Amam Amasis (The Devourer of the Child of the Moon)
2300 Years old (Looks to be in his twenties in human form)
In his human form, he is an attractive, pale man with long, white hair and blood-red eyes.
However, his mummy form reveals that he is a sentient, preserved, animated corpse with jagged teeth and one red eye that shines from beneath his wrappings.
Amam is an arrogant, calculating, know-it-all, who views all of humanity as slaves. They just don't know it. A master manipulator, he will tell you what you want to hear, and then reveal that it was for his own benefit, once he gets away with it.
Can't stand Italians.
Amam is a mummy, which means that as long as his body lasts, he is alive. He uses several ancient rituals to sustain himself, although his greatest magics lie in illusion and manipulation.
- Illusions as mind-affecting and sensory-affecting spells, and Manipulation as compulsion, and emotion manipulation.
- Knows rituals on how to make a mummy, preserve himself, and commune with the dead.
Fights with a Staff of Ra and a Pharaoh's Flail (Both of which function as holy symbols), has a Kopesh as a backup.
Is a dried corpse, so while his physical strength might be great, he is vulnerable to great amounts of flame. Has a ward that allows him to remain unaffected by small flames, like normal humans, but if the ward is broken, he will go up in an instant.
Brief history/background
Amam was born in the Middle Era of Egypt, where he, like many other mummies, was a priest to the gods. He was once one of the high priests, second in power to only the pharaoh. He became a mummy upon death, and went to Alexandria, to work in the Library, where a great many undead already claimed refuge.
However, the refuge was to last only a little while, for Julius Caesar ordered the XII Legion Fulminata to put Alexandria to the torch, killing many Mummies, Nosferatu, and Liches, as well as a more grievous sin, the wanton destruction of knowledge. Amam escaped to Britannia, where he has lived for hundreds of years.
Anything else: Did I mention he hates Italians?
The Quaela
The Quaela is a community of undead, lead by Amam, which lives in a 15-story complex on top of a popular hotel known as The Queen's Garden, accessible only by a mystical elevator visible only to the supernatural. The fifteen floors are hidden by powerful spells of illusion that either make a viewer not care about the fact that there is an extra fifteen stories to a 30- story builting. Planes and aircraft subconsciously avoid the area, and if they are about to crash into the building, a powerful shield will deflect them.
The Queen's Garden
The Queen's Garden is a popular, five star hotel that is usually staffed by mummies, vampires, and other supernatural and undead creatures, but there are quite a few humans, too. (Usually on the day shift.) The hotel itself is the source of over half of Amam's massive income.

The Quaela
The Quaela proper is an extension of the hotel, invisible to non-supernatural beings. There are many rooms, similar to the hotel's rooms, but with notable exceptions, such as coffins buried with gravedirt, sarcophogi, astral foci, and other things to attend to the various undead's needs. There are many ballrooms, dining areas, and various entertainment rooms (libraries, movie viewing areas, internet cafes, and arcades,) as well as service rooms (clothes washing rooms, embalming rooms, blood storage, astral anchors, kitchens, etc.) The largest room is a main hall leading from the elevator that connects most of the first two floors, where most of the residents socialize, and meet/examine newcomers.

The top five floors are Amam's own private sanctum; although others are allowed in by request, invitation, and appointment. There are many rooms that hold Amam's many collected treasures (under heavy lock and key, and guarded by magical Anubis statues,) as well as his massive library. The third- and second- highest floors are such vaults and libraries, while the fifth- and fourth-highest are a reception area, and observation deck for visitors. The top floor is a combination observatory and library, and almost no one is allowed in, and this is reinforced by modern security systems, powerful magic, and more Anubis statues.

The Three Laws of Amam
1- Do not question Amam while in the Quaela. You are ALLOWED to stay here. Remember that.
2- Do not bring any undue attention to the Quaela. The balance between you being discovered and remaining hidden depends on it.
3- Do not fight inside the Quaela. The Quaela is a safe space for us. You come to escape conflict, so do not create it.