Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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In Mahz's Dev Journal 5 yrs ago Forum: News
@LegendBegins Let's use my own roleplay as an example. Click me. An "i" icon and "not secure" appears when I visit the page (only started to happen today tho).
In Mahz's Dev Journal 5 yrs ago Forum: News
@LegendBegins I mostly use Imgur for a majority of my image hosting needs but I've never had any problem with secure/not secure. Unless the total amount of said images took its toll on the site and it forced its hand, I'm still confused.

Outfit is middle pic in the collage. White = Lottie; Black = Joey. They are also wearing neon bodysuits under the mesh mini-dresses.
Featuring Joey Hart & Charlotte Diedrikson

“That party a couple of days, though...” Joey Hart’s body moved rapidly, the exciting and tingling sensations in her body going through the roof as she recalled just how wild last night was.

Joey had always been one to over-indulge herself in celebrations and parties, especially when she just couldn’t help herself. She had calmed down since her reckless youth, a time that Lottie was very much familiar with, but the night before last night was the first time in a long time she had been able to let loose that she was known for. Now granted, she didn’t hump anyone or try and get down on any dude in the bathroom (although she was tempted). No, instead, she chose to party as much as Lottie could handle until they were both wiped out.

The room that Joey and Lottie shared was a true testament to what it meant to be not only two colorful and artistic young women but ones that were both voted most likely to room with each other. Officially, they were two ‘friends’ who chose to bunk in the same room; unofficially, however, well, let’s just say one bed was almost always free and not in use due to… reasons.

Joey flipped over and 'accidentally' flashed Lottie in the process, to which she offered the blonde an innocent smirk. She took a seat next to Lottie on her bed.. “So!” Joey tugged at Lottie’s arm, resting her chin on the blonde’s shoulder. “You never did make it up to me for shoving your hand up my nose!” She teased lightly with a pout.

"I said I was sorry!" Lottie whined, turning just enough to be face to face with her pint-sized love. "I was asleep. I don't have control over my reflexes when I'm asleep."

Joey huffed, puffing her cheeks and slightly narrowing her eyes at Lottie. “That doesn’t make it okay! You know how much I love to cuddleee!” She crossed her arms across her chest and made a disapproving noise.

Charlotte couldn't help but crack a smile. Joey could be such a baby sometimes, but she'd be lying if she didn't find her little tantrums and that irresistible little pout really adorable. "I know… And I'm sorry," the blonde apologized again, tilting the shorter girl's chin upwards and giving her a small kiss. "Do you forgive me?" she asked her, kissing her again before peppering her lips with more fast, fleeting kisses.

Deep down, Joey wanted to say yes. Charlotte’s kisses were drastically different than most nibbles she got from others. There was a certain technique Lots had. The way she started gentle, bringing Joey in for a tender kiss, biting on her lip to give her a taste of what was waiting for her. The brilliance of it was Lottie always knew how to get Joey to her way of thinking. She could be genuinely pissed off at her and all she had to do was give Jo a kiss and then another and then another and she was hers once again.

Joey mumbled under her breath, trying to keep up some form of her childish immaturity but there was no way she could stay mad at her fruity pebble. So she wrapped her arms around Lottie’s neck and smiled. “You’re forgiven!” She kissed her a few times. “I’m sorry I got moody like that.”

Charlotte smirked and rolled her eyes. "Don't even start with that, pumpkin. We both know you were just looking for an excuse for me to baby you," she told her with a small laugh and another kiss, wrapping her own slender arms around Joey's waist and pulling her closer.

“Start what? I’m totally innocent.” She smiled at her lover. Joey’s usual playfulness began to surface, the sort of ‘feign innocence to get what you want’ kind of playfulness Lottie was quite aware Joey brought out when she felt particularly frisky, which was slowly coming to be apparent as her hands explored Lottie’s back the moment she was pulled closer by the blonde.

"You know if we go down this road we won't make it to the party, right?" Lottie chuckled, fleetingly kissing Joey's neck before begrudgingly pulling away. "So let's get our cute little butts into gear and start getting ready! The Great Bash isn't the same without us."

She knew Lottie was right. It was tradition to attend the Great Bash. Not only was it always the best summer’s end party but for two straight years, it always (not an over exaggeration) the wildest, sometimes out of control party of that year. Even still, Joey found herself conflicted because what was happening right now between her and Lottie was also something she wanted to explore more.

She sighed and released her golden girl, though she snuck one last kiss from her. “Fineeee!” She sighed again, propelling herself up and onto her feet. “Obviously first on the agenda is to shower. Then there’s hair, makeup, deciding if we want to go slutty or not..” Joey began making a mental checklist of all the things they needed to accomplish before they even began to entertain the most important thing on the list: their outfits.

Lottie thought about it for a moment, mentally going through their shared closet in search for their perfect looks. "Hmmmm… How about those matching black and white mesh mini dresses we bought last week? We can wear a neon bodysuit underneath and some sneakers and be ready to go."

