Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Korkoa
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


A young-looking Knight stood on the promenade, having looked over the gathering with great interest. He pulled his robes more tightly around himself, hating the feeling of the oppressive garments but not looking to cause any unnecessary trouble in these trying times. He scanned the gathered crowd again, searching for any signs of malcontent. There was a sea of emotions to be sure, but all repressed and muted. Not that he expected anything less from the Jedi Order, even if these were the loose cannons. Not for the first time, Roka Zale questioned his own motives; why did he act so differently from the rest of the Jedi? This was part of his process, constantly checking himself to be sure that he was not falling to what some people so naively referred to as the Dark Side.

Taking a deep breath, Roka closed his eyes and began to speak softly to himself, barely above a whisper. A code, much like the Jedi's, but of his own writing. A mantra to keep him centered, to stay on his path.

"There is no light without the dark.

Through passion, I gain focus.

Through knowledge, I gain power.

Through serenity, I gain strength.

Through victory, I gain harmony.

There is no Light Side. There is no Dark Side. There is only The Force."

Roka Zale stood straighter and tilted his head to one side, hearing and feeling a satisfying series of pops run down his neck. This temple always made him tense, even as a child. It's why he spent as little time there as possible. Only luck, or perhaps The Force had him here today, witnessing the rally and the call to arms against the will of the Council. He wanted to join them, if he was being honest with himself. But he was too far from the situation. He didn't know where Alek and Revan's hearts were at.

Just as he resigned himself to a gamble, Roka turned and saw a somewhat familiar face, the Knight who had stepped up to speak with the pair. Perhaps he had some insight... "Excuse me." The shorter Knight said, his antennae perking up as he tried to catch the attention of the Knight who's name, he thought, was Maadik. "It's... Maadik, right? If not, I am deeply sorry for the slight. Knight Zale, is my name, and I was wondering; you spoke with Alek and Revan, correct? I assume the Council plans to do nothing, that seems to be their current stance on most things, but I wonder... Do you think those two are in the right? I mean, clearly we have a responsibility to do something to help Taris, but is their approach the best? Or is there another way? You spoke with them is all, and I'd like the insider opinion."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 20 min ago


Coruscant - Processional Way
Seeking Guidance

Damar stopped as he was greeted by another knight, who wanted to know his opinion not necessarily on the issues at hand, but on Revan and Alek as Jedi, and where their true intentions lay. Damar nodded and greeted the man with a smile.

"Yes, I am Damar Maadik. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Knight Zale." He looked towards Revan and Alek where they stood, still giving speeches and answering questions or debaters from within the crowd. He put one hand on his chin, and paused a moment before he spoke.

"I wouldn't say the Council plans to do nothing...Currently, I believe their plan is to wait and see. I believe they have some foreknowledge of what is to come...but for some reason they've deigned not to share it with the rest of us. I personally don't agree with their methods, but I respect that they are more capable and wiser than the rest of us. I would be willing to follow their orders if not for Alek's zeal and...my own shortcomings." He sighed. "But, nonetheless, you asked about whether Revan and Alek's hearts are in the right place. Currently...I am not sure." He turned back to the other knight, who seemed to be--at least part--Balosaurian, due to his antennae. "They speak eloquently and with conviction, but I am unsure whether they mean to achieve justice and peace by pushing back an otherwise unreasonable enemy...or if they want revenge for their Jedi brothers and sisters who have fallen. Or even--and this is only my own assumptions, mind, based on what I have heard them speak of--even perhaps, they might seek glory among the ranks of the Republic fleets." He shook his head.

"I don't believe that the Jedi Order should become an engine of war, soldiers on the battlefield meant to meet the Mandalorians head on. But I do believe that there is something more we should do, something more we should learn, for this conflict. That is originally why I intended to head to the front lines myself, to not only assist where I can--not on the battlefield, unless need-be--but to learn more of what is going on, to see it with my own eyes before I make a decision. That is my shortcoming, I am afraid; I'm too curious for my own good." He smiled ruefully.

