Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
5 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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Not saying I'll commit, but I'll be watching this because you know I'm a slut for Fairy Tail.
@Moro Nah it never rained. It's just been really cloudy and, by extension, chilly as fuck. I wish it would rain though. I love when it's rainy and chilly because that means I have an excuse to make bomb ass potato soup.
How's the weather, where you guys live?

Been gloomy all day. Not sure if it's going to rain here or not.

What's everyone thinking about WWIII?

Top 5 favorite movies?

In no particular order because I love them all equally:
  • The Perks of Being A Wallflower
  • Power Rangers (2017)
  • Whiplash
  • Nightcrawler
  • Lion King (the original)

What about you? 👀👀👀
How they manage to do marvel right but star wars wrong is a mystery...

Two words: Kevin Feige
Relations sheets suck

After the Assembly had come and gone, Ricky was left with a sour taste in his mouth that it soon turned into bitter disgust. He sat through the entire thing trying to figure out why this was necessary. Why make a big showing out of it? Why did Henderson feel the need to point out that those who preferred the arts were getting screwed for another year and the jocks were also getting butt-fucked raw because of the lack of funds for new uniforms? Ricky surmised it was to feed the big ego that was compensating for something incredibly less lengthy.

When it was all said and done, after the students were allowed to go back to their devices, Ricky pocketed his into his jacket pocket and carried on as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

God’s honest truth was that Ricky was in a foul mood and this was long before the assembly even began. No, his mood started bright and early thanks in every part to that nose-sticking, rumor-spreading, should-mind-his-own-business Jordan Ross. For whatever reason that Ricky had yet to decide, the way Jordan not only operated but decided it was his mission to make people’s lives a living hell rubbed him the wrong way.

Ricky stared at his class schedule. Seeing which classes he had and how much he had to look forward to, his glance also would be drawn to the parking lot and the road that led towards the exit/entrance of the school. In his mind, he was considering ditching the first day, which was probably a bad idea. Then again, Ricky wasn’t known for any great ideas. No, he could very well yeet out and nobody would even give a damn. He is willing to wager that some parties would actually welcome a Ricky Quinn-free day.

As he would spend the next couple of minutes trying to decide, Ricky took out his phone and saw his twitter feed pop up. The first thing that he saw was Jordan’s tweets. “He really should shut his mouth,” Ricky muttered as he pocketed his phone and decided to see what this day had in store for him. The morning was so chock-full of peachy moments like the ones he had, the afternoon was bound to be quite eventful.

Featuring Jenna, Mikey, Lance, and Ricky

There was a sleepy stillness inside the Moore home in the early hours of the morning, interrupted only by the low humming of the fan blowing marijuana-scented air around the room. Under the galaxy-patterned covers of the full-sized bed, the silhouette of two bodies lying fast asleep could be made out. On the right side of the bed was a long-haired young woman, the dark brown locks all over her face rhythmically rising and falling with her breathing. The sound of an apartment door being unlocked, swinging open and shut closed made her eyes flutter, causing the girl to drift in and out of sleep until eventually transitioning to a wakeful state.

Like most nights of the week, Jenna Moore had been up late, taking advantage of her mother's absence by having a guest stay over. Every time she and Michael Rodriguez hung out together, the promise of a good time was guaranteed. The past night had been no exception. They'd smoked, listened to some music, and ended up tangled between the sheets. Clearly, the exercise had worn Mikey out, because even with Jen making the mattress creak with her actions, the young man was still fast asleep.

“Hey M, wake up,” she whispered in his ear, taking a moment to coax him awake with soft kisses that trailed from his cheek and down to the nape of his neck. “We gotta get you out of here before my mom comes home.”

The only thing Mikey remembers before drifting off to sleep last night was enjoying some good marijuana with Jen, slipping two pills in his mouth and eventually slipping right inside of Jen-- in more ways than just one. It might’ve been a mistake, because he had fallen asleep in her bed-- which wouldn’t have been the first time, but still a mistake because her mother could walk in on them. Mikey had waited long enough to see Jen again after she had been closing down the pizzeria a lot lately, and every single time they did meet up, it was always a good time.

