Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

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The airship was flying through the air, a slip stream behind it as it moved at speeds something of it's size shouldn't normally be able to as it flew towards the next destination, Astra. It's been about an hour since "The Blight" had left Polaris, and was currently flying over the sea that separated the two Kingdoms. Hana was swinging her legs into the air, sitting upside down in her chair. She already got over the attempt on her life, having gotten used to it after the last 2 years of dealing with the man. The teacher knew it was all in good fun, but wasn't sure if the students knew. "Hey, Heffy, don't you think that you should maybe... Try to be nicer around the students?" Hana asked the armored man, knowing that he wouldn't try to attack her when they were alone. Said aging teacher grunted in response, looking over the list of students they had to pick up. "Any student of mine will be strong. Kindness will make them weak, and if they hate me because of my lack of it, they'll get stronger." the void user replied, calm as ever as he noticed a certain duo that will be next after this current student in the pickup line. The Halechstins. The man had a ghost of a smile as he passed over their names. "If they are weak, then they won't survive in the world for long."

The cockpit was silent for a moment, both of the teachers remembering the problems they faced in order to became so talented at their control over Aeon."...That doesn't mean you have to be rude all the time", the bespectacled teacher finally responded, shaking the cobwebs from her mind. "Doesn't mean I have to be a little pussy either. If students see me as an asshole, then fine." Hana let the matter drop, she's been bringing up this situation for years, and he still hasn't changed his ways. Sighing, the female adult got up from her upside down position and looked towards the Kingdom of Astra. Her old home. They would arrive at the next student's home in about 10 minutes, she hoped they were ready so they could leave the Kingdom quickly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

Member Seen 12 mos ago

The ram nodded in understanding, and let his plant pull him towards it, settling himself ontop of it. "Those that run from that past are those that have yet to learn from it", the Barometz remarked, the plant moving away from the zombie on the bench "I may not know of your situation, but you may be wise to reflect upon it." the half-beast, half-plant absconded from the courtyard, leaving the 400 year old undead to his thoughts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

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Josephine Gale
I smile at the teacher as I notice her pulling away at the same time. 'maybe she noticed that her life force was getting low.' I thought to myself before begining to responding to her question. " Yes. I should be fine now, thank you." I responded. Although I was still slightly hungry it was manageable besides she didn't want to hurt the lovely Kitsune teacher.

"So Miss Meliona, when will we get our class time tables?" she asks softly, she could tell that there were at least one students here already and could roughly pinpoint where they were.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

Member Seen 12 mos ago

The teacher let out a cute "Hmmmmmm..." as she tried to remember when the students would get their schedules, her nine brown tails swaying hypnotically behind her. She didn't actually remember when, having fallen asleep in the middle of the faculty meeting earlier today. "I don't know.. Why don't we ask Aurelia?" the teacher suggested, not wanting to bother the Headmaster. It sounded like a golden idea to the kitsune, since the kit will both learn what she wanted to know, and get to know two teachers at the same time.
@Maria 127
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

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I nodd at miss Meliona "Thats a good idea, i'll follow you if you lead the way.." i say softly as a grab couple of things off a nearby table and stand up, showing the teacher that i was ready to leave this room. I start to wonder about the peope that would be comeing to this school and weather or not shed like them. she was curious to meet them and find out what they are like hopefully without revealing too much about herself.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aragorn
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Aragorn The Gentleman of Light

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Jacob sighed after listening to Arya's plan. "You know we'll probably get in trouble for this, right?" He said to her, exasperated. Arya just grinned. "But what's life without a little fun, hm? Besides, I have a backup plan." She replied, pulling out something that suspiciously resembled a bag of candy. He sighed again. "I hope it doesn't come to that." But still, he had to admit Arya had certainly thought things through. Even if they did get in trouble, Arya knew of the Headmaster's weakness for sweets. That alone might be enough to get them off the hook. "Fine, I'll do it. I'm not happy about it, but I'll do it." He grumbled.
"I knew you'd come around!" Arya chirped, hugging him tightly. "Arya, you're strangling me!" He gasped out, his sister quickly letting go of him. "Now we just have to wait until classes start tommorow!" She continued. "We're totally going to get caught." Jacob thought darkly to himself. Still, if it was just on the first day of classes, the headmaster would probably be more lenient on them anyway, even without their...gift. At least, that's what he reasoned. He turned his head to look out one of the windows on the side of the ship, watching the clouds whip past them as they sped towards Astra. Maybe Arya was right, and he needed to lighten up. It was only a bit of harmless fun right? Just a prank kids would do in any other school. And it wasn't like there were any rules directly forbidding what they were going to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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"Mhm perhaps you are right...the past is very painful for me" Fredrick said to himself seeing one of the birds sitting down on his lap."Why the hell do i even bother speaking to people" He added in a hushed whispered to himself thinking that maybe he was not good enough to be in this academy and to surpass his creator.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

