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Appearance: Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150lbs

Name: Len Vuong

Age: 22

Nationality: American

Noble Arm Name & Appearance: Argentarch, a ceremonial white jade dagger carved into the likeness of a chimera with the body of a feathered tiger with wings

Noble Arm Rank:

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Melee, shapeshifting, close- to mid-range

Noble Arm Abilities:
Argentarch enhances speed and strength, allowing for superhuman reflexes and resilience.

Chimeramorphy allows for flight regardless of somatic injuries to wings and the ability to demonstrate “nature red in tooth and claw,” but the chimeramorph cannot vocalize nor does it enhance Len’s human senses.

Pinions (penna-minions) are formed when the tigerdove chimeramorph sheds feathers, acting as simple and weak drones that appear like loosely clumped heaps of white feathers or even torn-up plastic bags. The further Len bids them to go, the less responsive and more unsophisticated they become. At the maximum range of 200m, he can only have the pinions sluggishly travel into closer proximity to him where they can carry out more sophisticated maneuvers like obscuring things in a blizzard of pinions or transporting small objects.

Misc Abilities: Ambidexterity, bilingualism

Personality: Len is about as naïve as one would expect from a young man raised in Oklahoma, and also prefers to view events with a measure of amusement. Simultaneously, Len takes satisfaction in playing the straight man—although this is often undermined by his default expressionlessness that can come off as sarcasm. While he doesn’t take light deviations from loyalty among those he spends his time with badly, Len prides himself in his own loyalty towards others. Stemming from his upbringing, this young man will almost universally be considered excessively stingy. While not a strict adherent, Len believes that he should be deliberate as often as possible, somewhat related to his mannerisms where speed is both measured but appears relaxed.

At times, he can be decisive—or impulsive, depending on your perspective—but in general, Len tends to be cautious, especially when decisions carry responsibility he is uncomfortable with. His reluctance to direct positions of leadership often leads Len to align himself under a superior—providing his creativity or insight when he believes it is pertinent but primarily exhibiting diligence in the execution of instructions. Confiding in Len has never been a problem in the past, either, as he lacks loose lips or an easily cowed nature susceptible to peer pressure.



Fears: His goal is to become historically significant—symbolic immortality—but fears that in his quest he may weaken his moral code. A problem with this is his lack of a well-defined moral code, leading him to agonize over the accidental and intentional “toeing of lines” mentally. He has other typical fears—fear of disappointing those who love or trust him and fear of powerlessness in all its forms. Combat always consists of an element of uncertainty, but Len’s civilian background leaves him quite poor at judging risk, tending towards overestimating danger and acting with more unwillingness than what might be rational.

Bio: Len Vuong was born in 2000 and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma to a working-class family who named him after Leonardo DiCaprio. Len is of Chinese and Vietnamese descent, which influenced his decision to serve as a foreign volunteer under ASEAN, alongside his desire to “make something” of himself. While Len personally feels connected to his family, he is somewhat of an outcast because of his choice to leave the country and serve overseas.

Before the manifestation of Argentarch, his Noble Arm, Len had been trained and then served in non-combatant roles within foreign volunteer units for over two years, during which he had refined his Mexican-flavored Spanish from his youth with Filipino elements. As of November 2022, the Arms Master has been transferred out of the support positions.

*Current Goal: Len aims to become a person worth being proud of, defending his people and making a name for himself.

Military or Civilian Rank: Foreign volunteer
Appearance: Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150lbs

Name: Len Vuong

Age: 22

Nationality: American

Noble Arm Name & Appearance: Argentarch, a ceremonial white jade dagger carved into the likeness of a chimera with the body of a feathered tiger with wings

Noble Arm Rank:

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Melee, shapeshifting, close- to mid-range

Noble Arm Abilities:
Argentarch enhances speed and strength, allowing for superhuman reflexes and resilience.

Chimeramorphy allows for flight regardless of somatic injuries to wings and the ability to demonstrate “nature red in tooth and claw,” but the chimeramorph cannot vocalize nor does it enhance Len’s human senses.

Pinions (penna-minions) are formed when the tigerdove chimeramorph sheds feathers, acting as simple and weak drones that appear like loosely clumped heaps of white feathers or even torn-up plastic bags. The further Len bids them to go, the less responsive and more unsophisticated they become. At the maximum range of 200m, he can only have the pinions sluggishly travel into closer proximity to him where they can carry out more sophisticated maneuvers like obscuring things in a blizzard of pinions or transporting small objects.

Misc Abilities: Ambidexterity, bilingualism

Personality: Len is about as naïve as one would expect from a young man raised in Oklahoma, and also prefers to view events with a measure of amusement. Simultaneously, Len takes satisfaction in playing the straight man—although this is often undermined by his default expressionlessness that can come off as sarcasm. While he doesn’t take light deviations from loyalty among those he spends his time with badly, Len prides himself in his own loyalty towards others. Stemming from his upbringing, this young man will almost universally be considered excessively stingy. While not a strict adherent, Len believes that he should be deliberate as often as possible, somewhat related to his mannerisms where speed is both measured but appears relaxed.

At times, he can be decisive—or impulsive, depending on your perspective—but in general, Len tends to be cautious, especially when decisions carry responsibility he is uncomfortable with. His reluctance to direct positions of leadership often leads Len to align himself under a superior—providing his creativity or insight when he believes it is pertinent but primarily exhibiting diligence in the execution of instructions. Confiding in Len has never been a problem in the past, either, as he lacks loose lips or an easily cowed nature susceptible to peer pressure.



Fears: His goal is to become historically significant—symbolic immortality—but fears that in his quest he may weaken his moral code. A problem with this is his lack of a well-defined moral code, leading him to agonize over the accidental and intentional “toeing of lines” mentally. He has other typical fears—fear of disappointing those who love or trust him and fear of powerlessness in all its forms. Combat always consists of an element of uncertainty, but Len’s civilian background leaves him quite poor at judging risk, tending towards overestimating danger and acting with more unwillingness than what might be rational.

Bio: Len Vuong was born in 2000 and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma to a working-class family who named him after Leonardo DiCaprio. Len is of Chinese and Vietnamese descent, which influenced his decision to serve as a foreign volunteer under ASEAN, alongside his desire to “make something” of himself. While Len personally feels connected to his family, he is somewhat of an outcast because of his choice to leave the country and serve overseas.

Before the manifestation of Argentarch, his Noble Arm, Len had been trained and then served in non-combatant roles within foreign volunteer units for over two years, during which he had refined his Mexican-flavored Spanish from his youth with Filipino elements. As of November 2022, the Arms Master has been transferred out of the support positions.

*Current Goal: Len aims to become a person worth being proud of, defending his people and making a name for himself.

Military or Civilian Rank: Foreign volunteer
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