He felt a slight motion in the bed beside him as it caused him to stir, as well. A groan came from him as he adjusted his positioning slightly but then heard Jen’s voice echoed through his ear and felt her lips along the nape of his neck, which sent shivers down his spine and made him turn to face her. His words did not register at first but when they did, he immediately sat up with widened eyes.

❝I thought you were trying to go for a morning round.❞ Mikey spoke softly as he leaned in and kissed Jen’s lips while his hand slithered up her leg to her thigh, where he would gently claw. ❝How long do we have?❞ He asked while his kisses went from her lips to her neck along with a few bites.

She didn't even bother with a verbal response. Instead, she threw herself into the kiss, wrapping her arms around Mikey's lean figure and pulling their bodies closer together. After more than two years since the start of their agreement, it was clear that the raven-haired man knew all the right ways to shift her attention from one thing to another. Whatever intentions Jenna had to let her friend get dressed and usher him out the door vanished the second their lips met, followed by the fucks given about being caught. Right now, all the young woman wanted was to lose herself to the moment and savor Mikey all over her: his hands, his lips, his-


A raspy voice was calling out from outside JK's locked bedroom door, followed by a few loud knocks, the rattling of the doorknob in failed attempts to get inside, and some more knocking. "Jenna? You in here, girl?"

"Shit!" Jenna hissed, pulling away from Mikey and panickedly motioning for him to hide inside her closet. "Yeah!" she called out to her mother while hurriedly pulling on her clothes and rushing to the door.

When Jenna pulled their bodies closer together, he pressed a hand on the small of her back, deepening the kiss in the process. Mikey rolled so that he’s on top of Jenna now, his free hand still clawing along her thigh. He was just about to slip Jenna a little something, something - Well, a big something, something inside again until he heard a voice call from right outside their door. That caused him to seize the kissing, seize everything then go into full panic mode right there along with Jenna.

❝Fuck.❞ He muttered as he scrambled to slip out of the bed and landed on the floor with a thud. ❝Damn.❞ He whispered as his feet ran dainty across the floor so that not too much noise was made and his now half-naked body ran across the room and went inside of Jenna’s closet. There, he sighed heavily and ran his hand over his hair while also clutching a few strands. ‘That was a close one.’ Mikey thought to himself as he couldn’t help but take a peek from her closet to see what was about to transpire.

Once she was sure her unauthorized guest was nestled safely inside her closet, Jenna put up her best poker face, unlocked the door and cracked it open. "Good morning, Mother."

"Morning…" came Karen Moore's raspy reply, suspiciously looking over her daughter's shoulder. "Any particular reason as to why your door was locked, Jenny?" she asked her, carefully scanning the young woman's room with tired, yet sharp green eyes.

"Because I felt like it…? Can't I just have some fucking privacy without having to explain myself? Jesus Christ…" Jenna answered, scoffing and rolling her eyes.

Mikey watched awkwardly in the closet as her mother eyed the room, sort of checking the premises. Maybe it was because of his body thudding against the floor. It was totally his fault that her mother would be suspicious.

Karen's glare shifted from the untidy bedroom and onto Jenna. "Watch it," she growled, pointing a finger at the girl. "Anyway, it's the first day of school, in case you forgot. Do me a favor, will ya? Get your ass ready and not be late. Don't give those dickheads any reason to mess up my sleep and call me down there on the first day for some stupid bullshit like that. Got it?"

Oh, fuck!’ He thought to himself, totally forgetting that it was the first day of school today. Well, at least he and Jenna had one last hurrah before then and he gets to see his boys once again. Not that he hasn’t seen them or had more fun times with Jenna but now, it was all about to be like the old times again.

"Loud and clear," Jen said unenthusiastically with a sigh. "Let me go get ready now." She was about to shut the door again when Karen's foot acted as a stopper, preventing JK from shutting the door. "What?!" she hissed in annoyance, glaring at her mother.

"Next time you want to sneak a guy in here and lie to my fucking face about it, make sure to cover your tracks up better. I have a clear view of his clothes from here," the older woman drawled, nodding in the direction of the pile of men's clothing garments on the side of the bed closest to the door. With one last knowing smirk, Karen winked at her daughter and walked away.

