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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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“I finally got out from under my brother’s thumb! I got transferred and now I get to travel like I wanted!” Kajin explained, beaming all the while. The lalafell practically vibrated with excitement. “So as soon as I could, I answered the call from an FC asking for members. Turns out, some rat cheated them out of their housing deed by posing as a flame sargent. Some hyur guy with two scars on his face and we got a tip an estate sale was going on here so we popped by to see if this was it. The woman that runs it recognized some of the stuff being sold here so we have a good chance this is our guy. So I thought to ask the foremost expert on the bazaar and here you are! Happen to know anything about this?”

Kajin’s head snapped up as Ja familiar voice carried across the crowd, clear even to the lalafell barely brushing hip height of the crowd. If looks could kill, J’thora would have died on the spot as Kajin’s gaze found him. What was that twelves damned Mi’quote thinking? What if he scared off whoever was selling the damn thing and they couldn’t bring them to justice? It was quite possible the auctioneer had nothing to do with this entire situation and sending a bazaar’s woth of people panicking would only make this more difficult. Especially for the crushable lalafells!

“Oh! How rude of me!” Kajin snapped his fingers, suddenly remembering his manners. Introductions were in order. “Kikipu, this is E-Siri, a Padjal of Gridanna. He’s helping out as well on this!” He blinked at the other lalafell peeking out from behind the Padjal. He recognized him from the carriage ride but he had no idea who this other one was. “And this is another prospective member of the FC but I have not had the opportunity to get to know him yet.”
James Kingston

Location: the LeBeau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: N/A

Relief washed over James as Casper spoke and he slung an arm around the man’s shoulders, leaning past him to steal a sip of his drink. So four familiar things now. Thank fucking God. “Thanks Max. Let everyone know how awful I am here.” He punched him lightly in the arm, embarrassed at the truth. “We’re here for Rogue and Gambit primarily. I’m not sure if the others know other people who are here but outside of you guys, I don’t really know who else we can snag. We should probably be quick though. The resistance may have started a small scale war on the lawn of the palace and its likely they’re working to hunt us down as we speak. It was amusing watching the Hulk toss Magneto around like a ragdoll. Should have recorded it.” James clicked his tongue in disappointment.

James did take a few moments to stare a Jack, confused but not judging. He definitely didn’t have room to judge after suggesting they use the Hulk to slaughter a city just to burn his bridges with his allies. However, he was also fully aware how his boyfriend enjoyed messing with people and blowing things out of proportion so he did take it with a grain of salt. “I’m going to hope that you didn’t steal her and you just adopted her or something. Do you know her from our reality at all?”

Willow waved at everyone as they showed up, sighing in tandem as Holly posed her idea about Prome. Yes, he probably should be on a leash. She’d have a conversation about responding to messages when they got back from their excursion and she hunted the Tinker down again. She rolled her eyes and put the thought out of her mind. They were about to go kill something, she should be excited, not irritated with members.

“Yes he did but we can deal with that when we get back. We have more interesting things to do right now!” Willow said firmly. “For the Welkin quest, apparently the best thing to do is nuke it down as fast as we can because they will vomit on us and that’ll make everyone welkin around start attacking whoever was the target of the ability. So when we get to that point, hit them with everything you got. I know they’re only trash monsters but we still don’t know what kind of power they’re at right now, so make sure to pay attention to telegraphs and err on the side of caution when we engage.”

“Now, I’m not sure what chitters are but that one can trigger almost as soon as we leave town so be on the lookout for Chitters as well. Everyone ready to kick some virtual ass?” Willow asked, ready to get her magic into something.

“Welcome Paladin. The call of the Goddess Morrigan has brought you to our doorstep and we will not see you falter now. Ser Wilka does but take brief respite inside the Sanctuary of Three. Seek her out and your quest shall be granted. For the Glory!” the Purifier slammed his fist to his chest in salute after giving directions.

Inside the Sanctuary of Three, a few rows of pews faced a small altar that held a large chalice, a knife, and a book. Tapestries similar to the banner outside hung from the walls but that was all. The Sanctuary itself was rather small and cramped, illuminated by torch light and what sunlight came in through the open doorway. The room was clearly never meant to hold more than storage but Ser Wilka, the Battle Cleric Trainer, sat in the front row with her head bowed and breathing deeply.

