Avatar of 6slyboy6


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I figured I should update my status. Tada!
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What IS on my mind?



Loves Teddy Bears|Twenty Something|Can't Speak Russian|Is Potat


Let me properly introduce myself. I am Sir Spud the Fourth, and I have been a potato for the longest time ever. I never denied it to be completely honest, but it is only recently that I embraced it. Now I have evolved from a simple couch potato to a fully grown royal potato. A dapper kawaii potato. And I dare say, knowing that you are a spud, makes life a lot easier. Just chill and let everyone else care about all their meaningless things because at the end of the day you'll know: chilling is the way to go.

I try to spend minimal effort on things that I don't care about, and procrastination might as well be my middle name. But that doesn't mean I ONLY rest. Sometimes a 'tato gotta do what a 'tato gotta do. And if that something happens to be things I like, then you cannot find anyone better than me. I am an omnipotent being capable of virtually any task to a limited degree, and I am not shy to admit it. I may not be the MOST AWESOMEST in a thing, but I am sure as hell MORE AWESOMEST than most people are at everything. But hey, I'm not here to brag, even if I am probabaly better at it than you


All those nights laying in my couch, I thought about the cool shit that I cannot do. That I cannot see. But I pictured them in front of myself like they were real, and that infuraited me. Then I found the Guild, and I lived happily after. I have been on the site for 2 years now, and I have seen many RPs, and played with many people. I wish I have found the site earlier, but I am glad that I've even found it. Now all those fantasies can be written down and my mind can rest at ease at night, without being constantly troubled by ideas.

When I RP, I love myself some good Sci-Fi or Fantasy. But hey I am filthy casual, I can go for anything with an interesting setting. I don't trouble myself on small details if the plot is good, but if you get somwthing wrong you can expect me to tell you about it. Some even go as far as to think that I am angry or something, but I am too chill for that. If anything I'm more of the funny type, so you can expect me to try and write some shitty jokes or post memes I found on the internet. Anyways, you'll see what I mean when we RP together.


Used to be something else here, but I'm happy to say that it's replaced because of a positive change. I now work as a full-time 3D artist in the animation industry, churning out shot after shot for some of your favorite game intros and trailers. Can't say anything about them before you even ask, and even though I'm still new to the industry I love it and I already know that this will be my passion for a long time. So hopefully in a few years I'll have a proud portfolio of animations that were done by yours truly that I can show off to all the lovely people of the guild.


Now I may have hobbies like the above mentioned, but there are some more things that I love in life. Here is a handy list of things you can always talk about with me:

  • Gaming: This one I am quite proud of, I'm a serious gamer with capital G. Not as much time for it nowadays, but still true.
  • Music: All kinds of electronic music, but I am a sucker for Queen and Powerwolf. Or Breakbot... anything music.
  • Anime: We all have an Otaku in us, but it's bigger for some people. For me it's just big enough.


Be chill folks, getting fed up about stuff is a recipe for disaster. You gotta learn to be patient and let things go, or you'll end up a wrinkly old man/woman with only bad memories about life. Even if you do fuck-all every day, you can live a content life by taking things easy. With that said, as always, stay safe and stay classy.

Most Recent Posts

@vietmyke Interesting haha

I guess my only question if I can "reserve" a slot? I'd like to just sit back and see what it's about and if it catches my interest. It's one of those things that I realize is somewhat unimportant given the nature of RPs (and that characters are what drive them), but I just always feel iffy joining something I can't fully get behind haha

Of course, I understand if you don't want that ^^
@Dark Cloud Not a problem, glad to see your race finished :)

You weren't here during that time and I've not managed to edit it yet, but the executive decision has been made to make small a free trait pick. So technically you can pick another neutral trait if you want, but I'd say what you have right now is probably very solid :)

@Dog Very babrebones but I can understand why haha

I'll try and get the proper thread up tomorrow and get something brewing for the actual opening so people aren't bored. Maps and the like I will give to you there, but please be patient haha.

