Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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I Wasted You — Flora Cash — Press
Miracles — CHVRCHES — Love is Dead
The Three of Us — Streetlight Manifesto — The Hands that Thieve
You Can Be So Cruel — Royal Blood — Royal Blood
This Woman’s Work — Greg Laswell — Covers
Sentient — Perturbator (feat. Hayley Stewart) — The Uncanny Valley
Hunger — Florence + The Machine — Hunger
Sunset — The Midnight — Sunset
Savage — Lights — Skin and Earth
Loser — Falling in Reverse — Coming Home (Deluxe Edition)

In Sentaku 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Stella’s vacation in Paris has been nothing short of heaven on Earth. When she flew in nearly three weeks ago, she was overwhelmed. There was so much to do, so many places she wanted to see and with so little time on her side, there was only a handful of places she could go to and activities she could take part in. But if there was one thing being in France during this winter break had done anything to Stella, it showed her that Aladdin’s words to Jasmine really were true.

She has been exposed to a whole new world. A byproduct of that is a new Stella.

At the core, she remained the same: compassionate, selectively carefree, and a star that lit up every room she walked into, but there was something else. Her experiences had created layers and confidence within her came with that. For the first time in her entire life, Stella was feeling more sure about herself than she had ever been. She was still softly spoken and ditzy, but now she was a little more assertive than she was before winter break.

During the past three weeks, Stella gradually knocked off things off her bucket list. She saw landmarks that were almost as famous as the city itself, she indulged in the best French cuisine that money could buy, and she went to the best stores and looked the part of a French woman while basking in the glory of the most romantic city in the world. In a sense, Stella found herself at home. Paris France felt like home.

But nearly at the end and she had yet to cross one item off her bucket list.

As she sat in her room that overlooked the Lambert villa property, ever the daydreamer, she gazed out into space, looking at the green fields, the hills of the countryside. The window itself was closed and she couldn’t help but think back to last summer when she had grasped onto that one thing she had longed to hold in her arms again and for her to be held in his. The man she nearly escaped reality with for one magical night. He smelled of honey and lavender and was the most beautiful creature she had laid her eyes on.

She sighed hopelessly, stepping away from her window. As she turned, her cousin stood, leaning against the wall, causing the brunette to jump in her seat.. “Lori, how long have you been standing there?”

“Long enough to hear you talk about him,” Lori, short for Lourdes, revealed, walking into Stella’s room and took a seat in a chair across from Stella’s. “I don’t understand why you don’t just go talk to him.”

“How are you even sure he wants to see me?” Stella asked, feeling very pessimistic right now.

Lori took in a breath and sighed. “I don’t, but you can’t honestly think Marcel has forgotten about you.” Lori looked at her cousin’s unconvinced face. “What’s wrong, honey? Are you seriously that uncertain?” She asked her pointblank.

The teen could only shrug. She didn’t know what was what anymore, especially when it came to Marcel, not after what happened last summer and especially not how she practically left him hanging. It was not only a time she didn’t like to talk about, but Stella also had, for the most part, blocked it out of her mind and tried to forget about it. As much as Lori and her family had tried to console her in her time of need, there was just something about the whole situation that made that completely impossible.

“Estelle Lenore Lambert!”

Stella perked up when Lori used her full name. “What!?”

Lori didn’t respond with words but rather standing up and tugging at her arm. Though she was taken by surprise, a wave of curiosity passed through her. So much so that she let Lori lead her to wherever she was walking, which wasn’t as straightforward as Stella had initially thought.

As she was led by Lori into her car, Stella rode in the passenger side and under the guise that her relatives were told they were going to have coffee at a cafe, Stella couldn’t help but wonder what exactly Lori was up to and just where they were heading. About halfway through the trip, Stella had asked but Lori only said she’d know when they got there.

So, Stella remained in the dark, running the potential scenarios through her head. She couldn’t grasp on where Lori was driving her. It only took an hour for Lori to drive into Paris and they stopped in front of a fancy apartment building that was expensive. She knew this just from how glossy the exterior design was. That and it had its own doorman.

“What is this place, Lori?” Stella asked, hoping to finally get an answer out of her.

And just like before, Lori gave her a nonanswer: “Just follow me.”

They were helped out of the Audi with the help of a couple of men in uniforms. As they walked, they passed the doorman, who greeted them with a smile as he spoke something in the native French language. Stella could only make out a part of the phrase. Not long after, the door opened and Lori again led her blindly. They walked into an elevator and rode it to the highest floor. Immediately, Stella found herself overwhelmed.

The design of the top floor was probably the most expensive interior design she had seen thus far. And given that her family who lived in France was richer than her parents were, the level of quality she was exposed to right now threw her for a loop.

She walked a little slower as Lori stopped, causing Stella to bump into her. “Sorry. This is just..so much,” Stella commented, eyes full of amazement as she looked around at the walls and ceiling of the halls.

“Stella, take this,” Lori said, handing her a cardkey.

“What’s this for?” She asked, looking at it.

“It’s for this room. On the other side of this door is the reason why I’ve kidnapped you and taken you here.” Lori informed her as she would proceed to walk away.

“Wait,” Stella beckoned her, “where are you going?”

“I’m going to see some friends in town. I’ll be back in a few hours. I’m sure you’ll use that time wisely.”

Before she could get another word in, Lori said her temporary goodbyes, leaving Stella to her confusion and, yet at the same time, her own curiosity about who was at the other side of the door she stood in front of. Puzzled, the girl tried to decide the best way to handle this tricky situation. She could easily walk away and forget about this entire thing. She could do that and wait in the lobby until Lori returned. But if she did that, she knew in her gut the aspect of not knowing would eat her alive from the inside.

Frustrated, Stella paced back and forth for almost five minutes until she threw her hands up in defeat. “Ah, to hell with it!”

In an uncharacteristic move, Stella threw caution into the wind and slid the cardkey into the card-shaped mechanism. A sound alerted her that it worked and she slowly pushed the door open. As the tension in the air increased to a point where she felt her heart threatened to burst from out of her chest, Stella slowly entered, closing the door behind her.

