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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Seeing the Blight descending, and then observing the beautiful-as-always light show, Gwen smiled excitedly, putting away her art supplies hastily. Getting up, she grabbed her bag, dusting herself off and walking towards the Blight. 'I can't wait to get back to school, I wonder whats going to happen this year?' Gwen thought to herself as she walked to the ships entrance. "Hi, professor Juniper! How've you been?" Gwen said, waving to Hana as she got close.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

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Hana saw the wave, but wasn't going to take such a detached greeting from a returning student of hers. She had so very few of them, and she wanted to show her appreciation every time she saw them. Quickly running towards the ferret girl, the distance between the two shortened faster than either of them could blink. "Gwen!" the teacher cried loudly, as she lifted off the ground, arms spread wide for a tackle-hug.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Having been gone for break, and as such distracted, Gwen had forgotten the sheer veracity of Hana's enthusiasm for her students, and was as such unprepared for the force of nature that is Hana. She was hit by the flying hug, and sent sprawling, going down in a heap, tail bushed up in surprise. "Ooof! Hi Hana... Its good... to see you too..." She manages to gasp out, winded by the impact of Hana, and subsequently of the ground.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

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I frown slightly at the news i was hoping to get the timetable early but apparently that wasn't going to happen. i quickly look around me the shy looking undead boy was looking at his shoes and the other teacher was walking away while Meliona was give her a sheepish look. i look away from her and begin to walk back to the corridor eyes now glowing blue i take a sneaky look at the boy's life force as im a little curious. as i look i just hope he doesnt notice. I quicky turn away and continue to walk back the way we came, my eyes back to their natral green color.

I stood in the hallway and gave the boy one last look, thinking all the while that there was something really werid about the kid. i just couldnt shake the odd feeling i got when i looked at him. i shook my head thinking that i was being stupid and began to leave, thinking about heading back to my room and continue my self made isolation from everyone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

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The albino had a wide grin on her face, even as she lifted herself up from the ground and adjusting her glasses from their skewed position caused by the impact. "Sorry, got a little carried away there," Hana apologized, but neither her tone nor body language indicated that she actually meant it. The bespectacled teacher lowered a hand down to the Animal girl, offering to help her brunette student off the ground. If Gwen accepted her hand, the teacher would quickly rush to the airship with the girl in tow, the other students having recovered from their awe to board "The Blight". "We can talk when we get on board. Mr. Sin will have a fit if I don't get everything over and done on the ground ASAP. We're sort of on a tight schedule, having only this single run to pick up the students for this academic year."



Meliona didn't know what to do. She had been no real help to the two kits, only bringing them disappointment as they were shot down by her one-armed friend. Fredrick seemed to be lost and confused, while Josephine left the area to lurk back in her own little world. The Kitsune wished that the social butterfly of the faculty, Hana Juniper, was here in her place. The albino teacher always had this spunk to her, this drive that drew others into her universe. No one was unimportant within her presence, and everyone was always smiling... Except for a few certain exceptions.

The nine-tailed woman sighed, said tails wilting in her temporary state of self-consciousness, along with her furry, second pair of ears that jutted from her head. And so, the strange duo of a socially awkward Zombie and a currently depressed Kitsune stood in that corridor. One unable to speak in his ignorance of social cues, while the other ruminated within her thoughts, lost in what she wasn't good at instead of what she was. The Spirits could not comfort Meliona this time, as she was subconsciously keeping them away from her.

@Maria 127@Eviledd1984
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Gwen was still gasping and catching her breath for a few moments after Hana picked herself up off of her, gasping out, "It's.. alright.." as she caught her breath. She then proceeded to take Hana's proffered hand, and get dragged bodily over to the Blight, stumbling after her hyper-energetic teacher, unable to get her balance until they actually made it aboard the Blight. Once aboard, she just stands in an out of the way spot near where Hana lets her go (wherever that may be) and catches her breath, amazed that nothing fell out of her bag during the ordeal, but still nonetheless happy to see her, and happy about the greeting, harrowing as it might have been.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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The zombie looked around thinking why the hell did they have to wait for other students, When the teacher could have them do something to past the time.He had no one to talk to because he found the people he was with hard to talk too, "Why do i have such shitty social skills" He thought to himself shaking his head thinking back that perhaps the reason he is like this is because the people he has meet have tried to kill him.

"So...why are you people here..." He asked the oblivious question to the two woman speaking up to try to come up with conversation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

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After Hana had brought Gwen into the airship, and shut the entrance for take off, the rest of the trip around Gaia seemed to blur within her mind. Fly. Land. Retrieve. Take off. Repeat. None of the other students from Gaia were known to her, Chaos Theory being a very specialized subject and Creation users being non-existent among Animals and Beasts. She didn't really understand it herself, but something about how Aeon flows within them blocked the routes that led towards the usages of Creation and Destruction.

