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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

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The bespectacled teacher shook her head, happy that her student cared enough to try and help, but she knew that he couldn't, not for this. "Thanks, Ricky, that's really sweet... But I have to do this alone, or I won't be able to deal with it at all." If she couldn't get the Headmaster by her own power, then she didn't deserve him. A melancholy smile appeared on Hana's as she pat the teen on his head, shaking off the sad thought. "Anyways, you can call me or Mr. Sin if you ever need us. Why don't you go socialize with the other students?", the teacher suggested, knowing that while reading is great and all, socializing is just as useful. Giving Ulrich a hearty wave, she heads towards the cockpit as well. There was no way she was letting Heffy sit up there all alone.

@Polaris North
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aragorn
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@Jay Kalton

Arya widened her eyes, looking impressed. "Wow. That's amazing!" She exclaimed. "So can you create any metal? Or just iron and steel?" She thought for a minute, adding "And could you do custom stuff? Like, custom designs and the such?" Jacob rolled his eyes, knowing what Arya was talking about. They had been sketching out designs for a new wand for him and stave for her over the summer, with help from both him and books downstairs. If done right, it could afford them even finer control over their Aeons. But, they required both silver and custom glyph work. Neither of which they could afford. If Drew could make the stave and wand, then all they'd need is the glyphs and some work on his part to bind the mediums and glyphs to their souls. He had no idea though how much power either the glyphs would take to carve or the silver to create.
"Don't get ahead of yourself, Arya. She's only a first year. We don't want her to hurt herself for our sake, in case the metal summoning proves to be too draining. We can always see if we can get the silver from the school store for a reduced price." He chided, using their telepathic link. Arya raised her hands and said, out loud to Drew "Of course, it's okay if you can't! I was just curious."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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"You got it! Go do your best Ms. Hana." Ulrich cheered before nodding. Although it seems that the other students were already busy so he simply sat down besides his own sister. He'll just have to talk with the next person to get picked up. He then began to scan the whole ship. He even waved to some other students he knew from the past year, people who were in Chaos Theory just like him. Gybril, on the other hand, didn't seem to like the idea of settling down before it went to several student.

Well, it wasn't everyday you get to see a ball of white substance flying around. Needless to say, it was the students at Chaos Theory that enjoyed his presence the best.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RiverMaiden
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A blue skinned teen rode upon a black horse, who seemed to have saddle bags upon it as well as it's passenger. The darkened scenery around them bluring by as both rider and mount sped across the blackened plains. They had a date to catch, and they weren't going to be late. The head of the teen was, at this moment in time, screwed in tightly onto her neck. Her hands griped the reigns of her horse tightly, not pulling at them to chaff the animal's mouth, but tense enough that "Ashes" knew to keep moving as quickly as she could. They didn't have much time, the airship could come by at any minute now, and missing it would mean another year of waiting in this desolate land.

For once in her dreary life, Nephilis was intrigued by something, and she wanted to capitalize on the feeling for as long as she possibly could. It felt nice, to finally have something that gave her purpose to wake up every morning. The teachers were nice, the Academy itself was great, and the Existence Control teacher... Had a very fluffy coat. She couldn't wait to see it all again, though she could do without the gawking and incredulous shouting when people saw her without her head on her shoulders.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aragorn
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Looking bored, Jacob turned his attention away from his sister and Drew talking to look around the rest of the ship. The ship had just picked up two more people, both of which he recognized from his last year there. Lillian and Ulrich. Although, he had never really talked to them, at the time being too shy and introverted. Well, he was still not too keen on talking, but he preferred to think of it now as just having nothing to say. He pulled out his notebook, where he had been sketching out the designs of his and Arya's new mediums. He was still not sure on the glyphs, as he had just put down what he had read from the books in their basement library. He hadn't yet conversed with someone who was able to use them about it, having waited for the academy to come back in session. "Maybe Ms. Hana could help?" He thought idly to himself, pulling out a pencil and adding some more detail to the sketches.
Technically, they didn't even need the glyphs or silver. From his reading, he had determined that just binding their souls to their current mediums would help a lot in the focusing of their power. But, the binding would also make their aeon more bound to the mediums then before, meaning if they broke it would cost them power until they could remake them. In addition, using the silver and glyphs would further assist in the focusing of their aeons then just the binding alone. So, he felt it was best that they wait until they could create their new mediums.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Josephine watched the undead kid look wt his feet and watch the birds. This is moment that she decided to stand up and walk towards the pair slowly.