She took small steps but she eventually made her way past the doorway and into the room. Aside from the spectacular view of the Eiffel Tower and elaborate (not to mention expensive) decor, Stella saw nobody, which she found weird. Why would Lori drive her to this place, build up some grand reveal only for it to be completely empty.

“What was the point?” She murmured to herself, sighing outwardly as she was in the middle of deciding if being here really was worth it. “Maybe I should--” Stella stopped mid-thought as she heard a noise originate from behind her. So, naturally, she went to investigate.

Stella was in front of the back room, which was where she deduced the noise came from. She stood in front of the door, inches and seconds away from turning the doorknob, but just as her hand was a single inch away from touching it, the knob started to twist. It was thrust open and before she had time to get away, the door opened in the opposite way that she thought. Before she even knew it, the door had smacked her right in the face. She just knew in that moment that pain was incoming.

And then she yelped and staggered back until she tripped over her own clumsiness, resulting in her falling flat on her ass. “Ouch!” She whined, holding her nose and eyes widened when she saw blood drip onto her leg.

Stella was in full panic mode. She was in so much pain and couldn’t think straight. She desperately tried to stop the bleeding with her hands but it was coming out too fast for her hands to contain all of it as it dripped through her fingers.

“Here you go,”a man said, handing her a roll of toilet paper.

Without thinking, Stella took it and took a few pieces of the soft paper to help in her efforts. “Thank you,” Stella said, showing gratitude as she spoke as though her nose was clogged. It was only a short moment later that it dawned on her what put her in the current situation she was in, causing her to look up.

And wouldn’t ya know it? There he was.

Tall, somewhat tanned, and handsome. He had that same deceiving smile that made her crazy one way or the other. That kind of smile that said “I know it drives you crazy and I like it”, but at the same time, it was the same smug grin that had such an effect on her. There was a sweetness about it — a kindness that only someone who read between the lines could see. He was everything she could dream of. He was the epitome of what her dream guy. The kind of person who, if she had three wishes given to her, she’d wish for him plus two eternities with him.

Stella was lost as she had always been when a dreamy boy gave her the time of day, but she collected herself and then corrected her posture. She had to keep her wits about her because he always knew how to twist her words in a way that made her feel embarrassed and laugh in the way that made her look silly. “I wasn’t sure about it before, but I guess you really are back, aren’t you Marcel?”

The older male smiled. “Only for the day,” he admitted, helping Stella to her feet by grabbing her hand and wrist. He tugged her up with such force it not only lifted her up, but she bounced off of his firm chest. “I fly back to Cairo tomorrow.” He lamented upon that confession.

“Cairo?” She repeated back to him. “Why Cairo?” She asked him, seeking an answer within his gaze.

Marcel laughed, patting Stella on the shoulders. “For college,” he revealed, “I start my second year at the University of Cairo.”

“Oh wow! That’s amazing, Marcel!” She quickly hugged him, showing how happy she was for him. After a moment, she realized just how close they were and she immediately pulled away, embarrassed and blushing.

Ever the teaser, Marcel kept his grin, which only brought a deeper awkwardness from Stella, causing her to enter her usual mini-panic mode. She was trying to hold it together, but everything that seemed to be happening, was, in fact, happening in succession of each other and her inner-superstitious spirit was starting to take root. So she started to walk away from Marcel.

As she stood out on the balcony, Stella had to get some semblance of control back. She didn’t know why this was happening to her. Around Marcel, she was weak. He had some control over her, but it wasn’t a negative feeling when she was near him. She cared for him deeply, but there was ...something about this day in particular that made her feel uneasy. She couldn’t put her finger on it but it was like some force was pulling her away from the guy who, for the longest time, she had a huge crush on.

“It’s a nice view, huh?” He asked, leaning against the ledge as he stood next to Stella.

Marcel startled her again but this time she didn’t jump, though she shook her head at him and laughed. “It’s breathtaking,” she admitted, turning her head slightly to face him. She saw he was smiling. “What?” She asked, curious.

There was a moment of silence from Marcel, which struck Stella as odd. She remembered he always had something to say, regardless if she wanted him to or not.

“It’s nothing..”

“Marcel, tell me. What’s on your mind?” Stella urged him.

“I’m just thinking about the last time we were next to each other like this and how I was an idiot.”

“Yeah, I remember that night,” Stella spoke, recalling it like it was yesterday. “You went above and beyond to make my final day in France one to remember, taking me to all of the usual spots any first-time visitor should see. And seeing the Eiffel Tower at night is a moment I’ll always remember.” She looked at him, smiling.

She remembered that summer night. It had been the first time she was with anyone in any kind of romantic way since Jasper and even then, she and Jasper never did anything, nor did she do anything with Marcel. But that night was magical in other ways. It was her first time visiting Paris and he had just graduated from secondary school and she was vacationing with family. His family, the Dupontes, had a lot of history with the Lamberts and that’s how she knew him. Marcel was only two years older than she was, so it wasn’t strange for there to be an attraction between them.

As their gaze lingered, their hands slowly moved closer to each other and their pinky fingers made contact, which only intensified the quiet stillness and the heart-pumping tension.

Stella felt that feeling in her gut again. It was as though reminiscing with Marcel and thinking of a love that could have been wasn’t at all what the angels on her shoulders were trying to pull her towards. The feeling deep in her gut that was rising like a boiling pot was betrayal. And before she had time to think about it, Marcel leaned in for a kiss.

With lips meeting lips, she didn’t pull away. In fact, Stella gave into it and for a few moments that felt like an eternity, everything in her was saying to give into temptation. Live out what you regretted and let him take you and lay you on his bed so he can give you what the two of you know you want, but then the pit in her stomach grew deeper. Unlike previous times, Stella’s backbone grew into a spear and she pulled away, surprising not only Marcel but herself too.

“I’m sorry..” Stella apologized, looking away from Marcel’s direct gaze.

“No, you didn’t do anything. I shouldn’t have--”

“Marcel, no,” she cut him off, clearing her dry mouth with a cough. “I want to, I really do but..” She paused, uncertain if she actually knew what she wanted to say.

