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Current Looking for male partner to do a Assassin/Spy Rp.
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Looking for male partner to rp a Batman Rp.


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Aura hug Shiranui as she joins the group her.
Jen walks to the changing room to put on her uniform, then she walks onto the battlefield as Raion walks onto the battlefield. “The Dragon Master Raion vs the Flower Maiden Jen and begin.” The Ref said as Raion send out Diglett and Flygon and Jen send out Maui the Lyoroc and Mimi the Galar form ofSlowking.”sand storm Diglett and Lightning Punch,” Raion said as Diglett summons a sand storm as Flygon sends a Lightning Punch at Mimi. Mimi quickly, “Maui, Brick Break and Mimi, Hydro Pump.” Maui and Flygon clash with their punches and the Diglett got hit by Mimi’s Hydro Pump knocking the Diglett out.

Raion recalls Diglett and call out Sandaconda, “Flygon use Lightning Punch and Sand sandaconda earth power.” Raion said as Flygon hit Mimi as Mimi tries to hit Sandaconda with a Hydro Pump. Mimi is knocked out and Maui hit Flygon with another Brick Break knocking out Flygon. Raion and Jen recall their Pokémon as Jen call for Aura the Lucario and Raion sends out Duraludon.

They both Dyno max their Pokémon as Sandaconda use sand storm. Aura and Duraludon attack with their attack. Jen could see the aura of Pokémon that could battle. “Maul, Dodge and use Low kick.” Jen said as Lyoroc dodge and kick the Sandaconda that tried to sneak up on him but the Sandaconda was knocked out.

As the sand storm died down the crowd could see the who won the battle. Raion recall his Pokémon as Aura hugs Jen and Maui howl before Raion gives Jen the Dragon badge. She walk to her friends as Maui and aura cheer on their friends.
,I think you should go first Liam,” Jen said as she is thinking the dragon master should go first.
“Ready,” Jen said as she pets Maui.
Jen is ready as Maui and Aura catch up on stuff.
Aura and Jen enter through the portal, “Liam will come back to earth when the battle starts.” Jen said to Shiranui as she went to adjust her team as she did not have much experience with dragon type Pokémon. Jen is on the ground being lick by Maui the Lyoroc.
“Ready to go,” Jen said as Aura nods.
“That sounds like a plan to get the last badge first,” Jen said as she pets Aura.
“I don’t go easy on you Shiranui, her aura is ice blue it meane she is a cold to her bone.” Jen said she did not offend to Aki sister but that what she sense from his sister when they cross paths on the isle of armor.
Jen know she have to have to teach Kalama Kirara some matters. Jen and Aura look at each other. “Is that that the Ninjas have a interest in me,” Jen ask as this is a mistake Jen is a popular name?
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