“Oh, ho ho! Hear about my little experiment did you?” Alfor chuckled sheepishly. “Tis true, I am developing a steam engine but my last try experienced a little hiccup. Blew the whole damn thing to smithereens. So while yes I am indeed doing that, I have to rebuild my prototype. Although ...” Alfor gave him a thoughtful look. “If you agreed to help me gather the materials, then perhaps I could share the blueprints so you can incorporate it into your own designs?”

Quest: The Little Engine that Could
Assist Alfor in developing the Steam Engine.
Bring him 10 Cedarwood, 10 Steel, 2 Rubies.

Rewards: XP, Blueprints

James Kingston

Location: The Mutant Underground
Skills: N/A

“Sounds like a plan.” James used the socially appropriate acknowledgement of his assignment to mentally separate himself from the awkward situation he’d inadvertently created. He should probably be a little more clear moving forward. He hadn’t meant permanently, he just meant today or tomorrow so they could actually have that date but apparently he’d made it sound like Casper should just stay here even though the guy already said he wasn’t comfortable doing that. Damn it. Shooting himself in the foot from the get go.

“I’m sorry for pushing. I’ll shut up about it.” James apologized. He wanted to continue but his attention snapped around to Sunshine when she mentioned the Walking Disaster. He was 100% sure she meant Max and while yes, he was indeed a walking disaster, it wouldn’t help the situation any for her to rub his face in it. He needed to learn how to handle his abilities and reminding him that he had what seemed like zero control over incredibly dangerous powers was likely to do more harm than good in the long run. He knew she was lashing out more than she had because the place she finally found for herself was taken from her but he still had to stamp down a buzz of irritation and fight the urge to argue with her. So instead he made his way over to Max with a quick “I’ll be right back” to the table and clapped him on the shoulder with a smile.

“Good luck out there. Just remember no fire on the ceilings and you’ll be set.” James teased, clapping him on the shoulder one more time. It was a thing his own dad did when James was nervous. Clap on the shoulder, a weird remark to distract him, and another one just to seal the deal. How effective it would be coming from him rather than his dad, who the fuck knows, but Max could use all the good luck rituals he could get.


Location: The Hellfire Club
Skills: N/A

Ms. Reinhardt earned an amused glance from Requiem as she went on with her shpiel. Alder to his Sherlock. It would probably be a cold day in hell when he respected her as the pinnacle of the female population but today proved she was at the very least amusing. He did respect her but like he told Jinx the other night, she would suffer the same flaws of her mentor if she wasn’t careful. But the conversation steered towards the inevitable conflict and Requiem barely suppressed a sigh.

It was always the person who ordered the investigation. These power players were all the same: injecting themselves into investigations to make themselves seem above it all or to have a hand in it because they were bored. He should have refused Shaw at the start or the very least told him to his face it was him. Maybe he could have avoided this entire mess. There are far more important things to do than indulge in the childish whims of these bickering infants. He leveled a flat look at the group.

“Since I am loyal to the organization and not its leaders, I’ll stand with the side still standing at the end of it all. In the meantime, I’ll excuse myself. I have other affairs to handle and bloodshed on the high was not on my list today. I’ll return with all haste when you contact me.” Requiem bowed to the room and turned to leave. He still had a computer to locate and getting a private detective under his thrall would be a good first starting point. Maybe he could condition a few of them and get a team started to handle the security breach while the rest of the club enjoyed their royal rumble.

Interacting with:@Obscene Symphony

“I wouldn’t want to ruin the spirit of the Masquerade. Miss works just fine.” The woman chuckled. So the rumors were true. The little princess let her flock play with the common rabble.. How fun would it be if she took the boy? Maybe she wouldn't even drink him. She could commission an obsidian collar under the table and keep him as a little pet to flaunt in front of the brat when she finished breaking her. What an interesting idea. She tucked that neatly in the back of her head.

