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9 mos ago
Current Looking for male partner to do a Assassin/Spy Rp.
1 yr ago
Looking for male partner to rp a Batman Rp.


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Jen stop walking as she felt something on her leg. Aura pulls a skeleton hand off of her trainer and looks around for a ghost type pokemon.
Jen and Aura enter the dark forest they heard trainers got lost if they lose their scenes of their direction.
Jen nods and walks to the Pokémon center with Aura and friends.
Aura Jen’s Lucario is excite by the next gym battle. Jen gives Aura a Metal Munchie aswy blush as she listen to her friends on steel type pokemon.
Jen sense Liam is limited on Pokémon that can battle against Fairytype Pokémon. She is thinking on which pkemon to use in the next gym battle.
“We should stop by the Pokémon center to heal our Pokémon,” Men said as she had her to Tom send the information to Sonia.
Jen sadly no do at what Liam said as she looks at the hole.
“What are Wishing Stars and what they have to do Galar Legands,” Jen ask as she wonders what Beda Kent that Galar was in danger?
Jen walked onto the stage as she notices Allister did not talk much. Jen nods as Allister’s eyes of his mask flickered, “I choose you Mimi.” Jen said as her Galajan Slowpoke came out onto the battlefield. “Yamnask, come out of the shadows and use Hex,” Allister said as Yamnask a powerful attack at Mimi. ok“Mimi, Icy Wind,” Jen said as her Galaian Slowpoke summons a chilly wind at Yamnask. As both Pokémon got hit by each other attack they were bothknocked out. Jen and Allister recalled their pokemon Jen sends out Carkol and Allister sends out Mimikyu.

“Gyro Ball,” Jen said as Coal iron body rush into the shadows. “Shadow claws,” Allister said as Mimikyu hits Coal. Coal grakúnóobs Mimikyu from the shadows and hitting with a iron arm knocking out Mimikyu. Allister recalled Mimikyu and semds out Cursola as Jen switch out Carlos for her Galaian Ponyta. “Al is, Confusion,” Jen said as her Ponyta confuse Cursola. “Hex,” Allister said as Cursola was confused as the attack missed Ponyta. “Psybeam,” Jen said as Ponyta’s horn glowed and a beam at Cursola, it hits Cursola and knocking. It out.

Allister recalled Cursola and sends out Gengar. Jen switches our her Galaian Ponytail for her Lucario. Both trainers Dyno Max their Pokémon back . “Courageous Gas,” Allister as his Gengar surrounds Aura in posionous gas. “Aura Psychic Eye Sore than used Zen head butt,” Aura create a psychic field then will her mind to attack Gengar. After Aura turn back to normal size Jen obtained the Ghost badge.
@Bloodwolf 2

The Lucario flower could be in the poachers secreert base and the ninja can battle Sbiranui after the Ghost gym.
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