And soon she began to whistle. She imitated the songs of numerous birds with almost complete perfection and soon more birds began to arrive.

" I can see that you like birds so I've called them, I'm sure they would be happy too keep you company."

The boy would soon realise that even though she called them the birds kept their distance except for one specise of bird. The Crow, witch many see as a messenger of death. There were three crows in total two landed on her shoulder an one on her finger. She stroked it's head gently it cawed looked at her and nuzzle it's face in her chest.

"Meliona are we going to the other teacher to find out when the timetables will be given out, if not I'm going back to my room.
@ianzerep @Eviledd1984
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

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Meliona gained a harried expression on her face, noticing Fredrick's dejection at messing up his assumption. However, before she could try to comfort the Undead kit, her Daemon charge did it for her. Josephine stepped into the light, calling upon aviary companions with a whistling tune, the birds answering her call with the flaps of their wings. The Kitsune was amazed at how quickly the young kit had begun to socialize with another student, having believed that she would have needed to call upon another teacher to help the vampire out of her social shell. Hearing the red-eyes kit's question, Meliona nodded to the teen. "Y-yes. Thank you f-for reminding me. I had forgotten." the brunette replied, standing up from her position on the bench, and took Fredrick's hand within her own for a single handshake. "I-It was nice to meet y-you, Mr. Fredrick. I w-will see you in my class." Taking her leave towards the Office building, Meliona gestured for Josephine to follow with one of her tails.
@Maria 127@Eviledd1984
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Yeah..it'd be nice to see ya too..." Fredrick said to himself seeing the two leaving him,He was alone once more in his his own thoughts looking down at his feet.He wondered if he should have said something or even followed the teacher and the other students."Damn it why am i such a coward" He said to himself shaking his head.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Matsuri
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"Wow. That's amazing! So can you create any metal? Or just iron and steel? And could you do custom stuff? Like, custom designs and the such?"

Despite Drew's lengthy speech from a few seconds ago, Arya seemed to have wrecked her brain with all her questions. As she attempted to reply, only a slur of 'ums' came out.

"Um… Well, our Discipline is kinda weird, really. We're able to, like, move pieces of metal around, but we're only able to create one type of metal, which we can also move around. Apparently that's why people thought the Sanders line were a bunch of telekinetic weirdos until they actually made a proper name for themselves."

It was a fairly complicated thing to explain. But the only way to get past those complications was to explain it the easiest way she could, whilst also forming a little silver coloured sphere in her hand.

"So, we can create this special type of metal that's really strong and durable. They call it 'Sanders Stone', because, you know, lineage and stuff. Even though it isn't even fucking stone."

Drew mumbled that last bit. Sighing, she continued with her lecture explanation.

"But since we can't always rely on creating this type of metal, we have a sword on us to start things off. Other talented Invokers from other times were able to go into battle without a sword because of their huge pool of Aeon inside of them. I guess you could say my mother was one of them, and still is."

The sword strapped to her back began to rise slightly from its sheath, and descended back down after a few seconds.

"This sword however is made of normal steel, so we're able to make it float. In terms of custom designs though-"

"Of course, it's okay if you can't! I was just curious."

Drew replied with a simple, relieved smile. "Nah, it's all right. Questions like this aren't uncommon. Ya see, even though we're able to create this type of metal, it's basically just all Aeon. It won't last forever, but it can last for about a day or so sitting in a rock or something."

Drew then smiled again. "Hope that's answered all your questions, Arya."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

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As they approached the bottom of the list for the students within Astra, the duo settled inside the cockpit conversed on a dire topic of the utmost importance... As if. "But the sprinkles! We need sprinkles for the caaaaake!" Hana whined at her current partner, acting more like an 8 year old than her actual age. Hephaestus narrowed his eyes at the woman, wondering how such an immature individual became a world-renown prodigy, even if the Invoker community believed her to be a failure. "The moment I see any sprinkles, or even a cake for that matter, within my personal effects, I will create a giant hole from your room to the bottom floor. You will be thrown down it with extreme prejudice, and no Medium to save your sorry ass."