The next words Mikey heard was directed toward him, which made him facepalm himself. He had forgotten that he had taken off his pieces of clothing on the wrong side of the bed. ‘Fuck,’ He thought as he really wanted to punch a wall right now but kept himself contained for the time being.

It was then when silence fell over the room and Mikey froze in place. On the other side of the equation, the stunned Jenna stood just as motionless on the spot as he was. trying to process what had just happened. But when she finally did, she quickly closed and locked her bedroom door again and hurried over to the closet.

"Oh my God…" she muttered, swinging the closet doors open and exposing Mikey. "She fucking knows, man! She fucking caught us!" she repeated, pressing her lips together to fight back the urge to erupt with laughter.

His heart thumped against his chest as it was Jenna swinging the closet doors opened. The look on Jenna’s face made him raise a brow because she didn't look mad or upset, but actually finding the whole thing funny. A little laugh escaped over Mikey’s lips as he walked out of the closet and aside Jenna. ❝Never thought that I’d come out of the closet.❞ Mikey joked as he walked over to sit on the edge of Jenna’s bed after picking up his clothes.

❝So, your mom seems cool.❞ He said with a nod of his head and a laugh as he started to get dressed, as well.

"I guess…" JK shrugged as she rummaged through her closet for an outfit to wear. She quickly settled for a pair of jean shorts, a blue, black and white tie-dyed Harley Davidson T-shirt and her trusty Adidas sneakers. "We don't really talk much, but I like it better this way. Less time for her to be all over my business."

❝Are we picking up the rest of the boys before school?❞ Mikey inquired as he stood up to buckle and zip up his pants but paused, his muscles flexing a little bit.

"Yeah. That's what I texted Lance and Ricky yesterday," she told him, looking around for the backpack she’d tossed somewhere on the last day of junior year nearly three months ago.

❝Or do we have time for a morning quickie?❞ Mikey smirked with his pants unbuckled and unzipped still.

Jenna didn't even bother to verbally reply. Instead, she merely smiled, hooked her thumbs on the belt loops of Mikey's jeans, pulled him on top of her and locked her lips with his.

Half an hour later, the two friends were fully dressed, out of the house and pulling up to the curve of Paulie’s Pizzeria to make their first pickup of the day.

As him and Jenna were driving down the road, the scenery looked all too familiar. Why were they driving towards Paulie’s Pizzeria? It was a question that he wouldn’t dare ask out loud especially with Jenna around. For now, he just enjoyed the drive as they going to retrieve the rest of the South Central Saints members.

As soon as Lance heard the tires crunch the loose gravel of the pizzeria’s parking lot, he glanced up slightly to see who it was that was coming to the closed establishment. Not that he really needed to check, it was just something ingrained in his mind.

“Hey,” he waved lightly, doing a double take at seeing Mikey in the front seat with her. He made sure to keep his right side down and shadowed. The last thing he needed right now was Jenna screeching at him and fussing over his newest battle wound. Besides, the swelling had gone down and he didn’t think it was that bad - not like some of the others he’s received. But that's beside the point.

A large grin spread across his features as he shuffled his large frame into the backseat behind Mikey’s chair, opting to make sure he digs his legs into the fabric to nudge his friend. “Ah, so you go pick up this fucking loser first before me, JK?! How could you,” Lance joked, a laugh on his lips.

“Move your idiot ass down a few houses from me and maybe I’ll consider it,” she quickly quipped back, grinning and shifting in her seat so she could playfully smack Lance but when she saw the bruise on his face, her grin was instantly wiped from her face. “Holy shit, man. What the fuck happened to you?!”

❝Loser?❞ Mikey turned around to face Lance, who was in the backseat, with a smirk as he noticed the shiner on his face. Before he could say anything, Jenna was the first to speak about it. He was pissed, to be honest, and had a hell of a way of showing it.

The look that flashed across his face nearly mirrored the look on hers. “Nothing, jeez. I took a bad fall last night. No big deal.” He was trying to focus on the moving scenery outside the window, hoping that his answer would satiate the driver’s worry.

Jenna immediately scoffed. A bad fall?” she repeated, glaring at her friend. “You’re so full of shit, Lance! A bad fall? Please. A bad fall on your dad’s fist, you mean! Don’t fucking lie to me!”