Member Seen 12 mos ago

The airship had reached it's next destination. Before the Halechstin duo, there was a single student before them: a Drew Sanders, if the list is to be believed. The door opens and the ramp extends to the ground, Hana Juniper being the one to pick up this student, as she had with the rest of them. The teacher was sort of disappointed to find that the student wasn't in one of her classes either, but wouldn't let that stop her from greeting the new student with a wide smile. Knocking on the door of the home, Hana awaited the student's arrival.
@Jay Kalton


Meliona clapped her hands in joy, getting up and walking to the door. "Well, shall we go?" the tall adult asked, gesturing for the vampire to follow her. Walking out of the dorm, both Daemon and Beast start to head for the Office building through the Courtyard. As they did so, Meliona noticed a figure sitting on a bench, the figure was masculine in build. Strange, wasn't the Headmaster still in his office? Nearing the area of the male, she was surprised to find that it was a man she had never seen before. A man who had died, and was revived as an Undead. What was he doing here?

Unknowingly copying her friend/ fellow faculty member, the kitsune approached the male, her nine tails streaming behind her. "L-lovely weather, isn't it?" Meliona asked the zombie, once again channeling her fellow Beast with her words. She stood there waiting for reply, hoping that the Undead wasn't within the Academy for any convoluted purposes, her tails wiggling nervously.
@Eviledd1984@Maria 127
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

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Josephine Gale
I nod at Meliona and start to follow her out of the dorm room, making sure to close the door behind her. I followed the Kitsune down the hall way.

It seemed that they had to walk through the courtyard first. As they did this it seemed as though Meliona had found a student to talk to. I decided to hang back and just wait for Meliona to be ready to continue on their little trip.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Matsuri
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Drew Sanders

"All right, suitcase packed, room unnecessarily tidy, face looking like I was actually bothered to look good today... Yep, totally sorted!

The girl would proceed to rush down the stairs with a large suitcase in hand and a broad sword in the other, showing little signs of exhaustions. Thankfully, she wasn't foolish enough to repeat her usual morning routine of falling down the stairs to get some breakfast. Or get something 'practical' done. But this wasn't any ordinary day. Drew was finally going to experience her first day at AEIOU Academy.

A rush of excitment and nervousness churned in her stomach as she heard the long awaited knock on the door, just in the knick of time as well. With half a boot on, her father came and tapped her on the shoulder, clearly concerned for his daughter's well being. Her mother would also pop her head around from the living room door.

"Okay... You're all set and ready to go, right?"
her father asked in a shaky voice.


"Totally and absolutely sure?"


"You haven't forgotten anything, have you?"

With a sigh, Drew reached for the doorknob. "C'mon dad, you shouldn't really be too concerned about me, y'know? Even I'm capable of kicking a little butt once in a while."

"Precisely what he's worried about," her mother called out. "The fact that you are capable of kicking a little butt. I know getting angry over the tiniest of things isn't like you at all, but it's mainly just a matter of 'what if'. What if my daughter happens to 'accidentally' stab someone because... well, because? I mean-"

Another knock could be heard from the other side.

"Jeez, you talk, like, way too much..." Drew whined. However, before trecking out into the unpredictable future, the family would have one more group hug.

"Just don't, y'know, get into fights and all that." her mother said.

"She speaks the truth," her father added. "You're eighteen know, okay? Any reports about you playing poke with a sword won't look good once you graduate know, will it?"

With a nod and a goodbye, Drew swung the door open, inhaling a large amount of air. Exhaling at the sight of the woman's face, Drew some out.

"Uh, hey there! So, you're from AEIOU Academic, right? Name's Drew, if you didn't know already-"

"Drew, don't address this woman so casually like that! Where'd your manners run off to, huh?"

