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So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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Danny Kingston

Location: Dorm Hallway
Skills: Pyrokinesis

Leah started booking it, walking with all the determination Danni knew she had. “Maybe if t'is super'ero stuff doesn't work out, I can be a motivational speaker.” Danni mused, skipping along with Leah. He got Leah over her fear of making plans, maybe he could get others over their fears! He really should write that down but if superheroics didn't work out, Danni would probably eat himself into a coma and die of dehydration from crying.

However, his grim future was interrupted by Princess and he frowned at the thought of Diana of all people alone in their dorms. Like, they didn't really get along so was she trying to prank them? All he did was offer to light her arrows up, but he didn't actually do it when she said not to (which he should get a gold star for impulse control, thank you very much!) So he didn't know what she was getting revenge for.

Still, not like they really had anything to hide but they'd have to make sure everything was as it should be. Dee once threatened to swap all his hair product with generic 5 in 1 garbage after he'd deleted one of Dee's save files by accident and Danni had checked everything obsessively for weeks. Danni didn't think Diana would, but who knew what nefarious things someone sneaking into another person's Dorm would do. What is she changed out his hair dye?

He was halfway through a response, tongue stuck out as he focused on typing and walking behind Leah, when several things happened very quickly. Firstly, his phone buzzed. Secondly, he bit his tongue and tossed his phone in surprise. Finally, he felt fire boiling under his skin and in the brief moment where he was scrambling for his phone, cursing the sudden taste of copper, and reeling over Dee’s text, he slipped up and fire erupted from him in the dorm hallway.

“Merde! Danni swore, jumping approximately fifteen feet in the air as the floor and the wall next to him was suddenly burning. He stared down the hall where Dee stood with Percy's arm wrapped around his waist and honestly, Danni felt…


For the second time in as many weeks, Danni felt his life burning to the ground. Yes, some of it was certainly the fact that Danni had set the dorms on fire and was currently standing next to it, but mostly it was because once again, Danni'd lost something. Dee and Danni had been two halves on the same coin, attached at the hip, sharing everything together. They shared parents (Maxie and Benji were basically his parents too), friends, clothes, games, food. Literally their entire life. And now there was something Danni couldn't share, didn't want to share, and he felt replaced. Dee found someone who could do more with him, do something Danni wouldn't, and Danni felt like he’d be seeing Percy next to Dee more often and he’d be left alone.

He reached out to grab the flames, but he froze. The hunger in the fire, the glass case pressing in, Arcade’s laughter creeping up on him, and he couldn’t bring himself to do anything. What would happen if it got worse? What happened if he did burn everything down again, just like home?

“Help.” Danni whimpered, trembling where he was frozen in fear.

Bounties of Space

Location: Kol'Kill,Titan

Danni sauntered up to the bar, sliding into the seat at the nearest end. He grimaced at the stickiness, but wasn't about to complain when Haxxal was in earshot and Danni was in mug throwing distance. He waited impatiently for Sandix to finish with their current customer.

It felt like forever before Sandix finally slithered their lizard butt over to him. “Sandix, my favorite bartender t'is side of Titan. ‘ow's business, ‘ow's t’e partner, ‘ow's t'e bed?” Danni wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, cackling at the flat glare it earned him. “Just a joke, just a joke, chiiiiiiill. I know it's all great. Never a bad time wit’ a ‘unk like ‘axxal over t'ere. Whoa, whoa whoa wait, sorry, sorry! Danni hit the bar hard, Haxxal's tankard hitting the wall where his head was just seconds ago. He used the upset to slip the holopad into Sandix's apron, praying the lizard didn’t stab him in the face, but all he got was another flat stare.

Seriously, how did you read a reptile?

Although there was a brief pause in conversations to see if a fight would break out over Danni’s ancts, Haxxal didn’t move from their spot and everyone moved on. The performer stepped off the stage, another small band taking her place, and she found the other empty table, a few over from the group's, and was quick to hail down a drink herself.

“Aaaaanyways, you know, just lookin’ for a little top off ‘ere.” Danni popped his flask on the counter. “And t'ree drinks for us at t'at table and whatever is quickest and easiest ta eat! We'll take t'e credits for t'ose rats ta T'e Triumverates!”

“Demanding little weasel.” Sandix rasped, already mixing neon green and sickly yellow liquids together.

“But your favorite little weasel, right?” Danni laughed, taking a quick swing of his flask before Sandix took it. He send a sideways look at the other guy sitting at the bar and after decing they were well into their cups, leaned in a little and lowered his voice. “T'ough, real question. T'e ‘aggar ‘it, ‘ow do our friends down under feel about t'at?”