“Are you okay, Stella?” He asked her, sounding concerned about her.

She hated this with everything that she had. Marcel Duponte, the boy who captured her heart after Jasper Fray and the one who she could have seen herself with for the long term, was right in front of her. He made the move she couldn’t because she wasn’t that kind of girl. Even when she thought she wanted the same thing, she pulled away, so maybe not? And she didn’t understand.

She looked at him again. “Marcel,” she said his name, smiling. “You’re so amazing and I swear to you that I care for you in ways that I don’t really understand myself. And, maybe if things were different, I think ...this could really work, but I can’t do this with you -- not right now.”

As he just looked at her, Stella could feel the staggering gut-wrenching feeling in her stomach grow larger. “Whoever they are, I hope they know they’re lucky.” His smile broke the tension.

And suddenly, it stopped, though she felt the drop happen all at once. “What do you mean?”

“I mean the person who got to your heart before I did,” he further clarified.

“That’s not what I--I mean, I didn’t say someone had--”

“Stella,” he cut her off. “I’ve known you nearly my entire life and I know it when you’re smitten with someone. I’m a little jealous. I wish it was me who had your attention, but I won’t stand in the way.”

She knew he was telling the truth. Even if his blunt admission came as more than a simple shock to her, Stella couldn’t help but feel as though she was the lucky one here. It was obvious to her that Marcel loved her. She wasn’t so naive as to think that he didn’t. Maybe that was the guilt she felt earlier? That she had eyes for someone else while unknowingly taking advantage of him? She wasn’t that kind of person, but stranger things have happened. Regardless, she didn’t know what to think right now.

“Marcel..” Their eyes met again and hands touched. “I’m sorry I can’t be there for you in ways that I know you want me to. Maybe, if things were different, we could explore this further. I just hope you find someone worth your big heart -- and who doesn’t clobber you for that teasing thing you like to do,” she laughed and got one from him as well.

“Oh, so you got jokes now, huh?” He laughed.

She punched his arm with her other hand. “And there it is!” Stella giggled, turning to face the spectacular view of Paris and smiled off into the distance.

She and Marcel just remained like that, watching the sky slowly fade from a clear blue to the wonders of the sun setting. She knew this wasn’t what Lori had in mind when she dropped her off, but Stella couldn’t imagine any other way to close the book on her forbidden love with Marcel Duponte. She loved him but he would live worlds away from her. She couldn’t be his girl, not when Carter Newton Jr has captured her attention in ways she didn’t predict.

There must be something in the water
'Cause every day, it's getting colder
And if only I could hold ya
You'd keep my head from going under

The entirety of Kavi’s Christmas/Winter Break had been spent wallowing in his own despair. Despite how he was being poised to enjoy himself as much as he could, despite how he was going to fly to Los Angeles to be with some of his western family, plans changed. It wasn’t any of his doing, but there was a massive falling out between some of his relatives and his father. The specifics didn’t come across the dinner table, but Kavi figured out yesterday that it wasn’t going to happen. Adding insult to injury, that meant he wasn’t going anywhere for the remainder of the break. And this meant one thing: Kavi’s claims of living a better break than Ariel was, as it always was with him, all talk.

It was pretty dark out on the night before Christmas. Kavi was driving in the BMW that his grandfather gave him as an early Christmas present. It had also been something to make up for how his children were being childish. Being eighteen, Kavi’s parents couldn’t deny him the luxurious gift Nikora gave him. Still, he didn’t put it to use -- at least not in the sense that April Foster would. Instead, Kavi casually drove down every street a few times. Everyone knew that Kavi had a new car so that was why the cops weren’t called.

The sound of the BMW passed every house a few times and it got to the point where Kavi didn’t know why he kept driving, but maybe he did? Deep down the teen had an idea why but he probably didn’t want to admit it because there was a part of him that didn’t want to face the music that he, Kavi Salvador, the one who never felt regret for anything he did to anyone, was feeling just that. There was a deep regret for everything. He had a lot of time to think about his actions and there was only one thing that kept popping into every thought.


As he spoke her name, his stomach tightened up in the same way it did when he knew he fucked up. It was the same way when he and Ariel had that fight at his Halloween party. It happened at Winter Formal when he tried making her jealous of Mac. And now, as he stopped a few yards away from her house and saw her through her window, it was tightening up as he couldn’t stop thinking about her.

When he saw her, Kavi almost drove away. He should drive away. There wasn’t any possible reason that made sense to him. She made it clear that there was no reason for them to talk if they weren’t paired up in projects. Kavi understood and agreed to stay away, but here he was, not even a month later, he sat in his comfortable, leather seat, warm heat cozying his ass, and he was thinking of doing the exact opposite of what he promised. And why was he going to do this? Because Kavi couldn’t stop thinking about her. Whether it was regret and him needing to fix things to where they got everything out in the open or what, Kavi had to talk to her.

Good thing he knew her father’s schedule thanks to a friend of his who interns for Tristen. He wasn’t due back home until way late, which meant Ariel would be home alone. This also meant Kavi had plenty of time to endure any verbal assault she might have in store for him.

As he pulled up to her house, Kavi made his way to the front door and gave it three decent knocks.

Since the Halloween party, Ariel had a lot more time to do whatever she wanted. Said things included doing more live streams, dancing practices, and writing. She had her bedroom window open, letting the smell of the ocean add to the calming state of mind she was in.

Her room was caught somewhere between messy and clean. Her webcam gear was strewn across her desk, the TV turned to some random channel. The bed was a mess of blankets, various notebooks, and pens. This was what usually happened when Ariel was in the mood to write things. The cars going up and down the street didn’t help her creative process at all. Ariel had nearly given up on writing anything when she heard someone knocking at the door.

She climbed off her bed and quickly went downstairs. It couldn’t be her father. He was working late. Maybe someone had broken down? She had just got done hanging out with Marisol earlier. Maybe it was her again? All of her ponderings didn’t prepare her for the sight waiting for her behind the mahogany door.