The Blight soon left the Animal Kingdom, and set a course for the next destination, Hellios. The flight had become so long that the sun was nearing the horizon. Hana was driving at this point in the flight, Hephaestus taking a "power nap", as he called it. The brunette had no trouble with this arrangement, since she was responsible for at least half of the engineering that ran the metal monstrosity, and most of the engineering she was responsible for had nothing to do with Glyphs. A small black dot appeared on the horizon, slowly but surely increasing in size. The airship had reached Hellios waters.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

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Josephine continued to walk down the halls at a brisk pace, she was hoping to get to her room before she met anyone else. As she walked she began to pass the courtyard, this is where she chose to stop and stare for a few moments to admire the wildlife.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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Ulrich had quickly taken notice of the ferret girl that had entered. One of the people he had been classmates with in the previous year and Hana's greeting only further proved that. He then waved at her. "Hey, hey Gwen!" He greeted with a huge grin on his face. Gybril, his round white familiar, flew towards her and then circled around her as a form of greeting to the animal girl. He practically remembered most of his classmate's names but he had talked with her multiple times because she was half-animal.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RiverMaiden
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RiverMaiden Protector of the Stream of Time

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The vast sea's expanse lay infront of them, both Daemon and Beast watched to waves crash onto the rocky shores of their Kingdom. They have arrived at their destination. Nephilis jumped from her companion's saddle, removing her head from her shoulders as she landed on her own two feet. The snow-haired girl sighed in relief as her head was tucked within her left arm. This felt much better. Having her head attached to her body always felt strange and unnatural, even though the connection made riding on her horse's back much smoother.

Ashes observed the cloudy skies with beady black eyes, mane blowing in the wind as the dark animal neighed in what seemed to be surprise at the sight before her. Nephilis gave notice to the noise, and tracked her partner's eyesight towards a large, grey speck on the horizon. The airship. It has arrived. The dullahan lowered herself to the ground, sitting cross-legged ontop of the rocky shore with the dark horse following soon after. The duo watched The Blight come closer through the sky, awaiting their ride to a new land.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

Member Seen 12 mos ago

From a high window of the Office building, Anna watched one of her race loiter within the Courtyard. The teacher truly wanted to reach out to the younger vampire, she truly did, but the Daemon teacher had no idea how. To want is a natural instinct within any sentient being, but to do is a different matter entirely. With no real experience of interacting with anyone on the desolate land that was Hellios, the youthful woman had next to no knowledge of how to start a meaningful conversation with one of her own kind. So, the teacher continued to observe, unable to reach out to one who was so very like her.

@Maria 127


The Kitsune was startled from her musing, brought out of it by the student's question. "O-oh! W-well, I don't know about Mrs. Borealis, b-but I'm here because I wanted to see how different each of the Races would interact with each other," Meliona replied softly, giving the younger being a thoughtful look.

Come to think of it, she didn't know what any of her fellow teacher's reasons were for teaching at this Academy. It was quite a gamble to do so, as the cultural diffusion not very popular to most of the Races, with Humans being the most outspoken against it. Each of the governments within each Kingdom have accepted to the terms that came with the continued funding of the Academy, but a single mishap could cause the whole program to collapse from bankruptcy.



The Blight landed on the shores of the cloud covered Kingdom, the form of a bespectacled adult walking out of the opened doors and onto an extended ramp. Touching down onto the rocky terrain, the teacher gave a mock salute to the not-so-headless horsewoman. "Hello! I'm Ms. Juniper, and I'll be your flight attendant for today! Glad to have you aboard!" her cheery voice filled the distance between Human and Daemon, warm and welcoming like it had been with every other student she had greeted.

Internally, the teacher was quite unnerved by the sight of a teen holding their own head within their arms. The sight of the black horse was strange, the teacher's list having no sign of any other students waiting at this pick up point, but the Animal would be welcomed aboard as well. Companions were uncommon, but not unheard of.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Fredrick hated how everyone was crowding around him,The undead staring at his feet still before speaking up again."Umm..maybe you can introduce me to the other students..." He said quietly to the kit wanting her to speak up for her to and to help introduce himself to the incoming students.Why the hell did the students were crowding around him,This made him very nervous.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

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@TychosFullmeta@RiverMaiden@greywolf375@Jay Kalton@Hael Ignis@Maria 127@Polaris North@Aragorn@Eviledd1984

Due to Real Life circumstances involing my family, money, and schooling, I will be unable to keep RPing for an unprecedented amount of time. For now, until I return, this RP is on hiatus/ cancelled.

Sorry, everyone.

Thank you for giving me your time and support.
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