Avatar of Alisdragon911


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9 mos ago
Current Looking for male partner to do a Assassin/Spy Rp.
1 yr ago
Looking for male partner to rp a Batman Rp.


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Jen walked out on to the barrlerrtfield and before she could call our her Pokémon Aura her Lucario runs atthe female. They seem to be just running around but Jen could tell the two Lucario was seeing who was stronger. “Focuse Blast,” Jen said as Aura focus her mind on the female Lucario and released her power on the female Lucario. The female Lucario creates a bArrier before jt got shattered by Aura’s Focus Blast. The female Lucario took some damage as assured created a aura whip from the shattered aura barrier and hits Aura hard. Aura took on some damage, the female Lucario send a powerful blast at Aura.

Jen could see some gold sparkles in Aura’s powerful auraa wave against the female Lucario aura attack. Both Lucario were panting hard. The female Lucario told Aura let’s end this battle. Aura told the female Lucario that by gaining your respect is better than winning the battle. The female Lucario bowed as she was not surprised by that replied. Before Jen could give the female Lucario any berries she already left the arena. Jen praised Aura by giving her some berries.
“Yes, we want to help the Pokémon that needs help,” Jen said as Jen and Aura know that everyone have darkness in their hearts but they are not bad person.
“My name is Jen Lkaika and my Lucario Aura,” Jen said ax she and Aura boe back to all the Lucario.
@Bloodwolf 2

Jen could tell they are ready to go and lead them to the Dojo. Jen and Aura sense the powerful aura barrier to keep anyone from entering the cave. Aura is curious to meet Mai’s mate and some of the members of the Lucario trib.
Jen and Aura felt a powerful surge of aura and heard voices of a King Lucario and his mate. “We can’t leave the isle just yet, I just received a message from the Lucario and they invited all of us to their home.” Jen told Liam and Shiranui to her they had to be like a ninja to get to the Luxario’s home.
Jen check on her stuff as she is set for the trip as she is worried anything could happen as she pets Aura.
“We shoulder get going,” Jen said as she guessedSelina will contacted when she had Ukrainian chance.
Jen served Akuma Groot the G Max soup and she ate it.
As Aura is waiting for a ressponse Jen went to find mushroom,s to make G max soup for Akamu Groot her Thwackey.
Aura tried calling out to the other Lucario on the isle.
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