The clicking of the door unlocking and opening greeted Kavi to the Grey residence as Ariel met his gaze. In that brief moment, she didn’t know what she felt - nor did she know what to say. The only reaction her body produced was attempting to close the door in the young man's face.

He put his hand between the door and the lock, urgently using his superior strength to prevent it from closing. As Kavi did this, he saw the desperate urge Ariel had to close the door before he had a chance to say what he needed to say, but Kavi wasn’t going to let this happen again. He wasn’t going to allow what needed to be said to be disguised as intentional silence. He had too much time to think in the past weeks about what he really wanted and Ariel needed to know this.

“Just wait!” He pleaded, propping the door open with his hand as he watched her walk away. “Please, Ariel! I promise it won't be like before.”

”So you aren’t here to rub anything in my face again? You don’t have some girl behind the door with you ready to smash your faces together? None of your friends laugh at me this time when I get angry? And please, for the love of God, let’s not try and pretend like my reactions or feelings are invalid Kavi,” she blurted out, turning around to face him.

Angry tears already threatening to come forth, she was determined to just send him away. But as the cruel fates above would have it, it started to rain outside. The last thing Ariel wanted right now was for Kavi to catch pneumonia and be able to blame her for it on his deathbed.
Ariel groaned. ”Come in, I guess.”

Dripping, Kavi’s feet squished across the foyer and he followed Ariel wherever it was that she was walking. In silence. He knew what he wanted to say and he also knew exactly how he wanted to say it, yet when they came to a stop in the kitchen and Kavi froze in front of a turned around Ariel, nothing but a gasp and an appreciation of how beautiful she was. Despite the hell he put her through and all of the shitty things he said to her, especially invalidating how she felt on the night of his party, she was just as, well hot, as she had always been.

Kavi coughed, breaking the silence. “I’m...I mean, it’s good to see you again.” Kavi said, smiling at Ariel.

”Please just spit it out,” Ariel said, rolling her eyes. She was not about to turn into a pile of mush again. ”Better yet - go to my room. I’ll bring you a towel. You’re like… dripping everywhere. It’s annoying.”

Stopping by the bathroom to grab a towel, it occurred to her that Kavi didn’t know where her bedroom was. The simple fact was reinforced when she found Kavi looking confused at the top of the stairs.

”Second door on the right,” she said, handing him the towel.

He took the towel and followed her down the hall. They entered her room and he immediately felt strange. It was always that Kavi had invited girls to his parents’ house and they immediately went to his room for some wholesome fun, but he wasn’t the sort of boy who was invited. He was a fish out of water when he entered her room and his dripping feet further cemented this comparison.

“Wow, nice room.” He said as his eyes wandered around. It was then he noticed the excessive amount of posters of various musicians and bands. “Oh wow,” he laughed, shaking his head in slight disbelief.

”What?” Ariel asked slightly confused. She followed his gaze to the left wall. ”What’s wrong with my posters?”

Kavi laughed again. “No, nothing’s wrong with them,” he said, shaking his head again. “It’s just, I didn’t expect--” He paused as he took an extra moment to consider his next words carefully. Ariel was known for her explosive temper and him being here was probably pushing it “--I guess I didn’t expect you to have so many of them. But, I guess it also fits?” it wasn’t that he wasn’t unsure but he was unprepared for a few reasons.

”I guess that’s fair,” she said, shrugging her shoulders as she plopped down on her bed. ”I’d offer you a seat, but you’re kinda… dripping. I don’t want everything in my room to be… mildew-y.” Ariel took a deep breath. ”So why are you here, exactly?”

Despite the towel helping, Kavi couldn’t help but notice a puddle had formed around him. Oh, what a lovely gift Mother Nature has given him on this eve of Christmas. “I was hoping to do this not standing up, but I guess it can’t be helped.” Kavi sighed, once more glancing around.

His stomach was producing high amounts of anxiety unlike which he hadn’t felt in a while, or maybe it was his last meal not agreeing with him. Either way, the teen took in a deep breath and spoke when he exhaled. “The last time we were alone together was in similar circumstances: you not wanting to talk to me and me dripping wet. Things haven’t really changed, but one thing did change.” Kavi paused as the realization of what he wanted to say is more difficult to tell her than it was saying it in his head finally set in. “I mean--fuck, I’m not really good at this, Ari,” he admitted, sighing. “Look, I don’t know what to really say but to just say it: I miss you, Grey. I miss us!”

How could anyone blame her for not wanting to talk in either situation? While that wasn’t what Kavi was doing, it did make her think for a moment. Ariel had a habit of shutting down and shutting people out when she felt something strongly - and now was one of those times.

”Kavi, I -” she clenched her jaw, trying to figure out how to say what she needed to get out. ”I miss you too. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t given us another thought. But I have. I’ve given us a lot of thoughts.” She sighed, situating herself so that she was sitting cross-legged. ”But… it doesn’t change anything. Not for me.”

“It can, though!” Kavi blurted out.

He made the half-attempt of stepping closer to her but he stopped himself. He knew it was one, not that easy and two, not about what he wanted right now. He could do what he wanted and by doing that, he’d go close to her, take Ariel into his arms, and kiss her -- but it wasn’t the time for that. What he wanted versus what he needed to do were two completely different things, and he would take a deep breath as he contemplated his next words carefully.

A few moments later, he looked at Ariel, a pair of brown eyes that saw clarity had met her gaze. Kavi then sat on the ground, crisscrossing his legs as though he was in kindergarten again. “Then tell me what needs to change.” He said as seriously as he could. If she needed things to change, Kavi Salvador was going to do the one thing he never did when he was with her the first time around: listen to what she wanted.

”What?” she asked incredulously. Since when did Kavi Salvador change for anyone or anything? Was this some existential crisis he was having? Did he get hit by a car? Or was there a chance that he knew and understood the words he was saying? ”Are you actually being serious, or is this another one of those times where you act serious, be a better person for like a week and then go back to being Supreme Overlord Douche bag?”