"As for whether or not there is another way...I would say most certainly so. In the case of Taris, which has already been ravaged by battle, it may be possible to wait out the Mandalorian occupation or infiltrate it to give aid to those left in the wake of battle. Medicine, food, other supplies, and effort that will surely be needed to rebuild what has been destroyed. One could also help other planets better prepare themselves, or attempt to act as a mediator...but from what little I know of Mandalorian culture, I do not think they could be reasoned with. I think that, given their lust for battle not for the sake of destruction, but merely for the glory of it, the only way they could be dissuaded from attacking a world would be to present defenses too impregnable, or capabilities too great, to take such a world without the destruction of a majority of their own forces. Hopefully they are not so battle crazed as to cast themselves into a self-destructive battle on purpose." He once again glanced towards Revan and Alek. It seemed that it would not be long now until their speeches were over and their band of like minded followers would be solidified.

"I myself will follow Revan and Alek, not to join their cause wholeheartedly, but in the hopes of doing what I can to guide and restrain the impulses of those whose hearts might be overcome with emotion. I am sure you have felt it too, rippling in the force...some of them feel a great compassion for their brethren and the peoples who have been devastated by this war. They want to help, so badly. But that same passion may very well overwhelm them." He sighed again. "Such is the start to the creeping influence of the Dark Side."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Korkoa
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Roka listened intently to the eloquent speech Damar shared. The man had some very good points, even if he gave the Council more credit than Roka thought they deserved. And, as Roka himself was unlikely to get near the rallying pair, Damar's word would have to do. He couldn't help himself, however, from a small smile creeping onto his face at the mention of the Dark Side, though he quickly erased it. One of his own failings was that he often forgot that most other Jedi didn't have the same view on the Dark Side as he did, and that passion was not necessarily a stepping stone to it. He nodded as Maalik concluded his thoughts, and smiled at his fellow Knight.

"A very prudent choice, I think. Observers and aide-givers, not solders. I think I'd like to join you, if you'd have me. I was prepared to go to Taris anyway, as I assumed the Council would refuse aide, or as you said, are waiting to see. I already have a reputation with them in situations similar to these, though I admit this is a larger scale than I've ever encountered. If I may advise however, I know your reluctance to engage in battle, and that is a noble goal. However I will not hesitate to engage an enemy about to harm someone. The Mandalorians are ruthless. I would only suggest you consider when or if you would engage them."

Roka shifted his stance a little, his gaze growing distant as he considered the other courses of action Damar had suggested. "It would seem Taris is our first destination, regardless of if we go together or not. However, if the place is too far gone, which I dearly hope is not the case, I do have a ship, a fairly quick one. We could possibly make it to more planets and help fortify them, that seems like a good idea. You are correct, the Jedi should not be an army, a sea of faceless solders. However, we must also consider that if we can help, we should. We all have different strengths, and I think we could at least keep the Mandalorians from progressing too much further.

"And through it all, I think we must also check ourselves frequently, lest we become wrapped up in the idea of glory as the Mandalorians, or as you suspect our brothers over there. Our intentions must be pure in all things; this is a very difficult situation and I believe the Dark Side will take any selfish actions as a chance to begin its corruption."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rethel34
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Rethel34 Inverted Archery

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Jedi Temple - Processional Way

Only a few short hours after the rally led by Malak and Revan, the Republic's Hammerhead-class cruiser, christened the Victory Saber arrived, hovering over the Processional Way. Then, from its hangars soared two Ministry-class shuttles which proceeded to touch down on the broad pavement.

From each shuttle came a crew of three Republic soldiers, one of whom addressed Revan and explained that the shuttles would take the Jedi up to the Victory Saber. With a nod, Revan gave the permission for the troops to begin gathering the Jedi onto the shuttles, and so the six soldiers began herding the Jedi toward the shuttles. Some were all too eager to step into the cargo bay, but for others, the act of stepping onto the shuttle would be bittersweet, as in so doing, they would leave behind the life they had always known at the temple, and would likely never be allowed to set foot there again in peace.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 20 min ago

Damar thought he saw another expression flicker across Roka's face, but wasn't sure if his eyes had simply played tricks on him in the sunlight. He dismissed it with barely a thought, as the man complimented his thoughts and offered his own on the matter.

