Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 4 days ago


I see no problem with this, just be prepared for rebellion. Their clans have complete equal rights and no body, on their part, likes slaves. To them, your pretty much inciting Chaos, their only dark god.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago


I see no problem with this, just be prepared for rebellion. Their clans have complete equal rights and no body, on their part, likes slaves. To them, your pretty much inciting Chaos, their only dark god.

Internal rebellion is a pretty big part of Fenea, so no problem there. Though that will probably mean that your people will be refered to as: those scaley rebellious bastards. But hey, slaves are slaves.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 4 days ago

<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Internal rebellion is a pretty big part of Fenea, so no problem there. Though that will probably mean that your people will be refered to as: those scaley rebellious bastards. But hey, slaves are slaves.

Yep, when they get the boating ideas under their belts then they will more effectively fight back :P
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 14 days ago

I have little doubt that several young knights will be eager to prove themselves as 'adventurers' into your forsaken ruins. The nobility has a long-standing tradition in combat, so I think that they will be semi-successful. Would it be suitable that every now and then a knight and his retinue offer their expeditionary services to your court?

Sure! ^^

I will warn you that the knights in question should bring quite the large retinue to make up for casualties and be willing to depart from traditional fighting styles as they may very well flat out not work in the ruins. That's the reason why its Hallows who go in (since they can't be "killed" technically) and why the Mrystrost army is less focused on normal soldering and more unothorodox fighting styles for warriors.

Besides, Mrystrost is based on the game where if you do not die at least 10 times in a play through, you're either amazing or a hacker. :P
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Legion02>

Sure! ^^

I will warn you that the knights in question should bring quite the large retinue to make up for casualties and be willing to depart from traditional fighting styles as they may very well flat out not work in the ruins. That's the reason why its Hallows who go in (since they can't be "killed" technically) and why the Mrystrost army is less focused on normal soldering and more unothorodox fighting styles for warriors.

Besides, Mrystrost is based on the game where if you do not die at least 10 times in a play through, you're either amazing or a hacker. :P

Honestly I was envisioning Dark Souls, that's why I went with the knights. Some younger, arrogant bastards will probably die early on. Leaving the veterans to come back several times for the money. Yeah, that's probably how it's going to be. Prepare to be called infamous for killing the arrogant younglings. XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 1 yr ago


So long as I am accepted, that would be a fantastic starting idea!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 14 days ago

<Snipped quote by ClocktowerEchos>

Honestly I was envisioning Dark Souls, that's why I went with the knights. Some younger, arrogant bastards will probably die early on. Leaving the veterans to come back several times for the money. Yeah, that's probably how it's going to be. Prepare to be called infamous for killing the arrogant younglings. XD

Glad I got the image across :P

I don't really think it'll be separated by the young and the veterans that live or die, the ruins only know those who die and those who survive. And then those who survive that are brave enough or foolish enough to come back or those who don't. Even veterans sometimes die in Dark Souls :p

Also, I don't really care if I'm called infamous for it, it ain't my fault that some jackasses in shining armor decided that fighting a giant flesh amalgamation and get his face relocated 8 inches down his spine. Best case scenario, I have some more Hallows that I don't really need to train that much. Worse case scenario, well they'll make good decorative pieces in the dungeons in death and the Soulguard Knights can always use some live practice on ferals :p

I'm willing to bet over half of the young idiots probably deserved it too >.>
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Would you mind if my people often traded for basic metals like tin, copper and iron with yours. I'm not entirely sure what's in demand by your people though. So I don't know how to exactly return the favor.

I can see that working; if it's just very basic and abundant metals, trading for foodstuffs like wheat or meat as a supplement to their rather drab meals of Acorn Bread and Fish would work.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Arawak
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Arawak oZode's ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Here's the complete-ish app. Some facets probably haven't been well throught out, but here they are. An empire of monkey people.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Willy vereb
Hey, when you think the ic will begin? No rush but I'm pretty eager to see where this RP goes.

(and if we get accepted :p )
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 22 days ago

@Willy vereb
Hey, when you think the ic will begin? No rush but I'm pretty eager to see where this RP goes.

