Staff Sergeant William Jacobson
NO-36 Emergency Reinforcement Team
Detached from Combat Engineering Corp

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 161lbs
Age: 39

Mk. VII Ares Field Survival EHCS
Personality: Staff Sergeant Jacobson comes from a long, long family history of soldiers and combat support personnel and it often shows in his demeanor and actions. He has a rock solid certainty in his actions and reactions to problems that can be infectious, providing a sometimes desperately needed air of calm and control over chaotic battlefield situations. This tends to be a double edged blade, though, as he often clashes more harshly with rookies and inexperienced allies due to his lack of tolerance for mistake and bumbling about in situations that demand nothing but perfect focus which, in his opinion, is any combat situation. He has no problem voicing his opinion, perhaps a reason he has not advanced as far as most of his family usually does, and he makes sure that anyone he is dealing with is under no disillusion as to what he thinks about them. Off the field he is approachable enough and even willing to teach others a few tricks, but he is often unnervingly silent, staring off with an often all too familiar thousand yard stare towards enemy positions, waiting for the next time combat called upon him.
Bio: Born in the capitol city of Interum, like the rest of his family, William Jacobson was raised as a soldier might be trained in the barracks. As in, very roughly and with very high expectations. While his father was deployed, his uncle would raise him much like a drill sergeant would, and the boy would spend much of his childhood learning to fight and work a battlefield to his advantage than he did playing games. His uncle, being a retiree of the Engineering Corp, naturally pushed the young boy in that direction, pleased with his natural aptitude in the technical challenges the older man would routinely put in front of him. From bypassing increasingly impossible positions to making open targets less so, and everything in between, William proved that he would make a fine engineer should the time come. Of course, like most members of the Jacobson family, he would volunteer with the Inertian Army as soon as he was old enough to do so, continuing the legacy of Jacobsons within the Army.
Coupled with aptitude scores and some quiet words from his Uncle, William was admitted into advanced training as an Engineer after basic training was accomplished, where he would excel at operating in the field and providing on the spot workarounds and emergency repairs instead of being a reserve element preparing longer term positions. So he would find himself initially deployed against the Isari Empire and their guerrilla combat tactics where holding long term positions would only be wasted time against such fluid opposing forces. His short term craftsmanship in preparing sudden positions against attacks with little warning would create several decisive victories that helped solidify faltering portions of the front against the Isarian Army, although he would never receive any sort of credit or recognition for his activities. Instead he would find himself, over the next twenty or so years, rotating from front to front with little rest in between them, creating an increasingly scarred, hardened soldier that could afford himself less and less rest in fear of breaking otherwise.
Jacobson was finally slated for a break of sorts, being assigned to the same advanced school for training future Engineering Corp selectees when the sudden invasion by the Tellosian Army occured. Instead of a well deserved, and vitally needed rest, Staff Sergeant Jacobson was hand picked as a second in command of the emergency response forces moving to push off the Tellosian forces. While en route, word of the massive force moving in on the otherwise useless NO-36 post was discovered and the team he was part of was rerouted to reinforce and prepare the place, likely full of green lads and fuck up veterans that had nowhere else the Army could throw them off to wait out the rest of their term with the Army. It was about that point, almost within visual range of NO-36 that his transport was shot out from underneath him and killed everyone on board. Except for Staff Sergeant Jacobson, who would be forced to grab as much as he could carry outside his own supplies and march the rest of the way to NO-36, and towards what was likely his last stand.
Other: William's father, a Captain in the logistics corp, has been puppeteering his son's constant deployments against hostile forces without rest, with the intent of either forging a war hero or breaking the man. Whichever came first.
NO-36 Emergency Reinforcement Team
Detached from Combat Engineering Corp

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 161lbs
Age: 39

Mk. VII Ares Field Survival EHCS
Personality: Staff Sergeant Jacobson comes from a long, long family history of soldiers and combat support personnel and it often shows in his demeanor and actions. He has a rock solid certainty in his actions and reactions to problems that can be infectious, providing a sometimes desperately needed air of calm and control over chaotic battlefield situations. This tends to be a double edged blade, though, as he often clashes more harshly with rookies and inexperienced allies due to his lack of tolerance for mistake and bumbling about in situations that demand nothing but perfect focus which, in his opinion, is any combat situation. He has no problem voicing his opinion, perhaps a reason he has not advanced as far as most of his family usually does, and he makes sure that anyone he is dealing with is under no disillusion as to what he thinks about them. Off the field he is approachable enough and even willing to teach others a few tricks, but he is often unnervingly silent, staring off with an often all too familiar thousand yard stare towards enemy positions, waiting for the next time combat called upon him.
Bio: Born in the capitol city of Interum, like the rest of his family, William Jacobson was raised as a soldier might be trained in the barracks. As in, very roughly and with very high expectations. While his father was deployed, his uncle would raise him much like a drill sergeant would, and the boy would spend much of his childhood learning to fight and work a battlefield to his advantage than he did playing games. His uncle, being a retiree of the Engineering Corp, naturally pushed the young boy in that direction, pleased with his natural aptitude in the technical challenges the older man would routinely put in front of him. From bypassing increasingly impossible positions to making open targets less so, and everything in between, William proved that he would make a fine engineer should the time come. Of course, like most members of the Jacobson family, he would volunteer with the Inertian Army as soon as he was old enough to do so, continuing the legacy of Jacobsons within the Army.
Coupled with aptitude scores and some quiet words from his Uncle, William was admitted into advanced training as an Engineer after basic training was accomplished, where he would excel at operating in the field and providing on the spot workarounds and emergency repairs instead of being a reserve element preparing longer term positions. So he would find himself initially deployed against the Isari Empire and their guerrilla combat tactics where holding long term positions would only be wasted time against such fluid opposing forces. His short term craftsmanship in preparing sudden positions against attacks with little warning would create several decisive victories that helped solidify faltering portions of the front against the Isarian Army, although he would never receive any sort of credit or recognition for his activities. Instead he would find himself, over the next twenty or so years, rotating from front to front with little rest in between them, creating an increasingly scarred, hardened soldier that could afford himself less and less rest in fear of breaking otherwise.
Jacobson was finally slated for a break of sorts, being assigned to the same advanced school for training future Engineering Corp selectees when the sudden invasion by the Tellosian Army occured. Instead of a well deserved, and vitally needed rest, Staff Sergeant Jacobson was hand picked as a second in command of the emergency response forces moving to push off the Tellosian forces. While en route, word of the massive force moving in on the otherwise useless NO-36 post was discovered and the team he was part of was rerouted to reinforce and prepare the place, likely full of green lads and fuck up veterans that had nowhere else the Army could throw them off to wait out the rest of their term with the Army. It was about that point, almost within visual range of NO-36 that his transport was shot out from underneath him and killed everyone on board. Except for Staff Sergeant Jacobson, who would be forced to grab as much as he could carry outside his own supplies and march the rest of the way to NO-36, and towards what was likely his last stand.
Other: William's father, a Captain in the logistics corp, has been puppeteering his son's constant deployments against hostile forces without rest, with the intent of either forging a war hero or breaking the man. Whichever came first.