentioned, there's a good chance I will be adding that later on.




  • Standard RP rules; I'm okay with violence (as this RP is literally built off of violence in a way) but there's no need to detail how you gutted someone and used their organs as wall decorations. Also, if you manage to get a sex scene worked in, do take it to PMs, I don't want Mahz or a mod coming down on me since someone wrote 50 Shades of Grey into this RP (which truthfully would be impressive).
  • GM and co-GMs are your ever benevolent dictators/gods/eternal glorious leaders/etc.
  • Rules may be changed at any time without warning and GM is allowed to break rules at will.
  • I expect balanced and creative characters who act in realistic manners according to their personality. I have a personal hatred against mary/gary sues and pure amounts of edge as well as bland, over-done cliche characters. Fair warning, I do judge rather strictly.
  • Chars tab is for finished characters only, the OOC will be used for WIP/Unapproved characters.
  • To prove you've read the rules, please insult me when your character is accepted and moved to the Char tab. Be creative with this.
  • Keep all drama IC or in PMs, I'm fine if the OOC get filled with shitposts, giggles and dank memes but there are better places for needless arguments. Also, don't be a dick.
  • Have fun! ^^


Home worlds are the places of origin for the sci-fi characters, all of which are in GHU territory. These list out the places of origins which your character may hail from and includes their stereotyped mannerisms, special bonuses, and armor and weapon appearances. The stereotype is just a stereotype of how people from that planet act in the eyes of everyone else so there is a bit of leeway in how strictly your character follows the stereotypes; having a character with a drastically different personality than the assumed personality of their home world will require some impressive writing to convince me to accept. Ideally we'd be able to get a mix of people from all the worlds as one of the not-so-subtle points I'm trying to drive here is that humanity's diversity is an amazing thing. We might end up having standardized gear later on however.

High Terra

The cradle of man and holy place of Terranism. Despite its wide variety of people, there is only one race and ethnicity: human. The people of High Terra are usually seen as the elites or nobles of the GHU and often act so. Their soldiers are often see as a "stock" soldier meaning they are the template of the average soldier, albeit somewhat more zealous. They are very flexible, able to do fill many different roles because of this. They're also the only ones equipped with automatic laser weapons.

-- Personality: High and mighty, aristocratic-like, regal, noble, elitist, benevolent, slightly tsundere.
-- Special: Nothing and that's why they're great, they aren't tethered to any single method or role.

Imperial Republic of Fuso

One of the major Federalist powers, Fuso lays claim to the most advanced robotics and blades in the Union, their soldiers often packing small assist drones and officers guarded by full sized war machines. When not in armor, Fusans are known for care free attitudes and have a (in)famous promiscuity streak. Under regular circumstances, Fusans seem to be incompetent soldiers, lacking discipline and even going against command, but come crunch time Fusans work remarkably well under stress.

-- Personality: Care free, salacious, lazy-looking and cheery but in combat they remain level headed and calm; almost seem to not suffer from any stress-based issues.
-- Special: Soldiers can have robotic companions and are highly skilled in melee.

Khorenheim Reich

Stout and serious people, Khorenheim engineering and soldiering is second to none. Highly intelligent and strict people, they were amongst High Terra's best during the Great Divide whose disciplined troops stood as the elite infantry corp of the Loyalist forces who are famous for following orders down to the letter. Being so serious, they are often seen as lacking as sense of humor and don't understand metaphors, taking everything literally or seriously, get them drunk however and they show a dramatically different side comparable to Fusans. Their weaponry are less tool of war and more masterpieces of military engineering, large amounts of the GHU's armored might is actually built or designed by the Khorenheim Reich. Most Khorenheimers have a linger resentment against the People's Republic of Novogorod who occupied their planet during the Great Divide.

-- Personality: Hard working, serious, literal, disciplined, a bit terrifying, concerned with protocol and strict; just don't get them drunk.
-- Special: Seen as the best soldiers that man can naturally produce; dislikes people of Novogorodian blood.

People's Republic of Novogorod

Brawny and reckless ex-Federalists who hail from the ice world of Novogord, these soldiers have an infamous streak in the GHU for being notoriously undisciplined and unorganized. Some say they are less of an army and more of a well armed mob. Novogorodian soldiers aren't reliable when following exact orders and will often find a way to twist words to favor them. However, they are fierce fighters and extremely dependable when they put their heart to something surprisingly. Although some think of them as stupid brutes with guns, PRN soldiers are incredibly crafty, always able to make something from nearly anything. A saying goes that "you can tell when you have a veteran PRN soldier amongst you quite easily; just look for the guy who can make anything from nothing."

-- Personality: Disorganized, undisciplined and generally frowned upon by others but not really giving a shit about that; also highly skilled at twisting words in their favor and improvising creations on the go.
-- Special: Improvisational MacGyerism and jury rigging; dislikes Khorenheim

Planetary Domain of Avalia

Born on a world of steep cliffs and high cliffs, the men and women of Avalia are naturally gifted with very efficient lungs and an aptitude towards flying. They are a free spirited and daring people, often regarded as some of the most fearless people who don't back down from any challenge. The soldiers of Avalia who fought for High Terra reflect their home world and their personality, highly mobile through the use of jet packs, jump jets and gliders, making them very effective scouts. They also work well as space marines as their suits are completely sealed letting their soldiers venture into space, using jump jet boosters to maneuver.