“And this is why you’re the fashion chameleon, pebbles!” Joey gave her a tight hug, lingering for a moment. “But I have dibs on hair and makeup. Gonna give you the Joey Hart Special!” She gave her sweets a wink.

"You can give me that special every day, lucky charm," Charlotte winked, finally scrambling up from their bed and getting started with the preparations.

A few hours went by and in that time, the two girls were looking about as fire as they could given the somewhat limited timeframe they had to get ready. With their outfits having already been picked out by Lottie, the only thing on the immediate bucket list was for Joey to sprinkle her pixie dust all over Lottie’s hair and groom her love to perfection.

The process was tedious and Joey was kind of anal when it came to perfection. At times, she assumed a dominant role and asserted herself by telling Lottie to stay still. It wasn’t different but Joey became a different person when she flipped on her artistic switch. She was a dedicated young woman who was intense, passionate, and meticulous. It was worth it the borderline crazy Joey moments because after it was all said and done, Joey and Lottie had eye-dropping eyeshadow and lashes. While Lottie wore her golden blonde locks in a top bun with half of her hair down, Joey had chosen to style her hair in pigtails, feeling it was a cute look for her current shade of very silverish blonde.

As they left, when most eyes that weren’t focused on other girls wearing party-appropriate attire, they were fixating on how Joey and Lottie were dressed liberally. Lottie had chosen to go with the white mesh, which meant that Joey, in all her wisdom, wore the black one. If Joey had worn a darker color, maybe it wouldn’t have been so noticable, but the neon bodysuits that she and Lottie wore underneath showed exactly what they were wearing and how much -- or rather how much they weren’t -- covering up. As if these two cared. They were confident most of the time and when they wanted to show off their bodies, they gladly did so and in style.

Like those who had been walking in front of them, the girls traveled along a marked path in the forest. Joey noticed some signs along the way with arrows that seemed to be subtle enough for those with the information to follow. In the messages, it specified what to look for. “Boy am I glad we opted for the hike-friendly shoes. I would have hated to walk through the track with flip-flops!” Joey laughed, holding Lottie close to her.

“You would’ve ended up barefoot!” Lottie giggled, holding onto her girlfriend as they made their way down the treacherous path.

As the view of the party was beginning to become a lot closer than it was five minutes ago, Joey tugged Lottie with her. From where they had been, the path was a clear shot of just dirt and leaves. The closer they got to the party the louder the music they heard from a distance became. Joey’s jaw nearly dropped when she saw just how wild the party was starting to become. People were already starting to gather, activities set up already gaining traction, and so much alcohol.

“Oh yeah, this looks promising,” Joey noted, smiling at Lottie.

“It’s amazing!” Charlotte assented, wrapping her arms around Joey and letting out an excited squeal. “We are going to have so much fun! I can already te-” Suddenly, Lottie’s brown eyes fell on a very familiar figure, and her reaction was instant.

"Guess I'll be seeing you--"

"KIKI!" the blonde cried out, making a run for it across the crowd and landing right on the taller, broader man’s lap. “How’s my favorite viking doing?” she asked him, throwing her slender arms around his neck and giving him a kiss. “Did you miss me, K-Bear?”

Joey couldn't be mad at Charlotte. Had she seen Kieran first, she would have most certainly..probably not ditch her that quickly but she couldn't be mad. At least, she couldn't be mad but more so she was jealous Lots got to sit on his lap first. He was easily one of the more attractive guys on campus. Granted, that was to say the number of beautiful people at this school, regardless if they were students, alumni (yes she has seen them pop up), or staff, Joey knew how to spot beauty. It is, after all, the focus of her major. So, yes she understood Lottie's obsession with Kieran and was equally jealous she got to spend this time with him. But that wasn't going to stop her from trying to have some fun.

Making lotsa waves

It was a known fact throughout Kings that those within the Unholy Trinity clique, which was to say only three had official membership, were to be feared by all. Now, it wasn’t so much the fact they were scary by themselves. Chanel was confident and in complete control of her emotions (for the most part) but she wasn’t the first thing that came to mind whenever Kavi thought of something truly terrifying nor was Julie and most certainly not April. Alone, they were harmless. You could pick on them and they wouldn’t post a threat to anyone that dared trifle on them.

No, what truly made them to be literally unholy to deal with was their sisterhood. Yes, alone they were weak but together? Well, to put it a different way: Caesar was nothing alone but together apes strong!

Ryland would learn this the hard way. Kavi was enjoying it, of course, because amidst his own poor choice of words -- something Kavi swore he was better at -- Ryland had done a lot worse because he had not only interjected himself into a conversation he had no business being in the first place, he pissed off Ariel. Kavi knows what hell that can bring a person from a painful personal experience. At the same time, Kavi really wanted to punch him for what he said to Ariel. Kavi felt this excessive need to let him have it. He balled his fists up too and was preparing himself to take aim and swing wildly.

