Ability Scores
Melee 1 | Agility 0 | Resilience 2 | Vigilance 3 | Ego 2 | Logic 2 |
Defense Scores
Melee 11 | Agility 10 | Resilience 12 | Vigilance 13 | Ego 12 | Logic 12 |
Melee d6 x 2 + 1 | Agility d6 x 2 | Ego d6 x 2 + 2 | Logic d6 x 2 + 2 |
Extra Info
Rank 2 | Health (30 x Resilience) 60 | Focus (30 x Vigilence) 90 | Karma 2 | Damage Reduction N/A |
Full Name: Dorian Stephen Gray
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 17
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 170lbs
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brunette
Distinguishing Features: Left Ear Pierced
Origin: Mutant
Team: Excelsior
Base: Avengers Academy
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Hobbies: Gaming, Foodie, Traveling, Pranking
HistoryLife wasn't exactly normal for Dorian, especially towards the beginning. It's hard to recall his earliest memories, but if he thinks hard on them he always remembers a silhouetted man holding him and singing to him as an odd colored light surrounded them both. Later on in his years Dorian would learn that those earliest memories were of Max, his dad, using his magic to make his way home after grueling missions just to be able to put him to bed and say goodnight. While Max was away on missions his Appa, Ben, would always make sure to stay as present within his life as possible. The house they lived in was always warm and lively, and Appa made sure that Dorian felt as though he belonged.
Appa, ofcourse, was the stricter of the two. Always trying to teach him life lessons while his Dad simply wanted to have fun and enjoy what little time he had with his kid. At an early age Appa tried getting him to play a sport, to be normal whatever that meant. He rolled his eyes at the idea of football, didn't much care for track, tennis, or even soccer. But if he had to pick one he'd settled for baseball. The uniforms were cute enough, and it didn't involve as much running. So he was fine with it. The real joy came from seeing his parents' face light up everytime he hit the field. Win or lose they always supported him.
Years would pass and he lived next door to the Kingston's, knowing them as his second family and viewing Danni as his own brother. When he reached 7 years of age, Dorian was invited to come back with his Dad to Xavier's School. Ben wasn't exactly fond of the idea. No, to say that would be a massive understatement. The night the idea was brought up, Dorian was supposed to be asleep in his room. But as kids tended to do, he wasn't where he was supposed to be. He snuck out of his room, wanting to see if he could sleep with his dads, but as he rounded the corner towards their room he heard yelling. Muffled by the thick wooden doors of their home, but it was clear the subject matter was him and the school. Tears welled in his eyes as he quickly and quietly made his way back towards his room.
He had no powers to speak of and his Dad was still busy with the X-Men, but here he could learn, start school, and be closer to Max. Ben and Uncle Casper, had told him stories of this place, of his father Xavier and how horrible the man was. Dorian wasn't sure what to do. The following weeks were quiet in the household, facades placed before him as they pretended to be fine. Finally he spoke up. He wanted to be at Xaviers. He's spent so much time around other normal kids, he wanted to be around mutants for a change, even if the idea scared him a little.
When they arrived Dorian clung to his dad's pant leg as he entered, prompting Max to pick him up and carry him on his shoulders as they made their way through the expanse of a mansion.
It was different for Dorian, children and mutants running all around him and learning to control their powers while he was merely here to learn the basics. It was about this time that Dorian had begun to romanticize heroism and sword fighting. He waited for the day that they would visit the Kingston's each week, the adults getting together to talk about whatever it was they spoke of and him and Danni could sit in front of the television and watch their weekly show of She-Ra. It lit a fire in him and made him understand why his father did what he did even if it was with the X-Men. To be a hero, to save the world, and to know that even they have flaws and can be anyone, it spoke to Dorian in a way that he hardly understood. How any ordinary person could be a hero. So he studied the sword, he mimicked fighting techniques off the show, and most importantly he had his best friend and brother alongside him to fight crime with. It was just like the theme song said 'with mighty sword and flame we'll never fail you when you call our name.'
