"Oh, thank you!" She responded to the villagers compliments warmly, metaphorically speaking. They were all being so nice that she was sure everything was going to turn out great. She looked over to see the robed fellow speak about something she hadn't clued into yet.
"Hello there!" She waved to the bearded fellow. She canted her head to the side quizzically as she heard out his inquiries.
"Sure!" She answered back, straightening her head back up as she readied to follow along. She had no real direction to move in herself at the moment so his proposal sounded just grand.
Though it couldn't be seen she smiled brightly at the fellow asking her name. She hadn't even noticed the weight of another person having hopped up upon her shoulder. She was just caught up in how happy she was to see so many new faces, many of whom she might not have to kill like the other ones. It was really quite exciting to even consider.
"My name's Gangraaenaa. It's soo nice to meeet everyybodyy!"
As though it took no effort she hefted the large anchor up off her shoulders and lazily drove it into the soil beside her greave. With her other hand she reached out to shake hands with the fellow that addressed her, not aware of how the shifting of her arm would affect the balance of the person she wasn't aware was on her pauldron at that time.
"I'm lookinng forwaard to seeing the cityyy annd making new frieenndss!"
The whole carriage shifted as a great weight within began to move. Boards creaked as they bent under the large metal boots which rattled with numerous plates and came down with a powerful thud with each step their owner took. From the darkness of the carriages interior those outside it could see two sickly yellow lights peering out back at them. The whole carriage tilted as it's well armored passenger reached the entrance for all to see.
There stood a tall warrior clad in armor worn well with the ages. The plates were astoundingly thick and multiple parts looked like they had pieces of other armor sets pulled off and crudely nailed onto them. Chips and nicks covered the exterior of the armor, having weathered numerous battles with only a fairly basic measure of care given to their upkeep. Parts clearly had rusted away only to have additional pieces of armor strapped and/or nailed on. The great helm concealed all but their eyes, sickly yellow spheres of winding light which seemed to lay impossibly deep within the helm's darkness.
Clenched in their dominant hand and rested across their shoulders was a sizable boat anchor of ancient make. From it's size it appeared to be an anchor from a fairly large ship. One wouldn't find an anchor like this on your average fishing vessel or river ferry. It's head was just barely able to fit out the entrance of the wagon, it's wielder needing to bring it down and turn it at an angle so it could clear the opening without snagging the sides.
Having stepped down from the carriage into the town proper, their boots sinking a bit into the dirt from their sheer weight, they looked out at the gathered civilians in a brief silent still. Truly an ominous figure indeed.
"Heelloo Eeveerryybodyy" The mirthful being beneath the suit greeted the town, waving happily to them with their free hand. The voice was very definitely a woman's, one with plenty of cheer to spare. Despite her pleasant demeanor however her words did drag on at spots and rang with a certain hollowness. It was like the voice was an echo coming from deep within, plenty audible and with minimal repetition but that uncanny emptiness was still there.
She stepped forward towards the small crowd and looked about, taking in the sight of this new place as she wondered just what she was going to do now that she'd arrived.
She stands at an even six foot tall and weighs a solid one hundred and ninety pounds though most wouldn't be able to tell since she looks like she weighs half that. Most would assume a warrior such as herself would have sizable muscles but her body has more of a leaner muscle structure, at least the parts that remain. Given the fact she's animated with dark magic muscles are hardly necessary though since biologically speaking she has no right to be moving at all, let alone with such strength.
Her skin is a blue tinged grey like that of a drowned corpse. Her body might be far less bloated than the average floater but she looks no less drowned. Her hair is a murky dark green, not unlike kelp. Her hair is straight albeit messy more often than not and cut just above her neckline. Her face while bearing some slender femininity is a bit rounder, a softer jawline with cheeks that are more full with a lower cheekbone that accentuates the eyes which... Well, require some explanation.
The sockets which once housed eyes are empty now. More than that the eyelids themselves are missing as well, leaving the eye sockets open up to the edges of the skull, leaving only the eyebrows. Inside the hollow apertures her eyes once occupied is a deep darkness, an abyss so black staring deeply into them can leave one's grip on sanity loosened. As though swimming in the shores of the fathomless darkness which appears to stretch on for eternity are two spheres of winding light in an unearthly yellow hue, one mote for each socket.
