“There are perhaps many causes worth dying for, but to me, certainly, there are none worth killing for.” - Albert Dietrich
The year is 2027 and the world is in Turmoil. The nation of Interum is the Hegemon of the world. Their power has made them a target for the other nations of the world. Constantly at war, fighting and battle are are part of life for most Interians. Many children aspire to become soldiers, and the military is glorified through pro-war media.
To the north of Interum lies its only ally, a small nation called Tellosia. The truce is shaky at best, so Interum has a series of smaller border guard outposts (BGO’s) on its Tellosian border. One such BGO is NO-36. A small, four-room concrete construct built in an isolated mountain pass. The six soldiers stationed there are either unskilled rookies or veterans sent there for punishment.
For two years, the most pressing issue facing these six soldiers was boredom. That was, until Tellosia declared war. Taking advantage of the weak border, Tellosia invaded. Fortunately for our six, no forces trudged through their mountain path. Interum high-command realises the relative uselessness of NO-36 and elects to disband it. As our six prepare to be scattered throughout the other BGO’s, they get a call from HQ. There is a large invasion force heading their way. Reinforcements from the Capital are heading their way via dropship. Just as the invasion force closes in, the dropship crashes. This leaves only one survivor, who has already regrouped with the six. Together, they will endure the horrors of war.
The Seven.
- Team leader (Rank, Lieutenant)-TAKEN by @agentmanatee: Lt. Delouse
- General infantry 1 (Also doubles as second in command. Rank-2nd Lieutenant)-TAKEN BY @beyond visions:2nd Lt. Slade
- Medic (rank-Corporal)-TAKEN by @Pirouette:Cpl. Craster
- Demolitions/heavy weapons expert (Rank PFC)-TAKEN by @Briza:Pfc. Rose
- Communications/Scout (Rank PFC)-TAKEN by @DJAtomika:Pfc. O' Connor
- General Infantry 2 (Rank Private)-Taken by GM:Pvt. Webley
- Capital Reinforcement Survivor (Can have any specialization, not bound by the above list. Can be any rank lower than Lieutenant)-TAKEN by @Eisenhorn:SSgt. Jacobsen
- Rules
- GM is your benevolent dictator and his word is law, but don’t be afraid to voice your opinions. I screw up sometimes.
- Romance is acceptable, keep it PG-13 though. Fade to black if you have to.
- Characters may very well die. I shan’t be unfair about it though.
- Violence and gore is going to happen, be reasonable though.
- Fun is mandatory