Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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<Snipped quote by Sep>

The discussion is ended with one word, though.

and thus the GM has spoken.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Whelp, hope y'all have fun, I can't possibly be part of a game where so many people have such horrid opinions.

Kidding >.>
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
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Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 13 days ago

I like cartoons too.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Well, now that that's established let us let the GMs finish their evaluation of peoples sheets :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Stein
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Stein That's Queen Stein, thank you.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Llavi Arutro De La Rosa

Llavicito, Slick

| ALIAS(ES): |

| SEX: |

| AGE: |

What do you look like? This can be described or you can use a visual reference. Please do not use 'Anime/Manga' images. Photorealistic images are preferred but we understand they don't always work depending on the character's mutation.

Oya’s Blood

Biomass Secretion:
Llavi is able to produce a black, ichor-like substance from his body. This ichor substance, or “Oya’s Blood”, is stored in his body and he is able to use it whenever he chooses. The ichor has a variety of uses that Llavi is still discovering. (Pictures to come soon)

The Ichor typically releases itself from concentrated pore areas on both of his hands and his feet. At its base and raw form, the ichor sticks to most substances, blotting out light, sight and etc. Though it can flow rapidly from his “Hot Spots” (a little tinge of dark humor), he can’t seem to propel the ichor and thus can’t shoot it from his hands with any type of velocity.

The ichor, when not in his presence evaporates into a fine dust powder after a short period of time.

(Seeming) Low Level Sentience: The ichor responds to Llavi’s behest and can coat his arms and legs, spreading to the rest of his body in turn. The process can take a few seconds, so he needs to be able to prepare. Each “Hot Spot” releases the ichor and it flows the length of his limbs, covering his body.

Durable Nature: The ichor can also instantly harden and solidify at Llavi’s behest, becoming a durable exoskeleton. Surprisingly, the ichor still responds and is supple to Llavi’s movements. With no concentration, the ichor is about as durable as a thick leather, having some stopping power against sharp objects and a good amount of dampening against regular melee attacks. By applying a second layer, it is as about as durable as wood. A third layer and a good bit of concentration and a small amount of time allows Llavi to mimic the durability of concrete. The ichor is a bit heavier at this point on his body, but it doesn’t tire Llavi out too much. (Pictures to come soon)

Flame Resistant: The ichor is resistant to flame to an extent. At this point, it still transfers heat, so prolonged exposure to a heat source can still harm Llavi. Electricity is dampened for a few seconds, but it can disrupt the ichor after a while, completely negating it.

Blood Spread: With a little experimenting, Llavi has found that the ichor is capable of converting other materials. Most distinctly, damp dirt and mud. Leaving a jar of wet dirt and his ichor for 3 days produced an entire jar full of the ichor.


At this point, Llavi can only produce so much of the ichor in a day. With too much strain and exertion, he has noticed traces of his own blood in the ichor he produces, quickly followed by a sensation of being lightheaded.

The conversion of other materials into the ichor begins and ends with sand so far. And even then, Llavi had to constantly divert his attention to the jar when conducting his small experiment.

Llavi has noted that his skin can be more sensitive and raw after an extended amount of time encased in the ichor.


Durable Exoskeleton: The primary use of Llavi’s powers, he coats the entirety of his body in the ichor. In this state, Llavi even feels that he has a slight heightened awareness of his surroundings. What he gives up in speed, he more than makes up in durability and awareness of the battlefield.

Ick Ball: By slightly solidifying an exterior shell, Llavi can chuck small balls of the ichor at opponents, halting their progress obscuring their vision. With a little effort he can create bigger balls of the stuff, but is careful about using that tactic.

Fly On The Wall: Llavi is able to stick to most walls and even ceiling if he coats his hands and feet.

Rough Exterior: With a bit of concentration, Llavi is able to roughen his exoskeleton and produce ridges and more texture to his exoskeleton. With more effort he can even produce small spikes. These aren’t projectiles, but are attached to his ichor

It all started with a cough.

That damned rain mixed with a childish rebellion, giving birth this damned cough. Mami had told him “Llavito, you put your jacket on if you’re going outside! Escuchame!” He’d had to turn around and mumble his acknowledgement. But of course, the little jacket stayed on the hook.

The sly tickle, switched to an itch while wriggling its way up his throat. His pitiful attempt at clearing his throat only gave the demon more to work with.

That damned cough. It burst from him and built on itself, bringing more and more. Reaching for a tissue, he jerked back in surprise when he saw the fleck of black specks fresh on the tissue. “Mami?” His panicked cry left him on instinct as he looked around for an answer.