That was when another one of Appas life lessons came in. One day, after years at the academy, he had decided to take him somewhere private. Somewhere personal to him. It was his very own grave. There was a bit of heaviness to Dorian's chest, the idea that he was staring at the grave of his own Appa who stood right beside him. He wanted him to promise that he would be careful, to be safe. He needed to see just how dangerous being a hero truly was. And while Dorian had agreed to it, he didn't fully understand at that age, nor does he now. After all, Appa died before the Mutant Circuit, before his family was capable of bringing others back to life. To him, much like any other kid his age, he was invincible. But he'd never tell his parents that.
Dorian learned, and grew, spending most of his time at Xavier's and until he hit the age of 13. Life got a little weird there, he developed powers, found out he had the x-gene, and scared the crap out of his parents. That was the first time that Max had taken him and Ben to an old library, asked Doctor Strange and Wong for access to books on Astral Projection, and spent a majority of his time learning and teaching Dorian about his powers, the dangers, and ways to control them. Strange was...well strange. It was like Dorian's father was a different person around him, and it showed him a new side of his father he never got to see. But his childhood wasn't all study and practice, there were days, sometimes weeks, that Max would have off and even if he looked tired he would always come with a surprise. Family trips to Disney with the Mutant Underground, and those his father had met along the way of his life, impromptu vacations to Italy, Spain, Rome and more even as James protested.
Dorian was never a kid with wants. When your father has the power of magic, and can take you across the planet in less than a second of time then the world is quite literally your oyster. He always loved the trips with just the three of them, four if they could convince the Kingston's to allow Danni to come with. Dorian had heard tales of Max's...mishaps in his younger years, but that seemed so far ago and it always made him chuckle to see them all flustered with his dad's random worldwide trips. Sometimes they would just pop in with me, barely tell Uncle James, leave with Danni, then return less than a minute later having asked us to get the most touristy clothes we could find while gone. When we'd pop back to the Kingston's place we'd have large sunglasses, a splotch of sunscreen on our nose, and bright noisy clothes, it was one of the times Dorian could hear his father just laugh at the chaos and look on their faces. Sadly those Vacations would have to wait till summer once he turned 14, but it was a happy kind of sad.
Though Dorian couldn't see his family as often, he still had Danni. They got accepted to Avengers Academy (AA if you were one of the cool kids) and it was everything that they had worked for. Dee and Danni taking on the world and becoming heroes! There were...a few incidents where dad had to come in. Apparently the school didn't like it when someone possessed the lockers doors and flung them all open to scare other students. Or when someone snuck out of their room because it was too quiet. Really most of Dorians pranks were frowned upon, but someone had to livin' up the place, and a few of those pranks were just great pogger moments. Now its Junior year and its time to see what more they could learn about heroism and combat!
PersonalityDorian tries to be the life of the party. Alongside his best friend Danni, he never wants to let a moment die, trying to keep up the momentum and live life to the fullest. Ofcourse, all of that is pretty easy when your father has the ability to create things on a whim and your uncles command death and life respectively. Dorians never needed to consider any consequences because as far as he has been concerned there never were any. It's this sort of mindset that has lead to his more reckless behavior and allowed him to become quite the devious Prankster. After all within his first year at AA, Dorian spent a massive amount of time out in the field. Not caring for the physical education portion of his lectures, he decided to toss bird feed into the field and blow a whistle every day to call upon some pigeons. After a months of preparation when it came to the annual track meet, the coach blew the whistle only to have an insurmountable amount of pigeons flock down towards the fields and create utter chaos.
Dorian isn't all pranks and chaos however. He cares deeply for his friends and would do anything he can to help them. After all if he's learned anything from bith TV and real life, it's that the bonds you form along the way are what end up mattering the most in the end. He values loyalty and comradery amongst all else, and believes that friends shouldn't keep things from each other because it's the easiest way to allow a wedge to tear them apart. Though he's very doubtful that anything could ever tear him and his bestie apart.