Kavi didn’t do anything but keep his eyes on her and his face as expressionless as he could. “I'm sitting on your floor, dripping like a loose faucet. I am as serious as I have ever been, Ariel. No games, no ulterior motives. I want to hear what you have to say. So, please if you wouldn’t mind..” He gestured his arms towards her before returning them to his lap.

It took every single bit of will power Ariel had to keep her from groaning. It was Christmas Eve. She wanted to relax - but no. Kavi was here. ”Step one - don’t always assume I’m overreacting, or make it out to me or anyone else like I am. I’m screwed up. Certain things make me react differently than it would other people. Just because I am crazy sometimes, doesn’t mean that I need you to tell me I’m acting crazy. Most of the time if you just let me act like a freak and get it out of my system, I’ll be fine. I know I’m a handful, and I’m sorry. Step two - try to be there for me on my bad days. It won’t be easy. I won’t want to talk. I won’t want to do things. But knowing that you care helps a little. Step three - when I say no, it means no. I know that you’ve gone through life being a pusher and no one’s ever really taught you that it’s not okay or anything. You’re used to getting your way. But when I say no, I have reasons. And you have to respect those reasons. Not go off and kiss another girl. Not text one of your friends to let them know that your ‘bitch is back on her bullshit.’” She sighed again. ”There’s a lot of little stuff that I could go on about for hours, Kavi, but the main thing I need from you is respect and patience. I know I have my faults. I’ve been trying to work on them. It’s not always easy, but…”

“I understand.” Kavi said that only so that he could start processing everything she said.

He wasn’t going to lie to himself and say that what she said didn’t hit him hard. These past couple of months -- particularly from the night of his Halloween party and right now -- Kavi had been doing a lot of soul searching. He ventured to lands of not giving a damn about anyone or anything by listening to the devil on his shoulder who took the form of Mac to ignoring all of his wrongs that he had committed -- and he knew there were a lot of them. Ariel aside, he had hurt a lot of people. Those people weren’t just the girls he dated and tossed aside but those who were victims of his tormenting abuse. Elijah was at the top of that list. He gave that guy hell and none of it was deserved. Kavi would apologize, but he heard that the Abrams moved to Virginia during Thanksgiving break.

So he couldn’t necessarily do that, now could he? Next on the list was Nadia and in time, he was able to apologize to her. Whether or not she actually believed his sincerity was genuine wasn’t clear. Kavi knew it was authentic but he couldn’t very well ask her. That would be too much for the redhead, so he never followed up on it. It wasn’t like Vic would allow him near her. Vic had only allowed Kavi to say what he needed to say provided he never speak to her sister ever again. So he was grateful for the opportunity even if he left a few things unsaid.

So, who did that leave? Ariel, of course. The best for last and the one he wronged the most. Not only that but she was the one he had felt the most guilty in how he treated her. On multiple occasions, even before they got together in the official capacity, he embarrassed her, called her names, belittled her in front of a stranger, minimized her struggles to a disparaging word or two, made her feel less than what she saw herself as , but none of that even came close to her finding out he cheated on her -- even if it only lasted for a moment -- through a fucking Instagram post.

As he sat there in silence, pondering and contemplating his next words, Kavi wasn’t exactly sure what to say. First and foremost, what could he say right now that wouldn’t be a repeat of last time? Well, he wasn’t blaming her so maybe that was an improvement. What was getting to him is he wanted to be open to change -- he was open to change -- but hearing what Ariel had to say and knowing exactly what was on her mind and what the problems were, Kavi found himself overwhelmed, but surprisingly, it was in a good way. In a direct response to what she had said, he smiled at her and clapped twice.

“Okay!” His tone was positive, though not overtly so because, again, Kavi didn’t want to make a repeat of last time. “I get it now, Ariel. Two freaking months later and I finally get it. What was happening wasn’t about me--” He paused, knowing that was the wrong way to phrase it. “--wait no, it was about me but not in the way I thought, right? You wanted me to be considerate of what you might be going through and not think you had to be the one to give-give-give. Equal footing for equal benefits.” The more he spoke, the more Kavi was starting to piece the puzzle together.

”I guess so, yeah” she said, shrugging her shoulders. ”I don’t expect you to always have to deal with my mood swings and stuff in the perfect way, and I’m not saying that you didn’t at times just…” She sighed, thinking for a moment. ”There’s a lot of stuff that I think we both could have handled better. There’s a lot of stuff that we both need to work on.”

As he stood there, he scratched his head, trying to figure out what he should say next. He had come to her with nothing left to gain and his heart open to anything and everything, but when he heard what she had to say and just everything was unloaded, even in the middle of him saying what he said, Kavi wasn’t even focused on not sounding like a total idiot. He bore it all out there for her and, from how she responded, it wasn’t terrible. She didn’t hit him, so he called that progress.

He attempted to take a step forward but stopped. “Ariel…” His voice fell flat as his brown eyes locked dead-center on hers, a rare sight of Kavi at a loss for words. “I’ve hated these two months without you. And, I know it’s a longshot and if you don’t think now’s the time, then I’ll take my wet ass out of here and we can resume things as they have been, but if you think there might be a chance,” he paused, taking one step for man and another giant step towards Ariel with his soaking mop of hair ignoring her previous orders, but he kept at least two feet away from her. “Truth is Ariel, while I’ve had dates since we broke up and tried to fill the void my idiotic actions created, none of them have been the same. They never challenged me like you did. They were all obedient nobodies who just did whatever I told them to do. I used to like that, but not anymore, not since you and I were together, I mean. It was only two weeks, I know, but you have to know -- and maybe even felt it yourself -- those two weeks were amazing.”

Kavi took just a few moments to breathe. He felt his heartbeat increase its rhythm with every word he spoke and it was made apparent to him when his whole body decided to go warm. It was a strange feeling but it was one that brought a slight smile to his face. “You said we have things we both need to work on, didn’t you? We might as well do that together.” He didn’t move but his gaze sold his point enough for him to be confident enough to say it without any underhanded comment or distracting tactic like he usually did.

