Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hey guys -

Thanks for joining us in this new adventure. The DeMarco's family will be located in Miami, Fl. They've only been established for ten years or so, which is green in the world of mafia, but Don DeMarco's uncle Frankie runs the show in New York and his family is known across the United States and in Cuba for their various business ventures and entrepreneurial spirit. To be in the family you will have to establish your connections via your background. If you have questions about how you know the Don, please swing them through me (Kate) as I'll be playing our illustrious leader. If you have any questions at all you just let me know and I'll help you out. Remember this is old school mafia, so respect is key. :)

We're looking for Capos and soldiers for the rings below. Please see the Family Structure tab below to see how we all stack up. If you're a Capo, you're of course in charge of a ring for us and will answer directly to the Under Boss, my character Abigail.

Rings - Arms, Prostitution, Racketeering & Real Estate (clubs and property).

Post up your CS and drop your questions/thoughts here. We'll get started in a few days at the very latest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Enforcer


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Name: Antonino DeStefano
Age: 28

Ring: n/a
Job/Position: Enforcer
Weapons: Twin 1911 Colt .45's/ Thompson sub-machine gun/ Stilletto knife
Antonino is 3rd generation Enforcer whom at the age a 20 was being groomed by his Father to take over his spot as the Corleonesi Family Enforcer, but was forced to leave Sicily in order to save honor after he was caught deflowering the twin daughters of Tommaso Buscetta, a valued ally of the Corleonesi's. After being shipped of to America, He made his way to Miami Florida. His family ties in Sicily got him a position as a Soldier in the DeMarco Family. After fiver years of proving himself, he was promoted to Enforcer and has spent the last three years effectively serving as Vincents "Left Hand of Judgement".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yzza


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(Still working on it)
Name: Concetta Arabella Zorzio



Ring: N/A

Position: Consig

Weapons: .380 Mauser HSc

History: Concetta was born in Florence Italy to the daughter of a poor farmer, Gianna, and her new husband Luciano, the owner of a grocery store. The pair was happy with their simple life and small family, which included Gianna’s daughter from a different relationship. Things began to become difficult when a chain store built in the village to offer lower prices and drove Luciano’s business down, almost bankrupting the couple. It was then that Concetta’s father died and with two small children the couple decided it was best if they left, selling the land and moving to America.

It was here, in New York City, that the couple settled down and Luciano got a job in a factory working long hour before he could finally open another grocery store, focusing in Italian ingredients. Things seemed to be looking up, until the stock market crashed in 1929 and the family was plummeted into poverty. The American dream they had heard of was now a nightmare where they scrambled for food and Luciano traded food for goods and services just to keep the community from starving, even opening up the 2nd bedroom to a homeless family. Many Italians struggled through the depression with no employment because of hatred of the racialized immigrants. In the quickly degrading economic situation Conectta was needed as much as her parents to earn income and so started to do odd jobs after school that her mother demanded she and her sister continue with despite the family’s need.

Concetta managed to finish high school with high marks and received a full scholarship to the university, a rarity for a woman, and so earned a degree in business before going to work for a family friend Freddie DeMarco who owned several businesses in Little Italy and a disconcerting reputation. After a few years Concetta received a message from her sister to take up an opening in Miami and took it, glad to be with her sister again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xtreme
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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'll have a character for you soon love.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sounds perfect. We are going with the 1940s guys, so adjust where you need to and I'll put up the parts of the forties that I plan to bastardize later tonight. ;)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Li Long Yuanjia



Deputy Mountain Master of the Triads

Wushu Rope Dart. hidden inside the sleeve of his right arm, the rope wrapped his forearm, the dart slipped inside a small slip in his sleeve.
Two swords, craftily hidden inside a steel walking cane.

Born in Shanghai in the height of WW1. Despite this, he was comparatively sheltered from any of the outside world, tutored personally and taught in the ways of his father, a man of long-standing and proud name in China. As the flames of war drew ever closer to their home, the father, seeking to place honor and dignity to their name should anything happen to him, had the young Yuanjia placed under the care of some monks in a Shaolin temple. Raised as a monk, with little to no outside contact, the principles of honor, justice and strength of character were deeply ingrained into his mind. While adhering to these principles, he was no fool, and knew that very few in the current world actually followed these rules.

At the age of 25, his father saw the rising tide of the Japanese invasion, along with the growth of the Communist Party, and he decided that it was no longer safe for him or his family in China. He recalled Yuanjia and they moved to Taiwan, from which the young man was sent to England to Study in Princeton.

During the time of his studies, his father sold everything that they had in Taiwan and China and moved to the United States. When the Yuanjia finished his studies in Languages, Business and Law, he was called to join his father in Los Angeles, where he had quickly become something of a figurehead for all of their countrymen that had fled to escape the Japanese invasion. The man was a shrewd investor, and found his fortune investing in the rapidly growing town of Las Vegas, with its Casinos, Hotels, and less than reputable women, calling in many of his countrymen to serve as cheap labor. By the time that the young monk joined his father in the country, the father was a kingpin of the city, and one of the most powerful men in the Western half of the country. Quickly using his degrees and skills learned in both the Monastery and Princeton, being placed as second in command of his father's syndicate was not a hard decision to make, as all of his younger brothers were now following in his footsteps and going to college, although most in the United States.