Mikey eyed Lance in the mirror as he started to speak towards him. ❝Yeah, dude. You can tell us anything. You know that.❞ He muttered in an unusual tone of voice for him.

This is the exact reason he was hoping to skate by without anyone noticing. Specifically her. “Look, guys, it’s nothing alright?” He took a pause to sigh, Lance knew it was a stretch to get her to drop anything. But maybe, just maybe she’d leave it alone this time. “Just drop it, okay?”

The last thing Jenna wanted to do was drop the subject. It wasn’t the first time Lance had shown up with a few shiners on his body. But with one look from Michael, the girl let out an annoyed sigh, shot Lance one last glare before turning back around to drive them to Ricky’s house.

Lance hated the feeling of pushing everyone away, he knew she was only trying to help - in that very JK Moore way of hers - but he didn’t want to involve everyone in his issues. They all had their own, no sense in dumping his on top of it. He opted to stare at his once pristinely white high tops, chiming in on the conversation every other beat.

It wasn’t like they hadn’t seen each other over the summer. In fact, he doubts they all went longer than a week without some sort of visual contact from any of the members of the Saints. It’s just now, the majority of the members were going to be confined within school walls. Safe to say that Rosefell isn’t gonna experience any kind of peace for the rest of the school year.

Mikey pretty much kept quiet about everything as they drove toward Ricky’s house. It was clear that Lance didn’t want to talk about it despite Jenna wanting to talk it about. Mikey was just enjoying the ride, to be honest and didn’t really want any part of it. Lance’s father was going to get his one day and it was going to happen whenever he least expected it. That thought made him chuckle lowly, which ended with him smirking just as they pulled up to Ricky’s home.

Ricky came out with his bag over his right shoulder, wearing his usual getup of a black leather jacket, white T, blue jeans, and worn out, lost-their-color sneakers. He was exhausted, restless, and having slept like shit, in a pissy mood. So naturally, when he saw that Mikey had assumed ownership of the front seat, he rolled his eyes in a response that was reflective over his too-early-for-this-shit annoyance.

He reared around Jenna’s yellow civic. “Move your seat up so I can get in!” He demanded with an attitude.

"Watch it, asshole!" Jenna snapped, shopping Ricky a nasty glare before turning to the other boys. "Lance, go ahead and slide over to this side so Mikey can move his seat and let the princess get in."

“Well you’re a positive ray of bitchshine today.” Ricky rolled his eyes, walking in front of Jenna’s car, flipping her off with a smirk and looked at her through the passenger window. He alternated his gaze between Mikey and Jenna, sensing something in the air but had very interest in exactly what. “You heard her. Move it on up, Mr. Jefferson~” Ricky hand gestured towards Mikey.

Mikey rolled his eyes upward at the display of Ricky. Same shit, different day with him as he eyed him right after his hand gesture. ❝Should make his ass walk. He muttered towards Jenna as he adjusted his seat to move up to allow Ricky to get inside. Once he did, Mikey pulled his seat back and tried his best not to crush Ricky’s knees or legs. ❝Comfortable, asshole?❞ That was directed towards Ricky, obviously and no one else.

Lance rolled his eyes as he tried to shimmy his way to the seat behind the driver. “It’s even more cramped on this side,” he grumbled out loud. Not to mention now Ricky had a clear view of his newest facial addition and figured he wasn’t going to hear the end of it anytime soon between the constant glares from Jen and then Ricky’s generous offers to kick in his dad’s teeth.

Ricky looked at Mikey’s expression through the mirror and kneed the back of the seat as he smirked. “Perfectly so.”

❝Watch it!❞ Mikey spat as he turned towards Ricky, who knead the back of his seat. With an eye roll, he turned to face forward now, still sitting in silence.

As Ricky settled in as comfortably as he could, he was forced to sit up-right, knees practically pressing his bag against his torso, he happened upon Lance’s face. The only person who had any sense and he was the one with the big old shiner. “Jesus, Lance!” Ricky exclaimed, genuine shock covering his face as his steel eyes fixated on the bruising around one of Lance’s. “Who the fuck did you piss off?” He asked.