"Of course, you may come along if that is what you wish. I would be proud to have another who seeks to understand the complexity of this situation at my side." Damar replied to the Balosaurian.

"If I may advise however, I know your reluctance to engage in battle, and that is a noble goal. However I will not hesitate to engage an enemy about to harm someone. The Mandalorians are ruthless. I would only suggest you consider when or if you would engage them."

"Oh, I am no stranger to combat, brother." Damar said, his eyes narrowing slightly. It was not an act of suspicion or aggression, but rather one that expressed the recollection of unpleasant memories. "As I'm sure we all do, I prefer violence as a last resort. But there is a reason we carry our sabers, after all. If I face a Mandalorian, it will not be the first time I have struck down one who sought hostility against me. And I am sure it will not be the last, unfortunately."

As they continued to talk, Knight Zale offered the use of his own ship. Damar thought that a prudent choice, as he saw the Republic cruiser come into view over the skyscrapers.

"Yes, if your ship is nearby, let us use it instead and follow them closely." said Damar. "Perhaps that will earn us some leeway with the Council--I'm sure that, once they leave their cloister and learn of all that has transpired, they will consider anyone who has joined Revan and Alek to be an active rebel against their orders. If we leave by separate ship, we can at least make it clear that we leave for our own purposes, and not theirs."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

Admin Seen 31 min ago

Balus the Guardian

The Zabrak Jedi stood still as a sentinel as the Republic ships landed and opened up for transport. He simply stood vigil, and watched. His hands on his saber hilts, he let the other Jedi board along with the troops. He did not agree with Revan or Alek. Their judgement seemed overzealous and eschewed. It was almost as if they had learned nothing in all the time they had spent in the temple, among their masters who cared. He did not agree.

But still...he would go with them. He was patient, and the masters advised patience. He would heed that advice, but even so, he would see this war for himself. Balus sighed, his Jedi reserve fading somewhat as he shook his head. This was going to be a long war, one he might need to take part in. But something was happening. Something more than the Mandalorian threat. He was guided by the force first and foremost, and it guided him to the ships. Whether to help Revan, or stop him, he didn't know. Whether to fight in this war, or fight an unknown enemy... He would find out. He stepped upon the closest ship, giving a nod to the Republic troops and his fellow Jedi.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Korkoa
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Roka Zale

Roka nodded and smiled, though the grin faded as he saw the Republic transports come into view and the gathered Jedi start loading into the shuttles. "I think we could either join up with their mothership once we reach orbit, or even keep apart and go to Taris on our own. My ship is equipped with a hyperdrive, and is quite fast, we may even arrive before they do." He said, starting off in the direction of his ship, docked at a hanger not far from the Temple. "Though we can make that decision in the air, I'm quite uncaring as to the method of our arrival, other than me having my ship at the end of this."

After a moments walk, the pair came to the hanger, a line of ships and hovercars designed for spaceflight or city flying. Heading down the line, Roka stopped in front of a small cargo ship, kept practically pristine with the name STEADFAST painted in a bold purple along the side. "Here she is, friend." He said, the pride obvious in his voice. "More of a home than the Temple to me most days." After paying the attendant for the time parked, Roka and Damar boarded the ship.

At the first chance he got, Roka took off his oppressive outer robe and tossed it to the side, his Force-assisted aim allowing him to land it on a hanger near the door. It was followed by the lighter tan robes underneath, leaving Roka in his street clothes, the ones designed to help him blend into a crowd instead of marking him as a Jedi. A sharp observer would also note that Roka didn't seem to carry his lightsaber on him anywhere. "Apologies for that brother, but I felt the need to get more comfortable, those robes have always felt heavy. There are quarters down that hall, mess area and common space through there, and cockpit just up ahead. Feel free to take the pilots seat, but don't touch anything unless I ask you to, she can be a handful at time. I'm going to get clearance for launch, feel free to do whatever you need."

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