”Fine. But the first time you show a red flag, I’m out, got it? I won’t stand by while you make me look like a complete idiot again.” She sighed. ”And while we’re on the subject, I’m sorry that I overreacted those few times. I know that I tend to do that a lot, so it’s kind of the first thing on my list that I’ve been trying to fix. Or at least one down.”

Kavi laughed. He knew he shouldn’t and he knew it was inappropriate, but the way she made her actions sound was funny to him because she was overselling them. At the time, it was without a doubt an overreaction because he wasn’t expecting her to react to his touch like she did, or break his nose, or break most of his belongings. The truth was Kavi never expected any of that to come from Ariel just like he never expected to feel so intensely for her. It was true they probably weren’t right for each other, but it felt so wrong being away from her that he saw no other place but beside her.
In Sentaku 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
It's me, it's me, it's DDP.
Any other pro wrestling fans here? No? Just me? Cool.

My writing friends call me Rose. I am 25 years old (very close to 26) I'm a beautiful ray of sunshine and I get along with everyone. I've been writing my entire life, roleplaying for 11 years. Real life gets in the way, but I can't seem to escape the hell that is roleplaying, so here I am, joining a new site like I'm still a teenager. Hopefully my family won't miss me.

My Favorite Stuff to Write:
- Anything featuring supernatural characters or characters with powers
- Slice of Life
- Fantasy
- Sci-fi If I understand it. I'm not a genius.
- Found Family? My Jam
- Gays
- Idk, whatever you like

I can and will write male and female characters with a small preference for males. I don't write canon characters, but I will write original characters in a fandom world. I prefer to stick to adult characters, but I don't mind playing teenagers if everyone is a teenager (as in academy type rps).

This is a little bit all over the place, so just hit me up or whatever if you want to write.

Maybe one wrestling fan exists. :P

Welcome to the Guild!

Sonny always had a complex relationship when it came to his feelings about the holidays. Of course, he loved the many weeks King’s gave their students for winter break, but with the break and free time came the demand for family to visit. He didn’t really mind that part of it either. There were some cousins and family friends he never got to see as much as he would like to that came to visit over the course of a week or so. It wasn’t that nor was it the expectation of parties that came with being half of the famed Hungarian-British Banks family. He could deal with those. At the least, his cousins made it at least bearable. No, it was the more localized Christmas party that had him feeling somewhat weary.

Every year, the Banks-Drakes and the Castillo-Jameson families, who all were close friends, held a Christmas party for their nearest and dearest, taking turns in hosting. Soleil and Jackson co-owned Asgard Fitness, Viola and Marco were co-heads of the King’s Academy PTA, and, of course, Andrea and Marco Junior were the ever-infamous on-again, off-again couple.

Sonny’s time at the party so far had been full of unpleasant pleasantries he was forced to be the receiver of as well as the giver. Family of family friends, friends of the family, and his own kept bothering him to the point where he was only able to get free after nearly half an hour of boring conversations. It was mostly about how these people who hadn’t seen Sonny in so long and how much he hasn’t grown. That was like a knife in his back, forever reminding him that he didn’t inherit his father’s height. Added to how they all refused to call him by his preferred name and just went straight for the jugular as they called him Jackson Jr.

As he made his way far from where all of the boring adults were, Sonny leaned against the table where he happened to see Marisol sneaking some of the alcoholic eggnog as her parents weren’t anywhere to be seen. “Smart. But it tastes like ass. Nowhere nearly enough brandy for my liking,” Sonny commented, looking Marisol up and down. He knew it was a party, but seeing her all dolled up really made it set in that even Slim herself could shock and awe. “Nice dress.” He complimented, doing his best to not stare for a prolonged amount of time.

While Sonny was of a somewhat bittersweet opinion when it came to the holidays, Marisol was in the opposite. She loved Christmas time: the food, the break from school, the time spent with family, the way everyone seemed to be in the best of moods, the PRESENTS…

Hell, the Castillo-Drake Christmas party was probably the biggest family event Marisol Castillo always looked forward to throughout the year besides her birthday. Good food and good company were always the order of the evening, and it always brought a long-lasting smile to her usually-grumpy face to catch up with those she loved the most. As always, her immediate family was in attendance, as were both sets of grandparents, her aunts, uncles, and cousins. And although Mari had been incredibly excited to see each and every one of them, there was one particular person she would never get enough of her cousin Nicolas. The blond boy had been away for the last few months studying abroad in Europe, causing Mari a great deal of heartbreak. So the second the short girl saw her big cousin’s tall figure walking up the steps to her home, she had ran out the door, tackled him with a hug, and had refused to leave his side ever since.

Right as the party was in full swing, Marisol had decided that she needed a little more alcohol. And after excusing herself with Nico for a second, the girl leaped up from her seat on the couch next to her cousin and made her way to the drinks table. When Sonny caught her mid-sip of her eggnog, she offered her best friend a wide grin.

"Why, thank you, Prince Charming! You're looking good yourself!" Marisol responded in an uncharacteristically cheerful tone while slurring her words a little: both clear signs that she was getting tipsy. "Did Drea pick that outfit for you?"

Sonny faked a couple of laughs with a grin and then lost it. “Very funny.” He paused for an awkward moment of silence. “Okay, she may have been with me when I went to Barnie’s,” he confessed, somewhat embarrassed. “But enough about me, let’s talk about your glow up for a sec because I could have sworn you hated dresses. Something about missing you with that girly shit?” He teased, laughing.

Mari rolled her eyes at his last comment. "Trust me: I haven't changed my opinion on this dress bullshit. But when Aunt Callie saw me heading downstairs in jeans, the black Thrasher hoodie, and your orange beanie, she blew a gasket. Before I made it to the top of the stairs she'd pulled me into her room, dressed me up in this-" she pinched a bit of the red fabric hugging her slim body for a moment. "-did my hair and makeup and had me borrow some of her shoes and accessories. I'm so fucking ready to get out of this thing."

“Careful now, I think some of my cousins might see that as a challenge.” He teased her some more as if he wasn’t thinking the same thing- no, what? He didn’t know what he was thinking. There was no way he could...could he?

