“I finally got out from under my brother’s thumb! I got transferred and now I get to travel like I wanted!” Kajin explained, beaming all the while. The lalafell practically vibrated with excitement. “So as soon as I could, I answered the call from an FC asking for members. Turns out, some rat cheated them out of their housing deed by posing as a flame sargent. Some hyur guy with two scars on his face and we got a tip an estate sale was going on here so we popped by to see if this was it. The woman that runs it recognized some of the stuff being sold here so we have a good chance this is our guy. So I thought to ask the foremost expert on the bazaar and here you are! Happen to know anything about this?”
Kajin’s head snapped up as Ja familiar voice carried across the crowd, clear even to the lalafell barely brushing hip height of the crowd. If looks could kill, J’thora would have died on the spot as Kajin’s gaze found him. What was that twelves damned Mi’quote thinking? What if he scared off whoever was selling the damn thing and they couldn’t bring them to justice? It was quite possible the auctioneer had nothing to do with this entire situation and sending a bazaar’s woth of people panicking would only make this more difficult. Especially for the crushable lalafells!
“Oh! How rude of me!” Kajin snapped his fingers, suddenly remembering his manners. Introductions were in order. “Kikipu, this is E-Siri, a Padjal of Gridanna. He’s helping out as well on this!” He blinked at the other lalafell peeking out from behind the Padjal. He recognized him from the carriage ride but he had no idea who this other one was. “And this is another prospective member of the FC but I have not had the opportunity to get to know him yet.”