And that was the last Drew would her from her mother in a long while.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aragorn
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Aragorn The Gentleman of Light

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Arya shifted to the other side of the airship to try and grab a glimpse of one of the new people to the academy. To her chagrin, she couldn't, her view mostly blocked by the door of the house, Hana, and the distance. She began rummaging in one of her bags, pulling out a pair of binoculars. "Why on earth do you have those?" Jacob asked her, looking annoyed at his sister's behavior. "Shhh" Arya replied, putting the binoculars to her eyes and zooming in. "Whoa, that's a big girl." She said, a little too loudly. Jacob made a clicking noise with his tongue and turned his attention back to the book he was reading, refusing to encourage her. "C'mon Jacob, don't you wanna see?"

Not looking up, he said "I'll see her when she gets on the ship. Stop being a peeping tom and sit right." Arya just chuckled, continuing to look out the window. "Somebody's a little grumpy." She teased. Jacob just gritted his teeth and stubbornly continued to read about the art of controlling souls. Arya guessed he was still disgruntled about what he had been coerced to do, but didn't give it too much thought.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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"Yeah nice weather we're havin..." The undead man said looking up at the kitsune. She could see the many scars on his face and his upper body that was not covered by his clothes."You here to see the birds or to talk to me?I don't mind either.." He added folding his hands and resting them in his lap.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

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The moment the teen had finished her introduction, two things had run through Hana's mind. 'Wow, this girl is as tall as my Mel-Mel', was the first thought, the teacher having to crane her head slightly upwards to look the sword-user in the eye, and second... 'I really wish this girl was in one of my classes!' She really did. The bespectacled teacher saw a kindred spirit within the blond, and wished that she was one of the main subject teachers. "It's fine, Mrs. Sanders!" the albino said to the mother, waving off the teen's attitude, as she was as excited as this girl was when SHE first started teaching at AEIOU. "We're pretty lax at our Academy, despite it's notoriety." Setting her focus back onto the student infront of her, the teacher took the blonde's hand and started to shake it firmly, smile plastered onto her face.

"Nice to meet you, Sandy! I'm Ms. Juniper! You probably don't have me in any of your classes, but that's OK, we'll be great buddies anyway! You're going to LOVE it at AEIOU, it's like the best Academy ever!", Ms. Juniper said perkily, not stopping her hand shake at all during the entire mini-speech. She wasn't done yet, however, and kept going. "We have people of all shapes and sizes, you won't even believe how many friends you can ma-" A loud horn coming from the airship cut off whatever the teacher was about to say next, the armored pilot of the vehicle giving Ms. Juniper a pointed look from inside the cockpit. "Whoops, I got a little carried away...", Ms. Juniper appeased the teen, rubbing her head sheepishly as she started to pull the taller female inside "The Blight's" doors. Before the doors closed, Ms. Juniper called out to the girl's parents for one last time. "Don't worry, your child is safe with us!", punctuating the statement with a hand wave and the shutting of the doors. The vehicle revved to life, and took flight once more into Nevada's skies.@Jay Kalton


"Ummm.. Just you, actually.", the vixen muttered to the Undead, wondering why the man would ask her if she wanted to talk to food. Shaking her head of any thought pertaining to supper, Meliona Featherstep asked the question she wanted an answer too. "How did you get in here? The Academy is blocked from all sides by a barrier." the brunette was truly clueless, having tried walking or breaking through the barrier, herself, when she first came to the Academy. She failed, and miserably.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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"I applied and got into the academy..." He answered her question looking down at a bird that was perched on his leg."Come sit down...." He said tapping on the empty spot on the bench right beside him.His thoughts were a bit some place else thinking of his creator and if maybe wandering the world was a better idea then joining the academy.

"Nah this will give you purpose..." He thought to himself shaking his head. As she could see he was not very good with talking to others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Matsuri
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Matsuri procrastination station

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Drew Sanders

The airship was… large, for the lack of a better description. Soon after this equally cheery teacher managed to calm Drew's mother down, the two were whisked off to God knows where. This was it. This was Drew's new beginning at an actual school! She was totally not going to mess up on the first day, or play poke with her sword on other unsuspecting midgets!

Drew could see that there were already a pair of students hanging around as she rolled in. Well, this meant there were more people to interact with, right?

"Well, at least I'm not alone for the rest of the flight then, right?" she called out, strapping her sword to her back and using her now free arm to wave. "Name's Drew Sanders! Don't think I've seen you guys around before."

As she strode towards them, she realised just how small the two were. However, the girl was much smaller, so she would launch after her instead.