Her armor is no less imposing than herself despite it's piecemeal collection of parts. Her helmet is a large dark iron greathelm, concealing all but the intangible clots of yellow light that serve as her eyes which shine through the narrow eye slots. Her body armor is a massive breastplate far too heavy for any average knight to use. It's plates are half an inch thick. For shoulder protection she wears a large set of dark iron pauldrons. On her arms she wears dark iron gauntlets and vambraces. Her legs are protected with a set of gilded but scratched iron greaves complete with once elaborate cuisses that look like whatever designs they were embossed with has been smashed into a spangle of loose metal atop the plates. Her weapon is a large ship anchor which has been covered with more than few centuries worth of rust, wielded by the loop it's tied by. It's attached to a chain which is wrapped several times around her left arm which is her dominant arm.
She's been reanimated by a dark, ancient power that calls her physical form home. As such there's a number of changes to her, some simply being facets of being a member of the living dead and others brought upon her by the forgotten one's power.
Firstly as one of the undead she no longer holds the needs of the living. She does not need to eat, sleep, drink or even breath. Diseases and poisons sit idle in her flesh for her blood had ran still long ago. She no longer experiences fatigue and can exert herself endlessly without fail. While she no longer feels pain nor the comforts of warmth she still holds a dim sense of touch.
She has no eyes of the tangible variety but she can see perfectly fine, not only in the light but also in the darkness no matter how tenebrous it may be. This comes at the cost of being able to see in color, leaving her only able to see in shades of grey. She no longer holds any sense of taste or smell either.
In addition to the traits of being undead are the dark gifts bestowed upon her. She holds a strength far greater than any mundane man or beast. The entirety of her body is connected by this strange power so that even if an arm, a leg or even her head is removed she can control them no less than when they were still attached to her. Not only does this long forgotten essence keep her flesh from rotting like some mere cadaver but it also protects her from the harsh tolls of the water.
The dark force which animates her has it's own appetite, the souls of her victims. Any being who takes a killing blow from her will, upon their death, have their soul peel away before it is pulled into her, an effect which enacts itself passively. Her flesh cannot heal as living flesh would so the only means of undoing harm rendered upon her is to consume a soul which restores the state of her body to a more intact form. On top of this her strength grows with each soul consumed, the amount of strength gained proportionate to the relative power of the victim. Should she advance to her later stages she'll gain abilities relative to her existence as a spirit possessing a body such as floating and telekinesis limited to her belongings, especially the anchor.
Due to the nature of the power animating her any remaining magic derived from the gods of light and life will naturally react negatively when exposed to her dark essence. Necromancy however is especially effective on her given her undead state. This can be either a boon or a curse depending on the whims of the necromancer.
Short Backstory:
Since her reanimation from the day she crawled out from the sunken ruins of the forgotten one's temple she only remembers walking, dragging her anchor behind her along the unfathomably deep trenches of the ocean floor. She wandered lost for thousands of years. Her memory of this postmortem is largely a haze, the only memories coming through clear being of those from before her death.
When she finally found her way to the surface the fishing village she happened upon at the beach were quite frightened of her. They had little means of fighting her off but she seemed to have no interest in attacking them in the very least. Quite the opposite really, they were the first people she had seen in so long she was fascinated by them. She hung around, slowly learning their language. She always was something of a slow learner but she had all the time in the world. She even learned how to fish, even if she had little use for fish herself. The villagers certainly appreciated her catches though.
This period of peace was interrupted however when the Kingdom of Zorelle caught word that she was occupying this village. They held little love for those they believed to come from across the gates and she was no different in their eyes. They sent in their men to try and banish her away but were largely met with their death and destruction since Gangraena actually enjoys fighting and never tires of it.
For months the fighting continued, always dispatching the bands of warriors they sent her way. She'd slay them and then take pieces off their gear to add to her own, eventually become the walking piecemeal collage of metal most who are unfortunate to cross her path now see. Still, she was always happy to meet new people. If they wanted to fight then she was happy to do that too.
