Ninke watched as her new squad slowly assembled before her, some relaxed and others standing at bolt right attention. A couple faces she knew, and less that she knew well, but all the same this was her squad. She was certainly happy the Cadian officer was apart of her platoon. She looked at her with a nod and a smile at her comment.
"No, I hauve not been given a banner yet... but, I'm sure D company vill get one soon enogh!", she replied enthusiastically.
She turned back to the squad standong before her, and cleared her throat. "I am your new sergeant, Ninke Ingran. You will address me as Sir., Sergeant or Sergeant Ingran, anything else is a sign of insubordination that will not be taken lightly. In a mere few eeks time, for us at least, we will arrive at our new combat zone. Once there, we will be relying on each-other to survive. Meaning all of us are going to be relying on one another. Friendly fire or any other lesser sort of discord amongst the squad vill not be tolerated do I make myself clear?"", she stared at no one in particular, looking across the whole group. Friendly fire in general was a problem with abhumans and she had two in her squad now.
"Now, get to know everyone. We will be going into hell once again very soon.", luckily it seemed the... beastman had already begun the bonding process with his question on kills... Ninke decided to answer as well.
"Vell, my greatest kill came with the final line at the Cathedral on Vernum. I was in the Medical area. as I had already lost my left arm by thees point, so I vas there... but I couldn't stand to wait in there while everyone elze fought... I could still hold a laspistol at least. I made my way out of the area, and towards the line. I ran into Commissar Jarack, possibly thee last officer of the Hirisit. W were about to make our way out together when... a shell expolded the wall knocking me to the ground. When I got up, Jarrack had a massive spike ouf shrapnel in his chest. As his last act he handed me his plasma pistol, before expireing.", Ninke paused, her eyes taking on a long look as she remembered the day once more before continuing.
"But... I had only one arm, I would run out of ammo almost immediately! I couldn't load the cartridges oonder fire... at least not normally. So, I came up vith a way I could", she gestured to the webbing of burn scars all across her lower face, thickest just around her lips and spreading outwardsm some reaching her neck at the lowest and the top of her nose at the highest.
"I placed the three or so extra cartridges in my mouth, I would load them when the previous one ran out vith my mouth. That handled I made my way to the line. The part I vas at had taken an artillery shell to its barricade, a massive hole in it. I, and several other Guard who had followed me to the line sidled up vith the units already their and got to verk. It was desperate, at first I used cover and such but it vas clear zee orks ver going to break through... von man ran, a Tusheina lizard... if he vas seen... I stood an put a round in his back before stepping into zee breach. I fired as quickly as I could, kept alive by mine and the other guardsemens actions. Ve did not break. Then there vas... a massive ork, as tall as nearly three men! He cut his vay through, and charged me. I unloaded my entire plasma cartridge into his head. Even still, he nearly killed me, taking ouf most ouf my lower leg and my foot vith his chainaxe. But, his brains were sludge, and afterwards ve held zat line...", she sighed and her thoughts drifted to Belgond for a few moments... before she shook that free and looked back to her squad.
"Zat vas my greatest Ork kill"
In the weeks leading up to the next combat actions Ninke trained hard to be ready to lead her squad into battle, tripling her normal regimen. Now, as the men loaded into the Chimera, she felt ready. But, she was unsettled that they knew nothing of what they were about to face...
She made her way to the front as the boarding ramp closed and stuck her head into the drivers room, "Ve are yours now Bertold, get us there in one piece yes?", she took her seat next to the Angelika... and prayed quietly.