@vietmyke I remember reading the last iteration of this RP, but sadly at the time it was closed and I had a lot of work to do. While I'm not particularly free at the moment as I'm soon starting an RP (hopefully) and already in another one, I do think that I could fit one into my schedule :D

I do have a question though that I would rather ask here than through the OC, because it tends to get murky when trying to find specific answers.

As a fan of series like The Expanse and about a billion more medium/hard sci-fi book franchises, and someone who has played too much Titanfall and Battletech/Mechwarrior, I want to know just what exacly the aim is for the general feel of the mechs. Personally I am not a fan of Gundam, not even the newer iterations: battlesuits that are also spaceships and whatnot completely break my immersion, though I do realize that making space capable suits isn't necessarily impossible. I'd say that for me Titanfall finds a perfect balance between the very much IFV-like aspects of battletech, and the hyper advanced non-realistic battlesuits of Gundam. Is there any side of the spectrum in particular that you are leaning towards? I don't mind when mechs duke it out on the outside of some planetary dockyard in zero-g and ahrd vacuum, but having them fly around like fighters is a big no-no for me personally

Of course, that all depends on whether or not you even want/need one more person haha. I'm a big sci-fi/warfare nerd so I do think I would fit right in, but as said above I want to make sure I can immerse myself into an RP before jumping in. Nobody is going to get anything out of half-assed posts if I get bored after a few months haha ^-^'
@Dark Cloud Sounds good! Can't wait to see the finished product ^^
@Dark Cloud No, but I am personally online far more there than on any other platform. You don't need to be on f you don't want to :)
@Dark Cloud Do look around to see if you like some other combos as well, but I wouldn't mind that

Here is the link for you and anyone else interested for the Discord ^^

@Dark Cloud Not nearly as much as you think. Honestly, I would be fine with just a paragraph or two as long as you and everyone else is having fun. After all, that's the point of any RP, is it not

Yes, I made another silly poster for this one

Hello and welcome!

Come, take a seat. I will make this one quick, because I know we are all busy people. As you can no wonder tell by the title, this is the third attempt at running this RP and keeping it alive. While that might seem like a lot, the thing is that we have 2 people with us who have been here for both, so as far as players are concerned, we are almost already done: though I won't play because it was the undoing of our second attempt, 2-3 more people will be enough for us to get going.

Now, I know. You're thinking what this lunatic is talking about, he didn't even talk about the RP itself!

*slams link on the table* roleplayerguild.com/posts/5116440

This is it. The old post, that probably explains it better than I ever could. Go give it a read if you fancy a 23,000 character longofrm version, but I will try and make it simple this time around so we can all go on with our lives the quickest.

Brief Explanation

In essence, From Dawn Till Dusk is a longform nation roleplay with a heavy focus on player interaction and the development of your culture. Too often have I played a space NRP and thought to myself: "Man, now I will need to write a 60,000 character part about my species because I really don't want to gloss over their history and culture. Or found myself playing 4x games and getting tired of the limited diplomatic options or sub-par subterfuge. I always just wanted more *meat* to whatever I was playing. This is basically that, wrapped into a neat package that should hopefully help you create a race/nation you'll go on to use in other games as well.

The RP starts at the dawn of civilization and goes on from there for... however long we are able to take it. The goal isn't to win, it is to build a truly unique world that we all enjoy playing in and interacting with others (even if yes, that could often mean war). How time passes is something we will decide once we have everyone we need and can make an educated call. But starting from just a single village of your people, while I would think it a miracle if we progressed into anything far too modern, there's plenty of fun to be had with the first cities and seagoing boats being built.

Speaking of which: you will have a chance to create a truly unique race on an island full of mysterious and alien creatures: perhaps including the people you control. Though I will accept neat race ideas if they don't fit into the system, in the last iteration we've come up with a system of point based race creation (kinda like Stellaris), mostly aimed at giving you various ideas to play around with before you make your final decision.

And... that should be all. TL:DR, you control a race of your own creation through their journey in time, starting from their first primitive village, all the way to perhaps world domination (but most likely not). Build a city, trade with others and explore the world around you to find out about all the things that make the world tick around you. There are very few limits on what you can do, just as long as we all agree to be cool and have fun instead of trying to "win" at the game. (We all know there is always that one person.)