Heaving out another long and heavy sigh, carding his long fingers through his hair he decided to give them what they wanted. The truth. “Alright, fine. Since you aren't gonna let me live in peace,” he added a chuckle to the end to try and make light of the whole situation, “I got in a fight with the old man. Nothing new guys. Caught me off guard is all.”

Lance had to pause a moment to flash them a well-practiced grin, all cock-eyed and sloppy - a signature, “Besides, I got a good few licks in myself.” He lied, hoping that with a good bit of truth, this little lie would fly under their radar.

This was something that resonated with Ricky. It was his life until almost a decade ago. His old man beat on him too. Despite it being nearly ten years ago, the mental scars were still fresh and hearing Lance speak about him made Ricky angry. It boiled his blood to the point where his fists tightened and teeth gritted. “I hope you got him good,” Ricky commented. He took in a deep breath, trying to calm down. He reached into the side pocket of his bag and took out an oxy and popped it into his mouth rather swiftly. “Scum like that deserves every bit of punishment coming their way.”

Lance gave a slight nod in acknowledgment. He didn’t know the whole story with Ricky’s past - he doubted anyone truly knew it all, but he knew enough. And he knew that Rick would do anything to help him out if he would just give the word. Because of that, Lance had no intentions of leaving the Saints - not with someone as loyal of a friend as him.

“Got any more?” He gestured to Ricky’s pocket, hoping he did and knowing him well enough that he did. Lance needed all the help he could get to just survive the day. Especially with his face and ribs screaming at him the way they were.

Ricky smiled and nodded at Lance as he reached into his bag and pulled out two oxy pills. “There you are. These oughta numb some of that pain.” Ricky handed him the pills.

Jenna had watched and listened to the two boys' exchange in silence, her knuckles white with the intensity of her grip on the steering wheel. Although she was satisfied to hear Lance finally being honest about what had happened, the fact that he'd lied to her face and only confessed to Ricky irritated her just a little too much. With how close they'd gotten ever since she started working at Paulie's and their 'arrangement' had started, JK had figured that she'd proven herself to be trustworthy. But judging from the bruised boy's actions, she hadn't been even remotely close to the truth.

Lost as she was in her thoughts, it didn't register with Jen that they had arrived at school until she realized she had already occupied one of Rosefell's empty parking spaces. When it did, she gave each of the boys a piercing look.

"Alright, cunts: we're here," Jenna announced, killing the engine, getting her keys and exiting the vehicle. "You guys ready to tackle this year?" she asked them as she moved her seat to allow Lance to exit the car.

Climbing out of the awkward position he was in for the better part of 10 minutes, Lance got out of the car and began stretching, popping his arms and neck in the process, “Gonna make this year our bitch.”

As Ricky and Lance exchanged conversation in the backseat, Mikey stared out the window to enjoy the scenery that they passed to get to school. Sure, it wasn’t much to look at but at the same time, it did give him some to think about what this school year was going to bring and all sorts of things.

When Jenna announced that they had arrived at the school, he snapped back to reality really quickly. His eyes peered out of the window to stare at the school. ‘Same piece of shit, just a new year.’ Nothing new about the building. Mikey purposely took his time to get out of the vehicle, in order to annoy the fuck out of Ricky, which made him smirk slyly.

❝Let’s make this year and all these people our bitch, indeed!❞ Mikey added to what Lance had said before he turned to face Ricky, who was finally getting out of the vehicle.

Right as Mikey took his sweet ass time getting out, Ricky pushed past him, not letting the boy breathe. “Jesus Christ, Mike. You move slower than my 2-AM shit,” he complained, stretching every inch of his body from arms to legs. “Yeah, this is much better!” He unleashed every tense feeling in his joints, all of them cracking and making the brown-haired boy let out a loud sigh of relief. “As long as a certain annoying nosey little bitch doesn’t make trouble for me this year, I’ll be good.”

As the other Saints knew, Ricky had a very high-key dislike for that Jordan guy. Always sticking his nose into everyone’s businesses. Ricky had checked Twitter earlier and seeing him under the Rosefell High hashtag wasn’t something he needed to see this morning. That was what put him in a sour mood and if he went never starting now without seeing Jordan, Ricky would die a happy man.

