Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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“Two years have come and gone. Oh, how time flies~”

Usually, for returning students, they took their sweet time getting settled in. Some might have or some probably were in the process of just unpacking. With all of the commotion happening within the town, who could blame them for putting that to the side until the very last minute. With festivities, active party scenes within the town itself, and all of the positive vibes, nobody would blame them. Not the dean of the university and most certainly not Nate.

But then again, not everyone had the money like those trust funds and other legacies who were glorified trust funds. Nate didn’t like to hate on them, though. He knew they were people just like him ...well, as long as you remove the fancy clothes, fancy accessories, deep bank accounts, and some ‘I’m better than you’ attitudes, and they were just like everyone else. They were just like Nathan Blake. And if that was possible, then of the trust funds -- particularly the females -- maybe he had a shot.

Ah, the truth be bluntly told, Nate knew his chances. When people like Lola Russo and the Lola Russos that weren’t Lola Russo roamed the campus grounds, his shot of getting one of them to look his way was just as likely as being able to make a relationship work. And Nate hasn’t been in a relationship -- not one that mattered, that is -- since Miranda. It wasn’t a long one since it happened so close to graduation and they went their separate ways, but to him, it was the best month of his adolescent life. But as far as getting lucky since coming to M.U.? Forget about it!

Nate wandered the campus aimlessly, hands in his jacket pocket, the lamenting musings of one Papa Roach playing, bringing a rare reflective nature out in Nate. He had been wandering about for a while and only just realized what time it was. This happened when he glanced at his phone and it was starting to get late. But he didn’t want to go home. He didn’t want to be alone in his dorm but what to do, what to do…

Under the veil of a moment of thought, Nate’s decision had been made for him when he remembered something some people were talking about. The series of texts a lot of the third years received (Nate included) about specific guidelines for this year’s pre-semester, well-hidden Great Bash. It wasn’t much, of course (it never was) but in the series of messages, it spoke of a lake or something close to it.

As he tried to decipher the text, hoping to figure it out before it was too late, Nate must have stood where he was for a good five minutes and he came up with nothing. Only was it when he saw some people dressed like they were going to the party pass him by. Both had dark hair but one was wearing fishnet stockings. Safe to say, Nate’s mind went elsewhere and he followed but not in a creepy way like you’d see on Criminal Minds or Netflix’s You but a tasteful, ‘I’m lost and need help’ kind of way. You know! Like a harmless puppy looking for a home.

Nate’s instincts proved to be right because after a few minutes of following them (from a distance because he respected personal space) down a subtlety marked path in the forest near the campus, Nate’s observant blue eyes saw a sign marked “Private”. A lightbulb went off in his head as he then remembered the text mentioned something about that.

Given he was no longer confused, Nate popped in his earphones, grooved to the talented musings of Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars as he found his groove. While he dad, he snapped his fingers and partially danced his way down the path and finally arrived.

He slowly plucked his AirPods out of his ears and put them in the case and returned them to his shirt pocket. While a certain kind of atmosphere was present, what with the party already happening, it was clear to him that the party was just getting started. He saw some familiar faces already. Some of them he liked were here but others felt like he should steer clear of them. Honestly, Nate was just happy to not be lost like he was.

The young man fixated on the refreshments table and he was ready to mingle with a certain fishnet stocking-wearing wild cat. Straightening his shirt -- his polo shirt that didn’t need to be straightened -- Nate’s first few steps were cool, calm, and most of all, remained like that when Ramona Martin joined her and Nate’s trajectory changed as he beelined towards somewhere not there.

“No. You can do this. Breathe in and just say hello! Worse case? You get rejected and move on.” Nate assured himself, gaining some new confidence through the power of self-assurance. He turned right back around and continued this process a few more times until he finally gained the stones to follow through. “Yo, Jasper!” He gave her a wave and flashed her a charming smile. His eyes briefly went to Mona. “Oh wassup M Squared!” Nate gave her a simple wave as well. “I believe I heard something about shots?” He looked at the two girls (mostly Jasper) with a wide, somewhat goofy/charming smile.
@Plank Sinatra Eyy Plank. Gonna be rad writing with ya again!
If randomly, your character falls asleep in a stranger’s car and wakes up in Nebraska. Well guess what? we gonna take a trip to Nebraska to pick your character up.

Or stop Emi from going wherever her dearest Brandon might be.

I am not typically a Korean music listener, but this is a beautiful track that definitely hit me for some reason. It brought me back to my love for Jpop melodies.

Mommy issues galore
Yes yes I am going to be in v2 since I missed my chance last time around.
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