Your Race

Your race, your rules! This is probably the most fun part for me, where you truly create an identity for your people. Think about what they are like and how they might act if they were just animals. From there on, you'll have a pretty good idea as to where to start writing the history of your civilization: from giant frog people who settled on equally giant lilypads in mud houses, to fairies who controlled magic and made houses from leaves and udnerfoliage, here is your first chance to make something fun (And yes, those were both races from the first iteration of the RP)

Before I give you the list, I want to introduce you to the system, as envisioned by me, and used by many other games. Here is an example build:

By default we have 3 trait picks left, and 1 trait point to play around with. After looking through the list of options, we decided that we want to pick up the trait "Strong", which makes each member of our species significantly stronger than what appearances would first suggest. Strong being a -1 Point trait means that we now have 0 trait points available, and 2 picks left. Right here we could end the selection and create a bit more detailed lore around these race of strong creatures, since our trait points are in the positive and we have picks left.

However, we also decide that this isn't enough on it's own, so we pick up the trait "Venerable". Venerable would make our race not only strong but on average live some 20 years longer, if not killed by other means. However, venerable being another -1 Point trait means that we are now using up 1 more points than what we have left. This puts our total at -1 Trait points and 1 Picks left. As such, we cannot go ahead with this build just yet, seeing how it is inherently unbalanced.

But fear not, we still have one picks left. So, after looking through the list of negative traits, we eventually pick up "Anemic". Anemic is a +1 Point trait that causes all members of our race to have a lower count of oxygen carrying vessels (whatever compound that may be), meaning that they tire out far more easily, and require more sleep to replenish their blood supplies. Once we have chosen this, our total comes out to 0 Points, and 0 Picks left! Congratulations, you now have a race of creatures who are strong but can tire out easily, so they things more slowly thanks to their naturally longer lifespans. That, or any other combination of behavior you can come up with using these traits.

Obviously there are some other combinations as well. You may choose to pick a -2 Point "advanced" trait along with a +1 trait, and then leave it at that or choose a 0 Point trait, like "Nocturnal", or "Lightweight Skeleton". Either way, as long as your Points and Picks are 0 or above, you are good! By default, every race is of a humanoid appearance, meaning that at the very least they have two legs, two arms and a head with 2 eyes in the front. Without further a due, here is the list, compiled as Positive, Negative and Neutral traits.

Phew, let's quickly revise what the rules of the species making are:
- Generally humanoid for ease of roleplay/compatibility
- You start with 1 trait Point and 3 trait Picks. Both must be either 0 or more for your race to be possible.
- You can apply custom cosmetic traits to it in order to make them look apart from normal humans (such as making lusty argonian maids and the like) or for that one person we all know to make a race of elves.

And some extra:
- If there is any question about what a trait does, feel free to ask. Some traits have such keywords as "often" or "sometimes" when describing a feature, meaning it is more a suggestion for a secondary feature than anything.
- Rule of cool applies to every trait, unless there is an upgraded version of such trait, or a different trait that would add the other effect.
- Within reason, Neutral traits that would thematically make sense can be applied for free if you ask me.
- Neutral traits that aren't listed but you think would be right about at 0 points can be negotiated as the 1 custom trait per race. This is simply due to the fact that I am a single man, and I can't possibly list everything people can come up with X3

Aaaaand, that is it. Now, here is both an example sheet and the skeleton of what you should all be working with ^^

[hider= Sheet Code]
[b]RACE NAME:[/b]
[b]RACE TRAITS:[/b] List here the traits that you have picked for your race, along with any additional info you may need to provide on it.
[b]RACE PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION:[/b] Describe how your race looks like, and provide a picture of possible
[b]POPULATION:[/b] Up for community vote, depending on traits
[b]RACE BEHAVIOUR:[/b] Describe how your race normally behaves, to give a general idea about them
[b]HISTORY:[/b] You will have plenty to write here once we begin!
[b]CULTURE:[/b] Same as above, leave it free for now. Will fill up as we get into the game.
[b]TECHNOLOGIES:[/b] Tech tree coming very soon. Until then, the best way to think of your people is the natives on lonely islands on the pacific. Except, they have no culture just yet~
[list][*] - Primitive Technology

Here is a made example of it!