The short girl snorted and rolled her eyes with a sardonic smile. "As if I'd give any of them a chance!" she exclaimed, shaking her head. Sonny’s cousins were all fifty shades of idiots, and with her minuscule amount of patience, there was no way she could handle both her best friend and some relative of his.

Sonny quickly shook his head when Marisol wasn’t looking in his general direction, likely when he mentioned his cousins, and took a glass of eggnog. It wasn’t enough alcohol as he said, but it still was eggnog. As he sipped it, he used this time to think, knowing full well there was a limited amount of time he could do it until Marisol thought something was up, so he had to think of something to say.

“Sooo…” Sonny’s voice came with an extension as though trying to find his beat. “You know Jamie’s around, right? He’s been asking about you.”

Marisol's smile was quickly wiped away from her face, replaced by a deep scowl and a disgusted expression. "Ugh, fucking Jamie!" she spat, looking around for the bane of her existence. From the first time they’d met as children, Sonny's older cousin Jamie had seemingly made it his mission to make Mari's life difficult, to say the least, with constant jabs at her height. There had been many attempts at kicking him in the nuts so hard he’d think twice about making fun of her again, but much to her chagrin, they were either futile or interrupted. "Where's that son of a bitch?! I've had a few drinks already, so I have no issues squaring up with that piece of shit if he calls me anything!"

Sonny found her reaction quite entertaining. Maybe it was the fact that she had a couple of drinks or just how Jamie had this effect on her, but seeing her want to pick a fight with him brought an amused grin to Sonny’s face. He laughed for a few moments. “Calm down there, tiger,” he advised her, “he’s three-thousand miles away. He and his parents are in Cabo for Christmas. He just asked about you when I called him last night,” Sonny admitted, “I just wanted to see what your reaction would be.” He remained silent for a few seconds. “Safe to say, you didn’t disappoint, Slim.” He smiled at her.

The green-eyed girl visibly relaxed and let out a relieved breath. "Oh thank God…" she said, grinning widely now. "I would've hated to ruin the party by breaking darling Jamie's nose, as much as he deserves it."

“He could use a good bruise or two,” Sonny commented, looking at Marisol. And like previous times, Sonny couldn’t bring himself to take his eyes off of her again. He didn’t know what it was about tonight of all days, but something was in the air. Perhaps it was just the Christmas festivities, or maybe it was how Marisol had a rather unique glow about her tonight. Red was her color and the dress was doing everything it needed to.

Sonny collected himself again, looking at Marisol. “Hey, you wanna get out of here for a while? I got something I want to give you.”

"What do you mean?" the brunette asked him, eyebrows raised and eyeing him suspiciously for any signs of a prank or a joke.

“What do you mean, ‘what do I mean’?” Sonny rolled his eyes. “I’m saying I want you to come to my room with me so I can give you your Christmas gift, dumbass.”

“Alright, fine!” Mari exclaimed, rolling her eyes and raising her hands defensively. “Just let me finish this and we can go-” she said, grabbing her glass of eggnog from the table, downing it in one gulp and placing the now empty glass back down again. She flashed Sonny a grin. “Ready!”

After Marisol had downed the rest of her eggnog, they would excuse themselves from the party to a part of the house that was a little more isolated from all of the overplayed holiday music and chatter. This part of the Drake house was in Sonny’s room, a place the two of them were very familiar with. The epic roars from downstairs could still be heard but it was a lot quieter and much easier for them to talk about whatever, which was exactly what Sonny wanted.

“Ah, that’s much better!” He let out a sigh of relief, parking his ass on his bed back-first.

Marisol followed his lead, plopping herself right next to him and releasing groans of relief as she took off the high heels that had been silently torturing her for hours. “I’ll say!” she replied, rubbing at the imprint the footwear had left on the top of her feet. After about a minute, Mari turned her attention away from her feet and to Sonny instead. “So… Where’s my gift, dipshit?” she inquired, raising a demanding eyebrow.

Rolling his eyes at her, Sonny propped himself upright and off his bed. Sonny stood around for a couple of moments to gather himself due to the blood rushing to his head, but once he gathered himself, the teen went to his nightstand and reached inside to pull out a box the size of two baseballs horizontally aligned that was wrapped in red and white candy cane gift wrapping paper with a golden bow and a card attached to it.

Sonny returned to his bed and set it on Marisol’s lap. “There’s your present,” he announced, gently punching her arm.

There weren’t many times in which Marisol showed an expression other than anger or violence. But if there was something that was guaranteed to cause her to light up with excitement and anticipation, it was receiving gifts. Whether it was Christmas, her birthday, or just a random occasion, getting Mari a gift was a foolproof way of raising her spirits and putting her in the best of moods. Upon receiving her gift, she clapped excitedly a few times, shooting her best friend a beaming grin before removing the card from where it was attached to the box. “Do you want me to read the card first? Or do you want me to do it after I open the gift?”

He knew what he wanted her to do. She probably knew it as well, but saying it out loud meant that what he wrote on that card was going to be real. Knowing what he put on that limited space card, he had to think about it, but time wasn’t on his side. “It’s common courtesy to read the card before the gift,” he said, chuckling to himself.

"Okay! Fine!" Laughing, Marisol rolled her eyes, slid a finger under the flap to open the envelope, pulled out the card and started to read:

“To the pain in my ass,

Shit, I'm not good at this thing but these past couple of months made me realize you really are something special. I nearly lost you on several occasions and the fact that I didn't is astonishing, so I'd like for both of us to share this gift because despite how I may seem on the outside and what little I show, I do love you, even if you are a major pain in my ass.

Your Pain in the Ass”

A warm feeling traveled across her body with the sweet, handwritten words in the card. “Awwwww!” Mari exclaimed, throwing her arms around her best friend and planting a kiss on his cheek in a surprising affectionate move. “Thanks, dipshit! I love you too!”

As he sat there, looking at how uncharacteristically happy Marisol was, Sonny felt something odd in the pit of his stomach. It felt it was turning and his whole body felt slightly warmer than usual. It was very similar to how he felt when he went on that date with Nadia and when he was involved with Ariana a couple of years ago. He knew what it was, but never anticipated he would be getting these butterflies because of Marisol. Or at least, when he wrote those words down, he didn’t think it would make him feel like this.