Hana pouted once more, puffing her cheeks out in a comical manner. The Void user wasn't joking, and they both knew it. He would follow through with his threat, and be laughing the entire damn time with that creepy grin of his. In a moment of complete and utter juvenility, she blew a raspberry at the armored man. His eyebrow twitched, the neutral look upon his face slowly cracking and pulling itself into a murderous smile. As the bespectacled woman beheld the unholy sight slowly form, she understood that she had just fucked up. "Uhhh... Hephaestus?", Hana spoke up, noticing the telltale aura of violent purple slowly appearing around the man's body. She didn't even use the nickname she had for him, knowing how dire the situation had just become. "W-we have students onboard. Y-you can't do this just yet!" Her words didn't seem to reach the aging Invoker, so she held her hands to her face, hoping that her death would be swift.

. . . . .

Huh? Nothing? Uncovering her eyes, she observed that Hephaestus had apparently calmed down. No sign of the aura from a few seconds earlier remained. Thank the gods, she didn't think she'd- A vile purple orb flew past the side of her head, not impacting any of the interior effects of the ship, but had the desired effect of scaring the living daylights out of Hana. The Void user turned to her fellow teacher, eyes gleaming with an unnatural anticipation. "When we get back to the Academy, you're going to be my new sparring partner for this year." Those few simple words were a death sentence. Hannah started to regret every single achievement within her life, because she now had to deal with a crazy bastard everyday for the entire school year... If she lived that long. There was a reason that only the Headmaster would spar with the man, and it wasn't because of bravery. A loud gulp resonated through the cockpit, and Hana prayed to every god she knew for luck in this endeavor.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


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Gwen is sitting on a hill in the outskirts of Thestalos, where she lives with her parents. She is sitting with her back up against a large Oak tree with a sketchpad on her lap, and her pen in hand, drawing a landscape picture of the nearby woods. "It'll be fun to get back to the school this year. I can't wait to see what my art class is like." She says, talking to herself while she draws, adding more color and depth to the picture as she goes.

After a while, she sets her sketchpad aside the drawing finished for the moment. 'I wonder what kind of things we'll be doing this year. I hope I'll meet some new friends!' She thinks to herself, sitting and simply staring up into the Nevada sky, currently clear, with barely a cloud in sight. She puts her sketchpad back into her messenger bag, which is also holding a couple other sketchpads, one of which has a pitch black cover, the other with a dark blue cover, with white specks, and assorted art supplies, as well as a couple snacks and a water bottle. This is all she has with her, or at least all that most people would know of.

1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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I was about to follow the teacher but before I did I put my hand lightly on his shoulder. "Hey why don't you come with us, you could get your timetable too" I suggested.

I start to follow Meliona but turn and look back waiting for his reply.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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@Maria 127

"Yeah sure i guess i can do that" Fredrick said now standing up form the bench where he was sitting letting the many birds flying away form him.He was walking behind them keeping to himself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

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Josephine smiles at him and at the same time slightly revealing her fanged like teeth. I give him a thumbs up and motion for hin to follow her.

I followed Meliona in silence for a bit before saying. "So, any hobbies?" I ask in an odd tone of voice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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@Maria 127

"Umm reading...practicing fighting.." Fredrick said feeling quite awkward since he didn't know what to say next.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

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Finally leaving Astra, "The Blight" set it's course for Gaia, the "Animal Kingdom". Hephaestus reached for a switch, untouched throughout the entire flight until now. He flipped it, and the ship seemed to have no real differences to the passengers within the metal vehicle, except for a transparent shimmer that could be seen from the windows, covering the entire hull of "The Blight". The cockpit was silent, neither of the two within making a sound even as they neared the largest island of the "Center of the Universe". A hidden tension lay upon the duo, Hana every so often resting a hand on her Medium, a unnaturally red rock the size of her hand, while Hephaestus drummed his fingers upon the steering wheel, eyes darting from side to side, examining the world outside of the airship. When they had reached the island proper, the armored man flipped the switch once more, and his albino partner nearly let out a sigh of relief. Even after the end of strife between the 4 islands and Astra, there was still a sort of unease that came with flying around the territory of the strongest Existence users within Nevada.

