Avatar of AlmozDrakona


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6 yrs ago
Current First, get your character up a tree, then throw rocks at him, then get him down. Storytelling in a nut shell.


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Me in bullet points..
  • 30 year old female
  • Marine Corps Veteran
  • Infatuated with the medeival times
  • Loves to write
  • Looking for a key group of people with like minds

Vikings, Knights, Dragons, Magic, Lust, Murder, Action, Adventure, War and everything in between.
@Odin Either way, a pleasure to meet you!
@OdinAre you Russian?? :) and I'm good, thank you for asking! I am not fluent, but I know a few things!
Hi everyone, thanks for visiting my post.

I am writing a game script for university (I am a Game Art and Design student) Here is a generic pitch for the game, still need some work.

I have a few scenes that I need to write out in script format - but I need some help with it as far as dialog. I thought, what better way than pull in roleplayers?

Anyways, here are some of the scenes where I need to insert dialog.

Players needed
+1 young boy, +3 men, +1 woman (all veterans or trained in weaponry)
@Sola Thank you, I appreciate that!
Hello everyone, thank you for having me in the group. I haven't actually participated in forum roleplaying since high school but it's something I want to get back into.

A little about me, I am a slightly vulgar Marine veteran. I spent 4 years stationed in Hawaii. I got to see Japan, South Korea, and Thailand as well as Guam and the Marshall Islands. My favorite is by far Thailand.

After the Marine Corps, I started using my GI Bill to go to college. I am a full-time student at The Art Institute of Pittsburgh where I am studying for my Bachelors Degree in Game Art & Design so that in the future I may create the worlds that I have been dreaming of since I was old enough to remember.

Part-time work includes humanitarian missions, delivering food to hungry people who order from pizza hut. However, most of my time and energy goes into my company, Epidemic Apparel, a shirt company for geeks and gamers. And my Twitch channel, almozdrakona! :)

Ope, and I am a female and Russian (not that it matters). A lot of people will call me bro - I don't mind! But just so you know, definitely a woman.
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