I would like to say again, that this is mostly a guideline, even if the system was made to be fully usable (and to be enforced in the last time). I would love to see people use it, but some things will never fit inside any given system. So if these traits don't give you any inspiration, or you're hellbent to include your furry shapeshifters into the RP (please don't), then you can always just type it out anyways and ask the rest of us if it would be alright.


Hey, congrats on making it through the mechanics :D

Sadly, I am contractually obliged to say these yadda-yadda parts, but you might as well read them.

- No godmodding: Pretty straightforward in an NRP I think, especially since most of the relative powers will be decide by us all, or between contestants in a conflict.
- No metagaming: This rules used to say something-something about advancing too fast in tech, but we already established that we have changed that. So this mostly means you shouldn't know about the secrets of another nation because you read their post.
- No griefing: There are no winners or losers here. We are all here to have a great time, and hopefully influence each other in a creative way. If you do something that is out of character for your people that is aimed at hurting anyone else's experience then you and I will have a long talk.
- Be nice with each other: This is self explanatory. Don't be a douche or critique other's works beyond an acceptable limit even if you disagree with them. We are all here to have fun.

Final Words

First of all, thank you for reading through everything written down above, I know that it can get pretty complicated and long at times. Usually it would be the place for some lore, but this time we are the ones making it. Or if you didn't read it, then naughty you >:o

I want to say that this is something that has been in the works for over 4 years now. As far as the GM (me) is concerned, you should know that I'll pour all my energy into getting maps, fancy images and ideas for all of you to see, because I do want to see this thing through. Even if sometime sit will be slow because I do have a full time work, partly the reason we didn't manage to go through with this idea last time. I am well aware that RPs more often than not die out after a while, but since I've had the pleasure of participating in an RP that has been going on for well over a year now, I've always held hope that an RP can survive when the people are passionate about it. We all have a real life that can screw with us, so I will not ask anyone to be around at all times. What I do want to say though is that I hope that everyone who writes here was something they want to see in this RP. Imagine the sorts of things that you'd want to do that you can only do when playing with me. If you've found one that you like, the congratulations! Share with us your thoughts, and if you don't like something, then please try to talk with me/us to change it instead of leaving.

I have no false hopes, but I still have faith that we can create an amazing experience for everyone as long as we worth together as a team, and put our noggins together to create an experience about nations, people or even individual characters that we'd enjoy. It certainly isn't out of the question to create character based spinoff RPs if we ever like a select few of them enough. And if things go right, we shall see our people become so advanced that they themselves will start their own little RP inside this one

With that little speech out of the way, I am hoping to see all of you lovelies down in the interest check below, and hopefully soon enough we will be working together on creating something amazing. Until then, I shall be working on creating all the content for you to enjoy.

Yes, this is copied from last time, but it still holds true. I do really wish for this RP to flourish and take off, hence why I'm giving it another go. Hopefully third time really IS the charm.

With that, I will let you all go. Please, if you are interested then leave a message here or send me a DM. If you have any questions just ask away! I will be looking at every message and trying to reply as fast as I can, but I can be busy at times so excuse me. Either way, hope you all have a nice day and I'm excited to see the ideas people come up with.

Back aboard the Xuanxang the excitement was starting to die down from the sudden arrival, or rather disappearance, of the portal that took their unknown assailant into some place that Amy couldn't quite find. She gave trying to find the man a half-hearted try, but it wasn't something she expected to get results out of. She barely knew the man or his underlings even via sight, so looking for their signature across who knows what distances was frankly impossible.

However she did find something else that she wasn't looking for, but what sparked her interest quite a bit. It came in the form of a realization: she was still connected to Iris via her psychic link, something which she had totally forgot to sever once the danger was over. Normally she wouldn't be so careless like this, but she didn't really feel the need to retreat from the girl's head after their brief chat. It felt almost... pleasant, listening to the thoughts of someone that she though of fondly. Or maybe it was because the person she was connected to was thinking fondly of her. It wasn't easy to decide the exact reason that made her stay connected to Iris, but she would certainly not regret doing so as she listened further.