“Why don’t we dance? I’d love to hear about how you’re acclimating to life outside the castle. I can’t possibly begin to imagine the culture shock.” She finished her wine, dropping the glass off on ne of the many Noila servants in the place and held her hand out for him to take. The offer was less a request and more a demand.

Interacting with @WeepingLiberty

“Quite the mask you have there.” A mage, soft voiced and his face flushed with alcohol, approached Amaris with a crooked smile. Hesitation lingered in his movements, likely a result of liquid courage granting him a brief respite from habitual shyness. The boy wore a dark purple tuxedo, the purple swirling flower designs set on a black background, and a silver masquerade mask with similar purple vine designs dancing across it. He startled as if he had been distracted and bowed, with all the awkwardness of someone raised outside of high society. “May I uh, may I have the next dance, please?”

Interacting with: @Scribe of Thoth

Outside, the campus was just as loud but more jarringly so. Where inside the noise was a soft mixture of voices and the orchestra, outside the noise was exuberant shouts, carnival music, and all the other cacophony such an event invited. The line into the ballroom had all but vanished, now leaving a few lingering groups outside taking a moment of fresh air before returning to dance more. A few however, we muttering quietly among themselves and money and bottles were being exchanged just out of sight of the guards.

James Kingston

Location: the LeBeau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: N/A

James took in the crowd, ready to disappear among it to find their marks. James, and the others, defected and were very likely high on the list of interest right now. Anything to make him stand out less would help his sense of unease immensely. His current plan would be to slip into the crowd, find their marks, and report their locations and activities so they could possibly do everything at the same time and then get out just as quickly. The less time out in the open, the happier James would be. Of course, the second he caught sight of his boyfriend waving his arms at him, that entire plan went right into a dumpster fire and he zipped right over to the brothers. He knew he had another goofy smile on his face but frankly, fuck everyone else. It’d been a bad… life and here was something good right in front of him.

It took him approximately .0003 seconds to crash into Casper, hugging him fiercely before he realized what he was doing and tensed. Was he still allowed to do this? Did Casper still want them together? His boyfriend could be a little flippant sometimes so maybe his message yesterday was just meant to get across he remembered who James was to him before? There was a lot he probably should have considered before just kinda jumping into this. James pulled back, clearly reluctant, and gave his boyfriend a nervous look. “Uh, I probably should have asked if that was still a thing I can do. I would like it to be a thing I can do but a lot of shit happened I guess? Like I didn’t even remember anything until yesterday after a witch tried to kill me after I shot her and she cut off my hand and pulled me into another dimension I think and then suddenly everything came back and it’s been a very hectic few days? But uh, I don’t know anything about you in this world so I don’t know if you’re with someone else or if you even still like me or if you’re upset with me which would totally be 100% fine because I definitely deserve it for apparently not being here. Honestly, I’m just confused about everything here.” James was rambling nervously but cut himself off and waved awkwardly at Jack. “Uh, hi Jack. Didn’t mean to ignore you. And is Ben still around? Cause hi if you are, sorry you’re still dead.”
James Kingston

Location: The Mutant Underground
Skills: N/A

“God, couldn’t agree more with you.” James chuckled, beaming since his comment didn’t set anything off and Casper seemed to appreciate the gesture. He sipped at his own, instinctively making a face at it but scolded himself internally. This place was clearly not well funded and they had just been brutally attacked. This was something he would have to get accustomed too. He was just thankful they had something to hold back the eventual caffeine headache that would probably kick his ass up and down the curb later. He did turn his attention back to Veil for a few moments however.

“I’ll go with anyone. I’m pretty good at staying out of sight; people tend to look right over me. I can help scout out but I’m more than happy to head to the bar if you expect anyone to be critically injured. I can help in a pinch if you need it.” James offered, though he did turn back to Casper. “Are you going to head out now that you’ve rested? I know you mentioned you didn’t seem comfortable with the idea of hanging around here the other day. Not that I’m shooing you away. In fact, I might, maybe would like you to stay because maybe I could keep my promise from the other night and go out once the dust has settled?” James asked hopefully, not really sure what tonight would entail if things got messy with the bar but he really did hope he could do something semi-normal just to take his mind off the whirlwind of crazy that had happened.