'It's the black cough,' Abuela chortled, her English crisp, her eyes fresh. The paper-thin hem of her dress brushed his leg as she swept over Llavi. She hummed a hymn of their Yoruba religion as the chilled yet damp touch of her spindled fingers brushed over his face, his eyes, reaching down his throat. Enclosing around it, feeling the pulse. The urge.

‘Oh no!’

He hacked again, bringing his entire body forward. His hands came to meet his mouth instinctively and he looked with horror as more of that black ‘whateveritwas’ coated his hands. Llavi’s breath quickened and he tried to get up, only to be met by those spindly fingers once more.

“No no no no, Llavicito,” Abuela tuttered “You don’t have to afraid, little one.” It dawned on Llavi, as his abuela busied herself, making tea for them, that that’s what panicked him the most of this situation. Her English. Abuela, who stuck to to their home tongue, because she was proud of it. The only English she used was for The Real Housewives, and even then it was thick and slurred, deliberately lazy. Not this crisp, English he heard.

“It is the black cough,” she repeats, a tint of her native accent coming in while she serves them both. Llavi sipped his tea. “The black cough which brings about the black blood. This is just the first step in changing. Oya has chosen you, my love.” The lack of worry in her voice soothed Llavi.

“But, what is it? What will it do?”

“It will show you whether you were meant to live as a man or be remembered as a child forever.” It wasn’t much of an answer at all to Llavi, but he couldn’t bring himself to question her. He couldn’t bring himself to do much of anything except sit there. Even that seemed to become more tiresome as the seconds slipped by. His abuela took his cup from his hands just as he was beginning to drop it, setting it gently on the coffee table. Her arms swooped under him just as his balance swayed him off the chair, the allure of a sudden fatigue becoming too great.

“It’s okay Llavicito, you will be fine,” she cooed to him, her accent getting stronger. She laid him on the couch as he drifted to a heavy and foggy sleep.


The following day, Llavi awoke feeling fine and the mind of the 7 year old quickly forgot the previous days fear.

Their transition was rocky at best and the stress of a new place didn’t make things easier in any way. Since his “Change” things had been quiet, but it shifted soon after they moved. Llavi would wake up with sheets covered in splotches of the ichor, his hands filthy with it. But it kept happening. During the time, he began to notice a small mole on the back of his hand. Until it wasn’t a mole. It was a black dot, spreading on his hand. The darkest of bruises, it seemed to be. An odd birthmark with a rapid progression. Anything but the Black Blood. But Llavi couldn’t fool himself for long. Finally, one morning he awoke to find his entire arm coated with the hardened ichor. It felt like a hardened cast, supple to his movements. He panicked, trying to break it against any hard surface he could, but to no avail. His mother came in at that point, readying herself for her nurse shift. His panic seemed to cause the more of the ichor to produce and slicked itself over his arm more, thickening. His panic rose further until he felt a sharp prick. A needle of sedation from his mother.

Sedating him caused the ichor to break away and down into a dust as he slept, his mother told him when he woke to his normal arm

He worked to keep it from his sister, who he knew would worry. The States had opened their eyes to the existence of the mutant gene. And though they had never spoken about it, Llavi and Melina both knew what Llavi was now. She noted the spot on his hand and he was forced to come clean.

Though he and his sister still shared a close bond, Llavi still felt a small disconnect. She worried worse than his mother at times, and wanted their safety. But Llavi wanted to know more about him, whatever the Black Blood was, and whether it could be removed. Any research he did yielded no results. Fevered nights began to await him whenever he slept and he could feel the onset that usually came with the Cough.

For the next three years, the Cough came more frequently. The retching, hacking fits and extreme fatigue always left with no lasting effects, but each time it felt just slightly worse. His sister was always there, aiding him however she could.

At the age of 16, Llavi had decided it was enough. He wouldn’t accept a life of this. There was a mutant rally a few blocks from where he and Melina went to school in New York. He felt someone there might be able to help him, give him answers or at least a direction. His mother expressly forbade him, giving birth to one of their most heated arguments. Melina sided with their mother! It was this act that caused Llavi to falter. They wanted nothing more than his safety and the climate towards mutants had been anything but safe. They could work through it and find answers together, but the mutant rally posed to big a threat.

That night, after his mother left for work and Melina had gone to bed, Llavi couldn’t get the rally off of his mind and as he poked and prodded at the black marks on his hands, he knew what he had to do.