Mr. Li's father was a man of ambition, and he saw the country that he was currently in as always having more and more room to grow and improve, he summoned the Triads from his hometown to work for him and his son, a group of violent and gruesome, but eternally loyal thugs who would grow to become the muscle of their syndicate, and the name for which they would be known. With these men at his side, he decided that it was time to expand to the East Coast as well, making inroads with the DeMarco family that seemed to have the place in a stranglehold. They held the power there, and it wasn't unlike Mr. Li to make allies where he needed them, so, after arranging for a meet with the Don, the head of the criminal family, but being too old to travel much these days, his son was sent in his place.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yzza


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Bane! Hugs
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Y!! *hugs*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hey peeps. I'll review these tonight. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Enforcer - lovely job. Welcome.

Bane - lovely as well. Step out of line and I'll have to mop the floor with ya.

Y - we'll get yours updated, but she's lovely.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Don Vincent DeMarco, 46

Weapon of Choice: The Thompson Machine Gun

History: Born in a small fishing village in the outskirts of Benalmádena, Spain, Vinny was raised with his twelve brothers and sister in a situation that bleed poverty. His mother worked very hard to bring in what little money they had, his father becoming disabled due to a gang war that took place off and on within the Spanish barrios. Being the oldest male, at the age of ten he figured out how to pick-pocket the more wealthy males within the city of Jarence, his mother never asking where the money came from every time he offered it because she was too grateful to have it. After an odd strain of the flu swept through his small neighborhood in the fall of 1914, most of his brothers and sisters passed away, his mother and father dying first.

Knowing there was nothing left to live for, he sold himself into servant hood along with his sister, Maria and his brother, Frankie (named after this father's oldest brother) and they set sale for the America's. Settling in Miami near the beach gave the small family a sense of joy and purpose again though their days were filled with back breaking labor on the docks and never ending demands by the family they served. Finally Vinny found a way out of the situation he'd created and went to work for his uncle Frankie in New York, hustling women and blackmailing people that smelled like money and bleed like everyone else. After pulling his load for ten years, Frankie set him up back in Miami and gave the young man a few acquaintances to work with and the rest is history.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nart


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lenny "Da Pimp" Di Lazzaro, 34
Weapon of Choice: Colt M1911A1 .45 pistol

Ring: Real Estate/Business club owner, chop shops, scrap yards, hotels, auto shops.


It all started in "Little Italy Manhattan" for Lenny. Born and breed in New York Lenny started out as small time hustler on the green felt tables and the poker tables. A business man in love with money. Greed was his main attraction, at a young age of twenty three he had owned three clubs and a bar.

He was basically Papa Don's apprentice, learning everything he could from the old man. By twenty five he could have man sale his soul for a nickel and was referred as a man with a golden tongue. Putting himself through school for business and a bit of law classes. Lenny came out a top gunner for buying and saling business for top dollar.

Not long after he turned thirty Lenny handled a few deals for shady customers and finally moved up to a such a high point he worked out a few deals for Frankie The Demarko Don of New York. By thirty two he had moved down to Miami Florida where he now is a soldier handing a fairly large amount of real estate in a vast range from clubs, billiard halls, auto motive dealer ships and so on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 10 days ago

I'll have my character up tonight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xtreme
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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jacob “Jake” Cohen


Arms Dealing


Sniper rifle
His fists

Jacob Cohen was born to an Orthodox Jewish family living in the Jewish Brownsville section of Brooklyn. His mother Fanny, who had become widowed in September 1914, had emigrated from Kiev, Ukraine. At the age of 6, Jake was selling newspapers on the street; his brothers Louie or Harry would drop him off at his regular corner, Soho and Brooklyn Streets. Immediately it became obvious that young Jacob had an eye for numbers. Soon, however, Fanny moved her family to Los Angeles. In 1922, petty crime landed Jake in a reform school there.

As a teenager, Cohen began boxing in illegal prizefights in Los Angeles. The 15-year-old moved from Los Angeles to Cleveland to train as a professional boxer. Over time, Jake began to develop a fierce reputation in the ring as a knock out artist. He remained undefeated for nearly ten years until one fight. Jake’s opponent began to take too many shots to the head from the Jewish boxers steel strong fists and instead of giving up, he continued to absorb the punishment until he finally lost consciousness and suffered a brain hemorrhage in the center of the ring. Fearing for his life when he realized the other fighter was backed by local mobsters, Jake quickly opted to join the war effort and run away from his problems.

