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@rezay Hell yeah, fam! Love me some deep lore! Only thing I would have poked at here would be the equipment list for the militia, but you've already outlined so many issues with defunct weapons and ammo shortages that I'mma let it slide. :D Very, very tasty and all amazing in my book! Great read!
@Dark Cloud Is inbred ogre meat too low even for an inbred ogre? :
@Dark Cloud It's the 0th post, which is really just to set the stage. I'd say you have achieved that with Papa's little stroll and allusions to a future project to build a wall. :D Whatever more you'd like to add is for you to decide - the goal is to write stories you can be proud of and have a mighty giggle at.
@Dog Sheet looks good overall, but I would like to challenge you a bit on something: How has the MDR developed over the course of the decades or perhaps centuries since the end times? Has anything changed from the nuke days of Lespia or has it remained firmly under the (perhaps hereditary, cronyist) rule of the socialists? Is it still a socialist state or has it reverted into something more primitive to better manage the smaller population of survivors?

Also, I would like you to choose one of the following bonuses based on your background: either Metro Dweller, which gives default access to the Cave Biome, which is something no other humans have, or I can give you Rigid Administration, which grants a bonus to food and infrastructure improval actions, but reduces research action success.
Gooooooooooooooood morning, sunshine! Forgib my absence for large parts of this discussion - Yurop time is a hell of a drug.

I realise I may have been too hasty in my kick-off of the RP and left out some deets - please forgib that, too. I will do my best to answer your questions as well as explain a little how this RP is gonna kick off.

In regards to turn time span (@rezay): Yes, that would be a good way of seeing it, but it may depend on the action. For example: The RNJ decide to take two actions in a given turn, let's say a C) Improve infrastructure and a A) Improve food. In the post, the C action is explained as building a road and the A action is explained as tilling additional fields. The time passed for that turn would follow whichever action took the longest. However, for big projects (in a Ruin biome, this could be restoring a megacity block which can house many thousands of people), the C (or potentially X) Other) action to Improve infrastructure will take several turns, in which case the framing of the project IC will decide the time frame - to keep players in a fairly similar time bracket, though, such project should take several turns, at least pre-tech. In all fairness, though, it is less the nature of the action itself and more how you frame it in your writing that decides time: I can totally accept a road being constructed in a day if the IC post frames it as being of obscenely poor quality and hardly more than a line on the ground, but a properly cobbled (or later asphalted) road will take weeks or maybe months. I do not wish to constrain or elongate the feel of passing time, so I will do my best to respect the paces of each player.

On the number of actions per turn:

The number of actions one does isn't decided so much by the time they take as by the way they are framed for me to use, if you will - the meatier the descriptions of the actions and their consequences on the population and the surroundings, the better. Let's take a long example: If RNJ or characters on behalf of it decide to do three actions in a turn - let's say A) Pick apples, B) Make some scrap metal spears, and E) Go exploring - I would probably let that pass - probably. Any number above two gets iffy, as Actions represent centralised decisions that may impact the whole colony in both spending, work force usage and resource management.

However, the more actions taken during a single turn, the higher the chance that one or more of these would fail, and this is where framing comes in. Simply saying that Group of Hunters 1 goes to pick apples, makes some spears and then goes exploring, gives me as a GM quite a limited toolkit to decide what happens, so I will tend to answer in the turn summary post with somewhat harsh consequences of the actions, usually being something like "due to the hastiness of the hunters, as they had much to do that day, some of the apples they picked turned out to be coated with irradiated dust, giving a child in the village severe radiation poisoning after eating one" or "as they had been picking apples all day, they were much too tired to explore for long, making the trip pretty much a waste". Players who already take these factors into account and play with them on their own, though, have likely thought of the issues I would think of, so I only have good stuff left for them in store, if that makes sense. Unless the action critically fails, I will plant some goods in there to make sure the characters undergoing the action won't utterly suffer.

Very long answer, I know. Please keep asking if there is anything I failed to explain properly.

On multiple factions:
For sure! You can change the name of your colony at any time and break it up whenever you like. While this makes for dope stories, however, I must confess I am unsure as to how this would impact actions. Actions, as mentioned above, represents centralised decisions from the (village) top that use the population to enact projects for the good (or detriment) of the colony as a whole. Therefore, I may ask that you only play one of the split actions; we'll see how it turns out, though! I may let you write for all of them, but only do the actions for the main faction, if that makes sense.

On stats (@ClocktowerEchos, @rezay, @Dark Cloud)
It is currently turn 0, so you pretty much just post to get a feel of your colony, your characters and the world around. Turn 1 will start when everyone has posted their 0th and the turn marker will look like this. Here, I will provide all your stats. They are based on race, race modifiers, history and starting biome and biomes surrounding the starting biome. For now, it's nothing to worry about, though. :D Turn 0 has no actions, anyway, so go nuts with setting up plotlines and characters you wanna write, preferably taking place right after the foundation of Highwarren, for example.

On the change from RNJ to NJ @rezay
Gotchu, gotchu. That seems like a sensible change to me! The explanation in the story section is awesome and makes perfect use of the setting. All good in my book.

@rezay About time passed per turn - it varies! Generally, each turn represents an action, so however long that action takes decides turn time.

@Dark Cloud See the comment in the other thread in regards to pop number. :D It won't be over 500, I can say that much.
@Dark Cloud Dw, fam, I'mma fill out that based on your backstory and 0th turn post. Considering you're a) playing ogres and b) playing inbred ogres, it won't be super high. :P

Also, is the IC post done? You sure don't want it a little meatier?
@rezay The "Oopsie" in the character tab works just fine. No worries!

As for the first post, you're spot on! Considering the content of your post, I will kick your sheet off with a population of 400 to start off with. Does that sound alright?
@ClocktowerEchos Looks dope as all hell, fam! Consider your sheet accepted! I'mma update the map.

@rezay whole map is about the size of Spain :D
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