But that’s when Julie McMillan beat him to the punch.

Kavi’s body loosened up and he smiled -- grinned in fact -- as the obnoxious (not to mention rude) Ryland found himself between a rock and a fiercely protective aunt-to-be. As she tried to set him straight, Kavi felt somewhat attacked by her alpha male comment. “I’ll just let that one slide.” He rolled his eyes, trying to divert his attention away from Julie and her slave but his girlfriend wouldn’t allow that to happen as she pleaded with Queen Jules to let her friend go. “For all we know, he’s liking the attention,” Kavi shrugged. No love was lost between him and Ryland and he found this as karma doing him a favor for a change.

For a brief moment, Kavi was certain things were going to settle. April offered an apology, Ryland was getting what he deserved. It was all going perfect, but of-fucking-course, Kavi Salvador just couldn’t get what he wanted for a change. No, because Chanel Martin had to pull a Ryland and say her piece. He usually enjoyed watching her grill someone. She had it down to an artform and Kavi was rather impressed with how much she cared for April. That was something they had in common (aside from being incredibly beautiful young adults).

This was not one of those times.

Kavi could handle her attacking him. He knew he put a strain on some people who felt he didn’t change enough to earn Ariel’s trust back. And that was okay. Kavi couldn’t control the way most felt about his past actions. Ariel was the only one whose opinion he cared about. But when Chanel felt the need to attack her in addition to throwing some shade his way was pretty low, even for her. This wasn’t going to stand. He didn’t care about the PS4 right now. Chanel made it fucking personal.

“Now how is that fair, Chanel?” He asked her, stepping forward. “How many times do I have to explain it to you and Queen fucking Jules over there, huh? How many times do I have to prove myself to everyone judging me with their eyes just because I’m back with Ariel?” It was exhausting for him to hear everyone saying shit behind his back and thinking that they were entitled to an opinion about him. “Between you and the tool over there,” he glanced over to Ryland, “I’m over this whole crusade that I’m such a horrible person, that I’m this evil villain. But in case any of you forgot, I wasn’t the one who started the kiss. Sure, I didn’t pull away when I should have. I bet nobody cares about that, huh?” As he thought his anger couldn't get any higher, Chanel started to walk away. That was when Kavi threw all hopes of coming out of this as the mature one and decided to tell Chanel how he really felt. “Yeah, go on and walk away! Fucking hypocritical btich! He made sure to shout it loud enough for anyone within earshot to hear him.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 5 yrs ago Forum: News
Might as well present this issue:

I've been experiencing some secure/not secure issues with the site. Whenever I visit the homepage, everything is fine. The lock icon at the top appears next to the url, but every time I click on any roleplay I'm a part of, the not secure icon appears (though not in red text thankfully). Whenever I click on the "not secure", it's the one that always says "Attackers might be able to see the images you're looking at and trick you by modifying them".

Granted, it doesn't do this for every page and probably not for every roleplay, but I figured it was worth bringing up. I did post this in the Discord Server but I wanted to also bring it to the attention here in case @Mahz checks the site more often than RPGO (and likewise if the reverse is true).
In Ello! 5 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hey ya! Welcome to the Guild! Have fun here, yeah?

"Sup Karchie?"

Sonny tried to play off what was quite obvious to him, as he saw the way that not only Archer's eyes fell on the connection Sonny and Marisol's hands had locked tight like a door with a heavy-duty lock. He wanted to downplay the shocking display of PDA. Maybe distracting Archer with some of his usual humor would work. Archer might scoff and make a comment about how unfunny "Torvald" is. Sonny wouldn't be opposed to that, especially when it came to not having to answer the elephant in the room and especially not after it might cause three of his closest friends to be mad at him.

So what was one to do? Embrace the obvious and just beat Archer and Kavan to the punch by addressing it or make unrelated small talk like the weather or how the new year has opened up bright, new possibilities? He stood there, contemplating as he did his best to maintain steady eye contact with Archer, though his eyes did occasionally switch from the dark-haired teen to his girlfriend. It was though Sonny was seeking an answer in hers just as much as he was with Kavan. Sonny could only imagine how awkward it was for him. Just a few silent moments more and Sonny sighed.

"Well..." Sonny lifted his arm that was connected to Marisol's, not giving a damn right now. "We're dating, okay? We wanted to keep it lowkey but Rye caught us in the middle of a very intimate moment," Sonny sighed once more, "you can't possibly imagine. I was about to give Marisol a morning she wouldn't remember. I was poised, she was ready, and then BAM!" Sonny clapped his free hand on his forehead. "Ryland Aspen walks into my room and the storm that was going to be brought to Planet Marisol was instead fucking up my equilibrium and yeah." Sonny ranted on for a bit longer as if he couldn't stop himself even if he wanted to. "Bottom line, Rye pissed at us and we sort of decided we didn't care about people not knowing. If they cared enough, they would ask us...sort of like you just did."

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