During his service in WWII, Jacob began to make many connections throughout the various countries he was based in and eventually he decided to disappear once again. Placing a bomb in his units barracks, he had an unwitting solider enter the building and take his place at deaths door. For all intents and purposes, Jake Cohen was killed in action. He then fled to Cuba and began a career as an arms dealer. It was through this medium, the young man with a talent for numbers crossed paths with the DeMarco’s. He eventually accepted a position in their organization and has been steadily climbing their ranks ever since.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nart - the classy as ever Al Pacino. Put "Real Estate" at the front of your long list of places you run for us... nice job - accepted.

Fab - sounds good

X - Very nice... love it.

I'm working on my Under Boss now.

So we have our Enforcer, our Consig, RE Capo, Arms Capo, Underboss and the crazy Triad Mafia. Looks great so far. I'll post likely open our IC tomorrow or Thursday at the very latest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


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Name: Abigail Vercelli

Age: 28

Position: Underboss

History: Abigail was born from a night of misplaced passion between a strong Italian woman and a gangster from Cuba, her mother never really speaking much about her birth father, only pressing her to accept her step father, Luciano. Living in a world of poverty kept emotions high within the family, but Abby tried to contain her thoughts and reactions to set a better example for her little sister Concetta. After difficult times hit her step father’s business hard, the level-headed man picked up his small family and went looking for better opportunities – in the United States.

Due to the news that various factories were opening in the Northeast, Luciano moved his wife and two daughter to New York and began trying to rebuild what they’d once lost. His small grocery was just down the street from a large clothing factory and plastics factory, so success was once again his, but it was short lived as the stock market crash of 1929 came in and swept away dreams and savings accounts. Racism was on the rise and people were looking everywhere for someone to take their rage and regrets out on, the Cuban and Italian populations often the namesake for all that occurred and would.

With no income coming into the family and everyone still needing to eat, Abigail took a job with her best friend’s father, Freddie DeMarco. His syndicate was knee deep in every profit that was made within the confines of New York and Abby fit in perfect with her manipulation skills and beautiful face. She worked odd jobs for him, her parents still believing her to be in school until her father caught her one day with a her knee in someone’s chest and a gun in the man’s face. That day forever changed everything and Mr. DeMarco helped her start a new life in Miami and never look back. Ten years later she couldn’t be more in her element and now has the opportunity to bring her sister into this successfully twisted way of life.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Looks like all we're missing is a capo for our Prostitution ring and one for our Racketeering ring. Let me know if any of you peeps want a second character and if not - I'll make one. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 10 days ago

Cecile Bianchi

Age: 26

Ring: Prostitution

Job/Position: Working Girl

Weapons: While weapons aren't exactly what people would expect a working girl to have, the sad truth is that some clients can be a bit...grabby or, worse, violent. Cecile carries a derringer on her, for emergencies. A shot to the leg and then a call into the men upstairs tends to take care of troublesome clients. She'd rather not have to use it, she's a working girl for a reason. Violence isn't her thing.

History: What girl dreams of being a prostitute? Cecile Bianchi has yet to meet someone whose desire in life was to provide a night - or an hour - of companionship. Cecile's mother came from France while her father worked on cars in a small shop, the smell of oil followed him everywhere. Theirs was a brief affair, made longer once the mother started to show. Cecile was the glue that kept the otherwise loveless family together. At least until her mother took the boat back home, her affair with a dashing Italian man not what she expected - she'd have to try again in Italy instead of America.

Cecile didn't share her father's love of motors and engines, she, like so many impressionable young women, wanted to see her name in lights, right up there with the Greta Garbo's and Rita Hayworth's of the day. But New York was a long way away, too long for her salary-less self. But she'd get there, she'd find a way, she'd go to New York, sing at a night club frequented by men of class and distinction, she'd get discovered, she'd be on posters, on the silver screen, on the marquee.

New York remains a dream, even now as she's in adulthood. Her father has passed on, killed in a traffic accident - at least he went out surrounded by the thing he loved, and what choice did a girl without a diploma have in Miami, of all places? Which was still miles away from New York. She was desperate, and yet knew exactly what she was walking into. She may not have had a diploma, a fancy college education, but she knew the word, the streets, the reason why men in fancy suits and black cars frequented certain locations. They counted as men of distinction, by way of power.

She helps with the money flow, a high quality woman with just enough exotic flair to fool the masses - it helps knowing a few phrases in French and Italian - and the raven hair matches well with the dresses, the low cut, leg revealing dresses, the ruby lips. It's not the most glamorous role, but it's exciting enough. Meeting interesting people (and everyone is interesting, even if they aren't), getting paid for natural talents, and sometimes they let her sing at the owned night club, on slow nights.

Her name may not be in lights, but it's certainly in the eyes and minds of clientele past, present, and future.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Fabricant - Beautiful job. Accepted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

I've got an idea for a character, but not sure how well he would fit in. I am literally about to go to sleep so I'll keep it brief and bullet-pointy before I spend too much time on a character doomed to fail! :)

Primary occupation: Tailor of fine suits and stunning dresses, occasional styler of hair.
Secondary: Acts as a mob interrogator using his tailor's shears to cut to the heart of the matter. And who doesn't talk to their barber?
Also ugly.

If something like this can fly, let me know!
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