Name: Elwood
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Species: Gargoyle
Rank: Leader of Manhattan Clan
Personality: Elwood is a bit harden; he likes to pretend that people and things don't get to him anymore, regardless of how false that may be. He keeps a cool head most of the time, and puts his clan first. He has been known to have a temper when things don't go even remotely right; especially when he's work for it. He doesn't have a whole lot of patience for lack of intelligence. Stupid people irritate him more than anything else.
However, under his thick hide there is a tender heart. Elwood doesn't show this side often, too used to having to be the invulnerable leader. But to those he knows as friends, he isn't afraid to reveal his emotions to. He'll ask for advise, opinions, or maybe just a talk. Sometimes big scary gargoyles need to talk about their feelings.
Other: He has placed the clan on top of a large sky scraper as their resting ground. A smaller, abandoned apartment complex next door serves as a meeting place/nest.
He does not allow vampires or other human-hunting creatures in his territory.
Appearance: Elwood's looks command respect. His skin is emerald green and smooth like high quality suede. He stands at a towering 8'2", with a massive wingspan. His build is very muscular, with broad shoulders. He's clearly build for strength, not agility.
Weapons/Equipment: Nothing worth mentioning.
History: Elwood was hatched in a small castle in Ireland. He lived there with his clan until he was 23. During that time, he hardly ever saw a single human being. Sometimes they would come along the hiking trails, or ride horses by, but he never really interacted with them. He'd heard legends of how the gargoyle was made to protect the keepers of their castles. But their castle was abandoned.
Or at least, it was. One day a group of humans came to the castle and started poking around. The castle was decaying, and was set for demolition the following week, but they wanted to make sure that nothing valuable was left inside. Some of the gargoyles caught the eyes of the visitors, and they decided to come back the next day to pick them up and auction them off.
The gargoyles were sold online at very high prices, being in great condition considering their surroundings. Elwood and a few others were sold and shipped off to separate corners of the globe, while the rest were destroyed in the demolition. Elwood broke free of his sleep one night to find that he was inside a large box. Confused, he wreaked havoc, tearing through the wood to find more boxes. He was buried under tons of cargo crates on a ship.
Unable to escape, he was forced to sleep there again. The next night, he awoke on top of a stone column in front of a mansion on Staten Island. He took off into the night to find out where the hell he was, and was thrusted into a world of lights, crowds, and little greenery. For a while, he hid in Central Park. It was the only place he ever felt truly at ease.
When he found the Manhattan Clan, they were still a small group. He joined them so that they could teach him how to survive in this new world. Luckily for him, Elwood had always been versatile. He grew used to the loud, crowded streets, and soon he learned to thrive there. Over the years, he gained favor in the clan and eventually became it's leader.
He did eventually learn about his castle and old clan being destroyed, and it grieves him to this day. It's hard to not dwell on it, and hold it against the humans for their carelessness. But Elwood has more or less put it behind him, because now New York City is his castle, and he has to protect it from the things that come.