Avatar of Achronum


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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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James Kingston

Location: The Warehouse (K9-> L5)
Skills: N/A

James nodded at Blink’s response. It was true that running downstairs would take extra time and if the driver said no, James wasn’t about to argue. And as if some twist of fate wanted to drive the point home, three guards walked in. James was lucky enough to catch their attention.

He considered his options carefully and decided distracting was probably the best option. He raised his hands and turned slowly, moving carefully around the table before stopping. He didn’t bother sparing the group a glance, instead concentrating on keeping a conversation.

“Well, fancy meeting you here. Though I suppose it was only a matter of time but still, I feel like you moved way too fast for your normal days. Extra boring shift?” James asked cheerfully, spitting out whatever came to mind. ”Don’t suppose you could look the other way huh? Just need to grab some field poles from downstairs, you know?”


Location: Frost International HQ
Skills: Auditory Hypnosis

Requiem watched Jinx as he stomped into Frost’s HQ. Nothing like boiling anger to make a scene. Requiem counted as the seconds ticked by, watching to see if anyone reacted to Jinx’s presence. A blip form his cellphone interrupted him―not that he saw anything anyway―and he hummed non committedly. He stayed there a few more moments before making his way across the street, considering how they wanted to handle this.

Security would likely log their entrance, considering they didn’t have an appointment, and whoever wanted to keep this under wraps would probably be monitoring this. They could announce themselves, see if anything pings in the system or if any of security follows up with a third party, and follow that line. Or they could get in without a ping and keep their investigation focused on the floor that held the lost project.

Requiem entered the building and he deliberately slowled himself, counting a second or two between the click of his cane as he looked around the lobby. He noted the entrance and stepped up next to Jinx, settling his hand on the small of the disaster’s back and pressing light, guiding him towards the security desk.

“You know you can’t run ahead of me like that darling. I can’t walk for very long before I get tired. Requiem let fond exasperation color his voice as he spoke to Jinx, turning to the security officers. “Spouses. What do you do with them? Can’t live with them, can’t live without them but I wouldn’t have it any other way. He said with a chuckle. “We have some business to attend to in the building. It shouldn’t be a problem to let us pass without any issues.

The guard gave Requiem an unimpressed look which he returned with a calm smile though it twitched a moment when Jinx caught him with a light nudge of the shoulder. “Really, it shouldn't be a problem to let us pass." He kept himself calm and collected outwardly even though it was quite annoying that even with the disaster's assistance, the guard proved resistant to his methods, instead pulling out the pass Shaw had provided them with.
@Vexxed Vex Hi there!! We're always welcoming new players! Just send me a PM if you have an questions.
James Kingston

Location: The Quinjet - Sydney, Australia
Skills: N/A

James sighed as he hung up, powering the phone down and slipping into his pocket. This complicated things but the second they decided to wing it, the Hulk was practically a guarantee. Now they just had to run some sort of damage control since he was headed for them rather than some place in the city. This is why working a plan is always better than winging it. He eyed Lance thoughtfully.

“Anyone know the vertical jump capacity of the Hulk? IF we can make sure he takes the Quinjet down just the right way, maybe we can force him to kill his son here and cripple the Jekyll. Make it easier for the next team.” James mused. “Unless Lance here knows how to calm the beast. There has to be a way that Banner kept the Hulk under control for the past decade and maybe Lance is the key.”


Health: 2700/2700
Mana: 3550/3550(+450)

Willow squinted against the harsh lightning, striking moments after her passive cleared the shadows from her vision. Willow was exhausted, sore, and, now, shivering. She grumbled at the absurdity of the transition. Why couldn’t they have a moment to recover, to look around and find their group? Especially with the Friends List glitch. Sadistic game devs.

Willow checked the message River sent out with a huff. She had been planning to check out the Verdant. She didn’t know what kind of shelter it was but at least it sounded pleasant but River made a point. Not too many would make the trip that far at this time and in this weather. It didn’t matter too much anyways. She needed time to decompress and analyze. That fight was brutal and the Players’ coordination was a disaster.

Willow hurried off into the night, vision unimpaired by the lack of light. She needed to get a list of concerns together for Karuu to present at the next meeting of the guilds, maybe do a little painting before then. It would be nice. From what details she could make out, the place seemed covered in plants. A nice landscape fo here would be relaxing tomorrow and then she could poke around about getting Runechanter unlocked.

Willow paused for a moment. Well, maybe focus on buying the rest of the Body list first and then Runechanter. She shook her head and continued on. So much t do, so little time. Getting out of the rain should be her first priority.


  • Night Vision Triggers
  • Heads to the Tipsy Troodon

Everything went still. Spells and actions still triggered across the field, fewer and fewer and fewer, until finally everyone came to the realization the nightmare was over. There was stillness for a few moments before the next cacophony exploded―a sigh of relief, a chorus of screamings, and the ramblings of the confused as people counted their friends among the living and the dead. Some were hysterical, others grateful, and others openly wept as their rewards tab opened but their Friends List thinned, reinforcing their new reality.

The battlefield fell silent as a new light commanded attention, pulsing from a door dominating the skyline. Ornate designs swirled along its wooden surface, golden foliage and silver insects shifted and flowed over crumbling ruins. A winged lancer gazed down upon the world depicted and spears of gold spun around her. Armano swept through the players, an irritable healer following him as his health ticked upwards, and took a moment to look at the door. He scanned the players nearby and, with a resolute nod, knocked lightly on the door. The sound boomed like a gong across the world.