-- Personality: Free spirited, jumpy, brave (if not a bit reckless) and something of adrenaline junkies; love flying and dislike having to sit in one place for too long.
-- Special: Highly mobile and willing soldiers, amazing pilots.


A relatively minor Loyalist terraformed desert world, Ennedi is a planet dedicated to research, making great strides in solar technology before switching to researching the Arcanum. They have an interesting habit of mixing religious buildings with research centers and are noted as some of the most zealous and devoted followers of Terranism. Normally they would never have their own standing army, preferring to rely on well trained and equipped militia. Of course, with their world having come under attack, they shifted to a more aggressive approach, putting years of sun-based weapons to work. Ennedi soldiers are famous for their devotion to their faith and their solar and fire based weaponry.

-- Personality: Zealous, smart, inquisitive mind, dedicated and focused, stalwart; have something of a pyromania streak.
-- Special: Deadly fire and solar energy weapons that can melt through anything

Other Equipment

Weapons, vehicles and equipment that are used by the GHU. Common weapons refer to to weapons which almost all soldiers can use, special weapons require additional training or assigned on a mission-by-mission basis. At the start at least, it would be preferable for people to just stick with their home world's native weapons (ie only Ennedi at the start can use a Tesla Beacon). I will allow people to start switching weapons around later on. However, robots can only be used/assigned by Fusan soldiers/officers. As for vehicles, most will be purely for fluff purposes; the 1st Recon will only be using two LCTs and a Thorgrim AFV most of the time.
Common Weapons

Special Weapons




Similar to Home Worlds, Kingdoms are the point of origin for the fantasy characters. Its also assumed that your character would have stayed in once place for most of their lives although you are allowed to be of mixed descent. Like Home Worlds, certain Kingdoms will excel at certain types of magic and have a certain atheistic to them, however they do not have stereotypical personalities.

Grand Empire of Imperia

The unified power of the region which controls nearly all other known human kingdoms and states. Lead by Emperor Fraxius ve Holsburg, the seat of the Empire's power is in its namesake homeland and capitol, Imperia. However big Imperia itself may be though, it still holds a considerable amount of land through its feudal vassals which work exactly like a feudal monarchy; vassals pay men and tribute as local rulers submit to an oath of loyalty to the Emperor. Politically, the Emperor makes all decisions and rules with absolute power relating to most national issues but it is the Imperial Senate who makes most of the day to day power. Filled with powerful generals, wealthy nobles, and educated politicians, one could argue that the Senate has more power than the Emperor although there have been no attacks on any recent Emperors.

Militarily, the Empire's armies are organized into legions; although the Empire mostly employs spearmen, they also utilize cavalry, archers, siege engines such as battering rams, ballistae, and trebuchets, and dragon riders. They also have their own knightly orders and employ them as their elite shock units. Magic is also used, mostly in the form of magical artillery and healing which officers independently hire for their troops.

Domestically, the Empire is as strong economically as it is militarily, a well crafted and enforced taxation system and vassal tributes keep the coffers of the Emperor well lined. Although Deaus is a land filled with vast, bountiful amounts of natural resources, their pre-industrial technology means that by and large they fail to properly exploit their resources to their fullest. And while they boast of high education rates, much of the masses are not actually educated with most merchants having to do simple math on paper or use tools. Only the wealthy can afford education at either a shrine, the Imperial College of Arcane Arts, the Imperial War Academy, some other educational institution or private tutors.

One particular element that should also be noted of the Empire's economy and culture is slavery. It the Empire exists a market completely dedicated to the trade of slaves and that the slaves are used for forced labor and sexual exploitation in inhumane and life-threatening conditions. The enslavement of the war prisoners seems to be a widely accepted and deeply rooted custom of the imperial culture. The enslavement of war prisoners is considered by the imperial citizens, or at least by the imperial royalty, to be a part of the natural order of things: the victor decides the fate of the loser (something the GHU widely condemns as abominable).

Kingdom of Valenyr

The only officially established kingdom of elves as most live in villages or strongholds hidden away or in other lands. Although small, their military strength easily out does any of the human kingdoms purely on a man-to-man basis. The kingdom itself is entirely self sufficient with little contact with the rest of the world. In fact, most people don't even know where exactly their kingdom and their famed Castle Noldar is; all that's known is that they are somewhere west of Sarleon in a hidden grove, shrouded by magic. Their rare encounters with others have been noted to be especially snooty on the Valenyr about, looking down on even their fellow elves who live next to humans as they're dressed in elaborate, fancy armor and outfits.