“No official word but I'd say violent.” Sandix replied coolly. Danni nodded and grabbed the drinks they slammed in front of him and Danni beat a hasty retreat.

“So, good news, bad news, real bad news.” Danni announced, placing their drinks on the table and sliding into the open seat. “Good news, we'll ‘ave some more credits soon! Bad news, I t'ink ‘axxal wants ta kill me or ‘ate fuck me, but t'ats still not good. Real bad news,” Danni leaned in to the trio. “T'e Val'shan are not ‘appy ‘bout t'is bounty btw. Sendix said t'ey felt violent.”

Meanwhile, Dorian and April would see for just a moment, a strange electric flicker near the ceiling and that same metal pyramidal shape April saw earlier appear briefly.

Location: Outside -> Mad's dorm
Skills: N/A

“An open invitation ta bot'er you? T'e world must be endin’!” Danni gasped, fanning his face. “Doncha worry too much. I'll only abuse it a little bit. Can't keep me away once you open t'e door t'ough so look out!” Danni laughed as they settled in the dirt, spreading out and watching Leah fiddle with her little stones.

“‘onestly, I'm not sure why deat’ is such a big deal for people. It's not like it's t'e end, ya know? Benji was a ghost for… over a decade, maybe? But t'en Papa, Pops, and Maxie regenerated ‘is corpse and body slammed ‘im back in and now we're a big ‘appy family. It's not like it ‘as ta be permanent. Or ya can just vibe a a cool ghosty.” Danni scrambled to sit up as the sunflower grew, eyes wide as saucers. He looked between Leah and the plant a few times before gently brushing his fingers across the petals. His chest felt heavy looking at the flower.

“Tellement joli. Je suis un peu jaloux.” Danni whispered before he beamed at Leah. “T'ats so cool! I t'ought you only did stuff wit’ rocks, t'ough. You ‘oldin’ back ta keep t'e ot'er teams from knowin’ all your tricks? But ya said you don't care, so why would ya ‘ide stuff if ya didn't care? Or maybe you said t'at so t'at nobody would t'ink ta look further past what ya told everyone! No, no you're confused ‘bout t'is too so I guess you really didn't, don't care about it. Yeesh, t'e team is not gunna like t'at. Do you really only care ‘bout t'e contest for Princess and Beanie? Not ‘bout showin’ t'e world ‘ow great ya are?”

”Slow down like, a lot for a second, damn.” Leah stared at the flower and then at her runes. ”Agatha gave me these the day before she packed up. Haven’t had many chances to think about them, and I barely understand how they work.” I’m barely understanding a few things.

”I looked stuff up on my phone over the break. Can’t really get them to do much, and usually when I do, they don’t do anything for a long while after. I didn’t know that would work.”

“Oh, Aggie gave t'em ta you! She musta known ya ‘ad at least a little spark of magic in ya. Makes sense, makes sense.” Danni nodded thoughtfully. “T'en t'ey probably ‘ave a long cooldown ‘cause you aren't trained in magic. ‘Ave you talked ta Mads? She ‘elped me wit’ my dragon egg from Aggie and knows a whole ton ‘bout magic! She'll get ya all started up!” Danni offered.

”I told her, yeah. But everyone else is busy too. Including her..”

“Pssssh, nah we'll grab ‘er right after we all talk ‘bout t'e teams ‘cause she won't ‘ave any plans yet. I gotcha, no worries! We'll go on a little library adventure together today.” Danni decided. “So ‘ow you plannin’ ta talk ta Princess and Beaniab'bout not carin’ ‘bout t'e contest? Bot’ of t'em are pretty intense abou’bout it ya know.”

”If they’re doing it, I’m doing it,” Leah answered. ”That simple. I’ve given it everything I’ve got so far, it’s no big deal to keep doing that.”

“Oooookay! T'at sounds good!” Danni said after a long pause. He popped to his feet again, dusting himself off. “Well, ya wanna go grab Mads? Idk if Vicky's comin’ out right away ‘cause Couls asked ‘er ta stay behind but we don’t wanna get left out of discussions and if we box ‘er in right off t'e bat, we got ‘er all ta ourselves!”

”Sure, I guess. If she’s not busy.”

Danni stared at Leah like she'd grown a third head. “Okay, okay. What is wit’ t'is…” Danni waved all of Leah. “I don't know ‘ow ta put t'is but like, smallness? Timidness? T'at t'in’ you do when ot'er people ‘ave ta be involved in stuff. It feels like you're trying not ta take up space or somet'in’. T'is whole “if she's not busy” stuff is wierd AF. So sure, let's say she is busy when we got find ‘er. Are you just gunna leave?”