The winged figurer drove her lance down the middle of the door and a line of brilliant light followed her, spreading outwards until the door shattered and an open portal to the next level remained. Lightning flashed and thunder crashed through the opening. The brief flashes of light revealed a muddy road, lined with greenery covered buildings and dark figures rushing between them. Little more could be made out in the dark of the thunder storm.

As the portal opened fully, a series of pop ups appeared in front of every player in the room.

Foglands Unlocked. Reliquia Map Unlocked.

Severe Weather Alert. 
Find Shelter Immediately.
Inns Available: River Run Inn, The Verdant, The Tipsy Troodon

The portal stretched, growing until the battlefield vanished and the players stood in the pouring rain. The wind howled and tore at the players, carrying the harsh scent of salt, and hundreds of little dings resonnated under the storm, the Chilled status debuff suddenly in effect. Lightning slammed into the mud next to them, the sudden flash of heat sending scattering. Players bolted towards the listed Inns, both the Verdant and River Run nearby while it seemed The Tipsy Troodon was a bit of a walk down the road.

Dracion paced between the students, looking them over with a critical eye and more than a few huffs. A mage in purple robes interrupted for a brief moment, Dracion accepting a package from her with a gruff thanks, but his attention turned quickly back to his students. He only spared a few glances towards the more experienced ones; Ser Lucan Bordeleaux ran that session and the vampire had lived through more conflict that Dracion ever could. He wasn’t really needed there but he still had the Academy safety standards to upkeep. A single incident could become a political nightmare for the Princess and it wouldn’t be his head on the block if he could help it.
James Kingston

Location: The Warehouse Computer (K9)
Skills: N/A

“Perfect Jack. And that’s exactly what I need Casper, thanks.” James glanced at the two for half a second just to confirm, eyes darting back to the screen as he pulled up the manifest. He felt some tension drain out of him, the familiarity of the location far more his speed than purifiers and guns and telepaths. A search bar popped up and he muttered “Cha-ching! under his breath as he quickly searched for his list.

Two generators, one on this floor and one on the second. That eliminated half the list right off the bat. No need for alternators, volt regulators, or field poles even though they had them. Well, maybe they would want them for spare parts or fix up the other two generators as spares. He'd run that by Blink in a moment. But for now, where were those…

“Sunshine, you remember that favor you mentioned you owed me? I’d call us even if you left Max alone and stayed on task until we leave.” James called over his shoulder, finishing his search with another cha-ching. “Max, grab a big-ish box so we can toss parts in it. Jack, we got wire strippers and regulators on top of the furthest shelves. Casper, Sunshine there is a generator in the middle by the wall on my side. Grab that would you please?” James looked up at Blink.

“Got some options for you. We have the generators to replace your so we don’t need a good chunk of my list. The next generator is on floor two but the rest of the pieces to repair your current ones are in the basement and we have to go up to floor three for the heat shrink. Otherwise we may as well keep you in the dark.” James explained to her. “The choice you have is do we get all the parts so I repair the old ones as back up or do we take the quick route? Your people, your call.”


Location: The Luxury -> Across from Frost HQ
Skills: N/A

Requiem stopped at the waterfront parking lot, already sweating more than he cared. He pulled out his handkerchief to dab at the moisture on his brow, lip curling in disdain. They had a few options but walking wasn’t one he was interested in. He tapped his cane quietly as he considered his options. His limp made approaching the building on foot obvious and anyone left there to monitor the situation would be alerted far too quickly. The metro offered the same issue with the additional irritation of being packed like sardines. Both options included his limp and he sighed. And uber was a wild card, with how prevalent the purifier ideology was these days.

But that offered an interesting opportunity. If he arrived a few moments before Jinx, he could observe for a while as Jinx began the investigation and see who, if anyone, reacted. A physical asset would be much easier to influence than anything. He flipped out his phone, ordered his uber, and turned to Jinx.

“Your natural chattering is about to prove useful. Once I enter the car, walk to Frost’s headquarters and begin searching the floor. Check security feeds if there are any and the holding facility for the prototype.” Requiem paused as his phone chimed, announcing the ubers arrival. “I will join you in a little. Make sure you cause your normal ruckus in there without contaminating the scene.” He stepped into the Uber and nodded at Jinx before he drove off.

He stayed quiet during the drive, twisting the rings on his fingers as the city slipped by. There was still so much to do but a seat on the inner council would open doors he still struggled to access. The influence and power he would have access to would let him cast his web as far as he wanted and then would slowly start dragging them in, all those ugly seats under his control. Mutants wouldn’t hide then, would fear for their lives and those they loved. He pressed a soft kiss to each as the Uber slowed and he stepped out on the other side of the road from the facility, waiting for Jinx to make his entrance.
James Kingston

Location: Banner Residence -> The Quinjet
Skills: N/A

James nearly clicked his tongue in irritation but kept his composure. He had an open line and the woman was just casually speaking. Why not mention where they planned to move his son and his human distraction too? Maybe they could hire one of those skywriting planes and write their holding area’s address on it too. James did send Agent Darkholme a glare once her back turned but he refocused quickly. He had little to no time until Banner shut down any chance of discussion… Well, maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Twist it as an overreaction to a simple home invasion and blame the lack of additional oversight. Then, they’d at least have additional funding for the project.

But that wasn’t the job. And to do it, he needed Banner reasonable. The only way to do that was walking up the ramp right now.

“One moment Dr. Banner” James walked out the house, walking as quickly as he could to catch up with the Banner child as he entered the ship. “I have Lance right here, Dr. Banner. Lance would love to discuss the details of a meeting once you agree to it.” James stopped next to the boy, waiting until the Doctor agreed before passing the phone over. James pulled his weapon out, ready to fire on Lance in case he tried something or it messed up. One could only expect so much from an inhuman after all.
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