(and if we get accepted :p )
I think I would like to have most even if not all NS posted up in the chars tab before that. Which also means the players filled out each category so it's considered semi-complete.
Also I would like to read them in full at least once and comment on them while also posting my own NS which for some reason is progressing at a snail's pace.
Until then I think we have plenty of details to discuss like shared history between nations or synchronizing plot elements so there won't be any clashes or Cuckoo Nations which are wildly different from the rest for no reason.

Starting the IC during the weekend sounds nice but a more realist estimate I believe is going to be the beginning of the next week.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

If anyone wants to talk shared history, I'm in Chatzy right now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Arawak
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Arawak oZode's ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Shared history will be tough without AltHero for me.

I imagine that there'd be trade and envoys to the Empire of Hands, but most of their activity will be in and about the Caloro Sea since they are averse to large, open ocean for the most part. (The Caloro Sea I imagine is much better known to them than other seas/oceans). They have a paranoia about sea monsters that may not be totally unfounded given what apparently exists in other player nations.

Slave and Jade trade with the Fenea kingdom is likely.

The Order (Nexerus) is xenophobic and would want nothing to do with the Empire of Hands so trade is extremely unlikely unless I misunderstood their nature.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 2 hrs ago

Posted my sheet, though it seems that the sizes of some of my pictures are...off...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 22 days ago


General Introduction
The Golden Horde is an empire created from the conquests of the Uruk, an orcish nation of former nomads united by the Khagn. The Uruk are militaristic and dreaded for their violence. Submit or die, that is the motto for the Uruk. In spite of this the Golden Horde is quite disciplined and under their iron rule the empire developed and prospered. The most apparent show of this is the Golden Road, a trade route granted by the Uruk through their lands. Thanks to this trade is booming through the entire continent while also providing great wealth for the Uruk themselves. While currently consolidating their power the Uruk army is as fearsome as ever, a threat most of their neighbors are well aware even during this strangely peaceful century.

Names: The Golden Horde, Uruk Empire, Burz'Doram (Black Hand), Uzg'Uruk (Orc Land), Kri'Kadar (Central Tent, often mistranslated as the Golden Horde) and even more.



Uruk were one of the numerous nomadic races living in the Plains of Viridia. They were wanderers with no permanent holdings split into numerous tribes. These tribes were frequently fighting, both among themselves and in service of neighboring nations. That was until few centuries ago when a young and charismatic leader Orakgash Khagn united the Uruk under a single tribe, creating what is latter be referred as the Golden Horde. Lifetimes of fighting and mercenary background steeled them and the Uruk began their long conquest. Their methods seemed savage yet hid surprising level of planning and discipline. The nations sharing the plains with the Uruk quickly fell to their might and became subservient to the emerging empire. The news spread like wildfire and the deeds of the "Ork horde" were became known and feared.

Orakgash established the Uruk nation and set down the foundation of the empire. Yet his early death prevented him to see when it reached full glory. In honor of him all supreme leaders adopted the title Khagn (often mistranslated as Khan) and continued to direct the Horde to their destiny of conquests. The Uruk also adopted a more sedimentary lifestyle with military leaders becoming nobles and owning lands gifted by the Khagn for their achievements. The borders of the Uruk Empire were in a constant flux, often expanding but there were times they were pushed back. Eventually the Uruk reached their limits and their current leader Bazghok Khagn made steps to consolidate their power. It's been decades since then and while the Golden Horde is far from forgotten they ceased to be a constant threat to their neighbors. The Uruk Empire is an expanse of land uniting many different races and cultures under the iron rule of the Horde. This union aids trade and progress a way never seen before.

Government & Society
The Golden Horde is a large empire of diverse cultures united under the Uruk's rule. Yet barring the heartlands Gijak'Tor the populations at large mostly live the same as they did decades ago, only exchanged one master for another. Uruk became their rulers and they have ultimate say in any matters. Yet in general the Uruk is only interested in collecting "tributes" which can include money, valuables, food or manpower (usually as soldiers). This may seem abusive at first but the Uruk also brought trade and unified law which in general improved their lifestyle. Rebellions occasionally happen as well as punitive campaigns against those failing to oblige the Uruk but they are toning down as the Uruk's gasp over the lands stabilized.