Location: The Hellfire Club
Skills: N/A

“If you wished for someone to solve your problem in less than 48 hours, you requested the wrong person, Mr. Shaw. You should be fully aware of my background and methods and thus my penchant for meticulousness. ” Requiem stated bluntly but sighed as he took off his glasses, tucking them neatly into his jacket. If Shaw wanted a scapegoat, then so be it. Requiem had things to share and none of them were going to be to the man’s liking. “However, if you care to hear my preliminary findings in front of two of the three people you believe may be culprits, I would be more than pleased to oblige. I emphasize that these are in no way my final conclusions so any of you may feel free to continue enjoying your little game. I only beg your patience during my discussion.” He adjusted the grip on his cane as he planted it in front of him as he addressed the table.

“As you are all aware, Mr. Shaw misplaced his prototype Sentinel some days ago. Despite the urgency of the matter, Mr. Shaw contacted Jinx and myself to investigate the missing prototype the afternoon before yesterday. When we went to investigate where the Sentinel was being held as per Mr. Shaw’s suggestion, Ms. Frost intercepted us and escorted us downstairs where we discovered scratch marks along the floor and video footage showing Ms. Frost and Mr. Shaw engaged in intense physical intimacy, Ms. Payge entered with the triplets and made a phone call, and Mr. Lensherr and Mystique use the medical facilities before the footage ended for an hour time period. Requiem tapped softly on his cane as his eyes flickered between the three, meeting Ms. Frost’s gaze, clearly amused with her interest in his discussion. Anastasia’s presence and her little slip up last night made him far more confident in his theory than he had been last night. “Looking at the footage alone, it creates quite a convoluted picture. We see Ms. Frost and Mr. Shaw using the room for private pleasure early on, entirely devoted to their pursuits and seemingly unconnected. We see Ms. Payge testing equipment and on the phone, perhaps revealing information on the function of the Sentinel. Finally, Mr. Lensherr and Mystique access the facility and then leave right before the footage ends. From that viewpoint, it seems they scouted the room to confirm no one was present before absconding with the prototype. If we only used this, and what physical evidence we found in the room, it would point to a connection between Ms. Payge and Mr. Lensherr as the likely culprits. Ms. Frost displayed a degree of irritation beyond what Jinx’s behavior encouraged. It supported the initial assumption that she was relatively removed from the situation, outside of the fact her lapse in security is what caused the technology to go missing.” He smiled pleasantly at her before continuing on.

“But I couldn’t shake the nagging suspicion that it wasn’t quite true. So I continued to ponder the idea overnight. And when I appeared at our Headquarters the next night, I concluded I was correct not to throw out Ms.Frost after all. Ms. Reinhardt had been placed on the investigation. An interesting development since one of those you believed possibly responsible for suddenly inserted someone into the process. Then while someone interested in seeing you Mr. Shaw attempted to allow others to infiltrate our headquarters, Ms. Frost suffered an unfortunate head injury while she was busy infiltrating my mind despite the more logical option being simply to verbally communicate to me while in her defensible form. An odd thing coming from someone so calculating. So what does that mean?” Requiem frowned in mock consideration. “Previously I had managed to subject her to my own abilities, albeit it accidentally, and simple pride is the only reason I can imagine she made such a costly mistake. After all, I doubt we would have lost our asset if she had still been standing. Which brings me to conclude that her indisputably advanced logical capacities are easily swayed with strong emotional spikes. Such as in the throes of passion.” He made a pointed look at Shaw and Frost.

“In conclusion, I currently believe Mr. Lensherr is the only one can be considered absolved at this point. Ms. Payge is a wild card, with little time to observe or interact with her, and Ms. Frost and you, Mr. Shaw, are the primary suspects of my investigation.”

The Masquerade ballroom was situated a little further from the rest of them, built closer to the cliff than the rest. The entire room sparkled, several layered crystal chandeliers suspended from thin, magically enhanced glass archways that spanned the room. The room teemed with masked people and music floated down from the full orchestra playing upstairs. The center of the ballroom was a whirl of dancing while the edges were much more calm. The various paintings of alumni and previous professors framed artfully between the marble pillars boasted various tables of food and non-alcoholic beverages with the exception of wine. Noila dressed mages handed out glasses of the Noilan vintages, a dry red, a sweet white, and a rosé settling somewhere decidedly in the middle. The mages only allowed each guest two glasses and marked the back of their hands with a special rune that would only wear off once the sun rose.