Mikey shook his head at Ricky, who made a comment about how slowly he had gotten out of the car. He chuckled a little at his words then walked over to stand in between Jenna and Lance, wrapping his arms around them with another smirk.
❝So, are we going to this assembly or skipping it?❞
Mikey questioned, which was also loud enough for Ricky to hear him, too.

“I vote for attending,” Ricky sluggishly admitted with a shrug. “We don’t want to start the year off with Henderson on our asses. Plus, Coach will kill me during practice, I just know it.” Ricky sighed, already knowing coach was looking for any reason to punish Ricky during practice.

“Same,” Lance agreed with Mikey’s arm slung over his and Jen’s shoulders. He glanced around the thinning the quad as the masses shuffled to the auditorium. He was comforted being her at the campus surrounded by his friends. It was relaxing. Or maybe it was just the oxy kicking in. Either way, it seemed like it was gonna be a chill day.

"I guess we know where we're going, then," said the dark-haired girl, wrapping her own arm against Michael's torso. "Now let's go in before they come after us."
Some might call where Janet was lost, but that word didn't exist in her vocabulary. She wasn't ever lost because her journey was never about the linear path. She took winding roads, shortcuts, and even some detours that extended her stay in a certain place, but she was never lost. To her, the best part of being a wanderer like she was being able to coexist with the world in every sense of the word. In the little time people were alive in this world, there was too much to see if one spent it worrying about petty, trivial things such as if one has lost their way or not.

As the wallflower blonde traversed through familiar fields, the same scent from before filling her lungs, she hummed to herself until she didn't. Her humming brought a smile to her face as she looked around, blue-green eyes widely observing the lay of the land. "This isn't the right place," she mused aloud as she turned around and went back the way she came. Janet would spend another hour aimlessly wandering around.

Through the city, Janet's aimless wandering landed her deep in the heart of Mobius' skyscrapers. It wasn't exactly the place she needed to be, but Janet was in awe of the size of the architecture. Something about the way the buildings stood and how high they rose to the sky drew her in. At some point during the process of looking way up, Janet herself started to ascend from the ground, her body engulfed in bright, multi-colored light and she flew high. The wind rushed past her and she landed on one skyscraper, which was the tallest of them.

Her eyes filled with amazement. How amazing something that something so isolated from the world could linger in the sky, hover above the clouds, and be hidden from the world, yet it felt like it was as all meant it to be.

The wind was high at the altitude she was at. Though the air was tight, it was the most natural she felt. Being so high up gave her the best feeling in the world. After she would take the next couple of moments savoring the feeling of being at one with the moment, she leaped over the edge of the building, fixating on what she had known to be the dorm buildings and propelled herself through the air at her top speed.

With such speed behind her, one might think she could lose her control but the exact opposite happened. She was able to freely control not only the speed at which she could breeze through the air but her movements too. She spun around, widely grinning as the Dorm Buildings came into view. She had cut the flight as dipped her body down and then propelled herself again, this time descending at the same speed. When she was about a few dozen yards from the ground, she attempted to slow down the speed, but something went wrong.

"Uh oh."

The feeling of dread was soon present in her face as her body rocked side to side as she descended at a quarter of the speed she had gained. It wasn't going to be death but when she hit the ground, her body flailed about and she tumbled into the 1A building, crashing into a table.

"Ouchie!" She whined, rubbing her head.

Everything hurt. From her arms that felt like they were bruised -- or were gonna be bruised -- to her legs feeling like jelly. As she slowly had gotten up from the crashed table, splinters of wood, which thankfully weren't stuck to her body due to the special fabric her father made her clothes from, but it didn't mean the pain was avoidable, especially when she did things like that. When she finally got to her feet and looked around, there was no doubt in her mind that the entrance she just made, whether it was her intention or not (it wasn't), all eyes were on her now.

And she froze up.

It wasn't like she intended to do that. Janet was known for being able to carry a conversation through any means but when she didn't have time to adjust to surroundings and naturally weave herself into a group, she had difficulties functioning. So while everyone who was staring did that, she rebooted herself, took in a deep breath, and ignored the waves of pain passing through her body. She put on that usual Janet Lucasta smile and waved to everyone.

"Hi Hi! I'm Janet Lucasta!" Her voice was her usual cheery, borderline-high-pitched self.
Hmmm maybe. Just maybe.
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