Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kargo


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An old, battered car slowly wound its way up the long drive toward the brick building. In most cars, teens were leaning excitedly out the window, chattering happily to their parents or siblings, and doing a good deal of pointing and exclaiming about the view. The atmosphere in this car, however, was quite dismal. In the font, the father sat in the driver's seat. His face was set in a hard line, and he paid little notice to the somewhat frail girl in the back seat. He glanced for a moment at his wife. "Nearly there, darling. Finally, we'll be rid of that girl." He spoke soothingly. His wife smiled for a moment through tears. She couldn't contain her excitement and relief at finally getting rid of the girl.
The girl's head swiveled toward the window, as if she could look out and see the school she longed to be at. She saw only darkness, but her heart felt lighter. Her father had said they were nearly there. 'I'm blind, not deaf.' She thought to herself. Sometimes, her parents seemed to forget that. Or perhaps they just didn't care.
After another five minutes or so, the car came to a stop. The girl, Cassie, felt the door open. Her father's rough voice barked, "Out." And she obeyed. Cassie climbed carefully out of the car, feeling her way. She heard a loud thud - her luggage landing beside her. Then she heard a screech as the car sped away. Cassie was appalled. She knew that her family was ashamed of her because of her blindness, but she had expected them to at least pretend to care about her as they dropped her off. Struggling to resist the urge to cry, she carefully bent down and picked up the heavy bag of luggage. She heard voices nearby, and started to trudge in that direction, hoping that the other voices were heading for the school.

Another vehicle, this one much nicer, pulled up in front of the school. This family, it was clear, had money, as did most AA families. The front door opened, and a man stepped out. He walked toward the back of the car, opening the door. The occupants stepped out. A beautiful blonde woman who resembled a model stepped out first, followed by her handsome, also blonde husband. The parents were followed by two young children who tottered out of the car. The little blonde girls peered around excitedly. Following the children was a teenager who very much resembled the rest of the family, with pretty blonde hair and blue eyes. She picked up one of the children and held her while she chattered excitedly.
The butler picked up the luggage, and the family were on their way. Together, they trooped toward the grand entrance of the school. The grounds were swarming with students and their families. Over the great oak front doors hung a very nicely painted banner that read, "Welcome students and families."
Rachel looked around at the school. This was her second year as a student, but the previous year she had studied at home, so it was her first time laying eyes on the grounds. She was pleased. She tucked a loose strand of her pretty blonde hair behind her ear as she approached the door. As she walked, she caught sight of another girl. Rachel frowned. Something seemed wrong. The girl was headed toward the crowd at an odd angle, and she was struggling with her luggage. Where was her family? Why did she seem so lost? The girl, Rachel noticed, was wearing old, worn clothes, and carrying only one bag of luggage.

As the smaller grounds of Aristocrat Academy began to fill with students, Barbarian Battle-station was abuzz with excitement. BB was bigger and, on the whole, more impressive-looking than AA. Where AA was a beautiful brick building, BB looked like a fortress for a war, and indeed that was what it was built to be. The building had a sinister shape, and every part of it spoke of chaos and evil. It towered into the sky, looming up over the smaller AA. Set on a hill, it was a great vantage point to spy upon the students of AA. To add to its impressive reputation, BB, unlike the smaller and more friendly AA, had a strict uniform. It was one of the few places in the world where the students were proud of their uniforms, which very closely resembled battle gear. They wore black suits designed to hold special weapons related to their powers. Thick black belts wrapped around their waists, a perfect place for them to stow their weapons. Their boots, too, were black. These uniforms made the students look most impressive. It was considered a high honor indeed to be accept as a student at BB. The school, the uniforms, the instructors - everything was in tip-top shape.

Arriving on campus for her third year, Ashley Kerns smirked to herself. It felt like returning home. At home, she was considered weak, but here, she was viewed as strong, especially by the younger and smaller students. She was a force to be reckoned with, she thought as she flicked back her hair and marched toward the school, holding a very expensive-looking suitcase. She made her way up the wide front walkway after passing through the iron gates. The gates, of course, were programmed only to admit students. As Ashley made her way up the walkway, she kept her eye out for new students who were small, scrawny, and weak-looking. They would be her first targets. First, though, she needed to assess the situation in her room. There was a line near the door. The crowd was listening to one of BB's instructors explaining rules, and other boring things that Ashley frankly didn't care about. Shoving past several younger students, Ashley situated herself at the front of the crowd. Bored as she was, she found herself "accidentally" manipulating the front doors open, causing them to hit the instructor and roughly push himself aside.

"Ashley Kerns!" thundered a rough voice as the instructor shook off the blow. Ashley stood tall and proud, unlike some of the weaker students, who were cowering. BB was famous for its image, its uniforms, its instructors, and something else, too. Its strict discipline policies were legendary. Although the school encouraged fights between students, viewing them as a way to help students grow in their abilities and "toughen up," messing with the school itself and the instructors was strictly forbidden. He gestured for her to come forward, and Ashley, holding her head high, stepped forward. He took her by the wrist and dragged her into the school, leaving the rest of the students in the hands of another instructor. He brought her down several flights of stairs, into a dank, dark, cold area. Squinting to see, Ashley looked around. The dungeons, of course. There were iron bars and chains everywhere. She felt herself receive a blow to her head, unseen because of the darkness. She tasted blood in her mouth, and when she felt less dizzy, she found that she had been chained to the wall.