Gallogoth Commonwealth

The Gallogoth Commonwealth is an elective monarchy whose to the east of the Empire, led by a king whose power is limited by the Sejm (lower house of the parliament) resulting in unique political problems. Furthermore, the Commonwealth is a multi-cultural and multi-religious state. This kind of state is truly unique because it has been created on fundamentals of religious tolerance and personal freedom. However, it suffers from great amounts of internal strife and threatening, autocratic neighbors who are bent on taking down the first nation dedicated to the ideals of acceptance and individuality.

Oqer Horde

An unending tide of doom and death that hails from the across the World End Mountains, heralded by the beat of war drums and screeching horns. Although their attacks are rare, their raids easily wipe entire villages off the map and pose a most intimidating threat to the organized armies of the kingdoms. But, they have gone silent as of recent, no more war drums and no more raids; some welcome the peace along the northern borders but others fear that this is merely the calm before the storm.


A federation of many Drow Elves settlements, Yealerden is the organized face of Drow elves, dedicated to the survival of their species and the studying of ice magic. While some Drow do leave the cold peaks of the World End Mountains of their homes, wether by force or by choice, they are still a rare and mysterious sight to most.


Here's the part where you put yourself into the magical world of This Beautiful World: Beyond the Endless Horizon! This will also double as a small test to see how well you've read the Lore stuff (I know its a lot but don't worry, I won't be asking you the Primarch's favorite color or something). I only ask players use common sense and balance their characters out; I want some very different characters then most RPs. I want characters that are zany and wacky, I want characters that are weak or seemingly insignificant, I want unique characters! Make a main character and perhaps a minor character who will only pop up in certain situations! Just keep in mind that there will be certain parts where I will allow players to do as they wish, but do keep in mind if you want to play as a non-playable race or use a Lost Lore, you will need some damn good writing to convince me. Point out if your character will be a major of minor character in the hider. Minor character can be like people we'll only bump into every so often, GHU diplomats, expendable soldiers, etc; feel free to cut down the CS guides to their bare minimums for minor characters.

Ready? Let's go! See you beyond the Gate!

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Currently Assigned Personnel

  • @ClocktowerEchos - Cpt. Hwangi Mukuri Saiyako (Unit Commander) - "Apollo 1 Actual"
  • @Damiann47 - Cpl. Pavel "Soko" Sokoloff (Combat Engineer) - "Apollo 2"
  • @Nevix- Cpl. Edmund “Digit” Farraday (Scout/General Infantry) - "Apollo 3"
  • @Evil Snowman Cpl. Anat Tauret (Medic) - "Apollo 4"
  • @SleepingSilence - Cpl. Donovan “The Friendly” Valentine (Shock Infantry) - "Apollo 5"

Current Auxiliary Personnel

Current Equipment

  • LCT x2
  • Thorgrim AFV x1
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nevix
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Nevix Says "Yello?" When Answering Phone

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@ClocktowerEchos I am so ready.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Damiann47
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Damiann47 Local Planetary Body

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yep, I'm pretty excited to get started, like really really excited.

Anyway made a few changes you should know about, I added that bit of information on his relationships at the end of the history, and I also gave him some more equipment. Basically I caved in and gave him the Fiso, also decided that another "Splinter" would be in order.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gin
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@NevixAgain rather "meh" but accepted none the less.

@Damiann47Once again accepted with full colors.

Both of you feel free to move them over to the Chars tab.

-pokes @Keyguyperson and @RomanAria to prove to everyone that they simply aren't just hallucination of his mind-
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Damiann47
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Damiann47 Local Planetary Body

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@ClocktowerEchos Your cat still sucks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@ClocktowerEchos Your cat still sucks.

But yo mama sucks better.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I am still here. JUst lemme finish Economonomonomics and then I'll be working on my character.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

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@ClocktowerEchos Is my character accepted? It was implied but I've learned to wait until people say accepted to avoid conflict. XP
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

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Sorry, I'll get on it the moment I finish describing some Imperial shenanigans in another RP.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@RomanAria@Keyguyperson Both of you just do as you must before coming here, I can hold down the fort as you do your other tasks and such ^^

@SleepingSilence Repost pls.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@ClocktowerEchosYeah, you said you liked it. Just want to make double sure because of a certain issue i had in another RP. (not yours.) Here you are. :3

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Damiann47
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Damiann47 Local Planetary Body

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@SleepingSilence Seriously, this guy is pretty much the polar opposite of Soko, I like it.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

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I was born ready.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@Damiann47 Haha, read yours. Very much so. I really wanted to play an 'the asshole' in a RP. :P
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@ClocktowerEchos YAY now time for some "unpleasantness" as your rules demand I must now insult you so.... well... Sir I have in insult for you but I'm afraid it's far beyond your comprehension. If you like, I can try find something you will comprehend but I can't offer any promises.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nevix
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Nevix Says "Yello?" When Answering Phone

Member Seen 7 mos ago

I made us an Etherpad. Another RP that I'm in uses it and it works quite well. This oughta keep the OOC a bit cleaner as well as give us a place to communicate.

v.etherpad.org/p/TBW_Official_Pad If anyone is interested.
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