Avatar of Alfhedil


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7 yrs ago
Current This is why you shouldn't use an actual toaster to host a website.
7 yrs ago
[@Dnafein] Because people are salty about didney and have forgotten about the prequels.
7 yrs ago
*angry moth sounds*
7 yrs ago
Joke's on you Dagoth-Ur, I brought eighty bottles of sujamma.
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7 yrs ago


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@ihinka That's why I said something more lowkey would work a lot better. I'm actually in favor of some small sects of witches out there who are devout Christians, doing what they do best and making their own sect that accepts witchcraft lol. Though really think it's a little more unlikely for Catholics and the branches from Roman Catholicism, as they've been a fair bit more "killmaimburn" than Orthodoxy in comparison lol. Probably why Genevieve as American Orthodox has such a passive view on the supernatural in general as a hunter :v
@CrystalApple The druid should be fine, though I find the other supernatural entities a bit questionable. While I don't personally mind things like fae and such in small amounts, I don't think the setting was constructed with the intention of having such entities. Maybe Lion will feel differently on it, but I'm unsure on the addition.
@CrystalApple I was thinking something a little more lowkey like they believed saints and such were persons of magical importance, not that they outright were xD Can't really sign off on something quite as big as that, especially the whole running the Vatican thing. Maybe something a little more smaller in scale could work though.
@CrystalApple What kind of church are we talking? Is it like some kind of religion based in magic, or an existing religion repurposed by your witch to allow other witches to practice their beliefs without persecution?

I ask because I was actually thinking of looking at the Hunters and religion for the RP a little bit, since Genevieve is fairly religious herself :v
@Monacho I assume you've already done so, but may be beneficial to have a look at the current resident hunter in Salem if you haven't lol. Not that it matters because of how she gets along with the hunter community, but you know :v
No changes made, just waiting for things to get started again :|

You going to nominate a second co-GM? Might be useful to have a third person with plot-motivation powers hanging around.
Making my presence known, will obviously be using same character as before.
Neat. I was going to ask about non-force users but then I adjusted my glasses and saw the other CS :v
Discord invite expired, how am I supposed to lurk if the invite expired? :v

In all seriousness though, is this a continuation of another RP, or something completely new?
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