As mentioned before the Uruk did not replace the existing governments more than they found necessary. Uruk generals and other nobles may have became their new masters but overall life went on as usual. What the Uruk changed was the elimination of borders and most internal conflicts. By the law of the Uruk all subjects were equal and must be treated the same regardless of their nationality (with the exception of the Uruks themselves). Laws that were imposed on the subjects are few yet violating any of them has severe punishments. Death penalty was common and certain violations may either risk killing one's entire family in retribution. This resulted in drastic reduction in crime rate as whoever foolish enough to disobey the Uruk were found dead.

Of course the Uruk have their own laws applying to themselves. If anything these are even more strict, constructed in a way to both keep the hordes in the line and also to prevent the Uruk fighting strength to ever degrade. People are allowed to participate in any religion within the Empire. Not the Uruk, though. They traditionally follow their ancient shamanistic beliefs and unless one suffers through the difficult process to receive the proper papers they are punished under the threat of death if they are caught participating for other faiths. Shamans in general enjoy a particular renown within the Uruk. They are their religious leaders, magicians, scholars or even artisans. The leader of the Uruk and in turn the entire empire is the Khagn. The current Khagn is called Obould the Goldshot.

The Golden Horde encompasses multiple nations and thus sports a rather diverse ethnicity. As their rulers and conquerors the Uruk are the first among them. Uruk language is mandatory to learn for anyone in contact with them. In the same language they refer to the subservient races as Snaga. While certain people make connection between Snaga and slaves the word long lost that meaning. Since the time of Orakgash the term Snaga referred to those non-Uruk who aided them, often in matters outside of fighting. Granted, this did not stop certain people to use Snaga as a degrading term, highlighting the part about them serving the Uruk.

Economy & Industry
Ironically considering their perceived savagery, on the long run the Uruk conquest and subsequent rule greatly boosted the nations' development and economy. Most of the fast river routes through the continent were co-shared by numerous nations at once, making their traverse to be like a merchant's nightmare. With the rule of the Uruk these borders practically ceased while in addition several measures were made to pump much needed life into the trade. The result was the so-called "Golden Road". Merchants and travelers could safely pass large distance without worrying about tariffs or bandit raids. The Golden Road made the empire a heaven to all merchants and allowed exchange of goods and information through the continent like never before. With trade banking also prospered, especially on the most popular trade routes.

The Uruk also promoted education and technology, valuing skilled artisans over anything else. They abolished much of the old guild system and promoted manufactures, especially when it concerned the production of arms. While not entirely just their own merit the first universities were also founded within the Uruk Empire and later rulers promoted the creation of even more schools, academies and other places of learning. Mixing innovation with tradition the Uruk Shamans are generally the empire's scholars, learning not just mysticism and magic but also practical knowledge. Most manufactures are under the oversight of at least one shaman specifically studied in the art. Lastly the Uruk established an entire mailing network using warg riders in thousands of posts. While these stables were originally made to support the war effort they soon began to be utilized to carry news, letters or packages to anywhere within the Empire.

Military Overview
Uruk were a nomadic race traditionally fighting while riding on their Wargs. Even now this cavalry forms the backbone of their forces as highly mobile army which can traverse a hundred miles during a good day. Aside from them they also recruit soldiers from all the nations they conquered thus elven archers, dwarven defenders and other curiosities can show up when the Uruk gathers their forces. The Uruk system is highly meritocratic and values practicalities above various preconceptions in order to remain effective. They support technology and known to spend considerable amount on creating and developing firearms (Baloz).
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After discussing things with Willy and Frengo, I've decided to go ahead and expand the borders of Ardonia slightly. The formerly blank space between Ardonia and the Golden Horde has been filled.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

I see you made centaurs. They seem rather tribal but strong. So I'm guessing my nation would be interested in them for slaves. Probably as workhorses in the fields. Would it be okay with you if your small shore got raided every now and then?

The kingdom would be greatly interested in your metals and such. Though concidering the distance I'd say that talks only just picked up. What do you say?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So, Hallows can't be killed unless their bodies are completely destroyed?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 22 days ago

So, Hallows can't be killed unless their bodies are completely destroyed?
Or apparently can't killed at all. I suspect it'd be something which would be toned down when I get to comment on nations.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I see you made centaurs. They seem rather tribal but strong. So I'm guessing my nation would be interested in them for slaves. Probably as workhorses in the fields. Would it be okay with you if your small shore got raided every now and then?

Hmm, maybe, more reasons to mistrust outsiders.
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