“That’s not…” Sonny stumbled for the right words, while Mari quickly became concerned. He scratched his head, finger digging at his scalp as he tried to find the right words to say. The thing about that was Sonny was terrible at finding those exact words that summed up what he was thinking. “Mari, that’s not what I meant. I mean, I do love you but not just like that.” He grabbed her hands, forcing her to set down the gift while she frowned at him with confusion. “You know I’ve never been good at this sort of thing, so I’ll just show you.” He lingered in her jade-colored gaze for a moment before giving her a kiss that lasted for a long few seconds until he pulled away. They felt like an eternity and his heart was pounding as if it was trying to break free of his chest.

There were no words to describe the feeling Marisol got when Sonny pressed his lips against hers. While her mind raced a mile a minute, her heart was hammering against her chest, and her head was spinning. She sat there for a few seconds, frozen on the spot, trying to make sense of what was happening between them. And even when he pulled away and she pieced everything together, she could only stare at him with a mixture of confusion and wonder plastered all over her face.

Although the young woman wanted to speak, no words were coming out. She opened and closed her mouth a few times like a fish out of water, stuttering and stammering all sorts of incomprehensible gibberish. But after taking a deep breath to compose herself, Mari finally found her voice.

“What does that mean?” she croaked in barely more than a whisper, looking up at Sonny with big doe eyes.

“I figured that kiss said it all,” he joked, laughing as he held her hands.

He surveyed her face, seeing her mass confusion. Admittedly, he didn’t quite understand this either. He never did quite grasp his feelings. It wasn’t that he didn’t know what he felt. But when it came to Marisol, it was tricky. It took months of discovering things about himself and what he wanted to get into a state of mind where he could think clearly; and more importantly, when Sonny could look within himself and find a true answer. This, right here, was that.

Marisol felt right. He and she felt right.

And as he made a mental check, he kissed her again. It lasted for the same amount of time and he pulled away. “When I wrote that I love you, it wasn’t because you’re my best friend, Mari. It’s because I’m finally ready to say it: I love you and I’m willing to give this a real shot if you are.”

If the first kiss had left her stunned, the love declaration had blown her mind. After they’d made up a few months ago, Marisol had put in all her efforts into keeping her feelings for Sonny in check, focusing on their friendship and accept the fact that he didn’t feel the same. Things had certainly felt different since then, with the same amount of playful banter but with less arguing and more affectionate actions shared between them. Of course, she had been hesitant to address their new bond it in fear of jeopardizing their relationship again. But from a softer demeanor to love? It was a surprising confession, but one that made her heart swell with happiness and that she welcomed with open arms.

"Oh, Sonny…" the girl started to say as her jade-colored eyes filled up with tears, her voice breaking a little with the sudden wave of overwhelming feelings. In typical Mari fashion, she blinked rapidly to fight hard against it, refusing to show how her heart was nothing but a puddle in her chest at the moment. In the end, it all proved to be in vain. After a few wobbles of her lower lip, the brunette embraced Sonny and burst into tears of joy.

Once the sobs subsided she'd regained some sort of composure over her feelings, Marisol pulled away. "I love you too!" she loudly proclaimed in between sniffles, wiping her tears away and giving him a watery smile. "I would love to take a chance with you."

The air was thick with the feels. Sonny hadn’t been surrounded by them in a while. It wasn’t since he had been involved with Ariana that he experienced this kind of high -- the kind that was nigh infectious and how every bone in his body felt weak and every breath he drew was lost at the sight of Marisol. It was as though she was different to him now. His best friend and partner-in-crime, the person he had known forever was no longer just the friend he went to for everything, for laughs, for rants, for some quality gaming -- but someone who actually was his soulmate was that and so much more.

But as he remained on her face, taking in the roundness of the shape of it, her almond eyes with that unique green/hazel shade that was unique to her Jameson genes, and the hue of her skin that brought some color to her pasty relatives, Sonny was speechless. He wanted to speak but nothing felt right. Maybe he had said everything that needed to say and maybe that was okay. Perhaps it was more than okay and he was just now realizing that.

“I more than just love you, Marisol Alejandra Castillo,” he admitted, squeezing her hands in his, “I pan you!” Sonny laughed, unable to keep a straight face, but his smile that came after was a wholesome, genuine, I’m-in-love-with-you grin.

“You’re so stupid!” she cried out with a shake of the head after her small laughing fit, playfully swatting his arm. She took a second to simply stare at him, or “Does this mean I’m the spatula to your skillet after all?”

Sonny kissed her, laughing and quickly pulled away. “Yes it does.” the young man eagerly affirmed before he kissed her again. “Now shut up and let me show you how skilled I really am!” Sonny kissed her some more, guiding her backward onto his bed, their loved-up giggles filling up the empty spaces of his bedroom.

Hey Kids!! (From "Noragami Aragoto") — AmaLee — Hey Kids!! (From "Noragami Aragato")
1985 — Bowling For Soup — A Hangover You Don't Deserve
Carless Whisper — George Michael — Ladies & Gentleman: The Best of George Michael
Everything Evil — Coheed and Cambria — The Second Stage Turbine Blade
Echo (Vocaloid Cover) — AmaLee (feat. DJ-Jo) — Total Carnage Vol. 4
Kill Em With Kindness — Selena Gomez — Revival (Deluxe Edition)
I'm Not A Vampire — Falling In Reverse — The Drug In Me Is You
Sometimes You're The Hammer, Sometimes You're the Nail — A Day to Remember — Common Courtesy (Deluxe Edition)
In Too Deep — Sum 41 — All Kill/No Filter
Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - FYI — Utada Hikaru — This is the One
I mean, magic is cool. And I'd be interested in seeing the Fairy Tail magic and guild systems portrayed in a more serious manner, rather than just using "Power of Friendship" to win every fight. I'd be interested if you'll have me.

Excuse me sir but The Power of Friendship is a sacred thing that should be respected.
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