Little tables peppered the balcony across from the orchestra, giving Revel goers a chance to sit down and relax for a few minutes. The noise was magically muted, still present but significantly calmer than downstairs. Waiters with frosted pitchers offered water regularly to mortals taking advantage of the respite. A few vampires also relaxed upstairs, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they watched their mages enjoy themselves down below with a mixture of fondness and apprehension.

The third body of the night hit the ground, tucked away behind a dark building. Given it’s location and the short line of masked mortals lining the opposite side of the building, it was likely a ballroom. It had been a risky meal. One false move, even a muffled shout, could have ruined her game but that was the thrill of it. Killing sheep right under the flock’s nose. She wiped away the last fleck of blood at the corner of her mouth and sauntered her way around the building. She adjusted her mask and sauntered past the line, whispering softly in one of the guards admitting people, who only nodded and let her pass. Silly, silly princess. Such exploitable security procedures.

The room was a pleasant one. Clearly no expense was spared for its construction and the vampiress decided to up thrill a little. She’d take something sweet from here. A young little thing, just recently awoken. The last one left an odd taste in her mouth and she could use a refreshing drink. She took to the dance floor easily, catching a mage clearly holding themselves back as the eargerly hovered on the edge of the dance floor. The vampiress lead the pair in a fast paced waltz that had them spinning circles around most of the other dancers. The girl the vampiress managed to catch was a third year, not quite what she wanted, but she had fun with it, purposely baiting the vampire drilling holes in her from upstairs. Ah, young obsession.

But she let the girl go after the first dance and left to pick up a glass of red while it was available. The dryness was a welcome reprieve from the lingering aftertaste of her last meal and she sipped at the drink slowly, enjoying the menagerie.

Aster Damien Luxiel

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Aster rolled his eyes at Theresa’s lukewarm response. Why was that the comparison? She chose literally the lowest bar next to Uggs―the appropriate reaction is clearly defined by the brand name and he will fight anyone who tries to tell him otherwise―and claims its better. Which is technically true but so is anything from the garbage so she doesn’t have to try really. He goes to say as such but the horn sounded and he groaned. Really? Right after he sat down to eat?

“It means monsters sauntering a little too close for comfort.” Aster sighed, staring longingly at his food but pushing it away and standing back up with a little extra flair. “They won’t make it through though so don’t stress about it. However, my curiosity is more than a little piqued. Gunna pop on over and see what all the commonition is about. Never know what is going to happen.” He wanted gossip material and a horn was definitely prime material. He wasn’t going to miss out on this for anything. He blew a kiss towards Moana and Aurthur and positively skipped out of the dining pavilion.
James Kingston

Location: Human Resistance HQ, New York, New York
Skills: N/A

James stepped through the portal with no small amount of trepidation. The warning from Strange played over in his head. Or risk the extinction of the mutant race. Apparently no matter how things went, mutants were fucked all around. Abducted and turned into drugged up puppets or the possibility of extinction. What the hell are with these choices? Couldn’t the universe cut them some slack? For once, could the repercussions just be they maintain the status quo? Apparently that was way too much to ask for.

“Well, let’s see if we can’t find Casper and Jack. They might be able to help us hunt down the rest of the group.” Did he have ulterior motives for wanting to find the first, yes. Was he about to tell this group of people he was adamantly against literally 24 hours ago? Absolutely not. He did however pull out his phone on the off chance, because Casper never answered his phone and especially not when you actually needed him to, Casper would be playing with his phone and not drinking while begging Ben to help him cheat at Back Jack or something. Which would probably be incredibly lucrative for awhile. Maybe he could convince him to do that in the other reality. Scamming rich people of their money must be a better hobby than basically everything else he does when he’s overwhelmed. He paused before he actually hit send and deleted the message. It’d be more fun to sneak up on him, if Ben didn’t rat him out first.
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