Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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w i t h

(Outfit of the day in gif)

Senior Year at any regular school might’ve been a pretty big deal. College prep on the minds of everyone, relationships entering their “make or break” stage (a.k.a. the point where lover decide to stick it out past graduation or call it quits at that final party), and, of course everyone’s favorite part, the exams. Oh, the exams! Every teacher who wasn’t part of the art department (we all saw how disasterrific that assembly was) were going to put the students through academic hell.

But Senior Year at Rosefell? Oh, that was much worse. Exams and relationship failures took a backseat to stabbings, gang activity, and attempted murder -- and that was only if it was on a slow day. Everyone had a lot of shit on their minds and it was so very dramatic. Nobody knew how to chill. They only saw the bad that life produced. Whether it was Jordan Ross doing whatever it was Jordan Ross felt like doing or the many, many, many failed attempts Richard Brian gave to try and get Missy Elliot’s time of day (don’t ever call her that if you like breathing).

It was just too much for some people, in which the “some” was only one person; and this one person knew how to keep the good vibes rolling. If when everyone else failed to keep the party going, even when those who decided to cause trouble or stir the pot with existing trouble tea about to boil over, Nathaniel Blake knew just how to make everyone smile.

He knew what people thought of him. He knew that how he held himself and how unnervingly positive he remained even when they called him lame, an idiot, and a waste of space, Nate knew that he couldn’t let anyone do get him down. He knew that he had to keep up the high spirits. He held no ill will for those who might criticize him for how he lived his life. IF they were beefing with him, then that was on them but no way was Nate going to let their Negative Nancy energy get in the way of him enjoying himself (wherever that might be).

As Nate pulled up in his mother’s beaten up jeep, a car that was able to go the distance as long as you didn’t push her too hard or too fast. He might’ve arrived at the party a little later than he had hoped, but he knew he would make it to his destination. He never had any doubt!

Once the jeep was parked and once he did a decent scan of the party, he saw a lot of familiar faces and a lot of them belonged to people he liked to think were his friends. Grooving to the music in his head, he spotted others like that new girl Cami and the blonde goddess herself, Aria talking a bit away. When he saw who was probably perfection personified, he knew this would be his night.

“Her. She needs to see my sick moves!” Nate nodded to himself repeatedly as he knew this meant for a special occasion. And what exactly did Nathaniel Blake do for special occasions? He brought out his special weapon.

As he quickly removed himself from the jeep and pulled out a seemingly normal portable boombox-looking object, it was the right size. It was smaller than most were. Compact. He could place it on his shoulder and it wouldn’t impede his movement that much. Most were around twelve pounds, but the one that Nate held in his hand by the handle was about five pounds (give or take). It was fitted with a smartphone feature that would play anything from his Spotify.

Before anyone around him would know it, as Nate The Great, who was sporting his trademark beige and red fedora (no sunglasses since it was, well dark out), a sleeveless light blue shirt, and Hawaiian swim trunks/shorts that served as swimming trunks, he was grooving to the bumpin, funky tunes of Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars’ Uptown Funk. He played it loud enough so that he could hear it over the increasingly loud beats the rest of the party was hearing. But he didn’t care! Nate the Great was a man on a mission!

Nate wasn’t the type to know limits. He had it in him to make grand gestures, to make those sort of statements that were bold and probably impractical (not to mention unrealistic). He also loved rather simply. When he crushed on someone, it was known and felt from a mile away. Because he wasn’t one to be subtle about it, sometimes that put people off but for some who were so laidback, so chill, and so-so-so beautiful like Tyra Washington, how could he not be just a bit smitten with her. She carried that beautiful head of hair on her shoulders with confidence that Nate couldn’t imagine having without some weed. He didn’t know if she used but what he knew he lacked, somehow it rose to the surface whenever he happened to be near her.

