@Andromedai Hey just wanted to share a personal thing that you may not know about, and I usually find it better when sharing music in the middle of a RP.
Example: He started listening to music on his mp3.
It less awkward then a youtube video being in the post. :3
[url=Insert youtube link.]Insert Text here[/url] <- That's how you do it.
I apologize, I wrote something and about halfway into writing it, my roommate turned off on computer and I had to restart it and on top off that really wants to do stuff with me. So I rushed it a little bit, hopefully it will suffice. -.-
@SleepingSilence Yes I know how to do that, wanted to try something new and see how it worked out, unfortunately seems like it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. I thought that posting it in the RP would make listening to it much easier for everyone. There for they could read the post and listen to the music without having to open a new window and the such. Anyway! About to read all the new posts, thank you though!
@Andromedai I actually pretty much listen and like all genres, though I am also pretty picky in certain aspects. Like lyrical quality etc. My character's musical taste is quite different. If that question had to do with the song you chose. I have posted a lot of music, if the off topic forum if you want to know my bizarre tastes more specifically. :P