Wandering the land she had overheard the rumors of there being a land of outsiders, people from strange far off realms having come together to live under one banner. Always keen to find and make new friends she set into the outskirts on her own accord, fighting off whatever dangers accost her as she treks her way across these lands.
-Making new friends. -Fighting. -Cute things. -Doing anything that doesn't involve walking along the bottom of the ocean for thousands of years.
-Boredom. -Walking along the bottom of the ocean for thousands of years. -The magic of gods who oppose her unknown patron. -Things that are anathema to the order she was raised under.
Fun Facts/Trivia:
- She doesn't know what exactly she is or why she was brought back. - She was raised to be a paladin of the order of the sun. - She doesn't know that she eats the souls of her victims. It just looks like steam that rises off the bodies of those she's slain and breaths into her.
- Her anchor. Despite the endless years of rust the old makeshift weapon's thickness had ensured it's survival so far. It may be pocked and riddled with old barnacle shells but it still holds up to both the rigors of travel and the trials of combat. The chain attached to it's ring is a recent addition, the original one having broken apart deep below the waves quite a while ago.
- Her armor. A collection of borrowed pieces from foes she has slain. Some parts are even segments of armor that have been strapped or crudely nailed onto preexisting articles. She tends to show preference towards heavier, more protective gear.
She stands at an even six foot tall and weighs a solid one hundred and ninety pounds though most wouldn't be able to tell since she looks like she weighs half that. Most would assume a warrior such as herself would have sizable muscles but her body has more of a leaner muscle structure, at least the parts that remain. Given the fact she's animated with dark magic muscles are hardly necessary though since biologically speaking she has no right to be moving at all, let alone with such strength.
Her skin is a blue tinged grey like that of a drowned corpse. Her body might be far less bloated than the average floater but she looks no less drowned. Her hair is a murky dark green, not unlike kelp. Her hair is straight albeit messy more often than not and cut just above her neckline. Her face while bearing some slender femininity is a bit rounder, a softer jawline with cheeks that are more full with a lower cheekbone that accentuates the eyes which... Well, require some explanation.
The sockets which once housed eyes are empty now. More than that the eyelids themselves are missing as well, leaving the eye sockets open up to the edges of the skull, leaving only the eyebrows. Inside the hollow apertures her eyes once occupied is a deep darkness, an abyss so black staring deeply into them can leave one's grip on sanity loosened. As though swimming in the shores of the fathomless darkness which appears to stretch on for eternity are two spheres of winding light in an unearthly yellow hue, one mote for each socket.
Her armor is no less imposing than herself despite it's piecemeal collection of parts. Her helmet is a large dark iron greathelm, concealing all but the intangible clots of yellow light that serve as her eyes which shine through the narrow eye slots. Her body armor is a massive breastplate far too heavy for any average knight to use. It's plates are half an inch thick. For shoulder protection she wears a large set of dark iron pauldrons. On her arms she wears dark iron gauntlets and vambraces. Her legs are protected with a set of gilded but scratched iron greaves complete with once elaborate cuisses that look like whatever designs they were embossed with has been smashed into a spangle of loose metal atop the plates. Her weapon is a large ship anchor which has been covered with more than few centuries worth of rust, wielded by the loop it's tied by. It's attached to a chain which is wrapped several times around her left arm which is her dominant arm.
She's been reanimated by a dark, ancient power that calls her physical form home. As such there's a number of changes to her, some simply being facets of being a member of the living dead and others brought upon her by the forgotten one's power.
Firstly as one of the undead she no longer holds the needs of the living. She does not need to eat, sleep, drink or even breath. Diseases and poisons sit idle in her flesh for her blood had ran still long ago. She no longer experiences fatigue and can exert herself endlessly without fail. While she no longer feels pain nor the comforts of warmth she still holds a dim sense of touch.
She has no eyes of the tangible variety but she can see perfectly fine, not only in the light but also in the darkness no matter how tenebrous it may be. This comes at the cost of being able to see in color, leaving her only able to see in shades of grey. She no longer holds any sense of taste or smell either.