Dressed in a typical bad boy outfit - leather jacket and boots, expensive pants - Maxwell Jordan turned into the school's drive. His motorcycle roared as he made his way up the hill toward the school. Maxwell loved showing off for the other students, particularly the ladies. He seemed to regard himself as quite important, and those who argued with him were very unfortunate indeed. He made one last sharp turn, and pulled into the huge grass lot designated for parking. When he arrived, he found that there was hardly a soul around. It appeared that he'd shown up late. Again. Oh well, he thought. That meant he could make a dramatic entrance into the orientation for the new students. Smirking, he set off toward the school gym.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Natalie


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It's the start to a new school year in a new academy. Unlike the others Casey has been sent to, this academy doesn't focus on reprimanding students for bad behavior. No, quite the opposite. It's meant to teach students how to use their unique abilities to basically bully others. As she steps out of the taxi cab that transported her to the school, she scans the area. Everyone is dressed in all black uniforms. Some of the younger students cower in fear as the older, tougher looking students taunt them with their powers. It's clear that prospering at this school is a matter of survival of the fittest. She's convinced that she'll do just fine. And she's also convinced that she is not going to spend her first hours at this school sitting through a boring orientation for new students. She'll find her way around by herself. That's the fun of it all. The halls empty out as the students file to the gymnasium, and she takes this as a chance to explore. Wandering into an abandoned hallway, she witnesses a delinquent student being dragged out of the gym, probably for punishment. Dumbass, Casey mutters under her breath, turning the corner and running into a student who also appears to be skipping the orientation - either that, or he's late. "Jesus, watch it," she scowls at him.

Both excited and anxious about this new change of pace, Milton hauls his luggage out of the trunk of his father's car and the butler wheels it away. He's excited because he's enthusiastic and ready to learn more about his ability and master it, but anxious because this is the first time he will be away from his family. He has been forced to take care of his younger siblings after his mother left their father, leaving their father in a crippling depression. The first student he spots is a younger girl who appears to be struggling with her own luggage. She trudges at an odd angle, wearing clothes that look like they've been through hell and back. But he doesn't care about the aesthetics of people, what matters is their personality. Their character. He rushes over to the girl and takes the bag from her hands. "Here, let me help you with that," Milton smiles at her. "I'm Milton." While he is a nice guy, he's not the brightest at times - he doesn't notice or comprehend that she is blind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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John looked out of his window at AA and saw the new arrivals. One was beautiful. Blonde hair and blue eyes just like the rest of her family. The other was also beautiful but in her own way. She struggled a bit with her luggage and then a kid came and helped her. He then turned back to the blonde girl who was marching into the school. He then turned back to unpacking his bags. This was his third year at AA so he knew most of everything that worked. His single person dorm was decorated with bookshelves and spheres of light that he had created, and placed himself. "I have a feeling this is gonna be a great year," John said as he placed some pants in his dresser.

Fletcher watched as Ashley was dragged to the dungeon. What was she doing challenging the instructor like that? He waited until the instructor had left and then he snuck down the stairs. Fletcher had been at the school for four years now and was always a bit of a trouble maker. He was quite familiar with the dungeon. He waved his hands and the shadows around the door broke off the lock and the door swung open. he saw Ashley chained to the wall and grinned. "Ashley, Ashley. What have we gotten ourselves into ?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Sophia sat in the back of her parent's car her mother was driving while her father was in the seat next to her, the radio in the car was being played loudly with some songs that were most likely in the 80's or 70's Sophia's parents were singing along to the old songs. Sophia spent the whole time playing on her phone ignoring their annoying singing as they got closer towards AA Sophia's parents finally turned off the annoying music. There she could see other students and parents who were getting out and taking their luggage towards the school. "Well sweety this is it are you excited?" Her mother asked stopping the car at the front of the school. "Yeah I am." Sophia said quickly putting her phone into her pocket and quickly got out of her mother's car along with her father who had come to help her out. "You will do fine." He said smiling opening the trunk of the car and took out three large suitcases Sophia took the one she knew had her laptop and her closest things she wanted with her. "Thanks dad and mom for helping me." Sophia said with a smile and followed her parents towards the main entrance of the school.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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John finished unpacking and looked around his room with a smile on his face. Then he walked out into the hall, the spheres of light that illuminated his room blinking out as he did so. He then went downstairs where most kids were talking. He went up to a group of people and started talking, keeping an eye out for anyone who seemed to be lost or in need of help. John had always been known as the newbie helper, or at least since his second year at AA.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by noxlux


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Sydney ran down the stairs, pushing her step-brother out of the way. Mason complained loudly and gave his step-sister a smack on her upperarm.
"Hey!" Sydney exclaimed and rubbed her arm. "What was that good for?"
"You started it" Mason replied and shrugged. "You need to man up, sister"
Sydney crossed her arms over her chest and pouted, making Mason laugh. Then Mason grabbed his bag standing in the hallway and opened the door to leave.
"Hey, you" Mason said and gave Sydney a glance. "Have fun picking flowers at AA" He added and walked out from the house.
"Wait" Sydney said and ran after him, out came an exact copy of Mason. "Have fun picking flowers at AA" Syney mocked.
"Gosh, stop doing that" Mason said and stared at the illusion of himself. "You know I hate when you do that" With that Sydney let the illusion fall and Mason saw his sister again. "That is honestly so creepy, you have the sickest gift ever" Mason mumbled.

Mason stepped out of his car fifty minutes later. BB stood there in front of him like it did every year with its' dark faced. Mason exhaled deeply, this is where he belonged. In the darkness and along people who were like him. He took out his luggage and walked throught the school gates.

Sydney sang along to the song playing on the radio in her car as she drove to AA. She had already said bye to her mother and step-dad before she left, it had been years since they dropped her off at the school. She ran a hand through her blonde hair as the car came to a stop outside AA. A smile appeared on her face beofre she stepped out of the car. Then she dragged out her suitcase, laughing slightly over how much she had packed. But she knew this was going to be a great year.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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(Hey jsyk, Kargo restarted in a different forum. here's the link.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by noxlux


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

ugh... alright :)
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