it all sounds good.
@VKAllen i found out that an Urchin get to learn a secret language so i looked them up and chose Theives Cant is that all right?
thieves cant is pretty good language to have. makes you pretty able to communicate with the...seedier element of a town.
@VKAllen Also i came up with some npc's i thought would be cool! if ya wanna hear about them..
<Snipped quote by Sionnie>
All NPCs I will make, so do not worry.
@VKAlleni am waiting to see if my stealth roll succeeded before i move in for the kill. @Natsucooldude are you following the plan.. i mean Sionnie tried to arrange a method of getting to the front and distracting them as well as stating that those in the bushes were second priority so if we intend to follow the plan we agreed on, what you do now is pivital.. Please make sure i understand if you deviate so i can act accordingly.. i thought you would follow me under the caravan to the front..
Isn't a halfling jumping at them daggers drawn distraction enough?