“This one’s for Tyra,” he muttered to himself, letting the flow of the uptown funk carry him into the company of RIch, Sam, and Tyra. “Wassup ladies and Richie!” Nate placed his boombox on the ground, leaning against whatever was closest as his eyes wouldn’t leave Tyra’s (but obviously not in a creepy way). Doing his best to be chill, he played his next move as smoothly as he could. “So, Tyra, feel like a dance?” He asked, half-smirking. He hoped to god he was coming off as charming and not at all creepy like Joe Goldberg.
@Dirty Pretty Lies Mads is accepted! Feel free to move her over whenver!
Yes please more victims for ricky
@Sage Orion 0312 Not at this time, no. Sorry.

Meadow View had been quite busy for the past week putting on parades, street-side celebrations, and events in honor of the start of the fall semester for both new students beginning their residency at Meadow University and also for those who were returning students. For the entire week, whether you were a returning student or not, the celebrations were your chance to get reacquainted with your classmates whom you haven’t seen in a few months, to let loose of pre-semester jitters, and to fully embrace your return. This was the time to live it up before the actual school year was about to begin.

And throughout that entire week, amid the celebrations and amidst those long nights, with just a few days away from the start of the semester, a lot were probably looking forward to one big party before they had to suffer through the same old “tell us about yourself” nonsense but specifically for those returning for their third year, they were most likely ready. But just exactly how would third years get the party started? How will they expend whatever excess energy they have pent up? By going to what might possibly be the wildest party they’ll ever attend!

It had been a yearly tradition at Meadow University. While all of the adults and available law enforcement personnel were busy within the town of Meadow View, policing and patrolling the streets where various town-specific celebrations were being held, there was always one party that flew under the radar. Every year, the location changed and only one person knew about it but that one person was so connected and so crafty in how he flew under the radar that this party -- the one that puts Project X to shame -- is the most talked about, most raved about, most tweeted, insta’d, snapchatted party of the year.

Its name? It goes by many but it’s always been referred to as “The Great Bash”, for no matter how many parties or get-togethers might happen after the fact, The Great Bash has always been the one to set the example of what a real Meadow University party experience.

Unlike last year’s Great Bash that nearly got discovered by campus security, who were specifically there to close down any unsanctioned party, the 2019 Great Bash was all kept hush-hush but if you fell within the right crowd, even if you didn’t get the magical text, if you knew the faces or saw people haul in crates of what looked to be booze and other party favors, then you would know that at exactly 9:30 pm, when city celebrations were about to be at their peak and fireworks were about to go off, you would know that this was the exact moment the Great Bash kicked off.

Deep in the woods, there is a path marked “private”. It’s barely noticeable but if you know where to look, it’s a path that has a clearcut way to Meadow Lake and near the lake is the secret clubhouse simply known as The Hawk’s Nest. It is a somewhat elegant and rustic multi-floored cabin that not only houses old sports equipment and fishing poles but it is the perfect place for a secluded location where the party, which has no host but a working DJ, tables full of whatever you might need: drinks, food, certain “party favors”, and plenty of room to let all of that summer energy out.

This might not be as glamorous as a fancy ball for some who are used to that sort of thing, but Meadow University Parties are legendary. A lot of shit happens that sets the stage for the events that may follow. So why not cause a little mayhem?
Heavenly — Adventures — Supersonic Home
Power Rangers Theme — Brian Tyler — Power Rangers Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Get You The Moon — Kina (feat. Snow) — Get You The Moon (Remix)
Eternally Yours — Motionless in White — Graveyard Shift
Out of the Dark — Dia Frampton — Bruises
Black Light Machine — Frost* — Milliontown
Our Song — Plain White T's — Wonders of the Younger
Blood in the Cut — K. Flay — Crush Me
Neptune — Sleeping At Last — Atlas: Space 2
Better Together (Jack Johnson Cover) — Us the Duo — Better Together

As soon as she had started talking, Cami went into full attention mode. She tried not to stare but with her eyes dead set on just taking in the amazon that stood in front of her and Lud, she couldn’t help but do exactly that. Those blonde locks, eyes bluer than a clear sky on a summer afternoon, and just...everything that Aria had going on was hitting all of the right cords. She was obviously not out but Camila wasn’t an idiot. She picked up on things and there was something about the way Aria’s face lit up when she realized Cami was here.