In addition to the traits of being undead are the dark gifts bestowed upon her. She holds a strength far greater than any mundane man or beast. The entirety of her body is connected by this strange power so that even if an arm, a leg or even her head is removed she can control them no less than when they were still attached to her. Not only does this long forgotten essence keep her flesh from rotting like some mere cadaver but it also protects her from the harsh tolls of the water.
The dark force which animates her has it's own appetite, the souls of her victims. Any being who takes a killing blow from her will, upon their death, have their soul peel away before it is pulled into her, an effect which enacts itself passively. Her flesh cannot heal as living flesh would so the only means of undoing harm rendered upon her is to consume a soul which restores the state of her body to a more intact form. On top of this her strength grows with each soul consumed, the amount of strength gained proportionate to the relative power of the victim. Should she advance to her later stages she'll gain abilities relative to her existence as a spirit possessing a body such as floating and telekinesis limited to her belongings, especially the anchor.
Due to the nature of the power animating her any remaining magic derived from the gods of light and life will naturally react negatively when exposed to her dark essence. Necromancy however is especially effective on her given her undead state. This can be either a boon or a curse depending on the whims of the necromancer.
Short Backstory:
Since her reanimation from the day she crawled out from the sunken ruins of the forgotten one's temple she only remembers walking, dragging her anchor behind her along the unfathomably deep trenches of the ocean floor. She wandered lost for thousands of years. Her memory of this postmortem is largely a haze, the only memories coming through clear being of those from before her death.
When she finally found her way to the surface the fishing village she happened upon at the beach were quite frightened of her. They had little means of fighting her off but she seemed to have no interest in attacking them in the very least. Quite the opposite really, they were the first people she had seen in so long she was fascinated by them. She hung around, slowly learning their language. She always was something of a slow learner but she had all the time in the world. She even learned how to fish, even if she had little use for fish herself. The villagers certainly appreciated her catches though.
This period of peace was interrupted however when the Kingdom of Zorelle caught word that she was occupying this village. They held little love for those they believed to come from across the gates and she was no different in their eyes. They sent in their men to try and banish her away but were largely met with their death and destruction since Gangraena actually enjoys fighting and never tires of it.
For months the fighting continued, always dispatching the bands of warriors they sent her way. She'd slay them and then take pieces off their gear to add to her own, eventually become the walking piecemeal collage of metal most who are unfortunate to cross her path now see. Still, she was always happy to meet new people. If they wanted to fight then she was happy to do that too.
Wandering the land she had overheard the rumors of there being a land of outsiders, people from strange far off realms having come together to live under one banner. Always keen to find and make new friends she set into the outskirts on her own accord, fighting off whatever dangers accost her as she treks her way across these lands.
-Making new friends. -Fighting. -Cute things. -Doing anything that doesn't involve walking along the bottom of the ocean for thousands of years.
-Boredom. -Walking along the bottom of the ocean for thousands of years. -The magic of gods who oppose her unknown patron. -Things that are anathema to the order she was raised under.
Fun Facts/Trivia:
- She doesn't know what exactly she is or why she was brought back. - She was raised to be a paladin of the order of the sun. - She doesn't know that she eats the souls of her victims. It just looks like steam that rises off the bodies of those she's slain and breaths into her.
- Her anchor. Despite the endless years of rust the old makeshift weapon's thickness had ensured it's survival so far. It may be pocked and riddled with old barnacle shells but it still holds up to both the rigors of travel and the trials of combat. The chain attached to it's ring is a recent addition, the original one having broken apart deep below the waves quite a while ago.
- Her armor. A collection of borrowed pieces from foes she has slain. Some parts are even segments of armor that have been strapped or crudely nailed onto preexisting articles. She tends to show preference towards heavier, more protective gear.
Here is my character. Apologies for the delay in posting her here. My cold's hit me hard so I've largely just been bouncing from periods of sleep and lethargy.
Hopefully she's acceptable. I'd be happy to discuss any of her details, both those mentioned and those left intentionally obscure such as her past or the true nature of the forgotten one.
@Tati teh Pteri - My apologies for the delays in getting my CS up. I've had a cold lately and work hasn't let up much before now. Since I have a couple days free this week I should have a CS up by this evening or early tomorrow morning at the latest.