Near the end of the rally was when things turned violent, and Llavi was forced to hide for his safety. One of the more violent rally’s, the police were forced to section of the block and Llavi wasn’t able to make it home until the wee hours of the morning, where he knew he would await a hefty sentencing from his mother. What he was faced with was his mother weeping. His sister had gone to look for him that night and hadn’t come back. His mother saw the reports on the news and feared the worst. They found her later that day at one of the local hospitals, clinging to life in the midst of a mutant attack gone wrong. She was stable but in critical condition. There, in the hospital was where his life changed.

“You get the hell out of my house, and take your cursed life with you.”

The words splashed across Llavi with a surprised chill. He looked at his mother again, confused.

“You heard me,” the words were strained and he could see the tears as she looked at her daughter's vitals. “I don’t want to see you when I get there.”

There was a flare in Llavi when the shock was replaced with a sudden rage. “See you in hell then,” he spat as stalked out.

The next year he spent on his own showed Llavi some of the darker parts of the world, it wasn’t until he crossed paths with …..okay honestly, I’ve written a lot at this point and I think we all know he winds up at the Xavier School. I’ll hammer out specifics a bit later, but it won’t really affect the pre-existing narrative….like at all.

Cumshots or Kahlua.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Stein Hot Dayum, idk who that is but dat chest hair :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@BlackSam3091 if my guy is accepted can my guy know your guy? I just think they're so much opposite that it'd be interesting for there to be a friendship there.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Sep Sure thing.

@Stein I am so sick of you raising the bar on everyone!

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago

Scottish Unity.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 13 days ago

So I've been considering Hollie's power for some time and I don't exactly like Density manipulation. It is not "eye-catching" enough. So how does this sound as a replacement?

Hollie can spontaneously shapeshift into a translucent crystal form. While crystallized, she is resistant to physical damage, packs a harder punch, and can absorb energy to supercharge her form.

Energy Absorption
While in her crystal form, and only in her crystal form, her touch can draw energy from various sources. Electricity provides the greatest amount of energy but absorbing energy from another being can yield energy. This gives Hollie a sort of Vampiric touch and allows her to drain energy from her opponents at relatively a slow rate. Another method of energy absorption can come from a sort of energy "rebate" when Hollie receives kinetic strikes (punches, bullets, etc.) to more Meta energies (beams, blasts, etc.). Even though she may benefit from being on the receiving end of an attack, her crystal form cannot take a lot of abuse and may crack and break causing real injury to Hollie's actual form.
A surplus of energy stored can be used in various offensive or defensive strategies. Hollie can use built up energy to rapidly grow pillars of her crystal material in an attempt to impale or block an attacker, project an energy beam, and as a final resort, explode out from her crystal form using up all energy she had in stored. Some synergistic strategies can be thought of by using a combination of her powers. Any crystal pillar will also be energy absorbent and by blasting the pillar with energy it can reach a break point and explode.
Outside of her crystal form, Hollie is vulnerable. It takes her awhile to build up enough energy to use her extra abilities, before that she is just armored. Her crystal form can be damaged and eventually destroyed. Her crystal form can be pushed to a volatile point by rapidly adding too much energy, causing Hollie to explode.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Scottish Unity.

We're plotting the downfall of a certain Government! Nothing can stop us....

Except from @Hillan not approving of my sheet, as you've already taken a gander.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago

<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>

We're plotting the downfall of a certain Government! Nothing can stop us....

Except from @Hillan not approving of my sheet, as you've already taken a gander.

England beware.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago

@Pirouette Personally I liked the Density Shifting, but if you want something else that's fine too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 13 days ago

@Lord Wraith Density shifting is an option but I think I want Hollie to play the part of "elegant, thinks she is better than you, senior." But I like to fill in roles, too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago

@Lord Wraith Density shifting is an option but I think I want Hollie to play the part of "elegant, thinks she is better than you, senior." But I like to fill in roles, too.

The Crystal form would certainly accomplish that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 13 days ago

<Snipped quote by Pirouette>

The Crystal form would certainly accomplish that.

Hm. I'll change it then.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>

Hm. I'll change it then.

Plus that makes your Alias like, super easy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Angel Eyes

Angel Eyes ...

Member Seen 17 days ago

Character coming soon. Again lol
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Angel Eyes why the tag? :L

I'm sure they saw it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago

@Angel Eyes why the tag? :L

I'm sure they saw it.

Tags work, that way I can leave it in my notifications for easy finding later.
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