But the question that should be asked was is Cami ready to put herself out there like Aria seems to be? Of course, she didn’t want to assume. Maybe she was reading all of the wrong queues and if she took a step forward in that general direction, she could be making a fool of herself. Or maybe she wasn’t misreading anything and she might be able to get some of her questions answered.

In the midst of her mentaldown, Camila realized that Ludvig just excused himself. “Wai--” She was cut off as he quickly excused himself. Not that she was entirely disappointed her best friend decided to leave her alone with Wonder Girl, the immense gut-wrenching feelings she was experiencing before increased nearly tenfold when the realization that it was just her and Aria set in.

And that absolutely terrified the usually confident, nearly-iron willed Camila DeLuca. “O-oh thanks! You look good too!” She smiled, brushing a few strands of her hair behind her left ear. “Oh, thank you but I think I’m set,” she looked at her half-empty cup. It wasn’t as full as she remembered. “So, how are you? I mean, with all of the preparations for the party, were you able to enjoy this week at all?” Camila was never good at small talk but she at least tried for the sake of moving past the incredibly awkward stage right exit that Ludvig took.


How close was he really? Just how close was Ricky Quinn from smacking Alex’s camera out of his hands? It would be entertaining to say the least. It would put Alex in quite the dilemma. He wouldn't indulge himself as that one boy who takes everyone’s pictures. He would be left as exactly what Ricky said he was: a nobody. Sure, it might make certain people be wary of him more, but if there was one thing he didn’t care about, it was their opinions. RIcky never gave a damn about what people thought about him before and he sure as hell wouldn’t after he hypothetically broke that probably very expensive camera.

As he was probably moments from doing just that, the teen found himself temporarily -- or permanently, depending on how one views the circumstances -- halted by the screeching greeting from a familiar face. ALthough he had to lower his head a few inches, he saw her.

Probably one of the few people (not counting Lucky) who could make him genuinely smile, Lana was quite something special. He knew very well about her and Alex, or at least what he suspected. It wasn’t his business if they were involved in whatever way. He didn’t have enough interest in who Lana Kingley decided to allow within her personal space. It wasn’t his business to question who she decided to take an interest in. They were old friends and on some level, Ricky cherished that. A lot of people side-eye him when they pass him in the hall (sometimes with good reason), but her? She’s always remained the same towards him. She never let that get in the way of how she approached him (the opinions of everyone else be damned, right?)

Ricky exhaled an slightly entertained breath. “Little Lana,” he acknowledged her presence. “You’re as loud as ever. Glad to see not everything about you has changed.” Ricky shot Alex a quick glance, smirking. “I suppose it has. You’ve been busy with …other things.” He paused for a moment as he made her the sole recipient of his attention. “But yes, I’m doing good. Trying to enjoy this party as much as I ca-”

As Ricky had actually intended on being nice to someone -- admittedly someone who he had a gigantic bias towards -- the sudden explosion in the lake prompted him to curse to himself (although Lana and ALex probably heard a few F-Bombs leave his lips), he was curious and sent his gaze to observe from a distance. His sour expression soon turned into a genuine big fucking grin as he saw his partner in crime, his ride or die, his motherfucking brother from detention, Lucky Fucking Cross.

“Oh, now the party just got interesting!” Ricky commented, wolf howling at his homie from across the way. Ricky smiled like a boy who was given his toy gun for Christmas. YO, Lucky! How the fuck you gonna come and not give me a holler, huh!?” Ricky shouted as loudly as he could, turning to Alana with a pumped up vibe about him. “Lana, have you ever played beer pong before? And if not, it’s an easy game to learn. You just shoot the white ball into a cup. Simple enough, right?” Ricky waited for no response but simply tugged at her arm as though the energy of the party suddenly took an interesting turn but specifically, the party animal in Ricky was about to come out and play.
@World Traveler Oh no, you're completely fine man! Like @spooner said, those of us who are playing multiple characters just are greedy and maybe a little masochistic.

@HaleyTheRandom @NeoAJ Kiki, Jasper, and Ty are all accepted! Move them over to the char tab whenever it suits you. <3

@otterpop Just hit me up in my DMs/PMs and I'll help you with Sloane in any way that I can. <3
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