”Leave and do what?” She asked. "People have stuff to do, Danni. I mean, shit, it’s not that important.”

“Leah, you know like you can make plans for the future right? Like, let's say Mads ‘as a super awesome magic ritual t'in'y she ‘as ta do. People, and you are included in t'at, can t'en ask if she ‘as some time tomorrow or like, set a date and time ta meet up about it, but it kinda sounds like you don't do that? Like if someone is busy, t’ats all t’ere is ta it.” Danni put out there. “Like yeah physically, you're big and strong and stuff. But like, you kinda seem ta go outta your way ta be smaller t’an t’at? You know people will make time for your interests right? Like, people enjoy your presence and are ‘appy ta do stuff wit’ you if you ask. You know t’at, right?”

Well, that felt fucking weird to hear.

”It’s not that important,” She said, again. ”I’ll ask.” She didn’t see what the big deal was. Leah and Madalyne didn’t talk much, she had other shit to do besides being around Leah. But… Okay.

Another long pause.“Oooookay, we'll we're gunna go ask right now!” Danni went to lock arms with Leah, like he did with any of gaining friends, and found her already a solid step away. “No touchy, gotcha, gotcha. Just follow me t'en!”

”Yeah. Sure. And don’t do that again.”

Danny Kingston

Location: Headmaster's Office
Skills: N/A

“Wait, are we all skippin’ over Zeld's ventriloquism act ‘ere or am I ‘allucinatin’? I really t'in’ t'at's not somet'in’ we should just ignore?” Danni waved at the corner where her voice came from. “Did ya just not wanna show up but sent like, a super tiny mic and/or camera combo ‘ere? T'ats's kinda rude. ‘Ow am I supposed ta give ya your friendship bracelet? I'll come bot'er you at your dorm wit’ it t'en!” He gave Zelda's tiny camera a thumbs up.

“But yeah, like tots babe! We can chat later. I need all t'e deets!” Danni nodded at Mads just as Leah blew up. Talk about needing therapy, sheesh! “If we wanna delay t'e whole team decidin’ t'in’, we can but Imma fight ta t'e death for Princess, Dee, and me on one ‘cause it's everyt’in’ we've been dreamin’ about for two years now and we don't get ta dangle t'at out in front of my face and t'en snatch it away wit'out me screamin’ and kickin’. Just fair warnin’!” Danni blew Beanie a kiss and whirled on the newest person to join, Zari.

“Just our bonding bracelets! ‘Ere I ‘ave one for you and one for Mr. Eyeball. You know for t'e whole we survived a supervillian t’in’.” Danni found himself quickly corrected, t’at they did apparently die but they still lived and then they were put in water for too long? Yeah, it made you look wrinkly but what did pruney skin have to do with time travel?

“Yeesh, y'all are real serious about t'is. Can't we like, eat candy and roll in t'e grass and ‘ave fun and just be glad we're alive? Oh, Couls I didn't make you a bracelet but you weren't t'ere so should I not make you one? But I kinda want ta, you know? I t'ink I will so email, text, or send a wierd letter on school paper tellin’ me what color ya want. I get a sunflower vibe from you.” Danni peered at Coulson hard before shrugging. “But yeah, I'm wit’ Princess ‘ere. We talk ta t'e shrink-and man, are t'ey gunna regret askin’ me ta talk. T'ey're gunna charge t'e school ta shut me up once I'm done wit’ t'em, ha!-we celebrate we ‘ave a chance ta keep rockin’ ‘ow great we are, and we fuckin’ slay t'e championship so everyone sees villians ain't got not'in’ on us. Now, y'all ‘it me up when we wanna talk teams. Leah left wit'out ‘er bracelet!” Danni paused, grabbing Vicky's bracelet off the ground and popped it on her shoulder.

“Sooooorry, you’re stuck wit’ me! I'm non-refundable! And t’at goes for all of you!” Danni cackled and bolted after Leah. “Leaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Wait up! You forgot your bracelet!” Danni jogged after her, popping up next to her.

“Special delivery for one rocky woman!” Danni proudly held out the bracelet. “Man, I t'ink ya ‘ave me beat on dramatic exits for t'e week. You can't keep t'e tiara from me for long, but I'll let ya keep it for now. What's up wit’ t'at t'ough? Ya left before t'ey even talk ‘bout how we actually got pruney in t'e tanks, we didn't come out flawless Like I remembered, and apparently everyone went fuckin’ wild over it? And like, I know I care ‘bout my looks but a little pruniness after serving a serial killer? Not worth complainin’ ‘bout in my book. I know ya don't really like me much, but ya can go off wit’ me sis. Let some of t'at pressure out!”

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