"Aw, you're so small!" Drew squealed, attempting to wrap her arms around the brunette. Well, seeing as her voice was much deeper than some women, the squeal wasn't as high pitched as she wanted.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aragorn
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Aragorn The Gentleman of Light

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Arya's face reddened and gasped as the big girl grabbed her in what felt like a bear hug. "Uh, hi." She managed to get out. Realizing what Drew had called her, her eyes narrowed. "Hey who are you calling small?" She said angrily. "Back me up here Jace!" Jacob just smiled mischievously and put his book down, amused by the spectacle. "Nah, you can handle this yourself. You're a big girl, right Arya?" He replied, Arya's face reddening even more. She struggled in the girl's grip, trying to free herself.

@Jay Kalton
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Seeing the Lightwood twins and the teen she had nicknamed 'Sandy' already interacting brought a warm feeling into Hana's chest, the teacher smiling at the sight. This was why she loved the Academy, the happiness that students share as they meet others that are like and unlike themselves. Hana walked towards the cockpit, getting into her chair and strapping in, smile still present on her face. The aging teacher next to her grunted, looking at the next student on the list as his fellow teacher settled in her seat. "Looks like we're picking up that man's student next." Hephaestus brought up to the albino, said woman looking at the armored male with a raised eyebrow in questioning. "He doesn't even have an address to go to, just some coordinates for a TREE of all things..." The void user started to rub his temple, already feeling the migraines this student was going to give him.

Hana frowns at the man, seeing nothing wrong with the retrieval arrangements. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Heffy. Besides, apparently he's really close by, if the coordinates can be believed."A few minutes passed within the cockpit in silence, neither teacher really having anything to say as they approached their next destination. A slight rumble verberated throughout the ship as it went through some turbulence. "I am so glad that we placed those final Glyphs on the starboard and port areas of the ship... though I do wonder what just happened...", Hana remarked, knowing that if there was any turbulence happening to the ship, then something significant had just happened that would have blown apart any other of it's kind. Hephaestus shrugged, not really caring as the ship started to descend once more. "I'll check the ship while you get this student. Just get it over and done." the Destruction Control teacher replied, confident that he could fix any problems that appear on HIS ship.

The airship doors open, and the ramp extends to the ground, Hana walking out of the ship and looking around the area. She didn't she anyone from the first look, but she was sure that the coordinates had said to pick up the student here. She starts walking over to a clump of trees, looming around the trunks to search for the missing student. At the same time, Hephaestus unbuckles himself from his pilot seat and walks out of the ship as well to look for any anomalies that may have damaged the vehicle.
@Hael Ignis


Meliona looked startled at the invitation, but obliged anyway, sitting on the designated spot given by the Undead. Noticing the vampire who stood off a ways, the brunette gestured for Josephine to come join them. The teacher over hears the zombie's soul-searching remark, and gives her own two cents. "Umm... A purpose is quite important, but do you have someone to share that purpose with?" the Kitsune asked nicely, looking at the Undead with curiosity swirling within her red orbs. "A skulk or friends or a mate to enjoy your purpose with?" she explained tentatively, waiting for his reply and absentmindedly petting her own tails.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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"Nah i don't have any companion...never really had a friend for the four hundrend years i've been "Alive" He answered her turning his head to look at her. It was true he had not had a friend not a single one that would have his company,He was all alone and to find a purpose he would have to do it alone."Not like anyone cared about me to warrant a friendship with someone...." He quietly muttered loud enough for her to hear him letting another bird to perch on his shoulder.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

Member Seen 12 mos ago

A visible frown arose on the tallest teacher's face, mentally berating the human race. Four hundred years, and this little kit hasn't found a single person to accept him, let alone a mate. What a sad, lonely life he must have. A bird landing on the zombie's shoulder briefly enraptured her, the sight reminding her that she hasn't eaten fro quite a while. For the second time that day, Meliona shook the thought of food from her mind, remembering where she was, and that she was supposed to be talking to a student.

Taking the Undead's hand, the brunette grabs the attention of the man, his cold, dead hand held within her own, warm and filled with life. "I-I'll be your friend, if you want me too.", the vixen offered to the man. It was sad, really, that the longest living student within the Academy was the one with the least amount of companionship. The kitsune mentally swore that she would get the dead kit interacting with others, hopefully starting with the similarly socially weak vampire who hadn't approached the duo yet. "But before we become friends, we need to introduce ourselves. I'm Meliona, what's your name?" The zombie seemed to be quite out of it, but the brunette was quite sure that Hana could help in bringing him out of his shell.
@Eviledd1984@Maria 127
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