It was clear that the poor girl wasn't exactly trained on how to deal with psychics and Mind magic users, not that a lot of people were despite how useful these abilities can be, but this was made almost painfully clear to Amy as she could almost see herself in the image of Iris as she evaluated whether or not she liked Amy. A faint blush began to slowly creep it's way onto the faint purple cheeks of the zvezd, turning them into a deep magenta as her entire body froze up. If barely a shadow of what Iris was feeling and thinking, she had received a torrent of emotions and thoughts that Amy wasn't prepared for in the slightest. To think that one of the kids she was moreso thinking of as children to be protected harbored such feelings for her... it brought the entire way she was thinking of them down with a loud crash, even if only for Iris's particular case.

She couldn't help but question just why she even thought of Iris and the others as children... while her memories were lost and she couldn't recall memories of her parents or childhood, Amy was aware that she wasn't necessarily that old. Made painfully obvious by her reactions to even such small shows of affection, it really felt odd to think of all the other children on the ship as younger than her for that moment. Sure, she looked quite young herself but definitely older than the rest of them and felt the way she did, now that she heard Iris's question it made her feel a bit awkward about all of it.

Mostly because she really wanted to take Iris up on the offer and just spend some downtime with the girl in hopes of alleviating her recent worries and to get to know her better, but then how could she look the others in the eye with the same doting and motherly affection she held for them until now?

Right about now she wished she could retreat to her room, or rather meditation chamber with the way she used it most of the time, and just lay down on her bed to think things over. However, she still had a job to do, even if she had hoped it would be over soon so she could, well... hang out with Iris. The realization made her blush even more and she shook her head as she swiveled on her chair to hide her embarrassment from the rest of her team. Clearing her head with a few deep breaths she would turn back to the consoles with a soft smile on her lips as she replied to Iris via their link. "Sure! Hopefully we'll get time to actually sleep a bit, given our tight schedule lately. Just make sure not to bring too much candy, you're going to get a sugar rush~" Biting her lips softly and holding her breath back she now waited for a reply from Iris. She already couldn't wait for this mission to be over so she could spend some time with the girl and the rest of the crew... though admittedly she never was a fan of combat, so that was natural. Still, this particular time she was more excited than normal, as evident by the lingering red hue of her cheeks.


Amy followed the hectic information stream with glistening eyes, her gaze glued to the screens in front of her as she tried to make sense of the frantic situation that was developing planetside. No plan survives first contact with the enemy, and it felt like apart from their own role of keeping an eye on things there wasn't a whole lot that went according to said plan. Not that she thought it wasn't a good plan, it was certainly quite nice in it's own way, but the introduction of this Blue Crow figure just made everything so much more complicated than it had to be. "Why can't it ever be easy..." Amy grumbled to herself as she watched the fight between Fireteam Lamia and this mysterious figure escalate.

There came a time when Amy had to realize that she was starting to cut her palm and fingertips with how hard she was clutching the otherwise smoothed off edges of the control panel. She couldn't stand to watch the situation that they were in, but from everything that has been displayed so far, she knew that interrupting the combatants on her own side wouldn't be the best idea for a plan that might not work. Glancing over to the other two girls on the station she saw that they were busy handling the more technical aspects of the job while she was just trying to come up with a plan. Anything at all to help, to make her powers useful now that she felt the confidence in herself to use them at such distances. Yet it seemed like the opportunity simply eluded her: the heat of combat and the apparent resilience to magic from this outside made it hard for her to try and intervene. She felt so selfish to just be focusing on one team at a time like this, but between the intensity of combat and the pull of her heart at the thought of Iris and the others getting hurt made her goal clear as daylight: help the three of them get out of there unscathed and back to the ship while the rest of the teams wrap up the mission.