Reaching the edge of Thesalos, the airship slowly descended, the metal vehicle making a subtle 'thump' as it landed on the outskirts of the city. Hana hopped out of her seat, and grabbed a small paper that held a complex array of Seals as she left the airship. She walked a ways distance from the vehicle, then set the paper on the ground, channeling a spark of Aeon into it as she did so. The Seals disappeared, and the open clearing exploded in a symphony of lights, illuminating the afternoon sky with it's splendor. Hana smirked as she witnessed the products of her creations. They did this every year when they visited the capital of the Fine Arts within Gaia, to show their appreciation of the works created by the acclaimed artists within. At the same time, the display also signaled students who were enlisted for their Academy, allowing them to travel to the airship's location. Already, a few tentative students of multiple shapes and sizes came into the clearing, seeking for passage onto the vehicle. Hana greeted them all with a smile, taking a bow when a student applauded at her splendid display.



A small smile settled on the brunette teacher's face as she watched the two kits interact with each other. They were quite inexperienced in the art of conversation, but she believed they would become close acquaintances in due time. The kitsune was internally surprised when Josephine had invited the Undead boy, having believed that the vampire was still unlikely to socialize. Meliona was quite happy to be wrong, however, and was encouraged by the bonding between the two. The small group reached the Office building, and started to search for her fellow teacher, Aurelia, and found the younger woman walking through a hallway. A large stack of papers were held within the woman's single hand, said woman's eyebrows rose slightly at the sight of the small group infront of her. "Huh. A small entourage, just for me? I'm flattered," Ms. Borealis remarked dully as she stopped infront of the trio, Meliona's tails moving slightly faster in their hypnotic rhythm at the woman's words. "To what do I owe this honor? Our meeting isn't until later this evening, Meliona." The Invoker's words seemed to be directed to the teacher, but her eyes were locked onto the two students behind her.

@Eviledd1984@Maria 127
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Fredrick didn't say anything and kept following behind her thinking that he felt dumb in front of all of them,"Why the hell do even think of trying to make friends when they don't even like me.." The undead young man said and kept walking trying to avoid eye contact with the new teacher staring at her.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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She nodded as he told her what hobbies he had then she decided to open up a little too.
"I like to practice fighting too..."

Josephine followed Meliona in what seemed like endless silence for the few minutes it too to walk you through teachers office. She noticed the other teachers stare and eyed her weirdly for a moment.

I soon noticed the undead boys uneasiness so says something to direct the attention away form the undead boy. " um.... I'd appreciate it if you didn't stare miss. Your making me a little uncomfortable...." she says nervously she hoped the boy would understand what she did without explaining it but she wasn't going to mention it after this unless he brought it up. Josephine liked to help people and in her own way she was trying to help him be more confident in himself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

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The one-armed teacher blinked in surprise, as if she didn't notice that she had been staring. "I apologize," Ms. Borealis replied weakly to the teen vampire, as she turned her eyes towards her fellow teacher. Meliona took the eye contact as the que to answer the younger woman's question. "Well... The students and I were wondering when the class schedule would be sorted out." The kitsune didn't stutter in the slightest, comfortable with talking with a friend she's known for a few years. "I'm sorry, but I sort of dozed off in our last meeting, and didn't really understand what was going to happen today," Meliona finished by tapping her forefingers together in a nervous manner, embarrassed by her slip up. The greying haired teacher sighed, and shook her head. Clearly, this has happened before. "All students will be provided a schedule depending on their Year Levels, all at the same time in the opening feast at the Cafeteria." She replied in a bored tone, as if she had the passage read it off of a paper instead of from a memory in her mind.

"If that is all, the Headmaster has another stack of paperwork he needs to sign. Have a nice day," Ms. Borealis cut of the conversation at that note, walking away from the trio. The brunette's face morphed into a frown, saddened as her friend left and seemingly hurt by the other teacher's nonchalance. In truth, the kitsune was internally struggling to not ask the other teacher why she felt so gloomy all the time. Even with all of the connections each of the teachers have with the others, there is still alot of secrecy between them that hasn't been solved yet. All Meliona wanted to know was why everyone had such burdens on their shoulders, and if she could lessen them. Alas, it wasn't to be. For now. The remaining teacher turned to her two companions, shrugging a little and having a small sheepish look on her face. "W-Well, I g-guess we'll have to wait f-for the other students..."

@Maria 127@Eviledd1984
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"I'll right i mean we can wait..although their isn't much to do then while we wait" Fredrick said still looking down at his feet not really sure of what to say next to either the teacher or the student.He would have to wait or try to get to know the others while he waits,Although he wasn't sure how to talk to the two of them.

For now he would stare at his shoes like they would be able to come alive and talk to him,"Unlikely" He thought to himself shaking his head slowly.
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