Traits- Signature Attack (Disrupt Person) - Dorian makes this attack with an edge.
- Surprising Power (Possession) - Dorian ignores rank and origins when selecting this power.
- Signature Attack (Possession) - Dorian makes this attack with an edge.
Tags- Heroic
- Hounded
- Mentor (Ser Nemo)
- Obligation (School)
- Signature Weapon (Sword?)
- Sorcerous
- X-Gene
- Young
- Phase Self: Dorian can become as intangible as a ghost.
- Prerequisites: None
- Action: Standard
- Duration: Concentration
- Effect: Dorian and his clothing become intangible and can move through anything as if it wasn't there. Nothing can physically affect him, nor can he affect anything that is not phasing with him.
- Phase Walk: Dorian can walk on air.
- Prerequisites: Phase Self, Rank 2
- Duration: Concentration
- Focus: 5
- Effect: When phasing, Dorian can move in any direction and through anything a their run speed, as can anyone or anything phasing along with him.
- Quick Phase: Dorian can become as intangible as a ghost in an instant.
- Prerequisites: Phase Self, Rank 2
- Action: Reaction
- Trigger: The character is attacked.
- cost: 5 focus
- Duration: Concentration
- Effect: The character and their clothing instantly become intangible.
- Partial Phase: Dorian can me a portion of himself tangible or intangible.
- Prerequisites: Phase Self, Rank 2
- Action: Standard
- Duration: Concentration
- Cost: 5 Focus
- Effect: Dorian can make any portion of his body and clothing tangible or intangible.
- Disrupt Person: Dorian can hurt someone with his phasing powers.
- Prerequisites: Phase Self, Rank 3
- Action: Standard
- Duration: instant
- Cost: 10 Focus
- Effect: Dorian makes a close attack. On a success, the attack does normal damage, ignoring any Health Damage Reduction. On a Fantastic Success, the attack deals double damage, ignoring any Health Damage Reduction and the target is stunned for one round.
- Disrupt Electronics: Dorian can scramble electronics by moving through them.
- Prerequisites: Phase Self, Rank 2
- Action: Standard
- Duration: instant
- Cost: 5 Focus
- Effect: Dorian can scramble electronics when he moves through them while phasing, causing them to shut down or crash. In the case of Tech Reliant powers, they are unusable for one round while they reboot.
Magic (Demonic Set):
- Possession: Dorian takes over someone else's body.
- Homebrewed Power , Changed Agility defense to a contested check.
- Prerequisites: Cursed, Rank 5.
- Action: Standard
- Duration: Concentration
- Cost: 20 Focus
- Effect: On the first possession attempt, Dorian makes an Ego check with trouble against an Ego check of the target with trouble. On a success, Dorian takes over the the target's body completely. On a failure, further attempts of possession do not give the target trouble.
Dorian's Ego Defense is the target number for any checks to end the possession.
If Dorian attempts to harm someone with the possessed body, the target gets to make an Ego check to end the possession. If the target has the Heroic tag, they gain an edge.
If Dorian attempts to harm the possessed body, the target gets an edge on the check. If they have the Heroic tag, they get a double edge.
- Telekinetic Manipulation: Dorian can handle physical things with his mind.
- Prerequisites: None
- Action: Standard
- Duration: Concentration
- range: Varies
- Effect: Dorian can manipulate objects in line of sight with his mind. His maximum range is 5 spaces x rank. If someone would prevent Dorian from taking control of an object, Dorian makes a Logic check against their Agility defense.
- Telekinetic Attack: Dorian can punch or choke somebody with his mind.
- Prerequisites: Telekinetic Manipulation, Rank 2
- Action: Standard
- Duration: Concentration
- Range: Varies
- Cost: 5 focus
- Effect: Dorian makes a Logic attack against the Melee defense of a target within 5 spaces times rank. If is is a success, it inflicts regular damage. On a Fantastic Success, the damage is doubled instead, and the target is stunned for one round.