It was the crackling of the intercomm that snapped her out of her thoughts as a familiar, yet rare voice snuck into her ears. It was Laurey, the mysterious cyber on their team that she never quite knew how to approach. Alien to crew and kids both, to Amy the girl was a true enigma: a rare and frightening thing for someone who could accurately assess everyone by just a few glances and the use of her powers. Still, in this moment her voice calmed Amy down and brought her back to reality from the depths of her brooding thoughts. "This is Horus to Harpy, Fireteam Lamia is engaged in combat with an unknown operative. Twins are on the way out, we're trying to give as much assistance as possible from up here. We'll update you on the situation if you are in a position to help." Amy sighed as she ended the reply, her eyes following the twins as they made a hasty exit from the room while Nero engaged the man alone. Whoever this mystery man was, he was certainly impressive in combat: but so was Nero, fueled by years spent as a soldier under and oppressive system. She wished neither of them harm, but she knew a combat would ensue she couldn't interfere in, so instead she focused herself on the twins.

Following their escape on the feed, she began to pick up glimpses on the camera of the blob-like aliens following them. Frowning a bit and setting some parameters for their own and shipside sensors, she would begin to pick up the heat signatures, if faintly. No good, she would have to do this on her own. Closing her eyes she focused her attention on Iris, keeping in mind the girl and the talk they had together after the last time she failed to do what she was about to do right now, and then she slowly reached out over the infinite aether to this mental anchor she could almost feel on her fingertips as she extended her hand in the air for a moment...

Iris, can you hear me? Amy's voice echoed faintly through in the head of the girl as tried to get a bearing on where exactly they were and to get in contact with the twins. You've got company closing in, those blob things that the other guy used as armor. Just keep running, I'll try and put them to sleep. I'll keep with you until you can get out. With that her voice would fade away, but Iris could still feel the lingering sensation in the back of her mind, like a small little pushing sensation as Amy latched onto the familiar sensation of her mind to orient herself.

After what felt like getting dropped into a deep pool filled with cold water, slowly but surely the area around the twins began to reveal itself to Amy as experienced through their sense. It was a faint, bleak recreation of reality, but it helped her know where to start looking. With the help of the sensor data from before she reached out to try and find the pursuers. And just like that, almost as a small thud as if she ran headfirst into the wall, she picked up the first of the blobs in pursuit. Then the second and the third: it wasn't hard, not when their entire being was one massive collection of tiny entities that acted as a giant hive-mind to move themselves and do all their actions.

It was as she reached out towards these creatures that she felt them recoil, their actions cease. At first Amy thought her spell had already taken effect with such little effort, but then the feed from her control panel caught her attention. Opening her eyes and severing the connection she had with Iris, the girl could feel the sensation from before fade as Amy looked at the video. She... didn't understand. A portal appeared out of nowhere, pulling Blue Crow and his henchlings through it before it would disappear as if it was never there. Perhaps an unknown benefactor? Amy was more confused now than before.

Reaching down, she would relax her next message through the intercom, confusion audible in her voice. "Fireteam Harpy and Lamia, this is Horus. The unknown combatant in the Armory is... gone. Now would be a good time to start gathering up and getting out of there before someone else appears as well. Her heart beating fast in her chest, Amy shook her head as she leaned back in her chair to try and calm herself down. She was... angry. It was a feeling of rage that was different from the disappointment she felt towards herself, and it scared her. She was never angry... but now that she was late once more to help Iris and to show everyone that she was able to help, it sparked a tiny flame of hatred towards whatever force pulled the bounty hunter away. Sure, she was mostly thankful that everyone was alright, but it still bugged her enough to make her concerned. The kids really were changing her in ways she didn't expect her to behave... Amy couldn't help but wonder why eexactly she felt angry. Was it because she was unable to help once more, or more about not being able to show others and Iris her powers? The girl who gave her the chance last time, she wondered if she would still think that Amy couldn't get herself to use her powers. That thought... yes, that was the reason she felt upset.

Shaking her head and taking a deep sigh she closed her eyes as she reached over to her neck to pull out the pendant from under her shirt, her fingers wrapping around it softly as she caressed the time-worn metal surface with a gentle care. "It's okay Amy, just calm down..." All she had to do now was hope that everybody got back in one piece.

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